1,517 research outputs found

    Die Zeitschrift Kineziologija ist dreißig Jahre jung (1971 - 2000) und zehn Jahre alt (1990 - 1999)

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    Three anniversaries concerning the publication of the journal Kinesiology are addressed in the paper: (a) thirty years from the first issue publication in 1971, (b) since the Journal was revived in 1992, ten volumes (1990-1999) have appeared, and (c) the Journal was recognized as international in 1995. Certain bibliometric data, regarding the editing and publishing details, and the content reviews are presented.Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit drei Jahrestagen bezüglich des Herausbringens von der Zeitschrift Kineziologija: a) dreißig Jahre seit der ersten Herausgabe im Jahre 1971, b) es wurden, seit der Wiederherausgabe im Jahre 1992, zehn Hefte (1990 - 1999) veröffentlicht, und c) die Zeitschrift wurde im Jahre 1995 als international anerkannt. Es wurden in diesem Artikel auch bestimmte bibliometrische Daten bezüglich des Edierens zusammen mit dem Überblick von Inhalten der bisher in der Zeitschrift ver6ffentlichten Artikel dargestellt

    The frequency of falls in children judo training

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    Purpose: Falling techniques are inseparable part of youth judo training. Falling techniques are related to avoiding injuries exercises (Nauta et al., 2013). There is not good evidence about the ratio of falling during the training in children. Methods: 26 children (age 8.88±1.88) were video recorded on ten training sessions for further indirect observation and performance analysis. Results: Research protocol consisted from recording falls and falling techniques (Reguli et al., 2015) in warming up, combat games, falling techniques, throwing techniques and free fighting (randori) part of the training session. While children were taught almost exclusively forward slapping roll, backward slapping roll and sideward direct slapping fall, in other parts of training also other types of falling, as forward fall on knees, naturally occurred. Conclusions: Judo coaches should stress also on teaching unorthodox falls adding to standard judo curriculum (Koshida et al., 2014). Various falling games to teach children safe falling in different conditions should be incorporated into judo training. Further research to gain more data from groups of different age in various combat and non-combat sports is needed

    Fear of crime and victimization among the elderly participating in the self-defence course

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    Purpose. Self-defence training could enhance seniors´ defensive skills and fitness. There is lack of evidence about fear and concerns of seniors participating in the self-defence course. Methods. 18 elderly persons (16 female, 1 male; age 66.2, SD=5.86) participated in the self-defence course lasting 8 training units (each unit 60 minutes). Standardized tool for fear of crime and victimization analysis previously used in Euro-Justis project in the Czech Republic (2011) was used in pretest and posttest. Results. We explored the highest fear of crime by participants in their residence area after dark (mean=2,77; median=3; SD=0,80), lower fear at the night in their homes (mean=2,29; median=2; SD=0,75) and in their residence area at the daytime (mean=2,00; median=2; SD=0,77) at the beginning of the course. We noticed certain decrease of fear of crime after the intervention. Participant were less afraid of crime in their residence area after dark (mean=2,38; median=2; SD=0,77), they felt lower fear of crime at the night in their homes (mean=2,00; median=2; SD=0,48) and in their residence area at the daytime (mean=1,82; median=2; SD=0,63). Conclusions. The approach to self-defence teaching for elderly should be focused not just on the motor development, but also on their emotional state, fear of crime, perception of dangerousness of diverse situations and total wellbeing. Fear of crime analysis can contribute to create tailor made structure of the self-defence course for specific groups of citizens

    13th International Conference on Kinanthropology. Sport and Quality of Life

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    The book of abstracts of the 13th Conference of Sport and Quality of Life 2022 gathers the abstracts of all the oral and poster presenters and keynote speakers. The conference is divided into sections – analysis of human movement; sport training; healthy lifestyle, active aging, nutrition and regeneration in sport; sport and social sciences; sports medicine; and the poster section

