4,398 research outputs found

    Addressing performance requirements in the FDT-based design of distributed systems

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    The development of distributed systems is generally regarded as a complex and costly task, and for this reason formal description techniques such as LOTOS and ESTELLE (both standardized by the ISO) are increasingly used in this process. Our experience is that LOTOS can be exploited at many stages on the design trajectory, from requirements specification to implementation, but that the language elements do not allow direct formalization of performance requirements. To avoid duplication of effort by using two formalisms with distinct approaches, we propose a design method that incorporates performance constraints in an heuristic but effective manner

    Modeling Supply Networks and Business Cycles as Unstable Transport Phenomena

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    Physical concepts developed to describe instabilities in traffic flows can be generalized in a way that allows one to understand the well-known instability of supply chains (the so-called ``bullwhip effect''). That is, small variations in the consumption rate can cause large variations in the production rate of companies generating the requested product. Interestingly, the resulting oscillations have characteristic frequencies which are considerably lower than the variations in the consumption rate. This suggests that instabilities of supply chains may be the reason for the existence of business cycles. At the same time, we establish some link to queuing theory and between micro- and macroeconomics.Comment: For related work see http://www.helbing.or

    Real-Time Data Processing With Lambda Architecture

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    Data has evolved immensely in recent years, in type, volume and velocity. There are several frameworks to handle the big data applications. The project focuses on the Lambda Architecture proposed by Marz and its application to obtain real-time data processing. The architecture is a solution that unites the benefits of the batch and stream processing techniques. Data can be historically processed with high precision and involved algorithms without loss of short-term information, alerts and insights. Lambda Architecture has an ability to serve a wide range of use cases and workloads that withstands hardware and human mistakes. The layered architecture enhances loose coupling and flexibility in the system. This a huge benefit that allows understanding the trade-offs and application of various tools and technologies across the layers. There has been an advancement in the approach of building the LA due to improvements in the underlying tools. The project demonstrates a simplified architecture for the LA that is maintainable

    A Fixed-Point Algorithm for Closed Queueing Networks

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    In this paper we propose a new efficient iterative scheme for solving closed queueing networks with phase-type service time distributions. The method is especially efficient and accurate in case of large numbers of nodes and large customer populations. We present the method, put it in perspective, and validate it through a large number of test scenarios. In most cases, the method provides accuracies within 5% relative error (in comparison to discrete-event simulation)

    Dynamic Product Assembly and Inventory Control for Maximum Profit

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    We consider a manufacturing plant that purchases raw materials for product assembly and then sells the final products to customers. There are M types of raw materials and K types of products, and each product uses a certain subset of raw materials for assembly. The plant operates in slotted time, and every slot it makes decisions about re-stocking materials and pricing the existing products in reaction to (possibly time-varying) material costs and consumer demands. We develop a dynamic purchasing and pricing policy that yields time average profit within epsilon of optimality, for any given epsilon>0, with a worst case storage buffer requirement that is O(1/epsilon). The policy can be implemented easily for large M, K, yields fast convergence times, and is robust to non-ergodic system dynamics.Comment: 32 page

    Scalable dimensioning of resilient Lambda Grids

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