6,849 research outputs found

    The Evaluation of a Hybrid Critiquing System with Preference-based Recommendations Organization

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    The critiquing-based recommender system mainly aims to guide users to make an accurate and confident decision, while requiring them to consume a low level of effort. We have previously found that the hybrid critiquing system of combining the strengths from both system-proposed critiques and user self-motivated critiquing facility can highly improve users ’ subjective perceptions such as their decision confidence and trusting intentions. In this paper, we continue to investigate how to further reduce users ’ objective decision effort (e.g. time consumption) in such system by increasing the critique prediction accuracy of the system-proposed critiques. By means of real user evaluation, we proved that a new hybrid critiquing system design that integrates the preferencebased recommendations organization technique for critiques suggestion can effectively help to increase the proposed critiques’ application frequency and significantly contribute to saving users’ task time and interaction effort

    User decision improvement and trust building in product recommender systems

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    As online stores are offering an almost unlimited shelf space, users must increasingly rely on product search and recommender systems to find their most preferred products and decide which item is the truly best one to buy. However, much research work has emphasized on developing and improving the underlying algorithms whereas many of the user issues such as preference elicitation and trust formation received little attention. In this thesis, we aim at designing and evaluating various decision technologies, with emphases on how to improve users' decision accuracy with intelligent preference elicitation and revision tools, and how to build their competence-inspired subjective constructs via trustworthy recommender interfaces. Specifically, two primary technologies are proposed: one is called example critiquing agents aimed to stimulate users to conduct tradeoff navigation and freely specify feedback criteria to example products; another termed as preference-based organization interfaces designed to take two roles: explaining to users why and how the recommendations are computed and displayed, and suggesting critique suggestions to guide users to understand existing tradeoff potentials and to make concrete decision navigations from the top candidate for better choices. To evaluate the two technologies' true performance and benefits to real-users, an evaluation framework was first established, that includes important assessment standards such as the objective/subjective accuracy-effort measures and trust-related subjective aspects (e.g., competence perceptions and behavioral intentions). Based on the evaluation framework, a series of nine experiments has been conducted and most of them were participated by real-users. Three user studies focused on the example critiquing (EC) agent, which first identified the significant impact of tradeoff process with the help of EC on users' decision accuracy improvement, and then in depth explored the advantage of multi-item strategy (for critiquing coverage) against single-item display, and higher user-control level reflected by EC in supporting users to freely compose critiquing criteria for both simple and complex tradeoffs. Another three experiments studied the preference-based organization technique. Regarding its explanation role, a carefully conducted user survey and a significant-scale quantitative evaluation both demonstrated that it can be likely to increase users' competence perception and return intention, and reduce their cognitive effort in information searching, relative to the traditional "why" explanation method in ranked list views. In addition, a retrospective simulation revealed its superior algorithm accuracy in predicting critiques and product choices that real-users intended to make, in comparison with other typical critiquing generation approaches. Motivated by the empirically findings in terms of the two technologies' respective strengths, a hybrid system has been developed with the purpose of combining them into a single application. The final three experiments evaluated its two design versions and particularly validated the hybrid system's universal effectiveness among people from different types of cultural backgrounds: oriental culture and western culture. In the end, a set of design guidelines is derived from all of the experimental results. They should be helpful for the development of a preference-based recommender system, making it capable of practically benefiting its users in improving decision accuracy, expending effort they are willing to invest, and even promoting trust in the system with resulting behavioral intentions to purchase chosen products and return to the system for repeated uses

    Evaluating recommender systems from the user's perspective: survey of the state of the art

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    A recommender system is a Web technology that proactively suggests items of interest to users based on their objective behavior or explicitly stated preferences. Evaluations of recommender systems (RS) have traditionally focused on the performance of algorithms. However, many researchers have recently started investigating system effectiveness and evaluation criteria from users' perspectives. In this paper, we survey the state of the art of user experience research in RS by examining how researchers have evaluated design methods that augment RS's ability to help users find the information or product that they truly prefer, interact with ease with the system, and form trust with RS through system transparency, control and privacy preserving mechanisms finally, we examine how these system design features influence users' adoption of the technology. We summarize existing work concerning three crucial interaction activities between the user and the system: the initial preference elicitation process, the preference refinement process, and the presentation of the system's recommendation results. Additionally, we will also cover recent evaluation frameworks that measure a recommender system's overall perceptive qualities and how these qualities influence users' behavioral intentions. The key results are summarized in a set of design guidelines that can provide useful suggestions to scholars and practitioners concerning the design and development of effective recommender systems. The survey also lays groundwork for researchers to pursue future topics that have not been covered by existing method