    Die Zeitschrift Kineziologija ist dreißig Jahre jung (1971 - 2000) und zehn Jahre alt (1990 - 1999)

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    Three anniversaries concerning the publication of the journal Kinesiology are addressed in the paper: (a) thirty years from the first issue publication in 1971, (b) since the Journal was revived in 1992, ten volumes (1990-1999) have appeared, and (c) the Journal was recognized as international in 1995. Certain bibliometric data, regarding the editing and publishing details, and the content reviews are presented.Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit drei Jahrestagen bezüglich des Herausbringens von der Zeitschrift Kineziologija: a) dreißig Jahre seit der ersten Herausgabe im Jahre 1971, b) es wurden, seit der Wiederherausgabe im Jahre 1992, zehn Hefte (1990 - 1999) veröffentlicht, und c) die Zeitschrift wurde im Jahre 1995 als international anerkannt. Es wurden in diesem Artikel auch bestimmte bibliometrische Daten bezüglich des Edierens zusammen mit dem Überblick von Inhalten der bisher in der Zeitschrift ver6ffentlichten Artikel dargestellt

    Selektion von Kindern für die Schwimmschule – ein Beispiel aus Kroatien

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    The main goal of this study was to determine which anthropometric characteristics and which motor abilities were the best predictors for performance in 50 m front crawl swimming in pre-adolescent boys. For this purpose 37 male swimmers, aged 9–10 years, were tested. The swimmers have participated in the training process for 2–4 years. The second objective was to utilize the obtained findings in the construction of swimming tests that would be used for testing the primary-school children to be initially selected for swimming-school participation. Therefore, the study was aimed at identifying those anthropometric and motor tests that would help select potential future swimmers regardless of whether they were able or not to swim over a 25 m distance prior to the testing procedure. From the whole set of anthropometric characteristics and motor abilities predictors, only five characteristics and abilities can be singled out as significant for predicting success in the 50 m front crawl event. Among the tests that had been singled out as predictive -sitting height, upper arm circumference, upper arm skinfold, hand diameter and vertical jump, the two: sitting height and upper arm skinfold were negatively correlated with the 50 m crawl performance.Uvod U većini slučajeva plivački klubovi selekcioniraju djecu za plivačke škole svojih klubova na osnovi znanja plivanja na 25 metara. Takvim načinom se odabiru djeca koja su do tada imala priliku naučiti plivati, a u većini slučajeva su to bila djeca s većom količinom masnog tkiva (Medved, 1987). Takva djeca imaju bolju sposobnost plutanja, ali u natjecateljskom plivanju to masno tkivo predstavlja ograničavajući faktor za poboljšanje rezultata. Ovim se istraživanjem nastoji izdvojiti nekoliko testova na osnovi kojih se može predvidjeti uspjeh u plivanju. Početna selekcija bi se provodila na osnovi tog sklopa testova, dok bi se znanje plivanja testiralo na izdvojenom uzorku djece. Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio utvrditi bateriju jednostavnih testova koji bi se mogli provoditi i tijekom nastave tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture, a kojima bi mogli pristupiti i neplivači. Metode Uzorak se sastojao od 37 plivača muškog spola zagrebačkih plivačkih klubova koji su na službenim natjecanjima nastupili na dionici 50 metara kraul (kratki bazeni), starih 9-10 godina. Svi ispitanici su proveli u trenažnom procesu 2-4 godine. Ispitanici su podvrgnuti mjerenju antropometrijskih obilježja i testiranju motoričkih sposobnosti. Prediktorske varijable: ANTROPOMETRIJSKA OBILJEŽJA VISTIJ (cm) - visina tijela; DUZSAK (cm) - dužina šake; DUZSTO (cm) - dužina stopala; RASRUK (cm) - raspon ruku; SJEVIS (cm) - sjedeća visina; OGK (cm) - opseg grudnog koša; OPSNAD (cm) - opseg nadlaktice; OPSNAT (cm) - opseg natkoljenice; NABNAD (mm) - nabor nadlaktice; NABTRB (mm) - nabor na trbuhu; NABLED (mm) - nabor na leđima; TEZTIJ (kg) - masa tijela; SIRRAM (cm) - širina ramena; SIRKUK (cm) - širina kukova; SIRSAK (cm) - širina šake; SIRSTO (cm) - širina stopala; VITKAP (ml) - vitalni kapacitet; DRZ (cm) - dijametar ručnog zgloba MOTORIČKE VARIJABLE PODT60 (br.) - pretkloni u 60 s; IVZ (s) - izdržaj u visu (zgib); BML (dm) - bacanje medicinke; SVM (cm) - skok u vis s mjesta; SDM (cm) - skok u dalj s mjesta; TAPR (br.) - taping rukom; ISK (cm) - iskret palicom; SAR (cm) - “sit and reach”; EKSSTO (cm) - plantarna fleksija Kriterijska varijabla: KRAUL50 (s) – rezultat na 50 m plivanja kraul tehnikom Dobiveni podaci obrađeni su statističkim paketom Statistica for Windows. Dobivene su informacije o osnovnim i disperzivnim parametrima. Statističkim su paketom utvrđene i korelacijske veze među prediktorima. Za utvrđivanje međusobnih odnosa antropometrijskih karakteristika, motoričkih varijabli i situacijske uspješnosti (rezultata) korištena je standardna regresijska analiza čiji su rezultati provjereni backward metodom. Rezultati U tablici 1 prikazani su osnovni deskriptivni parametri. Kako je postojala dobra povezanost pojedinih varijabli (tablica 2), provedena je backward regresijska analiza. Iz cijelog sklopa mjera antropometrijskih karakteristika i motoričkih sposobnosti izdvojilo se 5 testova (sjedeća visina, opseg nadlaktice, nabor nadlaktice, širina šake i skok u vis s mjesta) koji su pokazali statističku značajnost (p<0.01) za rezultat u plivanju dionice 50 metara kraul tehnikom (tablica 4). Treba obratiti pažnju na to da su sjedeća visina i nabor nadlaktice negativno korelirane, uz napomenu da je kriterijska varijabla vremenska varijabla, tj. što niža vrijednost, to bolji rezultat. Rasprava i zaključak Regresijskom analizom izdvojenih mjera sjedeće visine, (SJEVIS), opsega nadlaktice (OPSNAD), nabora nadlaktice (NABNAD), širine šake (SIRSAK) i skoka u vis s mjesta (SVM). U praktičnom smislu može se smatrati da su ona djeca čiji su rezultati u navedenim testovima iznad aritmetičke sredine za tu generaciju (kod sjedeće visine i nabora nadlaktice ispod) bolje predisponirana za plivanje te ih treba pozvati da se uključe u drugu fazu selekcije koja se od testa preplivavanja dionice od 25 metara. Djecu koja bi zadovoljila kriterij plivačke vještine treba uputiti u plivačku sportsku školu. U slučaju da u vrijeme testiranja neka djeca ne znaju plivati, bila bi usmjerena u program obuke neplivača a po uspješno završenoj obuci takva djeca bi zatim bila uvrštena u rad plivačke škole. Ovakav način selekcije doprinio bi boljem i ekonomičnijem odabiru plivača početnika, a velika mu je prednost što bi uključio veći broj djece, tj. i one koja u vrijeme testiranja još ne znaju plivatDas Hauptziel dieser Studie war, festzustellen, welche Körperbaumerkmale und welche motorische Fähigkeiten die besten Prädiktoren der Leistung von Jungen im Vorpubertätsalter beim 50m Kraulen waren. Zu diesem Zweck wurden 37 Schwimmer, im Alter zwischen 9 und 10 Jahren, getestet. Die Schwimmer nahmen am Trainingsprozess 2-4 Jahre der Dauer teil. Das zweite Ziel war, die erhaltenen Ergebnisse zur Gestaltung von Schwimmtests anzuwenden, die als für die Schwimmschule bestimmte anfängliche Selektionstests bei Grundschülern gelten könnten. Anders gesagt, das Ziel war, diejenigen auf Körperbau bezogenen und motorischen Tests zu identifizieren, die dazu benutzt werden könnten, die potentiellen zukünftigen Schwimmer auszuwählen, ungeachtet dessen, ob sie vor dem Test die 25m Distanz schwimmen konnten oder nicht. Aus der Reihe von Prädiktoren der Körperbaumerkmale und motorischen Fähigkeiten konnten nur fünf Merkmale und Fähigkeiten als bedeutend für die Prädiktion des Erfolgs beim 50m Kraulen ausgewählt werden. Aus der Gruppe von Tests, die als prädiktionswert ausgewählt wurden, nämlich, Sitzhöhe, Oberarmumfang, Oberarmhautfalte, Handdurchmesser und Vertikalsprung, zwei, Sitzhöhe und Oberarmhautfalte, korrelierten negativ mit der Leistung beim 50m Kraulen

