215 research outputs found

    Diagonally Neighbour Transitive Codes and Frequency Permutation Arrays

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    Constant composition codes have been proposed as suitable coding schemes to solve the narrow band and impulse noise problems associated with powerline communication. In particular, a certain class of constant composition codes called frequency permutation arrays have been suggested as ideal, in some sense, for these purposes. In this paper we characterise a family of neighbour transitive codes in Hamming graphs in which frequency permutation arrays play a central rode. We also classify all the permutation codes generated by groups in this family

    On the number of 1-perfect binary codes: a lower bound

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    We present a construction of 1-perfect binary codes, which gives a new lower bound on the number of such codes. We conjecture that this lower bound is asymptotically tight.Comment: 5pp(Eng)+7pp(Rus) V2: revised V3: + Russian version, + reference

    Automorphism groups of Grassmann codes

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    We use a theorem of Chow (1949) on line-preserving bijections of Grassmannians to determine the automorphism group of Grassmann codes. Further, we analyze the automorphisms of the big cell of a Grassmannian and then use it to settle an open question of Beelen et al. (2010) concerning the permutation automorphism groups of affine Grassmann codes. Finally, we prove an analogue of Chow's theorem for the case of Schubert divisors in Grassmannians and then use it to determine the automorphism group of linear codes associated to such Schubert divisors. In the course of this work, we also give an alternative short proof of MacWilliams theorem concerning the equivalence of linear codes and a characterization of maximal linear subspaces of Schubert divisors in Grassmannians.Comment: revised versio

    Binary Hamming codes and Boolean designs

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    In this paper we consider a finite-dimensional vector space P over the Galois field GF(2), and the family Bk (respectively, B 17k) of all the k-sets of elements of P (respectively, of P 17=P 16{0}) summing up to zero. We compute the parameters of the 3-design (P,Bk) for any (necessarily even) k, and of the 2-design (P 17,B 17k) for any k. Also, we find a new proof for the weight distribution of the binary Hamming code. Moreover, we find the automorphism groups of the above designs by characterizing the permutations of P, respectively of P 17, that induce permutations of Bk, respectively of B 17k. In particular, this allows one to relax the definitions of the permutation automorphism groups of the binary Hamming code and of the extended binary Hamming code as the groups of permutations that preserve just the codewords of a given Hamming weight

    An enumeration of 1-perfect ternary codes

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    We study codes with parameters of the ternary Hamming (n=(3m1)/2,3nm,3)(n=(3^m-1)/2,3^{n-m},3) code, i.e., ternary 11-perfect codes. The rank of the code is defined to be the dimension of its affine span. We characterize ternary 11-perfect codes of rank nm+1n-m+1, count their number, and prove that all such codes can be obtained from each other by a sequence of two-coordinate switchings. We enumerate ternary 11-perfect codes of length 1313 obtained by concatenation from codes of lengths 99 and 44; we find that there are 9324132793241327 equivalence classes of such codes. Keywords: perfect codes, ternary codes, concatenation, switching