1,479 research outputs found

    Global crisis and its implications on the political transformation in China

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    This paper analyzes the impact of global financial and economic crisis on the process of system transformation in China. First, it details the direct impact of global growth on macroeconomic development and its indirect impact on economic transformation. Second, it analyzes the direct impact of global crisis on macroeconomic decline and its indirect impact on the prospects of political transformation. The paper builds on the basic principles and ideas of the Interactive Party-State model to introduce the concept of transformation dynamics. This concept implies the direction and speed of change of the retreating party-state sphere and the emergence of the field outside of it during the process of transformation. Using this concept a statistical survey was carried out on the economic transformation of the Chinese party-state. Results reveal the disparities of the dynamics of transformation in time, in space, and at different levels of aggregation between 1999 and 2004. A dominant type of transformation dynamics is revealed during this period and the shift of dominant type within that period, sensitive to the trend of certain economic indicators. Based on those findings, the paper projects the dominance of another type of transformation dynamics as a result of the consequences of global crisis. It also outlines the possible impact of this dynamics on the premises of political transformation.system transformation, China, economic transformation, political transformation, spatial disparities in system transformation

    The US National strategy for maritime security 2005 and its geopolitical implications on Malaysia

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    This article is written on the assumption that Malaysia---a major littoral state to the Straits of Malacca and the South China Sea---may experience a delicate diplomatic situation resulting from the preemptive character of the US National Strategy for Maritime Security 2005---NSMS 2005---which could motivate rivalry, provoke conflict, and induce war in Southeast Asia. The assumption is such because the US is now perceived to be using NSMS 2005 as its latest geopolitical tool to contain China, to safeguard its energy security geopolitics, and in anticipation of maritime-based resource war in the region. The crux of this article, therefore, is based on the question how will Malaysia maintain its balanced relations toward the US and China in the context of this geopolitical framework. As such, this article attempts to analyze the preemptive character of NSMS 2005, to ascertain the China Factor contained in it, and to examine the impacts and implications of this maritime strategy on Malaysia’s future relations with the US and China. This analysis hopes to enlighten the Malaysian government on the geopolitical consequences of NSMS 2005 and to facilitate the Malaysian government with the appropriate insights on how to mitigate these consequences through foreign policy initiatives at the national, bilateral, and multilateral levels

    Sino-Indian Relations in the Bay of Bengal.

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    The Strait of Bab El-Mandeb: stage of geopolitical disputes

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    Situated between Yemen to the Northeast and Djibouti and Eritrea to the Southwest, the Bab el-Mandeb Strait is the closest area between the Arabian Peninsula and the Horn of Africa and connects the Red Sea to the Gulf of Aden. Thirty-two kilometres wide, the strategic value of the Bab El-Mandeb Strait is associated with the fact that it is the shortest sea route between the Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean. According to data from the2019US Energy Information Administration, 6.2 million barrels of crude and refined oil flowed daily across the Bab el-Mandeb Strait toward Europe, the United States of America and Asia in 2018. On the other hand, a2017 report byChatamHouse identified 14 chokepoints that it considered critical to global food security, with the Bab ElMandeb Strait being one of the most relevant. This article aims to analyze the ongoing geopolitical disputes in this region, particularly between the USA, which maintains a strong structure, and the emerging powers, China, and Russia, which are positioning themselves to strengthen their presence. The results show that this competition, at the global level, exists and is even in an upward cycle

    Implementation of Indonesia's Sea Defense Strategy Policy In Facing Military Threats to Support Sea Power

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    Indonesia in realizing the World Maritime Axis country requires good physical and mental conditions where all elements greatly affect the performance and performance of the country in carrying out defense and security in order to achieve national goals. This article uses a qualitative method. Regarding the Implementation of the Archipelago Sea Defense Strategy Policy in Facing Military Threats to Support Sea Power. Using the theory of policy implementation according to Edward III, namely Communication, Resources, Disposition and Bureaucratic Structure. To obtain data using the Library Research method, which includes the use of books, scientific journals, trade publications, magazines, newspapers, the internet, and artifacts. That when viewed based on Edward III's first policy implementation theory of communication that good communication will bring Indonesia into defense diplomatically with the country concerned without having to go to war, disposition requires Indonesia to take an active role in collective security efforts in the ASEAN Regional region so as to create decisions that can be mutually agreed upon in cases of territorial waters or state borders in the ASEAN Regional region, resources require Indonesia to understand the current threat spectrum that the glass of power of great power countries has occurred in the region so that the government must take the right steps in fulfilling both human resources and defense equipment, and finally the bureaucratic structure where all elements responsible for marine security must take part in maintaining marine security and defense and minimizing the egocentricity of each institution in order to achieve national goal


