3,398 research outputs found

    Sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelut Suomessa 2018 : Asiantuntija-arvio

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    From information to assessment: aiming for better service

    ICT Disparities In Finland - Access and Implications

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    The Internet and other new information and communication technologies (ICTs) have become an integral part of most Western societies, from the perspective of both individuals and organizations. In this dissertation the evolving role of the Internet and other new ICTs in Finland over the past decade is studied from the perspective of disparity. The ICT disparities are seen to be constructed from two interconnecting elements, access and implications. The main goal of this dissertation is to examine how access, different user purposes, as well as implications, reflect disparities among different socio-demographic and socioeconomic population groups. For the purposes of this work, four research studies, each with its own, specific topic, were constructed. According to the results, age is clearly the most significant element associated with both access and implications for the new ICTs in Finland. Although other examined factors were also significant, they were often associated with individual research topics. In addition, the dissertation will also provide new research elements for future reference.Siirretty Doriast

    Porn and norms : pornography and normative notions of gender, love, sex, and relationships in the sexual narratives of Finns on their adolescent experiences

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    This dissertation uses an interdisciplinary approach to focus on 10–17-year-old Finns' engagement with and thoughts of pornography. The emotional debates – both public and academic – concerning the consumption of pornography among adolescents lack, for the most part, the perspective of the young. This shortcomingis notable, given how adolescents are considered to be at particular risk due to mobile media devices and pervasive online access. This dissertation sets out to bridge some of the current knowledge gaps among the discussions of sexual media, pornography in particular, and their alleged harmful impact. It does this by concentrating on the sexual narratives of Finns about their adolescent experiences of pornography and understanding them as particular investments to the ideals of gender, love, sex, and relationships. I became interested in how young people navigate pornographic representations of sex and what these mean to them while I was searching for a more holistic account of the role of the media in adolescents’ lives. I divided this formulation of a research problem into four more specific research questions: 1) What transformations and continuities might early encounters with pornography involve? 2) How do young Finns perceive pornographic representations? 3) How do young Finns recount what pornography does to its audiences? and 4) How is the sexual agency of girls featured in their personal accounts of pornography use? My study falls within the field of media participation studies and adopts qualitative, participant-centred research methods on media audiences for an in-depth understanding of young Finns’ experiences with and interpretations of pornographic content. The central emphasis of my study is on the social and interpersonal processes through which the meanings of pornographic representations are constructed and defined. I argue that acknowledging underlying social and cultural structures, sexual media are a site for developing diverse understandings of gender, sexual identities and relationships. This is the most essential delimitation for this work, which presents a significant