853 research outputs found

    Structural Analysis: Shape Information via Points-To Computation

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    This paper introduces a new hybrid memory analysis, Structural Analysis, which combines an expressive shape analysis style abstract domain with efficient and simple points-to style transfer functions. Using data from empirical studies on the runtime heap structures and the programmatic idioms used in modern object-oriented languages we construct a heap analysis with the following characteristics: (1) it can express a rich set of structural, shape, and sharing properties which are not provided by a classic points-to analysis and that are useful for optimization and error detection applications (2) it uses efficient, weakly-updating, set-based transfer functions which enable the analysis to be more robust and scalable than a shape analysis and (3) it can be used as the basis for a scalable interprocedural analysis that produces precise results in practice. The analysis has been implemented for .Net bytecode and using this implementation we evaluate both the runtime cost and the precision of the results on a number of well known benchmarks and real world programs. Our experimental evaluations show that the domain defined in this paper is capable of precisely expressing the majority of the connectivity, shape, and sharing properties that occur in practice and, despite the use of weak updates, the static analysis is able to precisely approximate the ideal results. The analysis is capable of analyzing large real-world programs (over 30K bytecodes) in less than 65 seconds and using less than 130MB of memory. In summary this work presents a new type of memory analysis that advances the state of the art with respect to expressive power, precision, and scalability and represents a new area of study on the relationships between and combination of concepts from shape and points-to analyses

    Heap Reference Analysis Using Access Graphs

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    Despite significant progress in the theory and practice of program analysis, analysing properties of heap data has not reached the same level of maturity as the analysis of static and stack data. The spatial and temporal structure of stack and static data is well understood while that of heap data seems arbitrary and is unbounded. We devise bounded representations which summarize properties of the heap data. This summarization is based on the structure of the program which manipulates the heap. The resulting summary representations are certain kinds of graphs called access graphs. The boundedness of these representations and the monotonicity of the operations to manipulate them make it possible to compute them through data flow analysis. An important application which benefits from heap reference analysis is garbage collection, where currently liveness is conservatively approximated by reachability from program variables. As a consequence, current garbage collectors leave a lot of garbage uncollected, a fact which has been confirmed by several empirical studies. We propose the first ever end-to-end static analysis to distinguish live objects from reachable objects. We use this information to make dead objects unreachable by modifying the program. This application is interesting because it requires discovering data flow information representing complex semantics. In particular, we discover four properties of heap data: liveness, aliasing, availability, and anticipability. Together, they cover all combinations of directions of analysis (i.e. forward and backward) and confluence of information (i.e. union and intersection). Our analysis can also be used for plugging memory leaks in C/C++ languages.Comment: Accepted for printing by ACM TOPLAS. This version incorporates referees' comment

    Interprocedural Specialization of Higher-Order Dynamic Languages Without Static Analysis

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    Function duplication is widely used by JIT compilers to efficiently implement dynamic languages. When the source language supports higher order functions, the called function\u27s identity is not generally known when compiling a call site, thus limiting the use of function duplication. This paper presents a JIT compilation technique enabling function duplication in the presence of higher order functions. Unlike existing techniques, our approach uses dynamic dispatch at call sites instead of relying on a conservative analysis to discover function identity. We have implemented the technique in a JIT compiler for Scheme. Experiments show that it is efficient at removing type checks, allowing the removal of almost all the run time type checks for several benchmarks. This allows the compiler to generate code up to 50% faster. We show that the technique can be used to duplicate functions using other run time information opening up new applications such as register allocation based duplication and aggressive inlining

