2,113 research outputs found

    The scholarly transition of female academics at the University of Granada (1975-1990)

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    Retos y dificultades de la investigación en Biblioteconomía y Documentación con perspectiva de género

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    Se presenta una reflexión sobre la evolución y alcance que ha tenido la investigación en el área de Library and Information Science abordada desde los Women's Studies and Gender, fruto de mi trayectoria académica interdisciplinar en ambos campos. En una primera parte se estudian los retos y dificultades en investigación en el área de L&IS enmarcada en el ámbito de las Ciencias Sociales teniendo en cuenta la presencia de investigadoras (profesoras en la universidad), su producción científica (papers) y el impacto de sus trabajos (citas). En una segunda parte, se abordan retos y dificultades en la docencia, analizando cómo repercute el conocimiento de las profesoras sobre feminismo y género en la docencia universitaria en el grado en Library and Information Science. -------- This chapter presents a personal account of the evolution and scope of research in the field of library and information science from the perspective of Women’s and Gender Studies drawn from an interdisciplinary academic career combining both areas. The first section deals with the challenges and problems researchers face in the field of Library and Information Science, taking into account the proportion of women (female university lecturers), their scientific output (published papers) and the impact of their studies (citations). The second section focuses on the challenges and problems in higher education and analyses the impact of a feminist and gender awareness in university teaching in the degree of Library and Information Science

    On \u3cem\u3eConvivencia\u3c/em\u3e, Bridges and Boundaries: Belonging and exclusion in the narratives of Spain’s Arab-Islamic past

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    References to the history of al-Andalus, the medieval Muslim territory of the Iberian Peninsula, in what is today the region of Andalusia (Spain) still have a palpable presence and relevance. This dissertation examines diverse accounts of the Arab-Islamic past, and the ways and contexts in which they are invoked. Based on a year and a half of fieldwork in Granada, Spain, I conducted interviews with ordinary Andalusians, academics and researchers (primarily historians), tour guides, historical novelists, high school history teachers, Spanish-born Muslim converts to Islam, Moroccans, and others involved in the contemporary production of this history. Moreover, I conducted participant observation at national and regional commemorations, celebrations and historical sites, areas where this ‘Moorish’ history, as it is commonly known, is a central feature. I argue that: (1) historical accounts of al-Andalus cannot be reduced to the two polarized versions (or “sides”) dominant in political discourse and in much academic debate – one that views the Reconquista as liberation and another that views it as a tragedy – rather, there is a broad and often neglected spectrum between these opposing versions; (2) Andalusia draws on the Arab-Islamic past to promote its tourist industry, and its economic, political and cultural relations with the Arab world. It is safe to suggest that Andalusia is pulled between a history that bridges Europe and the Arab world, and a contemporary European border that reminds us of contemporary geopolitical divisions and separations; (3) Andalusian history and historical sites are commodified to maintain revenue from the tourist industry. Yet, in the process, inhabitants of the Albayzin, the Moorish quarter, adopt similar tourist practices to learn about their own history and appropriate global heritage tourism discourse to contest governmental decisions that benefit tourists to the detriment of residents; (4) commemorations and celebrations in the city weave together a dominant narrative that reinforces the national narrative and its myth of origin; concurrently, these annual rituals provide spaces for alternative versions to circulate, including those that are opposed to the official versions. Importantly, the Día de la Toma (Day of the Capture) commemoration symbolizing national unity is the most publicly contested

    Análisis de las tesis doctorales españolas en ciencias médicas con una perspectiva de género (1976 - 2005)