departure from those accounts that concentrate solely on alleged harms of pornography consumption on young people. I have built my dissertation with its four research articles around three pools of different material sets including over 4300 questions about sexuality, sex and sexual health that were sent by Finnish adolescents to experts in sexual health fields, 45 written contributions on the 2012 research project on memories of pornography and 98 contributions from young Finns aged 13–17 years to the online survey that was conducted as part of a media education awareness campaign of e-Talo (e-House), a Finnish online youth club. These three material sets form the empirical structure of my dissertation, drawing from personal accounts of adolescents’ practices with pornographic representations in Finland from the mid-1940s to the present day. These material sets – both individually and together – are offered as context-sensitive case studies in the revisiting of the sexualisation debate from a social constructionist perspective. Throughout this thesis, I intentionally challenge this narrative of sexualisation that sees sexual media as inherently damaging for underaged people by presenting my empirical evidence. Instead of constructing underaged people as ‘incomplete’ beings impressionable by media influence, I see that young people are active, critical agents concerning media. The analysis conducted in this research covers various subjects ranging from a) transformations and continuities of early encounters with pornography in the decades since World War II in Finland, b) questions about pornography that were sent by young people in Finland to experts on sexual health, c) forms of learning connected to pornography, d) girls’ accounts of sexual exploration, learning, and the pursuit of pleasure through pornography and e) their conceptions of the difference between pornographic representations and “actual sex”. Through these analyses, I challenge ‘the Porn Generation’ discourse by presenting empirical evidence on the roles that pornography has played in childhood media culture, sexual practices, and experiences long before the era of mobile media devices and online access. Furthermore, I argue that young people’s perceptions of pornography are more diverse than typically assumed in both public and some academic debates. I additionally argue that the forms of learning connected to pornography are more varied and complex than those limited to sexual behaviour and sexual acts alone. As such, young people’s engagement with and thoughts of sexually explicit media should be paramount when considering pornography’s potential impact, particularly on underaged people. To conclude, I present that risk- and harm-based discourses concerning underaged people’s pornography consumption, heteronormativity, and the very ideals of romantic intimacies play a crucial role in defining relationships and sex in contrast to pornographic representations of sex. As such, these expose a considerable gap between the apparent notions of pornography’s forceful and ‘bad’ pedagogy and youngsters’ personal accounts in which practices of pornographic representations are, for the most part, detached from notions of personal, embodied sexual behaviour.TĂ€mĂ€ moniaineistoinen, laadullinen ja poikkitieteinen vĂ€itöskirja tarkastelee 10–17-vuotiaiden suomalaisnuorten pornografiaan liittyviĂ€ kĂ€sityksiĂ€ ja tulkintoja. Pornografisten kuvastojen lĂ€pitunkevuus on herĂ€ttĂ€nyt paikoin kiivaitakin keskusteluita pornografian asemasta yhteiskunnassamme. Vaikka keskusteluita on kauttaaltaan sĂ€vyttĂ€nyt huoli siitĂ€, miten pornografinen kuvasto vaikuttaa lapsiin ja nuoriin, juuri tĂ€tĂ€ teemaa on tutkittu verrattain vĂ€hĂ€n. Tietopohja on erityisen hatara sen suhteen, miten lapset ja nuoret itse suhtautuvat pornografisiin