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    Along with economic development of a country, the sphere of the national interests are automatically cultivates. China, with the rapid economy development, has been undergoing military modernization in order to protect their national interests better. Indo-Pacific region as one of the most crucial region in the world, dynamically, has been evolved into major powers countries’ favorite region particularly the maritime sector. Australia, which located inside the Indo-Pacific region as well as the one that puts most of the national interests in the region, has been aware that China’s military modernization can not be fully perceived as “peaceful rise†due to uncertain future circumstances.  The purpose of this research is to examine the maritime defense strategy response of Australia regarding China’s military modernization in Indo-Pacific region. This research provides further explanation regarding Australia’s standpoint in Indo-Pacific region, China’s military modernization and the sphere of influence in Indo-Pacific, and most importantly—the analysis of Australia’s implementation of the maritime defense strategy in responding China’s military modernization in the region.   Keywords:  Maritime strategy, China’s Military Modernization, Indo-Pacific, Defense Strategy, National Interests, Naval Power.     Abstrak   Seiring dengan perkembangan ekonomi suatu negara, bidang kepentingan nasional berkembang secara otomatis. China, dengan perkembangan ekonomi yang pesat, telah menjalani modernisasi militer untuk melindungi kepentingan nasional mereka dengan lebih baik. Kawasan Indo-Pasifik sebagai salah satu wilayah paling krusial di dunia, secara dinamis, telah berkembang menjadi favorit negara-negara besar terutama untuk sektor maritimnya. Australia, yang berada di dalam wilayah Indo-Pasifik dan juga negara yang menempatkan sebagian besar kepentingan nasional di kawasan ini, telah menyadari bahwa modernisasi militer China tidak dapat sepenuhnya dianggap sebagai "pembangunan damai" karena keadaan masa depan yang tidak pasti. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji respons strategi pertahanan maritim Australia mengenai modernisasi militer China di wilayah Indo-Pasifik. Penelitian ini akan memberikan penjelasan lebih lanjut mengenai sudut pandang Australia di wilayah Indo-Pasifik, modernisasi militer China dan lingkungan pengaruhnya di Indo-Pasifik, dan yang paling penting—analisis implementasi strategi pertahanan maritim Australia dalam menanggapi modernisasi militer China di wilayah tersebut.   Kata kunci: Maritim Australia, Modernisasi Militer China, Indo-Pasifik, Strategi Pertahanan, Minat Nasional, Kekuatan Angkatan Laut

    Relations between a Country and a Continent: China and Africa. A first and not a simple matter......

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    Through this contribution of a geopolitical approach, the author intends to propose an updated and accurate framework on the relations between China and Africa as well as some critical reflections on various geopolitical and geo-economic aspects concerning the intense development of the diversified economic relations between China and the different African States. China's foreign economic policy in Africa has laid solid foundations through the implementation of the various Sino-African Cooperation Forums that have taken place since 2000 and that have seen an increasing involvement of the Chinese government in the process. This paper intends to make a brief reflection on China's visible economic and geopolitical interest in the African Continent as a whole. The analysis that follows traces the main stages in the history of relations between China and Africa, emphasizing the increased importance of the Sino-African forums that led to what is now known as Chinese neo-colonization. In addition, the case studies of the Silk Road and the Rare Lands are highlighted. Finally, some of the social impacts of the Chinese presence in Africa are also examined such as the construction of new cities for the Chinese migrant population and the teaching of the Chinese language (Mandarin) in schools in some African Countries

    New Perspectives on the BRICS Countries: Domestic and International Challenges

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    Circumventing Sanctions: The Impact of Sino-Iranian Relations On Iran Within The Middle-East Power Constellation (Case Study of Iran-Israel Proxy War in Syria)

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    Due to its hostile behavior in the Middle East, Iran has been sanctioned severely by the international community. Despite isolation attempts by the international community, Iran is nevertheless regarded as a powerhouse in the regional power constellation, owing to its actions in the Middle-Eastern proxy wars. Acknowledging the anomaly of Iran’s capabilities in spite of heavy sanctions, this research arguably shows how Sino-Iranian relations paves the way for Iran to circumvent sanctions. Subsequent to learning about China’s support for Iran, this research questions if the aforementioned support has an impact on Iran’s actions and status within the regional power constellation. Furthermore, this research also questions the influence of Iran and China’s relations towards the former’s ability in pursuing its aims through the Syrian proxy war against Israel in the account of international sanctions and condemnations. Guided by the concept of balancing by Stephen M. Walt and  an exploitative model of proxy warfare theory, this research finds the Sino-Iranian relations as having a significant effect towards improving Tehran’s capabilities and acquisition of power in the Middle-East power constellation. Moreover, concerning the Iran-Israel proxy war, China’s actions are proven to mainly affect Iran and the Syrian civil war within the political sphere.Akibat perilaku agresifnya di Timur Tengah, Iran telah dikenakan sanksi berat oleh komunitas internasional. Namun, meski sudah terdapat berbagai upaya yang dilakukan oleh komunitas internasional untuk mengisolasinya, Iran tetap dianggap sebagai kekuatan besar dalam konstelasi kekuatan regional karena keterlibatannya dalam perang proksi di Timur Tengah. Menyadari sebuah anomali pada kemampuan Iran meski telah diberikan berbagai sanksi, penelitian ini menunjukkan bagaimana hubungan Tiongkok-Iran membuka jalan bagi Iran untuk mengelakkan beberapa sanksi tersebut. Setelah mengetahui tentang dukungan Tiongkok untuk Iran, penelitian ini mempertanyakan apakah dukungan tersebut memiliki dampak pada tindakan dan status Iran dalam konstelasi kekuatan regional. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga mempertanyakan pengaruh hubungan Iran dan Tiongkok terhadap kemampuan Iran dalam mengejar tujuannya melawan Israel melalui perang proksi di Suriah dibawah sanksi dan kecaman internasional. Dipandu oleh konsep balancing karya Stephen M. Walt dan model eksploitatif dari teori perang proksi, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa hubungan Tiongkok-Iran memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan pada peningkatan kemampuan serta perolehan kekuasaan Iran dalam konstelasi kekuatan di Timur Tengah. Ditambah lagi, terkait perang proksi Iran dan Israel, tindakan Tiongkok terbukti cenderung  mempengaruhi perang sipil Suriah di ranah politik