1,417 research outputs found

    Alan Turing creator of Artificial Languages

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    Bilingual article. (En / Eo) In this paper an evaluation of the contribution to philosophical investigation by Alan Turing is provided in terms of creation of Artificial Languages (ALs). After a discussion of the term AL in the literature, and in particular within the theoretical model offered by Lyons, the legacy of Turing is presented with a special attention to what remains after a century by his birth and what is still to be investigated in this area

    Projection in a Description Logic of Context with Actions: Extended Version

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    Projection is the problem of checking whether the execution of a given sequence of actions will achieve its goal starting from some initial state. In this paper, we study a setting where we combine a two-dimensional Description Logic of context (ConDL) with an action formalism. We choose a well-studied ConDL where both: the possible states of a dynamical system itself (object level) and also different context-dependent views on this system state (context level) are organised in relational structures and can be described using usual DL constructs. To represent how such a system and its views evolve we introduce a suitable action formalism. It allows to describe change on both levels. Furthermore, the observable changes on the object level due to an action execution can also be contextdependent. We show that the formalism is well-behaved in the sense that projection has the same complexity as standard reasoning tasks in case ALCO is the underlying DL

    Gravitational self-force on generic bound geodesics in Kerr spacetime

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    In this work we present the first calculation of the gravitational self-force on generic bound geodesics in Kerr spacetime to first order in the mass-ratio. That is, the local correction to equations of motion for a compact object orbiting a larger rotating black hole due to its own impact on the gravitational field. This includes both dissipative and conservative effects. Our method builds on and extends earlier methods for calculating the gravitational self-force on equatorial orbits. In particular we reconstruct the local metric perturbation in the outgoing radiation gauge from the Weyl scalar ψ4\psi_4, which in turn is obtained by solving the Teukolsky equation using semi-analytical frequency domain methods. The gravitational self-force is subsequently obtained using (spherical) ll-mode regularization. We test our implementation by comparing the large ll-behaviour against the analytically known regularization parameters. In addition we validate our results be comparing the long-term average changes to the energy, angular momentum, and Carter constant to changes to these constants of motion inferred from the gravitational wave flux to infinity and down the horizon

    An Adaptive Mediation Framework for Workflow Management in the Internet of Things

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    Tärkavad värkvõrksüsteemid koosnevad arvukast hulgast heterogeensetest füüsilistest seadmetest, mis ühenduvad Internetiga. Need seadmed suudavad pidevalt ümbritseva keskkonnaga suhelda ja osana lõppkasutaja rakendusestest edendada valdkondi nagu tark kodu, e-tervis, logistika jne. Selleks, et integreerida füüsilisi seadmeid värkvõrgu haldussüssteemidega, on töövoo haldussüsteemid kerkinud esile sobiva lahendusena. Ent töövoo haldussüsteemide rakendamine värkvõrku toob kaasa reaalajas teenuste komponeerimise väljakutseid nagu pidev teenusavastus ja -käivitus. Lisaks kerkib küsimus, kuidas piiratud resurssidega värkvõrgu seadmeid töövoo haldussüsteemidega integreerida ning kuidas töövooge värkvõrgu seadmetel käivitada. Tööülesanded (nagu pidev seadmeavastus) võivad värkvõrgus osalevatele piiratud arvutusjõudluse ja akukestvusega seadmetele nagu nutitelefonid koormavaks osutuda. Siinkohal on võimalikuks lahenduseks töö delegeerimine pilve. Käesolev magistritöö esitleb kontekstipõhist raamistikku tööülesannete vahendamiseks värkvõrgurakendustes. Antud raamistikus modelleeritakse ning käitatakse tööülesandeid kasutades töövoogusid. Raamistiku prototüübiga läbi viidud uurimus näitas, et raamistik on võimeline tuvastama, millal seadme avastusülesannete pilve delegeerimine on kuluefektiivsem. Vahel aga pole töövoo käitamistarkvara paigaldamine värkvõrgu seadmetele soovitav, arvestades energiasäästlikkust ning käituskiirust. Käesolev töö võrdles kaht tüüpi töövookäitust: a) töövoo mudeli käitamine käitusmootoriga ning b) töövoo mudelist tõlgitud programmikoodi käitamine. Lähtudes katsetest päris seadmetega, võrreldi nimetatud kahte meetodit silmas pidades süsteemiressursside- ning energiakasutust.Emerging Internet of Things (IoT) systems consist of great numbers of heterogeneous physical entities that are interconnected via the Internet. These devices can continuously interact with the surrounding environment and be used for user applications that benefit human life in domains such as assisted living, e-health, transportation etc. In order to integrate the frontend physical things with IoT management systems, Workflow Management Systems (WfMS) have gained attention as a viable option. However, applying WfMS in IoT faces real-time service composition challenges such as continuous service discovery and invocation. Another question is how to integrate resource-contained IoT devices with the WfMS and execute workflows on the IoT devices. Tasks such as continuous device discovery can be taxing for IoT-involved devices with limited processing power and battery life such as smartphones. In order to overcome this, some tasks can be delegated to a utility Cloud instance. This thesis proposes a context-based framework for task mediation in Internet of Things applications. In the framework, tasks are modelled and executed as workflows. A case study carried out with a prototype of the framework showed that the proposed framework is able to decide when it is more cost-efficient to delegate discovery tasks to the cloud. However, sometimes embedding a workflow engine in an IoT device is not beneficial considering agility and energy conservation. This thesis compared two types of workflow execution: a) execution of workflow models using an embedded workflow engine and b) execution of program code translations based on the workflow models. Based on experiments with real devices, the two methods were compared in terms of system resource and energy usage