    Simple optimizing JIT compilation of higher-order dynamic programming languages

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    Implémenter efficacement les langages de programmation dynamiques demande beaucoup d’effort de développement. Les compilateurs ne cessent de devenir de plus en plus complexes. Aujourd’hui, ils incluent souvent une phase d’interprétation, plusieurs phases de compilation, plusieurs représentations intermédiaires et des analyses de code. Toutes ces techniques permettent d’implémenter efficacement un langage de programmation dynamique, mais leur mise en oeuvre est difficile dans un contexte où les ressources de développement sont limitées. Nous proposons une nouvelle approche et de nouvelles techniques dynamiques permettant de développer des compilateurs performants pour les langages dynamiques avec de relativement bonnes performances et un faible effort de développement. Nous présentons une approche simple de compilation à la volée qui permet d’implémenter un langage en une seule phase de compilation, sans transformation vers des représentations intermédiaires. Nous expliquons comment le versionnement de blocs de base, une technique de compilation existante, peut être étendue, sans effort de développement significatif, pour fonctionner interprocéduralement avec les langages de programmation d’ordre supérieur, permettant d’appliquer des optimisations interprocédurales sur ces langages. Nous expliquons également comment le versionnement de blocs de base permet de supprimer certaines opérations utilisées pour implémenter les langages dynamiques et qui impactent les performances comme les vérifications de type. Nous expliquons aussi comment les compilateurs peuvent exploiter les représentations dynamiques des valeurs par Tagging et NaN-boxing pour optimiser le code généré avec peu d’effort de développement. Nous présentons également notre expérience de développement d’un compilateur à la volée pour le langage de programmation Scheme, pour montrer que ces techniques permettent effectivement de construire un compilateur avec un effort moins important que les compilateurs actuels et qu’elles permettent de générer du code efficace, qui rivalise avec les meilleures implémentations du langage Scheme.Efficiently implementing dynamic programming languages requires a significant development effort. Over the years, compilers have become more complex. Today, they typically include an interpretation phase, several compilation phases, several intermediate representations and code analyses. These techniques allow efficiently implementing these programming languages but are difficult to implement in contexts in which development resources are limited. We propose a new approach and new techniques to build optimizing just-in-time compilers for dynamic languages with relatively good performance and low development effort. We present a simple just-in-time compilation approach to implement a language with a single compilation phase, without the need to use code transformations to intermediate representations. We explain how basic block versioning, an existing compilation technique, can be extended without significant development effort, to work interprocedurally with higherorder programming languages allowing interprocedural optimizations on these languages. We also explain how basic block versioning allows removing operations used to implement dynamic languages that degrade performance, such as type checks, and how compilers can use Tagging and NaN-boxing to optimize the generated code with low development effort. We present our experience of building a JIT compiler using these techniques for the Scheme programming language to show that they indeed allow building compilers with less development effort than other implementations and that they allow generating efficient code that competes with current mature implementations of the Scheme language

    Introspective Pushdown Analysis of Higher-Order Programs

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    In the static analysis of functional programs, pushdown flow analysis and abstract garbage collection skirt just inside the boundaries of soundness and decidability. Alone, each method reduces analysis times and boosts precision by orders of magnitude. This work illuminates and conquers the theoretical challenges that stand in the way of combining the power of these techniques. The challenge in marrying these techniques is not subtle: computing the reachable control states of a pushdown system relies on limiting access during transition to the top of the stack; abstract garbage collection, on the other hand, needs full access to the entire stack to compute a root set, just as concrete collection does. \emph{Introspective} pushdown systems resolve this conflict. Introspective pushdown systems provide enough access to the stack to allow abstract garbage collection, but they remain restricted enough to compute control-state reachability, thereby enabling the sound and precise product of pushdown analysis and abstract garbage collection. Experiments reveal synergistic interplay between the techniques, and the fusion demonstrates "better-than-both-worlds" precision.Comment: Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming, 2012, AC

    Detecting Semantic Conflicts using Static Analysis

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    Version control system tools empower developers to independently work on their development tasks. These tools also facilitate the integration of changes through merging operations, and report textual conflicts. However, when developers integrate their changes, they might encounter other types of conflicts that are not detected by current merge tools. In this paper, we focus on dynamic semantic conflicts, which occur when merging reports no textual conflicts but results in undesired interference - causing unexpected program behavior at runtime. To address this issue, we propose a technique that explores the use of static analysis to detect interference when merging contributions from two developers. We evaluate our technique using a dataset of 99 experimental units extracted from merge scenarios. The results provide evidence that our technique presents significant interference detection capability. It outperforms, in terms of F1 score and recall, previous methods that rely on dynamic analysis for detecting semantic conflicts, but these show better precision. Our technique precision is comparable to the ones observed in other studies that also leverage static analysis or use theorem proving techniques to detect semantic conflicts, albeit with significantly improved overall performance

    Efficient control flow quantification

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