28,813 research outputs found

    Zur Tätigkeit polnischer Museen auf dem Gebiet der Sprachvermittlung

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    In ihrem Beitrag sucht die Autorin eine Antwort auf die Frage, inwiefern Kunstmuseen in Polen als außerschulische Lernorte der Vermittlung von Fremdsprachen dienen. Anhand von Recherchearbeit im Internet und Interviews mit Mitarbeiter(n)Innen der Bildungs- und Vermittlungsabteilungen in größeren Kunstmuseen in Polen ergab sich ein vergleichender Überblick über ein Angebot, das sich als vielfältiges Spektrum präsentiert. Einerseits ist die Tätigkeit der Museen auf dem Gebiet der Fremdsprachenvermittlung in ihre Rolle als Ort des interkulturellen Austausches eingebettet und Fremdsprachenkurse sollten als eine ausstellungsbegleitende Maßnahme den Zugang zu einer fremden Kultur erleichtern. Andererseits dienen die in musealen Räumen ausgestellten Objekte dem Austausch und der Auseinandersetzung in der Fremdsprache.To what extent do art museums in Poland serve as venues for out-of-school learning of foreign languages? This contribution seeks to answer that question. Online research and interviews with employees of the education and collections departments of the largest art museums in Poland have produced a comparative overview of a diverse spectrum of offerings. Above all, the investigation reveals that a museum is understood as a foreign language learning venue in two distinctive ways. On the one hand, the activities of museums in the field of foreign language teaching are embedded in their role as places of intercultural exchange. Foreign language courses organised with the museums’ participation should therefore be seen as elements accompanying the exhibition in order to facilitate access to a foreign culture. On the other hand, regular foreign language courses are organised in museum rooms, whereby the objects exhibited serve as a starting point for discussions in the foreign language. In this way, museums provide an additional motivational factor for learning a foreign language. Although the role of a museum as a foreign language learning location is understood differently in Poland, current projects confirm recognition of art museums as venues of foreign language learning

    Action Research : the first steps to start up a pilot experiment in heritage education

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    Peer-reviewedLes relacions entre els museus i les escoles canvien amb l'ús d'internet. Volem analitzar com aquestes noves relacions tenen lloc a una escala nacional. És important analitzar aquestes noves relacions possibles, que són producte de canvis socials i tecnològics, ja que permeten noves interaccions i participació, al mateix temps que demanen canvis en les formes d'organització, la gestió de recursos web i els models d'ensenyament i aprenentatge. Concretament, les xarxes d'aprenentatge poden establir una nova forma de relació entre els museus i les escoles, i els recursos educatius en línia amb contingut sobre patrimoni cultural poden oferir oportunitats d'aprenentatge i recursos de coneixement més enllà dels límits de l'ensenyament formal. Tanmateix, calen projectes experimentals per a efectuar proves i veure com aquests tipus de pràctiques d'ensenyament i aprenentatge funcionaran en un context social i cultural concret. Així, doncs, la recerca activa pot contribuir al desenvolupament d'una experiència d'aprenentatge, basat en la reflexió i l'acció. L'objectiu d'aquesta experimentació és obtenir un model de treball i millors pràctiques per a aprendre i ensenyar en xarxes d'aprenentatge formades per gestors, professors i estudiants de patrimoni en què els membres produeixin i utilitzin recursos educatius en línia amb contingut de patrimoni cultural. Els resultats d'aquest projecte empíric seran comprovats amb resultats de la primera part metodològica de la tesi doctoral per a obtenir un model que es pugui exportar a altres contextos.Las relaciones entre los museos y las escuelas cambian con el uso de internet. Queremos analizar cómo estas nuevas relaciones tienen lugar a una escala nacional. Es importante analizar estas posibles nuevas relaciones, que son producto de cambios sociales y tecnológicos, ya que permiten nuevas interacciones y participación, a la vez que requieren cambios en las formas de organización, la gestión de recursos web y los modelos de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Concretamente, las redes de aprendizaje pueden establecer una nueva forma de relación entre los museos y las escuelas, y los recursos educativos en línea con contenido de patrimonio cultural pueden ofrecer oportunidades de aprendizaje y recursos de conocimiento más allá de los límites de la enseñanza formal. No obstante, existe una necesidad de proyectos experimentales para realizar pruebas para ver cómo estos tipos de prácticas de enseñanza y aprendizaje funcionarán en un contexto social y cultural concreto. Así pues, la investigación-acción puede contribuir al desarrollo de una experiencia de aprendizaje, basado en la reflexión y las acciones. El objetivo de esta experimentación es obtener un modelo de trabajo y mejores prácticas para el aprendizaje y la enseñanza en redes de aprendizaje formadas por gestores, profesores y estudiantes del patrimonio en las que los miembros produzcan y utilicen recursos en línea con contenido de patrimonio cultural. Los resultados de este proyecto de investigación empírico serán comparados con los resultados de la primera parte metodológica de la tesis doctoral para obtener un modelo que pueda ser exportado a otros contextos.The relationships between museums and schools are changing through the use of internet. We want to analyse how these new relationships occur at a national level. It is important to analyse these possible new relationships, which are the product of social and technological changes. They allow for new interactions and participation whilst requiring changes in the forms of organisation, web resource management, and teaching and learning models. Specifically, learning networks can establish a new form of relationship between museums and schools and educational online resources with cultural heritage content can offer learning opportunities and knowledge resources beyond the boundaries of formal education. However, there is a need for experimental projects to test the evidence and to see how these kinds of teaching and learning practices will work within a concrete social and cultural context. Thus, Action Research can contribute to the development of a learning experience, based on reflection and actions. The aim of this experimentation is to obtain a working model and best practices for learning and teaching in learning networks shaped by heritage managers, teachers and students where the members produce and use educational online resources with cultural heritage content. The results of this empirical research project will be compared with results from the first methodological part of the PhD thesis to obtain a model that can be exported to other contexts

