8 research outputs found

    Conformal Tracking For Virtual Environments

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    A virtual environment is a set of surroundings that appears to exist to a user through sensory stimuli provided by a computer. By virtual environment, we mean to include environments supporting the full range from VR to pure reality. A necessity for virtual environments is knowledge of the location of objects in the environment. This is referred to as the tracking problem, which points to the need for accurate and precise tracking in virtual environments. Marker-based tracking is a technique which employs fiduciary marks to determine the pose of a tracked object. A collection of markers arranged in a rigid configuration is called a tracking probe. The performance of marker-based tracking systems depends upon the fidelity of the pose estimates provided by tracking probes. The realization that tracking performance is linked to probe performance necessitates investigation into the design of tracking probes for proponents of marker-based tracking. The challenges involved with probe design include prediction of the accuracy and precision of a tracking probe, the creation of arbitrarily-shaped tracking probes, and the assessment of the newly created probes. To address these issues, we present a pioneer framework for designing conformal tracking probes. Conformal in this work means to adapt to the shape of the tracked objects and to the environmental constraints. As part of the framework, the accuracy in position and orientation of a given probe may be predicted given the system noise. The framework is a methodology for designing tracking probes based upon performance goals and environmental constraints. After presenting the conformal tracking framework, the elements used for completing the steps of the framework are discussed. We start with the application of optimization methods for determining the probe geometry. Two overall methods for mapping markers on tracking probes are presented, the Intermediary Algorithm and the Viewpoints Algorithm. Next, we examine the method used for pose estimation and present a mathematical model of error propagation used for predicting probe performance in pose estimation. The model uses a first-order error propagation, perturbing the simulated marker locations with Gaussian noise. The marker locations with error are then traced through the pose estimation process and the effects of the noise are analyzed. Moreover, the effects of changing the probe size or the number of markers are discussed. Finally, the conformal tracking framework is validated experimentally. The assessment methods are divided into simulation and post-fabrication methods. Under simulation, we discuss testing of the performance of each probe design. Then, post-fabrication assessment is performed, including accuracy measurements in orientation and position. The framework is validated with four tracking probes. The first probe is a six-marker planar probe. The predicted accuracy of the probe was 0.06 deg and the measured accuracy was 0.083 plus/minus 0.015 deg. The second probe was a pair of concentric, planar tracking probes mounted together. The smaller probe had a predicted accuracy of 0.206 deg and a measured accuracy of 0.282 plus/minus 0.03 deg. The larger probe had a predicted accuracy of 0.039 deg and a measured accuracy of 0.017 plus/minus 0.02 deg. The third tracking probe was a semi-spherical head tracking probe. The predicted accuracy in orientation and position was 0.54 plus/minus 0.24 deg and 0.24 plus/minus 0.1 mm, respectively. The experimental accuracy in orientation and position was 0.60 plus/minus 0.03 deg and 0.225 plus/minus 0.05 mm, respectively. The last probe was an integrated, head-mounted display probe, created using the conformal design process. The predicted accuracy of this probe was 0.032 plus/minus 0.02 degrees in orientation and 0.14 plus/minus 0.08 mm in position. The measured accuracy of the probe was 0.028 plus/minus 0.01 degrees in orientation and 0.11 plus/minus 0.01 mm in position. These results constitute an order of magnitude improvement over current marker-based tracking probes in orientation, indicating the benefits of a conformal tracking approach. Also, this result translates to a predicted positional overlay error of a virtual object presented at 1m of less than 0.5 mm, which is well above reported overlay performance in virtual environments

    On the use of smartphones as novel photogrammetric water gauging instruments: Developing tools for crowdsourcing water levels