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    Fundamentos y objetivos: Analizar las tesis doctorales en Ciencias Médicas defendidas en España desde 1976 hasta 2005 que incorporan la perspectiva de género y/o cuyo objeto de estudio son las mujeres, o aquellas cuyos planteamientos y resultados se basen en la estratificación por sexos. Material y Método: Se realiza un estudio descriptivo mediante análisis bibliométrico de 293 tesis doctorales en Ciencias Médicas de las 24.669 indexadas hasta abril del 2006 en la base de datos TESEO. Además se estudia la relación entre directores y doctorandos desde una perspectiva de género. Resultados: los datos muestran que los varones dirigen un mayor número de tesis (86.35%). En cuanto a las tesis de género son las doctorandas las que realizan una mayor contribución, mientras que los doctorandos lo hacen más en tesis de mujeres y comparación entre sexos. Conclusiones: nos encontramos ante una escasa producción de tesis doctorales de género en el área de Ciencias Médicas, siendo la Universidad de Valencia la que realiza una mayor aportación. En cuanto al predominio de directores se podría atribuir a la menor presencia en número y tiempo de doctoras en el ámbito académico de Ciencias Médicas.Bases and objectives To analyse doctoral theses in the Medical Sciences defended in Spain from 1976 until 2005 which include a gender perspective and/or whose object of study is women, or those whose definitions and results are based on stratification by sexes. Material and Method: A descriptive study is carried out by means of the bibliometrics analysis of 293 Medical Science doctoral theses of the 24,669 of them classified up until April 2006 in the TESEO data base. The relationship between thesis advisors and authors is also studied from a gender perspective. Results: The data show that there is only a very small percentage of theses with a gender perspective, 1.19%, the majority being directed by men, 86.35%. As far as gender theses are concerned women contribute in a higher quantity, while men provide more theses about women and about comparing the sexes. Conclusions: There is very little output of doctoral theses on gender in the Medical Science field, the University of Valencia providing the highest number of contributions. The predominance of male thesis advisors could be explained by a low presence of female doctors in the academic area of Medical Sciences

    Information science research via graduate education in Cuba up to the year 2010

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    Los estudios de posgraduación en cualquier campo del conocimiento suponen un elevado nivel de especialización en los resultados de investigación. Conocer la evolución de la producción investigadora a través de parámetros empleados en la evaluación de la ciencia, como los indicadores bibliométricos, adquiere, por tanto, relevancia cuando los datos que se analizan provienen de estudios de este tipo. En este artículo se analiza el caso de la investigación posgraduada en el campo de la información en Cuba y se ofrecen resultados a través del análisis de indicadores, como la cantidad de tesis defendidas por año y grado, los tutores más productivos, la colaboración en la tutoría, el comportamiento de estas investigaciones por línea de investigación, así como los tópicos más estudiados y los tipos de investigación predominantes en el campo. También se analiza la filiación institucional y geográfica de los graduados. Del total de 156 tesis, 35 son de doctorado y 121 de maestría. Los tutores más representados son figuras prestigiosas de la especialidad; la línea de investigación más tratada es la relacionada con la gestión documental, de información y del conocimiento y la mayor parte de las investigaciones (71 %) son de carácter empírico. La mayor parte de los egresados de programas de posgrado en la especialidad pertenecen al Ministerio de Educación Superior y se concentran mayoritariamente en la capital del país.Graduate studies in any area of knowledge presuppose a high level of specialization in research results. Understanding the evolution of research production usingscience evaluation parameters such as bibliometric indicators, is even more relevant when the data under analysis come from this type of study. The paper examines the status of graduate research in the field of information science in Cuba. The results provided are based on the analysis of indicators such as the number of theses submitted per year and degree, the most productive supervisors, the number of joint supervisions, the behavior of research tasks per research line, the topics most frequently dealt with, and the predominant research types in the field. An analysis is also conducted of the institutional affiliation and geographic location of graduates. Of the total 156 theses, 35 are doctoral and 121 correspond to the master's degree. The most represented supervisors are prestigious professionals from the specialty. The most common research line was document, information and knowledge management, and most studies (71%) were empirical. Most participants in graduate programs from the specialty belong to the Ministry of Higher Education and most of them live in the country's capital

    Women\u27s Studies Center Annual Report 2010-2011

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    The ILR School at Fifty: Voices of the Faculty, Alumni & Friends (Full Text)

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    A collection of reflections on the first fifty years of the School of Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University. Compiled by Robert B. McKersie, J. Gormly Miller, Robert L. Aronson, and Robert R. Julian. Edited by Elaine Gruenfeld Goldberg. It was the hope of the compilers that the reflections contained in this book would both kindle memories of the school and stimulate interest on the part of future generations of ILRies who have not yet shared in its special history. Dedicated to the Memory of J. Gormly Miller, 1914-1995. Copyright 1996 by Cornell University. All rights reserved