sisĂ€ltöihin. Tutkimukseni tuottaa uutta tietoa siitĂ€, miten suomalaisnuoret tulkitsevat pornografisia kuvastoja osana seksuaalisuutta, seksiĂ€, sukupuolta ja ihmissuhteita, koskevia nĂ€kemyksiĂ€ ja asenteita. Yleisö- ja kulttuurintutkimuksen perinteisiin nojaten hyödynnĂ€n laadullisia tutkimusmenetelmiĂ€ voidakseni ymmĂ€rtÀÀ syvĂ€llisemmin, miten suomalaisnuoret tulkitsevat pornografisia sisĂ€ltöjĂ€ ja mitĂ€ nĂ€mĂ€ sisĂ€llöt heille merkitsevĂ€t. SelvitĂ€n, 1) miten pornografinen kuvasto on ollut lĂ€snĂ€ suomalaislasten ja -nuorten elĂ€mĂ€ssĂ€ eri vuosikymmeninĂ€, 2) millaisia ymmĂ€rryksiĂ€ suomalaisnuorilla on pornografiasta, 3) miten nuoret kuvaavat pornografian mahdollisia vaikutuksia ja 4) miten pornografinen mediakuvasto on lĂ€snĂ€ tyttöjen identiteetti-, sukupuoli- ja seksuaalisuuskĂ€sityksissĂ€. Tutkimukseni keskiössĂ€ on ymmĂ€rrys merkitysten rakentumisesta osana kulttuurisia, yhteiskunnallisia ja sosiaalisia vuorovaikutussuhteita. TĂ€mĂ€ katsantokanta on keskeisin ero niihin tutkimuksiin, jotka tarkastelevat alaikĂ€isten pornografian kulutusta vain median mahdollisten haittavaikutusten nĂ€kökulmasta TĂ€mĂ€ vĂ€itöskirja, joka sisĂ€ltÀÀ johdanto-osion ja neljĂ€ itsenĂ€istĂ€ tutkimusartikkelia, pohjautuu kolmeen laajaan tutkimusaineistoon: 1) yli 4300 suomalaisnuorten verkossa oleviin seksuaaliterveyspalveluihin lĂ€hettĂ€mÀÀ seksuaalisuuteen, seksiin ja seksuaaliterveyteen liittyvÀÀ kysymystĂ€ vuosilta 2013–2015, 2) Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran kansanrunousarkiston kanssa toteutetun pornografiaa kĂ€sittelevĂ€n muistitiedon keruuhankkeen vastaukset vuodelta 2012 (n= 45) sekĂ€ 3) e-Talon kanssa vuonna 2015 yhteistyössĂ€ toteutetun verkkokyselyn alaikĂ€isten vastaajien vastaukset (n= 98). NĂ€mĂ€ laadulliset aineistot muodostavat tutkimukseni empiirisen rakenteen. Aineistojen rinnakkaisilla ja toisiaan tĂ€ydentĂ€villĂ€ analyysimenetelmillĂ€ oli mahdollista tarkastella syvemmin a) suomalaisnuorten pornografian kulutukseen liittyviĂ€ jatkumoita ja siirtymiĂ€ aina 1940-luvulta nykypĂ€ivÀÀn, b) nuorten pornografian kulutukseen liittyviĂ€ kysymyksiĂ€ seksuaaliterveyden ammattilaisille, c) pornografian kulutukseen mahdollisesti liittyviĂ€ oppisen muotoja ja teemoja, d) tyttöjen pornografiaan liittyviĂ€ kĂ€sityksiĂ€ ja toimintatapoja, sekĂ€ e) tyttöjen kĂ€sityksiĂ€ pornografiassa nĂ€hdyn seksin ja ns. oikean seksin vĂ€lillĂ€. Analysoimani aineistot ensinnĂ€kin osoittavat, kuinka pornografiset sisĂ€llöt ovat olleet osa suomalaislasten ja -nuorten arkea jo aikaa ennen internetiĂ€ ja mobiililaitteita. Toisekseen vĂ€itĂ€n, ettĂ€ nuorten kĂ€sitykset pornografiasta ovat paljon monimuotoisempia, mutkikkaampia ja syvĂ€llisempiĂ€ kuin julkisessa keskustelussa annetaan ymmĂ€rtÀÀ. Aineistojeni nuoret korostavat kĂ€sittĂ€vĂ€nsĂ€ eron pornografisten representaatioiden ja ”oikean seksin” vĂ€lillĂ€. He pystyvĂ€t erittelemÀÀn kriittisesti fiktiivisiĂ€, stereotyyppisiĂ€ tai sukupuolittuneita seksuaalisuuden ja seksin representaatioita sekĂ€ tekemÀÀn vastuullisia valintoja omiin seksuaalioikeuksiin liittyen. Aineistoni eivĂ€t myöskÀÀn tue kĂ€sitystĂ€ pornografisten sisĂ€ltöjen turmelemista nuorista. Aineistoni kiinnostavasti osoittavat, ettĂ€ alaikĂ€isten pornografian kulutusta ruotiva aikuisten haittapuhe vaivaa nuoria enemmĂ€n kuin itse pornografiassa nĂ€hdyt sisĂ€llöt. VĂ€itĂ€n myös, ettĂ€ pornografiaan liittyvĂ€ oppiminen on monimuotoista eikĂ€ rajoitu pelkĂ€stÀÀn seksuaalikĂ€yttĂ€ytymiseen. Aineistoni perusteella pornografiaan liittyvĂ€ pedagogiikka on ennen kaikkea sukupuolisidonnaista ja normatiivista haittapuheeseen verhottua asennekasvatusta, kuinka pornografisiin sisĂ€ltöihin tulisi suhtautua. Tutkimukseni perusteella vĂ€itĂ€n, ettĂ€ nuorten omat kĂ€sitykset ja tulkinnat pornografiasta tulisi olla keskiössĂ€, kun keskustellaan pornografian vaikutuksista alaikĂ€isiin