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    The term global climate change is omnipresent since the beginning of the last decade. Changes in the global climate are associated with an increase in heavy rainfalls that can cause nearly unpredictable flash floods. Consequently, spatio-temporally high-resolution monitoring of rivers becomes increasingly important. Water gauging stations continuously and precisely measure water levels. However, they are rather expensive in purchase and maintenance and are preferably installed at water bodies relevant for water management. Small-scale catchments remain often ungauged. In order to increase the data density of hydrometric monitoring networks and thus to improve the prediction quality of flood events, new, flexible and cost-effective water level measurement technologies are required. They should be oriented towards the accuracy requirements of conventional measurement systems and facilitate the observation of water levels at virtually any time, even at the smallest rivers. A possible solution is the development of a photogrammetric smartphone application (app) for crowdsourcing water levels, which merely requires voluntary users to take pictures of a river section to determine the water level. Today’s smartphones integrate high-resolution cameras, a variety of sensors, powerful processors, and mass storage. However, they are designed for the mass market and use low-cost hardware that cannot comply with the quality of geodetic measurement technology. In order to investigate the potential for mobile measurement applications, research was conducted on the smartphone as a photogrammetric measurement instrument as part of the doctoral project. The studies deal with the geometric stability of smartphone cameras regarding device-internal temperature changes and with the accuracy potential of rotation parameters measured with smartphone sensors. The results show a high, temperature-related variability of the interior orientation parameters, which is why the calibration of the camera should be carried out during the immediate measurement. The results of the sensor investigations show considerable inaccuracies when measuring rotation parameters, especially the compass angle (errors up to 90° were observed). The same applies to position parameters measured by global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers built into smartphones. According to the literature, positional accuracies of about 5 m are possible in best conditions. Otherwise, errors of several 10 m are to be expected. As a result, direct georeferencing of image measurements using current smartphone technology should be discouraged. In consideration of the results, the water gauging app Open Water Levels (OWL) was developed, whose methodological development and implementation constituted the core of the thesis project. OWL enables the flexible measurement of water levels via crowdsourcing without requiring additional equipment or being limited to specific river sections. Data acquisition and processing take place directly in the field, so that the water level information is immediately available. In practice, the user captures a short time-lapse sequence of a river bank with OWL, which is used to calculate a spatio-temporal texture that enables the detection of the water line. In order to translate the image measurement into 3D object space, a synthetic, photo-realistic image of the situation is created from existing 3D data of the river section to be investigated. Necessary approximations of the image orientation parameters are measured by smartphone sensors and GNSS. The assignment of camera image and synthetic image allows for the determination of the interior and exterior orientation parameters by means of space resection and finally the transfer of the image-measured 2D water line into the 3D object space to derive the prevalent water level in the reference system of the 3D data. In comparison with conventionally measured water levels, OWL reveals an accuracy potential of 2 cm on average, provided that synthetic image and camera image exhibit consistent image contents and that the water line can be reliably detected. In the present dissertation, related geometric and radiometric problems are comprehensively discussed. Furthermore, possible solutions, based on advancing developments in smartphone technology and image processing as well as the increasing availability of 3D reference data, are presented in the synthesis of the work. The app Open Water Levels, which is currently available as a beta version and has been tested on selected devices, provides a basis, which, with continuous further development, aims to achieve a final release for crowdsourcing water levels towards the establishment of new and the expansion of existing monitoring networks.Der Begriff des globalen Klimawandels ist seit Beginn des letzten Jahrzehnts allgegenwärtig. Die Veränderung des Weltklimas ist mit einer