    Spartan Daily, March 20, 2018

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    Volume 150, Issue 23https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartan_daily_2018/1022/thumbnail.jp

    Selektion von Kindern für die Schwimmschule – ein Beispiel aus Kroatien

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    The main goal of this study was to determine which anthropometric characteristics and which motor abilities were the best predictors for performance in 50 m front crawl swimming in pre-adolescent boys. For this purpose 37 male swimmers, aged 9–10 years, were tested. The swimmers have participated in the training process for 2–4 years. The second objective was to utilize the obtained findings in the construction of swimming tests that would be used for testing the primary-school children to be initially selected for swimming-school participation. Therefore, the study was aimed at identifying those anthropometric and motor tests that would help select potential future swimmers regardless of whether they were able or not to swim over a 25 m distance prior to the testing procedure. From the whole set of anthropometric characteristics and motor abilities predictors, only five characteristics and abilities can be singled out as significant for predicting success in the 50 m front crawl event. Among the tests that had been singled out as predictive -sitting height, upper arm circumference, upper arm skinfold, hand diameter and vertical jump, the two: sitting height and upper arm skinfold were negatively correlated with the 50 m crawl performance.Uvod U većini slučajeva plivački klubovi selekcioniraju djecu za plivačke škole svojih klubova na osnovi znanja plivanja na 25 metara. Takvim načinom se odabiru djeca koja su do tada imala priliku naučiti plivati, a u većini slučajeva su to bila djeca s većom količinom masnog tkiva (Medved, 1987). Takva djeca imaju bolju sposobnost plutanja, ali u natjecateljskom plivanju to masno tkivo predstavlja ograničavajući faktor za poboljšanje rezultata. Ovim se istraživanjem nastoji izdvojiti nekoliko testova na osnovi kojih se može predvidjeti uspjeh u plivanju. Početna selekcija bi se provodila na osnovi tog sklopa testova, dok bi se znanje plivanja testiralo na izdvojenom uzorku djece. Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio utvrditi bateriju jednostavnih testova koji bi se mogli provoditi i tijekom nastave tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture, a kojima bi mogli pristupiti i neplivači. Metode Uzorak se sastojao od 37 plivača muškog spola zagrebačkih plivačkih klubova koji su na službenim natjecanjima nastupili na dionici 50 metara kraul (kratki bazeni), starih 9-10 godina. Svi ispitanici su proveli u trenažnom procesu 2-4 godine. Ispitanici su podvrgnuti mjerenju antropometrijskih obilježja i testiranju motoričkih sposobnosti. Prediktorske varijable: ANTROPOMETRIJSKA OBILJEŽJA VISTIJ (cm) - visina tijela; DUZSAK (cm) - dužina šake; DUZSTO (cm) - dužina stopala; RASRUK (cm) - raspon ruku; SJEVIS (cm) - sjedeća visina; OGK (cm) - opseg grudnog koša; OPSNAD (cm) - opseg nadlaktice; OPSNAT (cm) - opseg natkoljenice; NABNAD (mm) - nabor nadlaktice; NABTRB (mm) - nabor na trbuhu; NABLED (mm) - nabor na leđima; TEZTIJ (kg) - masa tijela; SIRRAM (cm) - širina ramena; SIRKUK (cm) - širina kukova; SIRSAK (cm) - širina šake; SIRSTO (cm) - širina stopala; VITKAP (ml) - vitalni kapacitet; DRZ (cm) - dijametar ručnog zgloba MOTORIČKE VARIJABLE PODT60 (br.) - pretkloni u 60 s; IVZ (s) - izdržaj u visu (zgib); BML (dm) - bacanje medicinke; SVM (cm) - skok u vis s