    Proceedings of the Workshop on the lambda-Prolog Programming Language

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    The expressiveness of logic programs can be greatly increased over first-order Horn clauses through a stronger emphasis on logical connectives and by admitting various forms of higher-order quantification. The logic of hereditary Harrop formulas and the notion of uniform proof have been developed to provide a foundation for more expressive logic programming languages. The λ-Prolog language is actively being developed on top of these foundational considerations. The rich logical foundations of λ-Prolog provides it with declarative approaches to modular programming, hypothetical reasoning, higher-order programming, polymorphic typing, and meta-programming. These aspects of λ-Prolog have made it valuable as a higher-level language for the specification and implementation of programs in numerous areas, including natural language, automated reasoning, program transformation, and databases

    Utilizing static and dynamic software analysis to aid cost estimation, software visualization, and test quality management

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    The main results presented in the thesis are related to the semi- or fully-automated analysis of the software and its development processes. My overall research goal is to provide meaningful insights, methods, and practical tools to help the work of stakeholders during various phases of software development. The thesis statements have been grouped into three major thesis points, namely "Measuring, predicting, and comparing the productivity of developer teams"; "Providing immersive methods for software and unit test visualization"; and "Spotting the structures in the package hierarchy that required attention using test coverage data"

    Exploring our roots: knowledge gathering with the elders

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    This qualitative research study explores how four elders stories from Pine Creek First Nation, Manitoba impart knowledge and teachings on mino-bimaadiziwin. Mino-bimaadiziwin is a philosophical principle describing one’s journey of walking in a good way through life. This research focuses on the culture, history, knowledge, and teachings of the participant elders as they relate these concepts to mino-bimaadiziwin. The principles of mino-bimaadiziwin knowledge and teachings developed into four themes: ceremony, land, language, and story. These four themes have emerged through this study to integrate Indigenous knowledge and practices into both classroom and land-based learning experiences. The participant elders share knowledge and teachings in open-ended, face-to-face interviews using story. These four identified themes enhance understanding of Indigenous ways in which teachers may use in the learning context. This research study deepens our collective understanding of how elders and Indigenous ways of knowing have an essential role in education models, such as Pine Creek First Nation. Through this research study, elders identify and recommend teaching practices to honour and support mino-bimaadiziwin. Mino-bimaadiziwin can help shape one’s identity to support academic success with a balance of perspectives from both Indigenous and Western models of learning.Includes bibliographical references (pages 163-179)."In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Education.

    Lost in translation: Toward a formal model of multilevel, multiscale medicine

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    For a broad spectrum of low level cognitive regulatory and other biological phenomena, isolation from signal crosstalk between them requires more metabolic free energy than permitting correlation. This allows an evolutionary exaptation leading to dynamic global broadcasts of interacting physiological processes at multiple scales. The argument is similar to the well-studied exaptation of noise to trigger stochastic resonance amplification in physiological subsystems. Not only is the living state characterized by cognition at every scale and level of organization, but by multiple, shifting, tunable, cooperative larger scale broadcasts that link selected subsets of functional modules to address problems. This multilevel dynamical viewpoint has implications for initiatives in translational medicine that have followed the implosive collapse of pharmaceutical industry 'magic bullet' research. In short, failure to respond to the inherently multilevel, multiscale nature of human pathophysiology will doom translational medicine to a similar implosion

    A Toy Model for Testing Finite Element Methods to Simulate Extreme-Mass-Ratio Binary Systems

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    Extreme mass ratio binary systems, binaries involving stellar mass objects orbiting massive black holes, are considered to be a primary source of gravitational radiation to be detected by the space-based interferometer LISA. The numerical modelling of these binary systems is extremely challenging because the scales involved expand over several orders of magnitude. One needs to handle large wavelength scales comparable to the size of the massive black hole and, at the same time, to resolve the scales in the vicinity of the small companion where radiation reaction effects play a crucial role. Adaptive finite element methods, in which quantitative control of errors is achieved automatically by finite element mesh adaptivity based on posteriori error estimation, are a natural choice that has great potential for achieving the high level of adaptivity required in these simulations. To demonstrate this, we present the results of simulations of a toy model, consisting of a point-like source orbiting a black hole under the action of a scalar gravitational field.Comment: 29 pages, 37 figures. RevTeX 4.0. Minor changes to match the published versio