49 research outputs found

    In vitam et post-mortem: expressions of gratitude to Derek de Solla Price in acknowledgments and academic obituaries

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    No processo de comunicação da ciência as expressões de gratidão por contribuições dadas e recebidas pelos pares podem revelar o reconhecimento científico àqueles que de alguma forma contribuíram com determinada pesquisa e com o avanço do conhecimento em uma área específica. Nesse contexto, o objeto de estudo deste artigo são os agradecimentos e obituários acadêmicos publicados em periódicos científicos, com o objetivo de analisar a presença do colégio invisível e a colaboração científica de Derek de Solla Price nessas publicações. A metodologia adotada combinou as análises bibliométrica e de conteúdo. A fonte de dados foi o Google Scholar e o corpus da pesquisa foi composto por artigos (n=46) contendo agradecimentos, e obituários, tributos e homenagens póstumas (n=26) a Price. As seguintes variáveis foram analisadas: autores e autorias, evolução temporal dos artigos, títulos dos periódicos e áreas de conhecimento dos agradecimentos e obituários acadêmicos. Os resultados revelaram que o colégio invisível e a rede de colaboração científica de Price foram compostas por autores dos campos da cientometria, sociologia da ciência e história da ciência e da tecnologia.In the science communication process, expressions of gratitude for contributions given and received by peers can reveal scientific recognition to those who somehow contributed to a certain research and to advance knowledge in a specific area. In this context, the object of study of this article is the acknowledgments and academic obituaries published in scientific journals, with the aim of analyzing the presence of the invisible college and the scientific collaboration of Derek de Solla Price in these publications. The adopted methodology combined bibliometric and content analysis. The data source was Google Scholar and the research corpus consisted of articles (n = 46) containing acknowledgments and academic obituaries (n = 26) to Price. The following variables were analyzed: authors and authors, time evolution of articles, titles of journals and areas of knowledge of acknowledgments and academic obituaries. The results revealed that Price's invisible college and scientific collaboration network were composed of authors from the fields of scientometry, sociology of science and history of science and technology.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    In vitam et post-mortem: expressões de gratidão a Derek de Solla Price em agradecimentos e obituários acadêmicos

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    In the science communication process, expressions of gratitude for contributions given and received by peers can reveal scientificrecognition to those who somehow contributed to a certain research and to advance knowledge in a specific area. In this context,the object of study of this article is the acknowledgments and academic obituaries published in scientific journals, with the aim ofanalyzing the presence of the invisible college and the scientific collaboration of Derek de Solla Price in these publications. eadopted methodology combined bibliometric and content analysis. The data source was Google Scholar and the research corpusconsisted of articles (n = 46) containing acknowledgments and academic obituaries (n = 26) to Price. e following variableswere analyzed: authors and authors, time evolution of articles, titles of journals and areas of knowledge of acknowledgmentsand academic obituaries. The results revealed that Price's invisible college and scientific collaboration network were composed ofauthors from the fields of scientometry, sociology of science and history of science and technology

    Modelling the Structure and Dynamics of Science Using Books

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    Scientific research is a major driving force in a knowledge based economy. Income, health and wellbeing depend on scientific progress. The better we understand the inner workings of the scientific enterprise, the better we can prompt, manage, steer, and utilize scientific progress. Diverse indicators and approaches exist to evaluate and monitor research activities, from calculating the reputation of a researcher, institution, or country to analyzing and visualizing global brain circulation. However, there are very few predictive models of science that are used by key decision makers in academia, industry, or government interested to improve the quality and impact of scholarly efforts. We present a novel 'bibliographic bibliometric' analysis which we apply to a large collection of books relevant for the modelling of science. We explain the data collection together with the results of the data analyses and visualizations. In the final section we discuss how the analysis of books that describe different modelling approaches can inform the design of new models of science.Comment: data and large scale maps http://cns.iu.edu/2015-ModSci.html, Ginda, Michael, Andrea Scharnhorst, and Katy B\"orner. "Modelling Science". In Theories of Informetrics: A Festschrift in Honor of Blaise Cronin, edited by Sugimoto, Cassidy. Munich: De Gruyter Sau

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    Theories of Informetrics and Scholarly Communication

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    Scientometrics have become an essential element in the practice and evaluation of science and research, including both the evaluation of individuals and national assessment exercises. Yet, researchers and practitioners in this field have lacked clear theories to guide their work. As early as 1981, then doctoral student Blaise Cronin published "The need for a theory of citing" —a call to arms for the fledgling scientometric community to produce foundational theories upon which the work of the field could be based. More than three decades later, the time has come to reach out the field again and ask how they have responded to this call. This book compiles the foundational theories that guide informetrics and scholarly communication research. It is a much needed compilation by leading scholars in the field that gathers together the theories that guide our understanding of authorship, citing, and impact

