9,111 research outputs found

    Abscond Runner

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    Abscond Runner is a game we\u27ve made based on the movie and book series The Maze Runner . This is a first-person novel experience where the player must go through the maze by maneuvering through obstacles and destroying the enemies to reach the end. (Class Project

    The Maze Runner Series

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    Lestari, Desi Nurpita, 2021 : Social Conflict Issues As Seen In The Maze Runner Trilogy Film Supervisor l : Firdiansyah, M.A Supervisor ll : Rahmat Fajar, M.A This study discusses the social conflicts seen in the film The Maze Runner directed by Wes Ball who wants to find a way out of the maze. The main purpose of this research is to find out; 1) To find out the kinds of social conflict in The Maze Runner trilogy film 2) To find out the causes of social conflict in The Maze Runner trilogy film, and 3) To find out the solution to end the social conflict in The Maze Runner trilogy film. The design of this research is descriptive qualitative, the writer uses theory to analyze the data, the theory from Soekanto, Darwin and Baskerville then uses a sociological approach. In collecting data, the writer uses documentation technique and uses descriptive technique. The results of this study are; 1) There are two kinds of social conflicts that occur in The Maze Runner film, namely; Personal conflict, International conflict, political conflict and conflict among group. 2) There are two causes of social conflict in The Maze Runner, namely; Clash of interest, and social change 3) The settlement method used in The Maze Runner film, namely; Accommodating, and Collaboration


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    Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan media pembelajaran Game Edukasi Maze Runner pada mata pelajaran dasar listrik elektronika dengan mengacu pada indikator kelayakan yaitu kevalidan, kepraktisan dan keefektifan media pembelajaran yang dikembangkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan Research and Development (R&D) yang dikembangkan oleh Sugiyono, yang terdiri atas 7 langkah. yaitu: (1) Potensi dan masalah; (2) Pengumpulan data; (3) Desain produk; (4) Validasi produk; (5) Revisi produk; (6) Uji coba produk; (7) Analisa dan pelaporan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Hasil analisis validasi Media pembelajaran Game edukasi maze runner yang dikembangkan dapat dikategorikan sangat valid. Memiliki hasil validasi rata-rata sebesar 83%. (2) Hasil analisis respon peserta didik dari ujicoba produk media pembelajaran game edukasi maze runner dapat dikategorikan sangat praktis digunakan. dengan rata-rata hasil rating respon siswa sebesar 84% (3) Hasil analisis belajar peserta didik dari ujicoba produk pada hasil belajar kompetensi pengetahuan dan kompetensi keterampilan terjadi peningkatan signifikan atau mencapai KKM. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa media pembelajaran Game Edukasi Maze Runner layak digunakan. Kata Kunci: Pengembangan game edukasi maze runner, respon peserta didik, hasil belajar peserta didik.Abstract The purpose of this study was to produce learning media Maze Runner Educational Games on basic electrical electronics subjects with reference to the feasibility indicator, namely the validity, practicality and effectiveness of the learning media developed. This research using of the Research and Development (R & D) developed by Sugiyono, which consists of seven steps: (1) Potential and problems; (2) Collection of data; (3) Product design; (4) Validate products; (5) Revision products; (6) The test products; (7) Analysis and reporting. The design of the test used was a pretest-posttest design. The results showed that: (1) Results of validation analysis Learning media The maze runner educational game developed could be categorized as very valid. Has an average validation result of 83%. (2) The results of the analysis of students responses from the trial of maze runner educational game learning media products can be categorized as very practical to use. with an average student response rating of 84% (3) The results of the learning analysis of students from product trials on the competency learning outcomes of skills and skills competencies have increased significantly or reached KKM. So that it can be concluded that the learning media Maze Runner Educational Game is worthy of use. Keywords: Maze runner educational game development, student response, student learning outcomes

    Behavior Patterns of Teamwork in The Maze Runner by James Dashner (2009): A Behaviorist Approach

