51 research outputs found

    China’s Augmented National Innovation System (ANIS) and the Future: A Nonlinear Complex Systems Model with Application to Semiconductors and AI

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    I present a nonlinear complex dynamic systems model of innovation for China within which both efficiency and equity can be addressed. For the fourth industrial revolution(IR4), digital technologies based on semiconductor material foundation and AI are analyzed for China within such a system which can be called an Augmented National innovation system or ANIS. There are at least two dimensions along which China’s NIS can be augmented. One is to include the AI and semiconductor base for high technology for IR4, and the other is to move towards a more egalitarian innovation system in accordance with the goal of creating a harmonious moderately prosperous economy and society. The Chinese ANIS that is being built for the 21st century has important regional and geoeconomic implications for the future


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    Offshoring and Changes in Firms’ Domestic Employment:The Case of Denmark

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    Geoeconomics, China, Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Future

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    Geoeconomics is developing as field of inquiry and policy guidance in Global Security Studies, Global Political Economy and International Politics. Geoeconomics requires us to think in terms of new and old transportation corridors, international trade and finance, economic development or maldevelopment in a complex unevenly developed world of political economy and great power rivalry.I offer a new modified form of realism which I call critical trans-neoclassical realism (CTNR). Consistent with this somewhat novel theory, in our complex, uneven world of international competition, technological innovation needs to be reconceptualized as a complex dynamic system with national systems facing imperatives of both competition and cooperation. There is thus a call for increased efficiency. But this might neglect urgent needs for equity and thus lead to greater polarization. I present a nonlinear complex dynamic systems model of innovation for China within which both efficiency and equity can be addressed. For the fourth industrial revolution, digital technologies based on semiconductor material foundation and AI are analyzed for China within such a system which can be called socially embedded capabilities enhancing national innovation system or SECENIS. The Chinese SECENIS that is being built for the 21st century has important regional and geoeconomic implications for the future

    A manufacturing driven design methodology to lightweighting of the structural elements of a permanent magnet electrical machine rotor

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    It is common practice for electrical machines to be designed with a focus predominantly on the electromagnetic performance. The mechanical design is then subsequently undertaken to meet various mechanical performance criteria, with this finalised design then passed on for manufacture. In many cases, the manufacturing constraints have not been taken fully into consideration during the electromagnetic or more particularly the mechanical design and hence some changes are required to the design to make it manufacturable. This in turn can lead to a non-optimal machine being manufactured. If manufacturing constraints and opportunities are regarded as key quantitative inputs to the design process, not only can these post-design changes be minimised, but benefits of the manufacturing process can be exploited to produce a superior product. This paper proposes a methodology to fully integrate the mechanical design and manufacturing process routes into electrical machine design and illustrates its utility within the context of light-weighting of a permanent magnet rotor for an aerospace electrical machine. Within the proposed methodology, several alternative configurations of the rotor are considered with applicable manufacturing routes identified at the initial stages of design and an analytical design procedure to fulfil the application and performance criteria is developed. Different manufacturing materials and constraints as well as the impact of manufacturing process are identified to be embedded into the design procedures. Finally, the paper demonstrates an application of this methodology together with a discussion of the features which offer promise in achieving economically lighter weight design through integration of manufacturing into the design procedure

    Geoeconomics, China, Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Future

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    Geoeconomics is developing as field of inquiry and policy guidance in Global Security Studies, Global Political Economy and International Politics. Geoeconomics requires us to think in terms of new and old transportation corridors, international trade and finance, economic development or maldevelopment in a complex unevenly developed world of political economy and great power rivalry.I offer a new modified form of realism which I call critical trans-neoclassical realism (CTNR). Consistent with this somewhat novel theory, in our complex, uneven world of international competition, technological innovation needs to be reconceptualized as a complex dynamic system with national systems facing imperatives of both competition and cooperation. There is thus a call for increased efficiency. But this might neglect urgent needs for equity and thus lead to greater polarization. I present a nonlinear complex dynamic systems model of innovation for China within which both efficiency and equity can be addressed. For the fourth industrial revolution, digital technologies based on semiconductor material foundation and AI are analyzed for China within such a system which can be called socially embedded capabilities enhancing national innovation system or SECENIS. The Chinese SECENIS that is being built for the 21st century has important regional and geoeconomic implications for the future

    A manufacturing driven design methodology to lightweighting of the structural elements of a permanent magnet electrical machine rotor

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    It is common practice for electrical machines to be designed with a focus predominantly on the electromagnetic performance. The mechanical design is then subsequently undertaken to meet various mechanical performance criteria, with this finalised design then passed on for manufacture. In many cases, the manufacturing constraints have not been taken fully into consideration during the electromagnetic or more particularly the mechanical design and hence some changes are required to the design to make it manufacturable. This in turn can lead to a non-optimal machine being manufactured. If manufacturing constraints and opportunities are regarded as key quantitative inputs to the design process, not only can these post-design changes be minimised, but benefits of the manufacturing process can be exploited to produce a superior product. This paper proposes a methodology to fully integrate the mechanical design and manufacturing process routes into electrical machine design and illustrates its utility within the context of light-weighting of a permanent magnet rotor for an aerospace electrical machine. Within the proposed methodology, several alternative configurations of the rotor are considered with applicable manufacturing routes identified at the initial stages of design and an analytical design procedure to fulfil the application and performance criteria is developed. Different manufacturing materials and constraints as well as the impact of manufacturing process are identified to be embedded into the design procedures. Finally, the paper demonstrates an application of this methodology together with a discussion of the features which offer promise in achieving economically lighter weight design through integration of manufacturing into the design procedure