    Informal Care in the Light of Well-Being – the Case of Finland

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    The societal triumph in terms of increased life expectancy has, in combination with other development, contributed to an increased need for socially and financially sustainable care forms for older adults in Finland, as in many other parts of the Western world. An example of such a solution is informal care, that is, a formalisation of informal care where a close one with the help of public support services cares for care dependents who cannot manage on their own. The promotion of well-being of older adults is an important part of Finnish social policy. Macro-level decisions and local implementations affect well-being. Support services and benefits shape the prerequisites for coping in everyday life and subsequently experiencing well-being of older adults concerned with informal care. Simultaneously, well-being is a more complex and holistic phenomenon than only the outcome of welfare. Care is a relational and dynamic process, where norms and personal life stories are examples of factors that shape the experiences of how care services—and subsequently well-being—ought to be given or received. This dissertation aims to study the informal care of older adults in light of well-being theories in a Finnish setting. In the first study, informal care recipients’ care preferences and thoughts on the future were explored from a life course perspective. In the second study, well-being was investigated by applying the capability approach to dismantle an informal care dyad’s care arrangements and consequences on well-being across time. In the third study, the caregiver stress process model was used to investigate associations between individual economic, social, and political resources and subjective caregiver burden among older spousal caregivers in the Bothnia region. The fourth study explored the feasibility of a co-designed intervention developed in line with the World Health Organization’s Healthy Ageing paradigm with the aim of training former caregivers to become expert caregivers. In studies 1 and 2, informal care recipients’ experiences were explored based on data collected from semi-structured interviews with seven informal care recipients (Study 1) and follow-up interviews with the same respondents and their informal caregivers in Study 2. The results illustrated that the development of social care for older adults contributed to the care recipients’ well-being in both direct and indirect ways. The informal care recipients appreciated living at home despite a declined functional capacity, and the offered support services promoted this ability to some extent. Simultaneously, the social care system sometimes acted as a barrier towards experiencing well-being. As an indirect effect, negative experiences and/or perceptions of formal care alternatives contributed to feelings of insecurity and uncertainty regarding future care arrangements. In Study 3, multivariate logistic regression was used on data derived from the Gerontological Regional Database (GERDA) survey 2016 to study the associations between individual social, economic, and political resources and subjective caregiver burden among older spousal caregivers in Österbotten/Pohjanmaa (Finland) and VĂ€sterbotten (Sweden). About half of the spousal caregivers reported experiencing subjective caregiver burden, and this was slightly more common among Finnish-speaking caregivers. Frequent contact with family members indicated subjective caregiver burden, potentially meaning that frequent contact with family members is an indicator for intensive informal care. High levels of financial stress indicated subjective caregiver burden, while personal income did not. Out of the control variables, being Finnish speaking, reporting low perceived self-rated health and receiving formal support for informal care indicated subjective caregiver burden. In Study 4, quantitative and qualitative methods were used to explore the feasibility of a co-designed intervention for former informal caregivers—a group that is largely overlooked in both research and policy. The participants took part in a training programme to become ‘expert caregivers’ for current caregivers. Partly due to the already existing infrastructure for social activities for informal caregivers and/or older adults in the region of Österbotten, the intervention was successfully implemented. The results showed that there was a demand for the intervention among former caregivers and a demand among current caregivers to take part in the support offered by the trained expert caregivers. The intervention created a social context for the expert caregivers, most of whom were bereaved widows/widowers. The main conclusion of the thesis is that well-being of older adults concerned with informal care is highly complex and prone to change in terms of needs and resources. Both facilitators and barriers to well-being are interwoven in the Finnish welfare context. The results in this thesis imply that an extended view of informal care and the meaning of social relationships can lead to until now unutilized resources. To ensure that resources as well as needs are considered across different phases of informal care and among different target groups, the co-operation between different welfare actors is crucial. Well-functioning co-operation and development involving multiple welfare actors and citizens themselves form a solid foundation for successful interventions that promote well-being.Den samhĂ€lleliga triumfen i form av en ökad förvĂ€ntad livslĂ€ngd har i kombination med annan utveckling bidragit till ett ökat behov av socialt och ekonomiskt hĂ„llbara omsorgslösningar för Ă€ldre i Finland sĂ„som i mĂ„nga andra delar av vĂ€stvĂ€rlden. Ett exempel pĂ„ en sĂ„dan lösning Ă€r nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rd, d.v.s. en formalisering av informell omsorg dĂ€r en anhörig med hjĂ€lp av offentliga stödtjĂ€nster ger vĂ„rd och omsorg Ă„t vĂ„rdbehövande som inte klarar sig sjĂ€lvstĂ€ndigt. FrĂ€mjandet av vĂ€lbefinnande bland Ă€ldre utgör en viktig del av Finlands socialpolitiska verksamhet. Politiska beslut pĂ„ makronivĂ„ och lokala implementeringar i kommunerna pĂ„verkar