685 research outputs found

    Using Wearable Devices in Educational Assessment: Smartphone Exams

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    We are residing in a planet where technology is contemporary in our life routines. Today, smartphones are one of the vastest revolutions in individuals’ lifespans. Smartphones are becoming increasingly popular, both in formal and informal educational environments. This chapter discusses the benefits and obstacles in using smartphones as an assessment tools and it compares the achievement of exams delivered via smart phones to paper-based exams. The result of the study indicates that; there was a significant difference between three groups of English Paper Exams, however there was not any significant difference between these groups on English Language Mobile Exams

    The Impact of Smartphone Addiction on Academic Performance of Higher Education Students

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    The study aims to investigate the impact of smart phones addiction on academic performance of college students. For the purpose, we have used “Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)” in investigating the academic performance. Moreover, the study also emphasized that whether smart phone self-efficacy, interaction competency and behavioral intention influences the academic performance of college students in positive way and negative way using that TPB model, data are collected from the students of Iqra University north campus using quantitative research. In this research we have used correlation design because we have studied relationship between Smartphone self-efficacy (SSE), interaction competency (IC), behavioral intention (BI) and Academic performance (AA). This design tells us how much independent variables (SSE, IC and BI) impact on dependent variable (AA). From the finding we came to know that there is a positive relationship between behavioral intention and academic performance. This proves that until and unless students are not intrinsically motivated, they cannot use smart phone in a positive way…… The limitation of the study is; the study is carried out by the students of university due to limited time period. Moreover, time constrains also act as a barrier in collecting many responses. Hence, the sample size might not be appropriate to increase the generalizability of this paper. Therefore, the study can’t apply on other regions. Furthermore, more variables should be taken into consideration to examine the overall Smartphone impact in a holistic way

    The Impact of Smartphone Addiction on Academic Performance of Higher Education Students

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    The study aims to investigate the impact of smart phones addiction on academic performance of college students. For the purpose, we have used “Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)” in investigating the academic performance. Moreover, the study also emphasized that whether smart phone self-efficacy, interaction competency and behavioral intention influences the academic performance of college students in positive way and negative way using that TPB model, data are collected from the students of Iqra University north campus using quantitative research. In this research we have used correlation design because we have studied relationship between Smartphone self-efficacy (SSE), interaction competency (IC), behavioral intention (BI) and Academic performance (AA). This design tells us how much independent variables (SSE, IC and BI) impact on dependent variable (AA). From the finding we came to know that there is a positive relationship between behavioral intention and academic performance. This proves that until and unless students are not intrinsically motivated, they cannot use smart phone in a positive way…… The limitation of the study is; the study is carried out by the students of university due to limited time period. Moreover, time constrains also act as a barrier in collecting many responses. Hence, the sample size might not be appropriate to increase the generalizability of this paper. Therefore, the study can’t apply on other regions. Furthermore, more variables should be taken into consideration to examine the overall Smartphone impact in a holistic way

    Use of Mobile Phone and In-Vehicle Interaction: A Case study among selected students in Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria

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    Mobile phone use among university students is now pervasively altering their social interaction with others. The study investigated the influence of mobile phone use among commuting University Students on their interaction with co-travellers and the environment through which they travel. Three hundred students of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria were purposively sampled to respond to a 10-minute questionnaire. The questionnaire contained questions such as ownership of mobile phones, type and number of phones owned, frequency of usage and the influence of mobile phone usage during transit on interaction between the students and their co-travelers and with the environment they traveled through. Results showed that all the respondents possessed at least one mobile phone. In addition, results revealed a negative correlation between time of use of mobile phone and interaction with co-travelers (α=0.05, r= -0.039) and no significant correlation between length of use of mobile phone and interaction with the environment (α=0.05, r=0.079). The study established that mobile phone intrusiveness has an influence on students' interaction during commuting

    إثر استخدام شبكات التواصل الاجتماعية على الأداء الأكاديمي للطلبة

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    Social Network Sites (SNSs) are widely used by university students these days. The underlying reasons behind this use vary between academic and nonacademic purposes. The question is whether this use influences the students\u27 academic performance or not. The aim of this study is to answer this question by examining the impact of five potential variables on the use of SNS, and the influence of this usage on the students\u27 academic performance at Palestine Technical University-Kadoorie (PTUK). Five variables are included: the gender, age, faculty, duration of use, and computer self-efficacy. Stratified sampling technique was used to gather the required data, 369 valid survey items were retrieved and analyzed using SPSS 20.0. The findings revealed thatamong the five variables, only students\u27 faculty and computer self-efficacy have positive influence on SNS use, and SNS use has positive influence on students\u27 academic performance. The researchers recommend that PTUK should adopt strategies that direct students\u27 use of SNS in beneficial ways

    Educational Motives and Perceived Educational Consequences as Predictors of Facebook Usage

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    This study proposes a model and validates it with the help of uses and gratifications theory, displacement theory and the individual differences theory. The tenets of the proposed model are: the associations of the educational motives with Facebook use; the association of perceived consequences resulting from Facebook use with the Facebook use; the interactional effect of the weekly time patterns and gender for Facebook use; the interactional effect of the daily and weekly time patterns for the educational motives for Facebook use; and the interactional effect of the daily and weekly time patterns for the perceived consequences resulting from Facebook use among university students in Lahore. By using convenience sampling technique, students are selected from the population of educational institutions in Lahore. The variance explained in the dependent variable of motives for Facebook usage and the perceived consequences is 22.9%. Both variables of educational motives (β = .402) and the perceived consequences (β = .200) have made significant contribution to the prediction of Facebook usage but the former has made the unique one. Male students are using Facebook more than the female students (η2 = .01). The interaction effect of daily and weekly time patterns have small effects on educational motives (η2 = .038) and the perceived consequences (η2 = .032). Facebook is found empowering the students for the educational motives, however university students perceive that Facebook use has consequences when they use it for more than two hours in different parts of the day