    Analysis to Support Design for Additive Manufacturing with Desktop 3D Printing

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    [ES] En los últimos años, la fabricación aditiva a través de la extrusión de materiales ha experimentado un desarrollo y adopción acelerados gracias a la amplia disponibilidad de máquinas y materiales de bajo costo. El tamaño de estas máquinas se ha reducido del tamaño del taller al tamaño del escritorio, lo que permite su uso en configuraciones de oficina o en el hogar. Este cambio ha permitido la adopción de la tecnología por la gama más amplia de usuarios que nunca, con o sin experiencia en diseño de ingeniería. Este nuevo paradigma ha creado el desafío de cómo habilitar que estos nuevos usuarios aprovechen las capacidades proporcionadas por esta tecnología. Esta tecnología permite la creación de geometrías complejas y productos personalizados con un coste inferior a los procesos de fabricación convencionales. Además, la gran cantidad de usuarios dispuestos a compartir sus diseños permite encontrar soluciones de diseño desde otros diseñadores. Sin embargo, la amplia gama de configuraciones de máquina, parámetros y materiales requiere brindar soporte para obtener resultados exitosos para cualquier combinación. Esta tesis aborda este desafío identificando las características de diseño y fabricación a considerar e investigando las consideraciones mecánicas y de pos procesamiento. Se propone y evalúa un nuevo marco de diseño que permite a los nuevos usuarios aprovechar las capacidades y considerar las limitaciones. Esta investigación encuentra que es posible crear un conjunto de herramientas de diseño que permita a los usuarios no capacitados diseñar productos utilizando la complejidad habilitada por la tecnología al tiempo que garantiza la funcionalidad y la capacidad de fabricación del producto.[CA] En els últims anys, la fabricació additiva a través de l'extrusió de materials ha experimentat un desenvolupament i adopció accelerats gràcies a l'àmplia disponibilitat de màquines i materials de baix cost. La grandària d'aquestes màquines s'ha reduït de la grandària del taller a la grandària de l'escriptori, la qual cosa permet el seu ús en configuracions d'oficina o en a casa. Aquest canvi ha permés l'adopció de la tecnologia per la gamma més àmplia d'usuaris que mai, amb o sense experiència en disseny o enginyeria. Aquest nou paradigma ha creat el desafiament de com habilitar que aquests nous usuaris aprofiten les capacitats proporcionades per aquesta tecnologia. Aquesta tecnologia permet la creació de geometries complexes i productes personalitzats amb un cost inferior als processos de fabricació convencionals. A més, la gran quantitat d'usuaris disposats a compartir els seus dissenys permet trobar solucions de disseny des d'altres dissenyadors. No obstant això, l'àmplia gamma de configuracions de màquina, paràmetres i materials requereix brindar suport per a obtindre resultats reeixits per a qualsevol combinació. Aquesta tesi aborda aquest desafiament identificant les característiques de disseny i fabricació a considerar i investigant les consideracions mecàniques i de post processament. Es proposa i avalua un nou marc de disseny que permet als nous usuaris aprofitar les capacitats i considerar les limitacions. Aquesta investigació troba que és possible crear un conjunt d'eines de disseny que permeta als usuaris no capacitats dissenyar productes utilitzant la complexitat habilitada per la tecnologia al mateix temps que garanteix la funcionalitat i la capacitat de fabricació del producte.[EN] In recent years, additive manufacturing through material extrusion has experienced accelerated development and adoption thanks to the wide availability of low-cost machines and materials. The size of these machines has been reduced from shop floor to desktop size, enabling their usage in office setups or at home. This change has allowed the adoption of the technology by the broadest range of users than ever, with or without an engineering design background. This new paradigm has created the challenge of how to enable these novel users to leverage the capabilities provided by this technology. This technology allows the creation of complex geometry and customised products with a cost lower than conventional manufacturing processes. Furthermore, the large number of users willing to share their designs allows finding design solutions from other designers. However, the wide range of machine configurations, parameters and materials requires providing support to obtain successful results under any combination. This thesis addresses this challenge by identifying the design and manufacturing characteristics to be considered and investigating the mechanical and post-processing considerations. A new design framework that enables new users to leverage the capabilities and consider the limitations is proposed and evaluated. This research finds that it is possible to create a design toolkit that enables untrained users to design products using the complexity enabled by the technology whilst ensuring the product's functionality and manufacturability.Fernández Vicente, M. (2022). Analysis to Support Design for Additive Manufacturing with Desktop 3D Printing [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/185344TESI

    Intégration de modèles de caractéristiques (features) à une modélisation géométrique pour supporter l'analyse métiers

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    Ingénierie simultanée -- Conception de produit -- Approche par feature -- Problématiques -- Démarche et objectifs de recherche -- Définition des modèles géométriques -- L'organisation des données topologiques -- Le formalisme NIAM -- Date structure applied to product lifecycle -- Représentations des données métier -- Assiting designer using feature modeling for lifecycle