5 research outputs found

    Towards exploring future landscapes using augmented reality

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    With increasing pressure to better manage the environment many government and private organisations are studying the relationships between social, economic and environmental factors to determine how they can best be optimised for increased sustainability. The analysis of such relationships are undertaken using computer-based Integrated Catchment Models (ICM). These models are capable of generating multiple scenarios depicting alternative land use alternatives at a variety of temporal and spatial scales, which present (potentially) better Triple-Bottom Line (TBL) outcomes than the prevailing situation. Dissemination of this data is (for the most part) reliant on traditional, static map products however, the ability of such products to display the complexity and temporal aspects is limited and ultimately undervalues both the knowledge incorporated in the models and the capacity of stakeholders to disseminate the complexities through other means. Geovisualization provides tools and methods for disseminating large volumes of spatial (and associated non-spatial) data. Virtual Environments (VE) have been utilised for various aspects of landscape planning for more than a decade. While such systems are capable of visualizing large volumes of data at ever-increasing levels of realism, they restrict the users ability to accurately perceive the (virtual) space. Augmented Reality (AR) is a visualization technique which allows users freedom to explore a physical space and have that space augmented with additional, spatially referenced information. A review of existing mobile AR systems forms the basis of this research. A theoretical mobile outdoor AR system using Common-Of-The-Shelf (COTS) hardware and open-source software is developed. The specific requirements for visualizing land use scenarios in a mobile AR system were derived using a usability engineering approach known as Scenario-Based Design (SBD). This determined the elements required in the user interfaces resulting in the development of a low-fidelity, computer-based prototype. The prototype user interfaces were evaluated using participants from two targeted stakeholder groups undertaking hypothetical use scenarios. Feedback from participants was collected using the cognitive walk-through technique and supplemented by evaluator observations of participants physical actions. Results from this research suggest that the prototype user interfaces did provide the necessary functionality for interacting with land use scenarios. While there were some concerns about the potential implementation of "yet another" system, participants were able to envisage the benefits of visualizing land use scenario data in the physical environment

    My neighbourhood: Studying perceptions of urban space and neighbourhood with moblogging

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    We describe a novel methodology that examines perceptions of urban space, and present a study using this methodology that explores peopleā€™s perceptions of their neighbourhood. Previous studies of spatial cues have involved a variety of tasks such as pointing and sketching to externalise participantsā€™ internal spatial maps. Our methodology extends these approaches by introducing mobile technologies alongside traditional materials and tasks. Participants use mobile phones to carry out self-guided neighbourhood tours. We collected rich qualitative data from 15 participants during two workshops and a self-directed neighbourhood tour. Our study highlights the use of public and private landmarks, differences in spatial maps of rural versus urban dwellers, and individual variance in orientation strategies. These themes suggest guidelines for the design of technologies with personalised spatial profiles

    Uso de mapas 3D para navegaĆ§Ć£o virtual

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    Resumo: O uso de representaƧƵes cartogrĆ”ficas em trĆŖs dimensƵes reĆŗne as vantagens dos avanƧos tecnolĆ³gicos para a manipulaĆ§Ć£o e armazenamento de dados espaciais. No entanto, o conhecimento cartogrĆ”fico necessĆ”rio para construir essas representaƧƵes nĆ£o se desenvolveu como as tecnologias para construir estas representaƧƵes. Como conseqĆ¼ĆŖncia, nĆ£o existem princĆ­pios gerais para projetos cartogrĆ”ficos 3D e equĆ­vocos no processo de contruĆ§Ć£o destes mapas podem restringir ou atĆ© mesmo impossibilitar a comunicaĆ§Ć£o cartogrĆ”fica adequada das posiƧƵes das feiƧƵes representadas e suas relaƧƵes espaciais. Uma tarefa comum de uso de mapas 3D Ć© a navegaĆ§Ć£o virtual, realizada atravĆ©s de mapas topogrĆ”ficos. A navegaĆ§Ć£o pode ser definida como o processo pelo qual o usuĆ”rio determina a sua posiĆ§Ć£o e orientaĆ§Ć£o relativas a outros elementos da paisagem e usa esse conhecimento para chegar a outros locais. Entretanto, a determinaĆ§Ć£o da orientaĆ§Ć£o relativa nĆ£o Ć© uma tarefa trivial em ambientes virtuais. Este problema Ć© agravado pela falta de conhecimento de como os usuĆ”rios reagem Ć  perspectiva da representaĆ§Ć£o e Ć s diferenƧas perceptivas em relaĆ§Ć£o ao mapa topogrĆ”fico convencional. Por isso existe a necessidade de adaptaĆ§Ć£o das representaƧƵes cartogrĆ”ficas para o ambiente 3D. Na literatura podem ser encontradas algumas ferramentas de navegaĆ§Ć£o propostas, geralmente, como ferramentas eletrĆ“nicas anĆ”logas Ć s utilizadas para navegar em ambientes reais. Entretanto, pouco se tem discutido em relaĆ§Ć£o Ć  soluĆ§Ć£o de linguagem cartogrĆ”fica para apoiar as tarefas geogrĆ”ficas. Esta pesquisa propƵe o uso de algumas das variĆ”veis visuais da cartografia temĆ”tica para a construĆ§Ć£o da simbologia e avalia a influĆŖncia destas na realizaĆ§Ć£o da navegaĆ§Ć£o virtual. Para alcanƧar este objetivo, a pesquisa apresenta uma metodologia de teste que combina tĆ©cnicas qualitativas e quantitativas para mensurar o grau de sucesso da proposiĆ§Ć£o e apontar algumas soluƧƵes para problemas de navegaĆ§Ć£o virtual. Os resultados apontam diferentes graus de percepĆ§Ć£o das variĆ”veis visuais no processo de diferenciaĆ§Ć£o de pontos de referĆŖncia. AlĆ©m disso, foram encontradas correlaƧƵes com eficiĆŖncia da navegaĆ§Ć£o com mapas 3D e as capacidades individuais de localizaĆ§Ć£o, definiĆ§Ć£o de hierarquias e a limitaĆ§Ć£o de regiƵes na vista perspectiva