    Theories of Informetrics and Scholarly Communication

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    Scientometrics have become an essential element in the practice and evaluation of science and research, including both the evaluation of individuals and national assessment exercises. Yet, researchers and practitioners in this field have lacked clear theories to guide their work. As early as 1981, then doctoral student Blaise Cronin published The need for a theory of citing - a call to arms for the fledgling scientometric community to produce foundational theories upon which the work of the field could be based. More than three decades later, the time has come to reach out the field again and ask how they have responded to this call. This book compiles the foundational theories that guide informetrics and scholarly communication research. It is a much needed compilation by leading scholars in the field that gathers together the theories that guide our understanding of authorship, citing, and impact

    Theories of Informetrics and Scholarly Communication

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    Scientometrics have become an essential element in the practice and evaluation of science and research, including both the evaluation of individuals and national assessment exercises. Yet, researchers and practitioners in this field have lacked clear theories to guide their work. As early as 1981, then doctoral student Blaise Cronin published "The need for a theory of citing" —a call to arms for the fledgling scientometric community to produce foundational theories upon which the work of the field could be based. More than three decades later, the time has come to reach out the field again and ask how they have responded to this call. This book compiles the foundational theories that guide informetrics and scholarly communication research. It is a much needed compilation by leading scholars in the field that gathers together the theories that guide our understanding of authorship, citing, and impact

    Razvoj scienotometrije praćen kroz časopis Scientometrics od početka izlaženja 1978. do 2010. godine

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    Ciljevi ovog istraživanja su: 1. kvantitativno opisati glavno tijelo scientometrijske literature s posebnim fokusom na razvoj kroz vrijeme i 2. versatilno implementirati glavne scientometrijske postupke te opisati metodološku problematiku scientometrije. Prvi doprinos ovog rada je dakle u razumijevanju i uopće validaciji scientometrije kao zasebne pod- discipline informacijskih znanosti kroz primarno kvantitativnu obradu svih radova objavljenih u časopisu Scientometrics od početka objavljivanja 1978. do 2010. godine s posebnim naglaskom na članke. Među provedenim analizama posebno se mogu istaknuti analize autorstva i suradnje, citatne i ko-citatne analize te pregled u odnosu na glavnu tematiku radova. Drugi doprinos je u prikazu, implementaciji i povezivanju tradicionalnih metodoloških scientometrijskih postupaka s analizom mreža i tekstova radova. S obzirom na kompleksnost ulaznih podataka koji u većini slučajeva nisu stvoreni pod kontrolom istraživača, u sklopu prikaza metodologije posebno je detaljno prikazana i priprema podataka. Rad pruža kratak uvod o znanosti i istraživanjima znanosti s fokusom na proučavanje znanosti kroz znanstvenu literaturu. Nakon toga slijedi poglavlje o metodologiji podijeljeno u dva dijela: priprema i analiza. Radi promatranja ovog tijela literature s više aspekata, rezultati i rasprava su prikazani zajedno i slijede nakon metodologije. Rad završava kratkim zaključkom o razvoju i relevantnosti scientometrije kao i o sve većoj zainteresiranosti za istu. U prilogu 1. prenesen je Python kôd kojim su implementirani postupci opisani u metodologiji, kao i proizvedene tablice i većina slika koji se koriste u tekstu

    Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift und Digitale Bibliothek: Wissenschaftsforschung Jahrbuch 2002

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    Elektronische Produktion, Verbreitung und Rezeption von wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften - deren integrative Wechselbeziehungen eingeschlossen - verändern unausweichlich die Forschungssituation unserer Zeit. Inzwischen sind elektronische Zeitschriften ein fester Bestandteil des wissenschaftlichen Publikationswesens geworden, auf den die meisten Forscher nicht mehr verzichten möchten. In diesem Wandel braucht es Orientierungen und Kompetenzen. Seit ihrem Aufkommen in der zweiten Hälfte des 17. Jahrhunderts haben wissenschaftliche Zeitschriften sich selbst als Forschungsbibliotheken der Wissenschaftsdisziplinen verstanden und dies mit der weiteren Differenzierung der Wissenschaft in einem Maße realisiert, dass ihre zunehmend elektronische Produktion die Entwicklung der Digitalen Bibliothek in der Wissenschaft nachhaltig forciert. Untersuchungen über diesen grundlegenden Vorgang neuerer Wissenschaftsentwicklung sind ein wichtiges Anliegen der Wissenschaftsforschung. Die Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsforschung hat sich dieser Fragestellung angenommen und sie im Rahmen ihrer Jahrestagung 2002 unter dem Thema „Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift und Digitale Bibliothek“ analysiert. Vorausgegangen waren Diskussionen über „Wissenschaft - Informationszeitalter - Digitale Bibliothek“ auf der Jahrestagung 1998 und über „Organisationsinformatik und Digitale Bibliothek in der Wissenschaft“ auf der Jahrestagung 2000, die in den jeweiligen Jahrbüchern Wissenschaftsforschung 1998 und 2000 publiziert wurden. Die Ergebnisse der Tagung vom März 2002, die im Institut für Bibliothekswissenschaft der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin stattgefunden hat, werden hiermit - in Fortführung der Publikationsreihe - als Wissenschaftsforschung Jahrbuch 2002 dem interessierten Leser vorgestellt.Peer Reviewe