vĂ€lbefinnande. StödtjĂ€nster och förmĂ„ner formar förutsĂ€ttningar för att klara vardagen och dĂ€rmed uppleva vĂ€lbefinnande bland Ă€ldre som berörs av nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rd. Samtidigt Ă€r vĂ€lbefinnande ett mer komplext och holistiskt fenomen Ă€n enbart resultatet av vĂ€lfĂ€rd. Omsorg Ă€r en relationell och dynamisk process, dĂ€r normer och den personliga livshistorien Ă€r exempel pĂ„ faktorer som kan forma upplevelserna av hur omsorg bör ges eller tas emot – och dĂ€rmed vĂ€lbefinnandet. Syftet med denna avhandling Ă€r att studera nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rd bland Ă€ldre i ljuset av vĂ€lbefinnandeteorier i en finlĂ€ndsk kontext. I den första delstudien undersöktes nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdtagares vĂ„rdpreferenser och tankar om framtiden med hjĂ€lp av livsloppsperspektivet. I den andra delstudien anvĂ€ndes kapabilitetsteorin för att demontera en nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rddyads vĂ„rdarrangemang och dess konsekvenser för vĂ€lbefinnande över tid. I den tredje delstudien anvĂ€ndes nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdares stressprocessmodell för att studera sambanden mellan individuella ekonomiska, sociala och politiska resurser och subjektiv nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdarbörda bland Ă€ldre makar som ger nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rd i Botniaregionen. I den fjĂ€rde delstudien studerades genomförbarheten och effekterna av en samskapad intervention som utvecklats i enlighet med VĂ€rldshĂ€lsoorganisationens HĂ€lsosamt Åldrande paradigm med syfte att utbilda före detta nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdare till att bli erfarenhetsmentorer. I studie 1 och 2 undersöktes nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdmottagares erfarenheter med fokus pĂ„ vĂ„rdpreferenser och vĂ„rdarrangemang baserat pĂ„ data insamlat frĂ„n semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdmottagare (delstudie 1) samt uppföljningsintervjuer med samma respondenter och deras nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdare i delstudie 2. Resultaten frĂ„n studie 1 och 2 illustrerade hur utvecklingen inom Ă€ldreomsorgen bidrog till nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdtagares vĂ€lbefinnande pĂ„ bĂ„de direkta och indirekta sĂ€tt. NĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdtagarna vĂ€rdesatte att fĂ„ bo hemma trots en nedsatt funktionsförmĂ„ga och de erbjudna stödtjĂ€nsterna frĂ€mjade denna möjlighet till viss del. Samtidigt fungerade social- och hĂ€lsovĂ„rdssystemet ibland som ett hinder för att uppleva vĂ€lbefinnande. Som en indirekt effekt bidrog negativa erfarenheter och/eller förestĂ€llningar om formella vĂ„rdalternativ till kĂ€nslor av otrygghet och osĂ€kerhet gĂ€llande framtida vĂ„rdarrangemang. I studie 3 anvĂ€ndes multivariat logistisk regression pĂ„ data frĂ„n GERDA-enkĂ€tundersökningen 2016 för att studera sambanden mellan individuella sociala, ekonomiska och politiska resurser och subjektiv nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdbörda bland Ă€ldre nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdmakar i Österbotten och VĂ€sterbotten. UngefĂ€r hĂ€lften av nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdarna rapporterade att de upplevde subjektiv nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdbörda och detta var nĂ„got mer förekommande bland finsksprĂ„kiga nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdare. Frekvent kontakt med familjemedlemmar indikerade subjektiv nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdbörda, vilket potentiellt kan innebĂ€ra att frekvent kontakt med familjemedlemmar Ă€r en indikator för intensiv nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rd. En hög nivĂ„ av ekonomisk stress indikerade subjektiv nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdbörda, medan personlig inkomst inte gjorde det. Av kontrollvariablerna indikerade finsk sprĂ„kgruppstillhörighet, lĂ„g sjĂ€lvskattad hĂ€lsa och formellt stöd för nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rd subjektiv nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdbörda. I studie 4 anvĂ€ndes bĂ„de kvantitativa och kvalitativa metoder för att studera genomförbarheten i en samskapad intervention för före detta nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdare – en grupp som till stor del Ă€r förbisedd inom bĂ„de forskning och policy. Deltagarna tog del av ett utbildningsprogram för att bli ”erfarenhetsmentorer” för nuvarande nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdare. Delvis pĂ„ grund av den redan existerande infrastrukturen för sociala aktiviteter för nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdare och/eller Ă€ldre individer i regionen Österbotten, kunde interventionen framgĂ„ngsrikt implementeras. Resultaten visade att det fanns efterfrĂ„gan pĂ„ interventionen bland de utbildade erfarenhetsmentorerna och en efterfrĂ„gan bland nuvarande nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdare att ta del av erfarenhetsmentorernas stöd. Interventionen skapade en social kontext för erfarenhetsmentorerna varav de flesta var Ă€nkor/Ă€nklingar. Avhandlingens huvudsakliga slutsats Ă€r att villkoren för att uppleva vĂ€lbefinnande bland Ă€ldre berörda av nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rd Ă€r mycket komplexa och förĂ€nderliga i termer av behov och resurser. BĂ„de möjliggörande och hindrande faktorer för vĂ€lbefinnande Ă€r inbĂ€ddade i den finlĂ€ndska vĂ€lfĂ€rdskontexten. Resultaten i avhandlingen tyder pĂ„ att en vidgad syn pĂ„ nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rd och sociala relationers betydelse kan leda till hittills outnyttjade resurser. För att sĂ€kerstĂ€lla att sĂ„vĂ€l resurser som behov tas i beaktande under nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdens gĂ„ng och bland olika mĂ„lgrupper som berörs av nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rd, bör samarbetet mellan olika aktörer inom vĂ€lfĂ€rden fungera. Ett vĂ€lfungerande samarbete och utvecklingsarbete som involverar olika vĂ€lfĂ€rdsaktörer och medborgare sjĂ€lva skapar en god grund för framgĂ„ngsrik verksamhet som stöder vĂ€lbefinnande