Zunahme von Starkregenereignissen verbunden, die nahezu unvorhersehbare Sturzfluten verursachen können. Folglich gewinnt die raumzeitlich hochaufgelöste Überwachung von Fließgewässern zunehmend an Bedeutung. Pegelmessstationen erfassen kontinuierlich und präzise Wasserstände, sind jedoch in Anschaffung und Wartung sehr teuer und werden vorzugsweise an wasserwirtschaftlich-relevanten Gewässern installiert. Kleinere Gewässer bleiben häufig unbeobachtet. Um die Datendichte hydrometrischer Messnetze zu erhöhen und somit die Vorhersagequalität von Hochwasserereignissen zu verbessern, sind neue, kostengünstige und flexibel einsetzbare Wasserstandsmesstechnologien erforderlich. Diese sollten sich an den Genauigkeitsanforderungen konventioneller Messsysteme orientieren und die Beobachtung von Wasserständen zu praktisch jedem Zeitpunkt, selbst an den kleinsten Flüssen, ermöglichen. Ein Lösungsvorschlag ist die Entwicklung einer photogrammetrischen Smartphone-Anwendung (App) zum Crowdsourcing von Wasserständen mit welcher freiwillige Nutzer lediglich Bilder eines Flussabschnitts aufnehmen müssen, um daraus den Wasserstand zu bestimmen. Heutige Smartphones integrieren hochauflösende Kameras, eine Vielzahl von Sensoren, leistungsfähige Prozessoren und Massenspeicher. Sie sind jedoch für den Massenmarkt konzipiert und verwenden kostengünstige Hardware, die nicht der Qualität geodätischer Messtechnik entsprechen kann. Um das Einsatzpotential in mobilen Messanwendungen zu eruieren, sind Untersuchungen zum Smartphone als photogrammetrisches Messinstrument im Rahmen des Promotionsprojekts durchgeführt worden. Die Studien befassen sich mit der geometrischen Stabilität von Smartphone-Kameras bezüglich geräteinterner Temperaturänderungen und mit dem Genauigkeitspotential von mit Smartphone-Sensoren gemessenen Rotationsparametern. Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine starke, temperaturbedingte Variabilität der inneren Orientierungsparameter, weshalb die Kalibrierung der Kamera zum unmittelbaren Messzeitpunkt erfolgen sollte. Die Ergebnisse der Sensoruntersuchungen zeigen große Ungenauigkeiten bei der Messung der Rotationsparameter, insbesondere des Kompasswinkels (Fehler von bis zu 90° festgestellt). Selbiges gilt auch für Positionsparameter, gemessen durch in Smartphones eingebaute Empfänger für Signale globaler Navigationssatellitensysteme (GNSS). Wie aus der Literatur zu entnehmen ist, lassen sich unter besten Bedingungen Lagegenauigkeiten von etwa 5 m erreichen. Abseits davon sind Fehler von mehreren 10 m zu erwarten. Infolgedessen ist von einer direkten Georeferenzierung von Bildmessungen mittels aktueller Smartphone-Technologie abzusehen. Unter Berücksichtigung der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse wurde die Pegel-App Open Water Levels (OWL) entwickelt, deren methodische Entwicklung und Implementierung den Kern der Arbeit bildete. OWL ermöglicht die flexible Messung von Wasserständen via Crowdsourcing, ohne dabei zusätzliche Ausrüstung zu verlangen oder auf spezifische Flussabschnitte beschränkt zu sein. Datenaufnahme und Verarbeitung erfolgen direkt im Feld, so dass die Pegelinformationen sofort verfügbar sind. Praktisch nimmt der Anwender mit OWL eine kurze Zeitraffersequenz eines Flussufers auf, die zur Berechnung einer Raum-Zeit-Textur dient und die Erkennung der Wasserlinie ermöglicht. Zur Übersetzung der Bildmessung in den 3D-Objektraum wird aus vorhandenen 3D-Daten des zu untersuchenden Flussabschnittes ein synthetisches, photorealistisches Abbild der Aufnahmesituation erstellt. Erforderliche Näherungen der Bildorientierungsparameter werden von Smartphone-Sensoren und GNSS gemessen. Die Zuordnung von Kamerabild und synthetischem Bild erlaubt die Bestimmung der inneren und äußeren Orientierungsparameter mittels räumlichen Rückwärtsschnitt. Nach Rekonstruktion der Aufnahmesituation lässt sich die im Bild gemessene 2D-Wasserlinie in den 3D-Objektraum projizieren und der vorherrschende Wasserstand im Referenzsystem der 3D-Daten ableiten. Im Soll-Ist-Vergleich mit konventionell gemessenen Pegeldaten zeigt OWL ein erreichbares Genauigkeitspotential von durchschnittlich 2 cm, insofern synthetisches und reales Kamerabild einen möglichst konsistenten Bildinhalt aufweisen und die Wasserlinie zuverlässig detektiert werden kann. In der vorliegenden Dissertation werden damit verbundene geometrische und radiometrische Probleme ausführlich diskutiert sowie Lösungsansätze, auf der Basis fortschreitender Entwicklungen von Smartphone-Technologie und Bildverarbeitung sowie der zunehmenden Verfügbarkeit von 3D-Referenzdaten, in der Synthese der Arbeit vorgestellt. Mit der gegenwärtig als Betaversion vorliegenden und auf ausgewählten Geräten getesteten App Open Water Levels wurde eine Basis geschaffen, die mit kontinuierlicher Weiterentwicklung eine finale Freigabe für das Crowdsourcing von Wasserständen und damit den Aufbau neuer und die Erweiterung bestehender Monitoring-Netzwerke anstrebt