    Smartphone use and academic performance : a literature review

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    We present the first systematic review of the scientific literature on smartphone use and academic success. We synthesise the theoretical mechanisms, empirical approaches, and empirical findings described in the multidisciplinary literature to date. Our analysis of the literature reveals a predominance of empirical results supporting a negative association between students’ frequency of smartphone use and their academic success. However, the strength of this association is heterogeneous by (a) the method of data gathering, (b) the measures of academic performance used in the analysis, and (c) the measures of smartphone use adopted. The main limitation identified in the literature is that the reported associations cannot be given a causal interpretation. Based on the reviewed findings and limitations, directions for further research are discussed

    Соціальні медіа – на межі між особистим і професійним розвитком

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    Introduction. Social media steadily and constantly envelops all aspects of peoples' lives. Thus it is of crucial importance to investigate and measure social media activities' impact on their inclusion in the formation of today’s and future societies as more and more online activities have been incorporated in real life personal and professional activities. Aim and tasks. This article explores the new trends in people’s activities at the workplace and outlines the main concerns regarding keeping the line between personal and professional online activities. Results. Social media are now an integral part of the everyday life of modern man. Since a person spends most of their day at work or in pursuit of their profession, they also seek to engage in personal activities within the working day (talking on the phone with family or friends, shopping online, reading news etc.). A user is created with features specific to the internet generation. This new type of user has specific features that allow researchers to talk about the emergence of a next-generation user. The Next Generation User is a person who has access to the Internet from multiple locations and devices.The rapid penetration of social media in people's everyday life implies a greater impact on all users' real-life and online activities. Evidence of the latter can be found in very common situations when users upload photos or videos from parties or events in real time not always tacking into consideration the possible outcomes for their personal and professional lives. Conclusions. Managers consider that workers should focus more not only on the technical limitation of the exchange in of information on social media but also on a better personal judgment about the nature and volume of the shared information. The intensity of social media activities of the workers is monitored actively by employers and coworkers alike and can be seen as an indicator of low efficiency or irresponsible personality. With the fast development of wireless mobile telecommunications technology and the growing multitude of mobile apps online activities become a real threat for workers’ productivity and the development of workplace culture.Вступ. Соціальні медіа незмінно і постійно охоплюють всі сторони життя людей. Таким чином, вкрай важливо дослідити і виміряти вплив діяльності соціальних мереж на їхнє включення в формування сьогоднішніх і майбутніх суспільств, оскільки все більше і більше онлайн-дій включається в реальну особисту і професійну діяльність. Мета і завдання. У цій статті розглядаються нові тенденції в діяльності людей на робочому місці і викладаються основні проблеми, що стосуються дотримання межі між особистою та професійною онлайн-діяльністю. Результати. Соціальні мережі тепер є невід'ємною частиною повсякденного життя сучасної людини. Оскільки людина проводить більшу частину свого дня на роботі або в пошуках своєї професії, він також прагне займатися особистою діяльністю протягом робочого дня (розмовляти по телефону з сім'єю або друзями, робити покупки в Інтернеті, читати новини і т.п.). Користувач створено з функціями, характерними для покоління в Інтернеті. Цей новий тип користувачів має специфічні особливості, які дозволяють дослідникам говорити про появу користувача наступного покоління. Користувач наступного покоління  – це людина, яка має доступ до Інтернету з різних місць і з різних пристроїв. Швидке проникнення соціальних мереж в повсякденне життя людей тягне за собою великий вплив на реальну і онлайн-активність всіх користувачів. Свідоцтво останнього можна знайти в дуже поширених ситуаціях, коли користувачі завантажують фотографії або відео з вечірок або подій в режимі реального часу, не завжди беручи до уваги можливі результати свого особистого та професійного життя. Висновки. Менеджери вважають, що працівникам слід приділяти більше уваги не тільки технічному обмеженню обміну інформацією в соціальних мережах, але і покращенню особистого судження про характер і обсяги переданої інформації. Активність соціальних працівників в соціальних мережах активно відстежується як роботодавцями, так і колегами, і може розглядатися як показник низької ефективності або безвідповідальністю особистості. У зв'язку з швидким розвитком технологій бездротового мобільного зв'язку і зростаючою безліччю мобільних додатків он-лайнові дії стають реальною загрозою для продуктивності працівників і розвитку культури робочого місця

    Analysis of Parameters Affecting The Smart Phone Design By Using Fuzzy Kano Model

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    Mobile phones have been popular by providing with access to the internet based on evolving technology. On the global market, various companies offer different mobile phone designs with various product features. However, the significance of these features with regards to customer expectations and perception is uncertain. For this, within the scope of this study, it is aimed to classify mobile phone design features in the direction of user perception and expectation. This will allow manufacturers to develop customer expectation and perception oriented designs. In the scope of the study, the telephone design parameters were classified by using fuzzy Kano Model and the obtained classification was compared with results obtained from classic Kano Model. Kano Model surveys have been prepared to define the importance of user-oriented features in the mobile phone designs that have been recently introduced to the market and these surveys have been applied to 118 participants between 18-35 years old

    Innovation in protected area governance: competing models and their impact in different places

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