    A Cognitively Inspired Clustering Approach for Critique-Based Recommenders

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    The purpose of recommender systems is to support humans in the purchasing decision-making process. Decision-making is a human activity based on cognitive information. In the field of recommender systems, critiquing has been widely applied as an effective approach for obtaining users' feedback on recommended products. In the last decade, there have been a large number of proposals in the field of critique-based recommenders. These proposals mainly differ in two aspects: in the source of data and in how it is mined to provide the user with recommendations. To date, no approach has mined data using an adaptive clustering algorithm to increase the recommender's performance. In this paper, we describe how we added a clustering process to a critique-based recommender, thereby adapting the recommendation process and how we defined a cognitive user preference model based on the preferences (i.e., defined by critiques) received by the user. We have developed several proposals based on clustering, whose acronyms are MCP, CUM, CUM-I, and HGR-CUM-I. We compare our proposals with two well-known state-of-the-art approaches: incremental critiquing (IC) and history-guided recommendation (HGR). The results of our experiments showed that using clustering in a critique-based recommender leads to an improvement in their recommendation efficiency, since all the proposals outperform the baseline IC algorithm. Moreover, the performance of the best proposal, HGR-CUM-I, is significantly superior to both the IC and HGR algorithms. Our results indicate that introducing clustering into the critique-based recommender is an appealing option since it enhances overall efficiency, especially with a large data set

    Evaluating recommender systems from the user's perspective: survey of the state of the art

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    A recommender system is a Web technology that proactively suggests items of interest to users based on their objective behavior or explicitly stated preferences. Evaluations of recommender systems (RS) have traditionally focused on the performance of algorithms. However, many researchers have recently started investigating system effectiveness and evaluation criteria from users' perspectives. In this paper, we survey the state of the art of user experience research in RS by examining how researchers have evaluated design methods that augment RS's ability to help users find the information or product that they truly prefer, interact with ease with the system, and form trust with RS through system transparency, control and privacy preserving mechanisms finally, we examine how these system design features influence users' adoption of the technology. We summarize existing work concerning three crucial interaction activities between the user and the system: the initial preference elicitation process, the preference refinement process, and the presentation of the system's recommendation results. Additionally, we will also cover recent evaluation frameworks that measure a recommender system's overall perceptive qualities and how these qualities influence users' behavioral intentions. The key results are summarized in a set of design guidelines that can provide useful suggestions to scholars and practitioners concerning the design and development of effective recommender systems. The survey also lays groundwork for researchers to pursue future topics that have not been covered by existing methods