mjesta; SDM (cm) - skok u dalj s mjesta; TAPR (br.) - taping rukom; ISK (cm) - iskret palicom; SAR (cm) - “sit and reach”; EKSSTO (cm) - plantarna fleksija Kriterijska varijabla: KRAUL50 (s) – rezultat na 50 m plivanja kraul tehnikom Dobiveni podaci obrađeni su statističkim paketom Statistica for Windows. Dobivene su informacije o osnovnim i disperzivnim parametrima. Statističkim su paketom utvrđene i korelacijske veze među prediktorima. Za utvrđivanje međusobnih odnosa antropometrijskih karakteristika, motoričkih varijabli i situacijske uspješnosti (rezultata) korištena je standardna regresijska analiza čiji su rezultati provjereni backward metodom. Rezultati U tablici 1 prikazani su osnovni deskriptivni parametri. Kako je postojala dobra povezanost pojedinih varijabli (tablica 2), provedena je backward regresijska analiza. Iz cijelog sklopa mjera antropometrijskih karakteristika i motoričkih sposobnosti izdvojilo se 5 testova (sjedeća visina, opseg nadlaktice, nabor nadlaktice, širina šake i skok u vis s mjesta) koji su pokazali statističku značajnost (p<0.01) za rezultat u plivanju dionice 50 metara kraul tehnikom (tablica 4). Treba obratiti pažnju na to da su sjedeća visina i nabor nadlaktice negativno korelirane, uz napomenu da je kriterijska varijabla vremenska varijabla, tj. što niža vrijednost, to bolji rezultat. Rasprava i zaključak Regresijskom analizom izdvojenih mjera sjedeće visine, (SJEVIS), opsega nadlaktice (OPSNAD), nabora nadlaktice (NABNAD), širine šake (SIRSAK) i skoka u vis s mjesta (SVM). U praktičnom smislu može se smatrati da su ona djeca čiji su rezultati u navedenim testovima iznad aritmetičke sredine za tu generaciju (kod sjedeće visine i nabora nadlaktice ispod) bolje predisponirana za plivanje te ih treba pozvati da se uključe u drugu fazu selekcije koja se od testa preplivavanja dionice od 25 metara. Djecu koja bi zadovoljila kriterij plivačke vještine treba uputiti u plivačku sportsku školu. U slučaju da u vrijeme testiranja neka djeca ne znaju plivati, bila bi usmjerena u program obuke neplivača a po uspješno završenoj obuci takva djeca bi zatim bila uvrštena u rad plivačke škole. Ovakav način selekcije doprinio bi boljem i ekonomičnijem odabiru plivača početnika, a velika mu je prednost što bi uključio veći broj djece, tj. i one koja u vrijeme testiranja još ne znaju plivatDas Hauptziel dieser Studie war, festzustellen, welche Körperbaumerkmale und welche motorische Fähigkeiten die besten Prädiktoren der Leistung von Jungen im Vorpubertätsalter beim 50m Kraulen waren. Zu diesem Zweck wurden 37 Schwimmer, im Alter zwischen 9 und 10 Jahren, getestet. Die Schwimmer nahmen am Trainingsprozess 2-4 Jahre der Dauer teil. Das zweite Ziel war, die erhaltenen Ergebnisse zur Gestaltung von Schwimmtests anzuwenden, die als für die Schwimmschule bestimmte anfängliche Selektionstests bei Grundschülern gelten könnten. Anders gesagt, das Ziel war, diejenigen auf Körperbau bezogenen und motorischen Tests zu identifizieren, die dazu benutzt werden könnten, die potentiellen zukünftigen Schwimmer auszuwählen, ungeachtet dessen, ob sie vor dem Test die 25m Distanz schwimmen konnten oder nicht. Aus der Reihe von Prädiktoren der Körperbaumerkmale und motorischen Fähigkeiten konnten nur fünf Merkmale und Fähigkeiten als bedeutend für die Prädiktion des Erfolgs beim 50m Kraulen ausgewählt werden. Aus der Gruppe von Tests, die als prädiktionswert ausgewählt wurden, nämlich, Sitzhöhe, Oberarmumfang, Oberarmhautfalte, Handdurchmesser und Vertikalsprung, zwei, Sitzhöhe und Oberarmhautfalte, korrelierten negativ mit der Leistung beim 50m Kraulen