    Learning computing heritage through gaming – whilst teaching digital development through history

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    This paper analyses the potential of computer games and interactive projects within the learning programmes for cultural heritage institutions through our experiences working in partnership between higher education and a museum. Gamification is cited as a key disruptive technology for the business and enterprise community, and developments in games technology are also driving the expansion of digital media into all different screen spaces, and various platforms. Our research aims to take these as beneficial indicators for pedagogic development, using gaming to support knowledge transfer related to a museum setting, and using the museum as a key scenario for our students to support the practice of game development. Thus gamification is applied as both a topic and a methodology for educational purposes

    Education and Museum: Cultural Heritage and learning

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    Project description supported by Erasmus Plus KA2- The project proposal is connected to the promotion of initiatives, starting in primary school, for using ICT, the open educational resources and digital resources of cultural heritage for the improvement science learning. The experience and result

    Innovation in Mobile Learning: A European Perspective

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    In the evolving landscape of mobile learning, European researchers have conducted significant mobile learning projects, representing a distinct perspective on mobile learning research and development. Our paper aims to explore how these projects have arisen, showing the driving forces of European innovation in mobile learning. We propose context as a central construct in mobile learning and examine theories of learning for the mobile world, based on physical, technological, conceptual, social and temporal mobility. We also examine the impacts of mobile learning research on educational practices and the implications for policy. Throughout, we identify lessons learnt from European experiences to date

    Staying Gold: How a group of university students created intergenerational connections through art museum programming and community collaboration

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    In this article, we examine ways in which an intergenerational art program, Stay Gold, helped build relationships between queer youth and elders in an art museum to combat loneliness, isolation, and disconnection. This museum program was initially designed by university students in a graduate art education course to help form connections between queer youth and elders through art-making, sharing stories, and conversations about art. Participants play a large role in shaping the direction of the program, and the program continues to grow and evolve to include more opportunities for collaboration between youth and elders through group projects and dialogue. Although this is not a formal study with IRB approval, the participants mentioned here are all over the age of 18 and gave written permission to use their words and art in the article