    Religious Experiences of Older People Receiving Palliative Care at Home

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    Increasingly more older people are now being cared for in their own homes. Furthermore, it has become more common that people stay at home to receive end-of-life care. Using interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA), we analyzed the religious experiences of older people (aged 65+). We answered these questions: What kind of religious experiences do older people have when death is approaching? What does this tell us about their religious coping? As IPA is based on the in-depth analysis of small amounts of homogenous data, we analyzed five interviews with older people who were dying. We identified three main themes. First, religious experiences are relational, that is, deeply rooted in personal relationships. Second, religious experiences are real and can provide both struggles and comfort in the last stage of life. Third, the experience of encountering one’s mortality and planning for one’s death was calming; while many had unclear views on the afterlife, the idea of continuing bonds after death was comforting. More open discussion on religious matters, death, and dying would be welcomed as part of home-based end-of-life care

    Religious Experiences of Older People Receiving Palliative Care at Home

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    Increasingly more older people are now being cared for in their own homes. Furthermore, it has become more common that people stay at home to receive end-of-life care. Using interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA), we analyzed the religious experiences of older people (aged 65+). We answered these questions: What kind of religious experiences do older people have when death is approaching? What does this tell us about their religious coping? As IPA is based on the in-depth analysis of small amounts of homogenous data, we analyzed five interviews with older people who were dying. We identified three main themes. First, religious experiences are relational, that is, deeply rooted in personal relationships. Second, religious experiences are real and can provide both struggles and comfort in the last stage of life. Third, the experience of encountering one’s mortality and planning for one’s death was calming; while many had unclear views on the afterlife, the idea of continuing bonds after death was comforting. More open discussion on religious matters, death, and dying would be welcomed as part of home-based end-of-life care

    Enkelihenkisyys maailman onnellisimmassa maassa : Lorna Byrne kiinnostus suomalaisten naisten piirissÀ

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    This article discusses how women in Finland, the happiest country in the world in 2019, use new spiritual services and angels to cope with everyday life. Should not the high living standard and level of happiness decrease spirituality, as Norris and Inglehart suggest? The research material was collected using questionnaires in talks given by Irish mystic Lorna Byrne in Helsinki in 2011 and 2015. For the women studied, angels offer support and bring enchantment to their lives in a way institutionalized religion does not. While the high level of existential security decreases their religiousness, it opens these women up to other alternatives for new spirituality.Peer reviewe

    The diversity and welfare of older migrants in Europe

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    This paper sets the scene and provides a conceptual framework for the articles in this special issue. They present the findings of research on European residents who have reached or are on the threshold of old age and whose current circumstances have been strongly influenced by a migration across an international border. Such ‘older migrants’ are scattered throughout Europe and they have especially diverse characteristics. They include some of the most deprived and socially excluded, and some of the most affluent and accomplished, but all to a greater or lesser extent are disadvantaged through an interaction between social policies and their ‘otherness’ by living in a foreign country. Some claim attention through the severity of their unmet health and welfare needs and poor capacity to access advice and treatment, while the affluent groups are of great interest to social gerontology because of their enterprising, developmental and positive approaches to old age. They include among the most innovative of the latest generation of older people, who pursue new combinations of family responsibilities, leisure pursuits and income generation. The paper proposes that the concept ‘human capital’ summarises variations in preparedness for old age, that is, the resources by which people cope with demands for income, roles, treatment, care and support. A typology of the ‘welfare position’ of international migrants in contemporary Europe is presented