    Connection between State Funding and International Sporting Success: The Case of Croatia

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    The aim of this paper is to determine the types and intensity of connection between the amount of state funding for various programmes in sport invested by Croatian Olympic Committee from 2001 until 2016 and international sporting success of Croatian athletes. A connection between 12 independent variables (funds invested in 33 summer Olympic sports (24 individual and 9 team sports) broken down in 8 specific programmes, as well as the number of athletes and coaches in different programmes) and international sporting success was tested using regression analysis. The results show statistically significant logarithm connection between success and total funds invested (ACR=0.160, R2=0.319, p=0.001). Additionally, three variables showed linear, eight logarithm and one quadratic type of connection. Applying different regression models contributes to better understanding of connection between the amount and direction of investments in high performance sport and result of those investments in the form of achieved international sporting success

    Development and factorial validity of the Psychological Skills Inventory for Sports, Youth Version - Short Form: Assessment of the psychometric properties

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    Researchers in sport often try to investigate relations between athletes' psychological skills and their sports results to predict top athletic achievements or unexpectedly poor performances. The Psychology Skills Inventory for Sports (Youth version), PSIS-Y, was developed to measure psychological characteristics of young athletes-differentiating well more talented and less talented young athletes. Nevertheless, previous studies revealed its inadequate, factorial validity. Thus, the aim of this study was to develop and investigate the psychometric proprieties of a brief version of the PSIS-Y (PSIS-Y-SF) in a sample of young Croatian athletes. Participants (n = 304; 188 females and 116 male) were recruited in clubs/teams all over Croatia and all of them competed in the Croatian Championship in youth (n = 157) and junior category (n = 147). The PSIS-Y-SF was derived by ten expert psychologists with five of them who had past experiences of agonistic sport practice. Psychometric analysis included Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), internal consistency analysis (Raykov's Maximal Reliability), and correlation between subscales. Moreover, Multivariate Analyses of Variance (MANOVA) was run to test statistical differences between the players' categories (male youth vs. male junior vs. female youth vs. female junior) in all of the subscales. Results of the CFA suggested the adequateness of the supposed six first-order factor solution for the PSIS-Y-SF. The Maximal Reliability statistics suggest a good internal consistency for all of the subscales and the MANOVA suggested differences between the player's categories. The PSIS-Y-SF resulted to be a valid and reliable tool for the assessment of sports psychological skills. Findings from the psychometric evaluation of PSIS-Y-SF suggest that this is a useful tool, which may further assist in the measurement and conceptualization of sport psychological skills