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    This research aims to classify the kind of behavior patterns of teamwork and to show how behavior patterns build teamwork in the novel The Maze Runner. It is a qualitative research. The primary data source is the novel The Maze Runner by James Dashner (2009). The secondary data sources are including references from online books, websites, and research papers related to the research. The researcher uses the documentation method to collect the data. In presenting the data validity, the researcher uses triangulation by Denzin (2009). This research applies the theory of classical conditioning by Ivan Pavlov and the theory of operant conditioning by B.F Skinner to analyze data. Based on the result, the researcher found five kinds of behavior patterns of teamwork in The Maze Runner, namely: communication, commitment, strategy, helping, and discussion. The researcher found behavior patterns built teamwork in The Maze Runner novel through the habit of members and rules in the glade

    An Analysis of Translation Shift on Noun Phrase in Translating The Maze Runner Novel by Yunita Candra

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    This research purposes to classify the types of noun phrases and their translation and to identify the translation shifts of noun phrase found in The Maze Runner Novel by James Dashner which translated by Yunita Candra. The research is descriptive qualitative research with the data taken from The Maze Runner Novel. The research uses documentation technique for collecting data and uses comparison techniques to analyze. As the results, the researcher found 28 types of noun phrase in English Form and 26 types of noun phrase in Indonesian Form found in chapter 1-10 of The Maze Runner novel. The researcher also found 2 types of translation shift of noun phrase which are; 123 or 26,34% data of noun phrase included as Level Shift which is divided into 79 or 16,92% data of noun phrase into noun or word, 30 or 6,42% data of noun phrase into verb, 10 or 2,14% data of noun phrase into adjective, and 4 or 0,86% data of noun phrase into adverb. Then, there are 344 or 73,66% data of noun phrase which is included as Structure Shift which is divided into 322 or 68,95% data of noun phrase into noun phrase, 6 or 1,28% data of noun phrase into verb phrase, 12 or 2,57% data of noun phrase into adjective phrase, and 4 or 0,86% data of noun phrase into adverb phrase

    Locating experience in time and place: a look at young adult fiction and spiritual intelligence

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    Spiritual intelligence describes self-awareness and intuition, with the development of creative thinking, compassion, and connectedness with others. Many researchers point to an awakening and development of spiritual intelligence that is enhanced through exploration of existential questions within the genre of young adult fiction. Such literature absorbs the adolescent reader so that they become transported into the narrative, exploring a sense of self and of others This article discusses the ways in which young adult fiction, including comparison of a novel of older context (An Episode of Sparrows) with contemporary dystopian fiction (The Maze Runner), can foster young adults’ exploration of self-awareness and cultivate the continued development of notions of connectedness, justice and responsibility. It describes current research on the relationship between spiritual intelligence in young adults and the narrative transportation effect of young adult fiction

    The adjective of suffixation process in James Dashners novel maze runner

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    In morphology adjective suffix is a part of affixation which combines two words or more to form new word. Adjective suffixes change word class normally from verb to adjective or noun to adjective, so it has new meaning. Hence the writer makes a research mainly explores adjective suffixes in novel Maze Runner. This research has three main problems. (1) What kinds of adjective suffixes are found in Maze Runner by James Dashne?; (2) How are the processes of adjective suffixes in Maze Runner by James Dashner?; (3) What are the meaning of adjective suffixes in Maze Runner by James Dashner?. To answer the three main problems above, the writer uses a descriptive qualitative method and theory of morphology by Ingo Plag which discusses about kinds of adjective suffixes and their processes. The result in this research shows that the kinds of adjective suffixes are found in novel Maze Runner by James Dashner. They consist of thirteen words of adjective suffixes –ful, ten words of adjective suffixes –ous, ten words of adjective suffix –less, nine words of adjective suffix of suffix –able, eight words of adjective suffix ¬¬–ing, -ed, and –al, six words of adjective suffix –ive, three words of adjective suffix ¬–ish, two words of adjective suffix –ly and one word that contains of adjective suffix -ary. Based on the result of analyzing the data, the writer concludes that the use of adjective suffixes in this novel are various, which are formed from almost all of adjective suffix types
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