    Determining uncertainty in the functional quantities of fringe projection

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    Fringe projection systems can acquire a point-cloud of more than a million points in minutes while not needing to ever physically touch the measurement surface and can be assembled using relatively inexpensive off-the-shelf components. Fringe projection system can conduct measurements faster than their tactile counterparts and typically require less training to do so. The disadvantage of using a fringe projection system is the measurements are less accurate than alternative tactile methods – and typical methods to obtain an uncertainty evaluation within fringe projection require a tactile system as a comparator. Anterior to any measurement, fringe projection systems undergo a calibration, whereby the set of functional quantities (defined in this thesis as the system parameters) are found that define the measurement (the point-cloud) from the indication (a set of images). The accuracy of the estimated parameters will define the accuracy of any measurements made by the system. The calibration process does not evaluate any uncertainty of the estimated system parameters – the accuracy of the estimation of the parameters remains unknown, as is their exact effect on the measurement result. In this thesis, an investigation into the using the system parameters to evaluate the uncertainty of fringe projection measurements is made. Firstly, a method to localise the centre of ellipses in camera images with an uncertainty is given. This uncertainty is used to derive the uncertainty in the estimated system parameters. The uncertainty in the system parameters is tested by using the system parameters to measure known artefacts, a flatness artefact and two sphere-based artefacts, where the propagated uncertainty is tested against the measurement error. The accuracy of the system parameters are tested by comparing the measurement error of the measurements with measurements made on a commercial system, the GOM ATOS Core 300. In addition, an exhaustive study is undertaken on the calibration, including applying curvature, specificity and parameter stability tests on the non-linear regression used within calibration. The sphere-based measurements were found to not be robust enough against measurement noise in fringe projection to be able to provide information on errors caused by the system parameters. This thesis raises questions as to the appropriateness of using sphere-based measurements to represent the performance of a fringe projection system. The flatness measurements made using the estimated system parameters achieved an accuracy of approximately 30 "μm" across a 300 "mm"×140 "mm" flatness artefact, which is similar to measurements made by the commercial system. However, the estimated uncertainty was unable to explain all measurement discrepancy between the fringe projection measurements and the tactile measurements. The result specificity test indicated poor specificity of the mathematical model of fringe projection, namely the camera pinhole model with Brown-Conrady distortion. It is concluded that the level of accuracy of the mathematical model has become a limiting factor in the accuracy of fringe projection measurements, instead of the accuracy of the inputs to the calibration. Therefore, the uncertainty of the system parameters cannot be used to evaluate an uncertainty of a measurement made using a fringe projection system

    A non-contact geomatics technique for monitoring membrane roof structures

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    This thesis presents research carried out to monitor the behaviour of membrane structures, using the non-contact geornatics techniques of terrestrial laser scanning and videogrammetry. Membrane structures are covers or enclosures in which fabric surface is pre-tensioned to provide a stable shape under environmental loads. It is most often adopted by structural engineers as the solution to the roof of a building. Membrane structures resist extemally-imposed loads by a combination of curvature and tension of the highly flexible fabric membrane. However, collapse may occur if the real deflections exceed the designed tolerances. In order to avoid such failures in the future, a generic monitoring system, incorporating in-house software for observing and analysing the behaviour of existing membrane structures, was developed. This system has been applied to observe three different types of as-built membrane structures, with two primary issues investigated and resolved. The first aspect of the research was devoted to determining differences which exist between the designed model and the finished structure. To address this issue, terrestrial laser scanning was applied to generate the as-built model of the membrane structure. Statistical comparisons were then performed between the resultant scanned model and the designed mathematical model. The disparities were determined, allowing the factors causing these differences to be further explored. The second research issue investigated the effects of loading on the displacement of the membrane roof. A videogrammetric monitoring system employing stereo CCD video cameras was used to observe the movements of the membrane roofs. In order to accommodate constraints at the test site, a non-contact control method and structured light targeting were adopted in the monitoring scheme. Once the processing was completed, displacements occurring over time were determined. Investigations on the three types of finished membrane structures have been successfully achieved, proving the system to be a viable metrology tool for structural engineers involved in monitoring real-world membrane structures. The system effectively fulfilled the requirements for understanding the interaction of membrane surface geometry, applied loads and structural response. The information acquired by the system offers great potential to collaborating engineers who are involved in the design and refinement of such structures.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo