303 research outputs found

    Counting Dyck paths by area and rank

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    The set of Dyck paths of length 2n2n inherits a lattice structure from a bijection with the set of noncrossing partitions with the usual partial order. In this paper, we study the joint distribution of two statistics for Dyck paths: \emph{area} (the area under the path) and \emph{rank} (the rank in the lattice). While area for Dyck paths has been studied, pairing it with this rank function seems new, and we get an interesting (q,t)(q,t)-refinement of the Catalan numbers. We present two decompositions of the corresponding generating function: one refines an identity of Carlitz and Riordan; the other refines the notion of γ\gamma-nonnegativity, and is based on a decomposition of the lattice of noncrossing partitions due to Simion and Ullman. Further, Biane's correspondence and a result of Stump allow us to conclude that the joint distribution of area and rank for Dyck paths equals the joint distribution of length and reflection length for the permutations lying below the nn-cycle (12...n)(12...n) in the absolute order on the symmetric group.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures. Connections with work of C. Stump (arXiv:0808.2822v2) eliminated the need for 5 pages of proof in the first draf

    Actions on permutations and unimodality of descent polynomials

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    We study a group action on permutations due to Foata and Strehl and use it to prove that the descent generating polynomial of certain sets of permutations has a nonnegative expansion in the basis {ti(1+t)n12i}i=0m\{t^i(1+t)^{n-1-2i}\}_{i=0}^m, m=(n1)/2m=\lfloor (n-1)/2 \rfloor. This property implies symmetry and unimodality. We prove that the action is invariant under stack-sorting which strengthens recent unimodality results of B\'ona. We prove that the generalized permutation patterns (132)(13-2) and (231)(2-31) are invariant under the action and use this to prove unimodality properties for a qq-analog of the Eulerian numbers recently studied by Corteel, Postnikov, Steingr\'{\i}msson and Williams. We also extend the action to linear extensions of sign-graded posets to give a new proof of the unimodality of the (P,ω)(P,\omega)-Eulerian polynomials of sign-graded posets and a combinatorial interpretations (in terms of Stembridge's peak polynomials) of the corresponding coefficients when expanded in the above basis. Finally, we prove that the statistic defined as the number of vertices of even height in the unordered decreasing tree of a permutation has the same distribution as the number of descents on any set of permutations invariant under the action. When restricted to the set of stack-sortable permutations we recover a result of Kreweras.Comment: 19 pages, revised version to appear in Europ. J. Combi

    Generalized permutation patterns - a short survey

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    An occurrence of a classical pattern p in a permutation π is a subsequence of π whose letters are in the same relative order (of size) as those in p. In an occurrence of a generalized pattern, some letters of that subsequence may be required to be adjacent in the permutation. Subsets of permutations characterized by the avoidance—or the prescribed number of occurrences— of generalized patterns exhibit connections to an enormous variety of other combinatorial structures, some of them apparently deep. We give a short overview of the state of the art for generalized patterns

    Statistics on ordered partitions of sets

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    We introduce several statistics on ordered partitions of sets, that is, set partitions where the blocks are permuted arbitrarily. The distribution of these statistics is closely related to the q-Stirling numbers of the second kind. Some of the statistics are generalizations of known statistics on set partitions, but others are entirely new. All the new ones are sums of two statistics, inspired by statistics on permutations, where one of the two statistics is based on a certain partial ordering of the blocks of a partition.Comment: Added a Prologue, as this paper is soon to be published in a journa

    Permutation patterns and statistics

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    Let S_n denote the symmetric group of all permutations of the set {1, 2, ...,n} and let S = \cup_{n\ge0} S_n. If Pi is a set of permutations, then we let Av_n(Pi) be the set of permutations in S_n which avoid every permutation of Pi in the sense of pattern avoidance. One of the celebrated notions in pattern theory is that of Wilf-equivalence, where Pi and Pi' are Wilf equivalent if #Av_n(Pi)=#Av_n(Pi') for all n\ge0. In a recent paper, Sagan and Savage proposed studying a q-analogue of this concept defined as follows. Suppose st:S->N is a permutation statistic where N represents the nonnegative integers. Consider the corresponding generating function, F_n^{st}(Pi;q) = sum_{sigma in Av_n(Pi)} q^{st sigma}, and call Pi,Pi' st-Wilf equivalent if F_n^{st}(Pi;q)=F_n^{st}(Pi';q) for all n\ge0. We present the first in-depth study of this concept for the inv and maj statistics. In particular, we determine all inv- and maj-Wilf equivalences for any Pi containd in S_3. This leads us to consider various q-analogues of the Catalan numbers, Fibonacci numbers, triangular numbers, and powers of two. Our proof techniques use lattice paths, integer partitions, and Foata's fundamental bijection. We also answer a question about Mahonian pairs raised in the Sagan-Savage article.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures, tightened up the exposition, noted that some of the conjectures have been prove

    The Run Transform

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    We consider the transform from sequences to triangular arrays defined in terms of generating functions by f(x) -> (1-x)/(1-xy) f(x(1-x)/(1-xy)). We establish a criterion for the transform of a nonnegative sequence to be nonnegative, and we show that the transform counts certain classes of lattice paths by number of "pyramid ascents", as well as certain classes of ordered partitions by number of blocks that consist of increasing consecutive integers.Comment: 18 page

    Crossings and nestings in set partitions of classical types

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    In this article, we investigate bijections on various classes of set partitions of classical types that preserve openers and closers. On the one hand we present bijections that interchange crossings and nestings. For types B and C, they generalize a construction by Kasraoui and Zeng for type A, whereas for type D, we were only able to construct a bijection between non-crossing and non-nesting set partitions. On the other hand we generalize a bijection to type B and C that interchanges the cardinality of the maximal crossing with the cardinality of the maximal nesting, as given by Chen, Deng, Du, Stanley and Yan for type A. Using a variant of this bijection, we also settle a conjecture by Soll and Welker concerning generalized type B triangulations and symmetric fans of Dyck paths.Comment: 22 pages, 7 Figures, removed erroneous commen