    Ageing Online : Promoting older persons' subjective wellbeing in a digital everyday life

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    Background: Digital technology and online services are often seen as one response to many of the challenges that the modern welfare state is expected to face. Evidently, digital technology is an essential part of the society as well as in our daily lives alike. Therefore, the digital context should be taken into consideration when studying subjective wellbeing— also among older persons. Digitalization further entails new ways of working among the multiprofessional personnel groups within the health and social care sector. The importance of meaningful engagement of older persons as part of the development of services is being recognized both within the international policies of active and healthy ageing as well as within the field of innovation studies. In general, more applied research is necessary when moving from evidence to practice in research regarding the promotion of wellbeing among older persons and related working methods and initiatives. Aim: To explore the multidimensionality of older persons’ subjective wellbeing and to deepen the understanding of health promotion practice and participatory approaches together with older persons in an increasingly digital everyday life. Methods: A multi-method design was applied and the thesis consist of four separate studies. Two studies were based on data from a cross-sectional, population-based survey study (the GERDA-project) conducted in 2016 in the Bothnia region (Finland and Sweden, n= ). Study III was a focus-group study with practitioners working with community-level health promotion targeting older persons in two regions in Finland and Sweden in 2019–2020. The last study is based on semi-structured interviews with older persons participating in the @geing online project in 2018–2020. Results: According to the study findings, there is a statistically significant association between subjective well-being and internet use in the studied older population. However, nuanced and multidimensional approaches—simultaneously taking into account the kind of online activities that the older persons engage in, as well as the particular dimensions of subjective wellbeing under study—are needed in order to develop the knowledge field. When it comes to health promotion practice, the findings highlight the importance of seeing the persons among the older people. Digital technology as well as an increased user involvement can support tailored work approaches and initiatives in future health promotion practice by breaking the current perceived barriers related to inflexible organizational routines and the own prejudices. The findings further highlight that being part of the development of an application can be an uplifting experience and increase the interest and confidence in digital technology use among older participants and combat stereotypical beliefs. However, participatory approaches are not linear, rather they are perceived as messy processes— which also can evoke experiences of disappointment among the participants. Conclusion: Digitalization is not only about the technology. Future research endeavours applying various, and preferably mixed methods, simultaneously examining the everyday life both online and offline in later life are warranted. This in order to deepen the understanding regarding the underlying mechanisms between subjective wellbeing and internet use and further answering the remaining question if internet per se actually is the driving component— affecting experienced well-being in later life— or if it is merely a key component of an already rich everyday life. In both design and implementation of technology, the process could entail more value and be facilitated if the user groups (which can be both older persons and practitioners) are actively participating and contributing with their expertise and contextual knowledge. However, advances are needed also regarding the methods for participatory technology design among older persons and especially regarding participatory approaches with diverse groups of older persons (especially