    Enhancing explainability and scrutability of recommender systems

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    Our increasing reliance on complex algorithms for recommendations calls for models and methods for explainable, scrutable, and trustworthy AI. While explainability is required for understanding the relationships between model inputs and outputs, a scrutable system allows us to modify its behavior as desired. These properties help bridge the gap between our expectations and the algorithm’s behavior and accordingly boost our trust in AI. Aiming to cope with information overload, recommender systems play a crucial role in ïŹltering content (such as products, news, songs, and movies) and shaping a personalized experience for their users. Consequently, there has been a growing demand from the information consumers to receive proper explanations for their personalized recommendations. These explanations aim at helping users understand why certain items are recommended to them and how their previous inputs to the system relate to the generation of such recommendations. Besides, in the event of receiving undesirable content, explanations could possibly contain valuable information as to how the system’s behavior can be modiïŹed accordingly. In this thesis, we present our contributions towards explainability and scrutability of recommender systems: ‱ We introduce a user-centric framework, FAIRY, for discovering and ranking post-hoc explanations for the social feeds generated by black-box platforms. These explanations reveal relationships between users’ proïŹles and their feed items and are extracted from the local interaction graphs of users. FAIRY employs a learning-to-rank (LTR) method to score candidate explanations based on their relevance and surprisal. ‱ We propose a method, PRINCE, to facilitate provider-side explainability in graph-based recommender systems that use personalized PageRank at their core. PRINCE explanations are comprehensible for users, because they present subsets of the user’s prior actions responsible for the received recommendations. PRINCE operates in a counterfactual setup and builds on a polynomial-time algorithm for ïŹnding the smallest counterfactual explanations. ‱ We propose a human-in-the-loop framework, ELIXIR, for enhancing scrutability and subsequently the recommendation models by leveraging user feedback on explanations. ELIXIR enables recommender systems to collect user feedback on pairs of recommendations and explanations. The feedback is incorporated into the model by imposing a soft constraint for learning user-speciïŹc item representations. We evaluate all proposed models and methods with real user studies and demonstrate their beneïŹts at achieving explainability and scrutability in recommender systems.Unsere zunehmende AbhĂ€ngigkeit von komplexen Algorithmen fĂŒr maschinelle Empfehlungen erfordert Modelle und Methoden fĂŒr erklĂ€rbare, nachvollziehbare und vertrauenswĂŒrdige KI. Zum Verstehen der Beziehungen zwischen Modellein- und ausgaben muss KI erklĂ€rbar sein. Möchten wir das Verhalten des Systems hingegen nach unseren Vorstellungen Ă€ndern, muss dessen Entscheidungsprozess nachvollziehbar sein. ErklĂ€rbarkeit und Nachvollziehbarkeit von KI helfen uns dabei, die LĂŒcke zwischen dem von uns erwarteten und dem tatsĂ€chlichen Verhalten der Algorithmen zu schließen und unser Vertrauen in KI-Systeme entsprechend zu stĂ€rken. Um ein Übermaß an Informationen zu verhindern, spielen Empfehlungsdienste eine entscheidende Rolle um Inhalte (z.B. Produkten, Nachrichten, Musik und Filmen) zu ïŹltern und deren Benutzern eine personalisierte Erfahrung zu bieten. Infolgedessen erheben immer mehr In- formationskonsumenten Anspruch auf angemessene ErklĂ€rungen fĂŒr deren personalisierte Empfehlungen. Diese ErklĂ€rungen sollen den Benutzern helfen zu verstehen, warum ihnen bestimmte Dinge empfohlen wurden und wie sich ihre frĂŒheren Eingaben in das System auf die Generierung solcher Empfehlungen auswirken. Außerdem können ErklĂ€rungen fĂŒr den Fall, dass unerwĂŒnschte Inhalte empfohlen werden, wertvolle Informationen darĂŒber enthalten, wie das Verhalten des Systems entsprechend geĂ€ndert werden kann. In dieser Dissertation stellen wir unsere BeitrĂ€ge zu ErklĂ€rbarkeit und Nachvollziehbarkeit von Empfehlungsdiensten vor. ‱ Mit FAIRY stellen wir ein benutzerzentriertes Framework vor, mit dem post-hoc ErklĂ€rungen fĂŒr die von Black-Box-Plattformen generierten sozialen Feeds entdeckt und bewertet werden können. Diese ErklĂ€rungen zeigen Beziehungen zwischen BenutzerproïŹlen und deren Feeds auf und werden aus den lokalen Interaktionsgraphen der Benutzer extrahiert. FAIRY verwendet eine LTR-Methode (Learning-to-Rank), um die ErklĂ€rungen anhand ihrer Relevanz und ihres Grads unerwarteter Empfehlungen zu bewerten. ‱ Mit der PRINCE-Methode erleichtern wir das anbieterseitige Generieren von ErklĂ€rungen fĂŒr PageRank-basierte Empfehlungsdienste. PRINCE-ErklĂ€rungen sind fĂŒr Benutzer verstĂ€ndlich, da sie Teilmengen frĂŒherer Nutzerinteraktionen darstellen, die fĂŒr die erhaltenen Empfehlungen verantwortlich sind. PRINCE-ErklĂ€rungen sind somit kausaler Natur und werden von einem Algorithmus mit polynomieller Laufzeit erzeugt , um prĂ€zise ErklĂ€rungen zu ïŹnden. ‱ Wir prĂ€sentieren ein Human-in-the-Loop-Framework, ELIXIR, um die Nachvollziehbarkeit der Empfehlungsmodelle und die QualitĂ€t der Empfehlungen zu verbessern. Mit ELIXIR können Empfehlungsdienste Benutzerfeedback zu Empfehlungen und ErklĂ€rungen sammeln. Das Feedback wird in das Modell einbezogen, indem benutzerspeziïŹscher Einbettungen von Objekten gelernt werden. Wir evaluieren alle Modelle und Methoden in Benutzerstudien und demonstrieren ihren Nutzen hinsichtlich ErklĂ€rbarkeit und Nachvollziehbarkeit von Empfehlungsdiensten

    Recommender Systems

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    The ongoing rapid expansion of the Internet greatly increases the necessity of effective recommender systems for filtering the abundant information. Extensive research for recommender systems is conducted by a broad range of communities including social and computer scientists, physicists, and interdisciplinary researchers. Despite substantial theoretical and practical achievements, unification and comparison of different approaches are lacking, which impedes further advances. In this article, we review recent developments in recommender systems and discuss the major challenges. We compare and evaluate available algorithms and examine their roles in the future developments. In addition to algorithms, physical aspects are described to illustrate macroscopic behavior of recommender systems. Potential impacts and future directions are discussed. We emphasize that recommendation has a great scientific depth and combines diverse research fields which makes it of interests for physicists as well as interdisciplinary researchers.Comment: 97 pages, 20 figures (To appear in Physics Reports