more vulnerable groups). The findings highlights the importance of not generalizing the perquisites nor the health promotion actions for experiencing wellbeing an increasingly digital everyday later life.Bakgrund: Digitaliseringen av tjĂ€nster Ă€r en snabbt vĂ€xande samhĂ€llstrend och ses som en av de viktigaste lösningarna för att göra de omstĂ€llningar som krĂ€vs för att möta mĂ„nga av framtidens utmaningar. I och med att digitala verktyg och tjĂ€nster Ă€r en stor del av vardagen för en klar majoritet av befolkningen Ă€r det följaktligen viktigt att undersöka vĂ€lbefinnandet i en digital vardagskontext – ocksĂ„ bland Ă€ldre. Digitaliseringen innebĂ€r ocksĂ„ ett förĂ€ndrat arbetssĂ€tt inom social-och hĂ€lsovĂ„rdssektorn. Att pĂ„ ett meningsfullt sĂ€tt inkludera Ă€ldre i utvecklingen av tjĂ€nster som berör dem Ă€r viktig och rekommenderas i sĂ„vĂ€l riktlinjer för att frĂ€mja ett aktivt och hĂ€lsosamt Ă„ldrande som inom innovationsforskning. Överlag behövs mera tillĂ€mpad forskning för att kunna göra framsteg inom det gerontekonogiska forskningsfĂ€ltet och för att kunna utveckla det hĂ€lsofrĂ€mjande arbetet. Syfte: Att undersöka det mĂ„ngdimensionella subjektiva vĂ€lbefinnandet bland Ă€ldre och att fördjupa kunskapen om hĂ€lsofrĂ€mjande arbete och samskapandearbetssĂ€tt med Ă€ldre personer i en alltmer digital vardag. Metod: Avhandlingen har en multi-metod design och innehĂ„ller fyra enskilda studier. De tvĂ„ första baserar sig pĂ„ material som insamlats genom en enkĂ€t inom ramarna för GERDA-projektet Ă„r 2016 och Ă€r befolkningsbaserade tvĂ€rsnittsstudier. Den tredje studien bestĂ„r av fokusgruppintervjuer som gjorts med personal som arbetar med hĂ€lsofrĂ€mjande arbete i tvĂ„ regioner i Finland och Sverige under 2019–2020. I den fjĂ€rde studien analyserades semistrukturerade intervjuer som gjordes med Ă€ldre personer som deltog i projektet @geing online under Ă„ren 2018–2020. Resultat: Avhandlingen visar pĂ„ att det finns ett samband mellan subjektivt vĂ€lbefinnande och internetanvĂ€ndning och digitala tjĂ€nster bland Ă€ldre personer i Botnia regionen. För att inte gĂ„ miste om viktig information om kopplingen mellan subjektivt vĂ€lbefinnande och internetanvĂ€ndning behöver man beakta bĂ„de vilka digitala tjĂ€nster som Ă€ldre anvĂ€nder samt hur vĂ€lbefinnande egentligen mĂ€ts. Vad gĂ€ller hĂ€lsofrĂ€mjande arbete riktat till Ă€ldre visar avhandlingens resultat pĂ„ vikten att se de Ă€ldre personerna inom den Ă€ldre befolkningen. Vidare förslĂ„s ocksĂ„ att digitala tjĂ€nster och samskapande tillvĂ€gagĂ„ngssĂ€tt kan möjliggöra personcentrering och skrĂ€ddarsydda tjĂ€nster genom att förĂ€ndra styva riktlinjer och arbetssĂ€tt samt motarbeta de egna fördomarna. Resultaten visar ocksĂ„ att det kan vara upplyftande att delta i utvecklingen av en ny applikation och att intresset för digitala verktyg och tilltron till sig sjĂ€lv som teknikanvĂ€ndare ökade bland Ă€ldre deltagare. Samtidigt Ă€r samskapande innovationsprocesser inte linjĂ€ra, utan det rör sig snarare om omstĂ€ndliga processer som ocksĂ„ kan vĂ€cka olika kĂ€nslor förknippade med besvikelse bland deltagarna. Slutsatser: Digitaliseringen handlar om mycket mer Ă€n bara teknik. För att kunna fĂ„ svar pĂ„ frĂ„gan om internetanvĂ€ndning verkligen pĂ„verkar vĂ€lbefinnande bland Ă€ldre eller om olika digitala tjĂ€nster bara Ă€r en del av ett sedan tidigare rikt liv behövs mera forskning. Framtida studier behöver inkludera och kombinera olika metoder samt undersöka bĂ„da ”offline” och ”online” aktiviteter samtidigt i en vardagskontext för att kunna titta nĂ€rmare pĂ„ för vem och under vilka omstĂ€ndigheter internet potentiellt kan frĂ€mja vĂ€lbefinnande. BĂ„de utvecklingen och implementeringen av nya digitala verktyg kan underlĂ€ttas och ge mervĂ€rde ifall anvĂ€ndare (bĂ„de Ă€ldre och personal i detta fall) aktivt deltar och involveras. Forskning om samskapande innovationsprocesser behöver utökas och metoder för sĂ„dana tillvĂ€gagĂ„ngssĂ€tt utvecklas – speciellt dĂ„ det kommer till Ă€ldre och de olika grupperna inom den Ă€ldre befolkningen. Slutligen Ă€r det viktigt att inte generalisera dĂ„ det kommer till Ă€ldres subjektiva vĂ€lbefinnande, internetanvĂ€ndning och hĂ€lsofrĂ€mjande arbete
