267 research outputs found

    Constructive Hybrid Games

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    Hybrid games are models which combine discrete, continuous, and adversarial dynamics. Game logic enables proving (classical) existence of winning strategies. We introduce constructive differential game logic (CdGL) for hybrid games, where proofs that a player can win the game correspond to computable winning strategies. This is the logical foundation for synthesis of correct control and monitoring code for safety-critical cyber-physical systems. Our contributions include novel static and dynamic semantics as well as soundness and consistency.Comment: 60 pages, preprint, under revie

    Computability and analysis: the legacy of Alan Turing

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    We discuss the legacy of Alan Turing and his impact on computability and analysis.Comment: 49 page

    Rhetorical Agency: Mind, Meshwork, Materiality, Mobility

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    In recent accounts of rhetoric’s storied productivity, commentators have implied, along systematically Kantian lines, albeit with the occasional protestation, that agency must be coextensive with subjectivity. But is that all there is (to 2,500 years’ worth of hypothesizing about the ways in which communication might promote social change)? Les Belikian’s answer, drawing not only on traditional and contemporary rhetorical studies but also on Deleuzean thinking, actor-network theory, and object-oriented ontology, takes the form of a quadruply contrarian thesis: Rhetorical agency inheres, irreducibly so, in subjectivity, in conventionality, in transcendence, and in materiality, all of which are themselves always under production

    Set-Based Prototyping in the Context of the Configurable Virtual Product: The Construction of the Learning Value Streams (LVS) Model

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    RÉSUMÉ La prĂ©sente thĂšse de doctorat est le rĂ©sultat de sept annĂ©es de recherche intervention dans les domaines de la conception et du dĂ©veloppement de produits suivant le paradigme lean en aĂ©rospatial. Cette recherche action est motivĂ©e par la nĂ©cessitĂ© de dĂ©velopper les connaissances ainsi que les outils appropriĂ©s pour le dĂ©veloppement de produits suivant l’approche lean (LPD pour Lean Product Development) et en particulier celle de l’ « ingĂ©nierie concourante fondĂ©e sur les options de conception » (SBCE pour Set-Based Concurrent Engineering) en aĂ©rospatial. Une telle nĂ©cessitĂ© se justifie par les facteurs socioĂ©conomiques du 21Ăšme siĂšcle qui imposent des approches de conception et dĂ©veloppement toujours plus robustes, rĂ©silientes, rĂ©actives, flexibles, innovantes et adaptables face aux fluctuations du marchĂ© et Ă  la demande des consommateurs qui Ă©volue rapidement, ceci afin de permettre aux compagnies de demeurer compĂ©titives. L’objectif principal de la recherche, au vue de tels impĂ©ratifs, est d’identifier, pour ensuite dĂ©velopper et intĂ©grer dans un modĂšle holistique, les aspects, les caractĂ©ristiques et les catalyseurs essentiels des approches LPD et SBCE appliquĂ©es Ă  l’industrie aĂ©rospatiale de façon Ă  supporter l’implĂ©mentation Ă  grande Ă©chelle de telles approches, et ce, dans une optique sousjacente de gestion de cycle de vie du produit (PLM pour Product Lifecycle Management). La planification et l’exĂ©cution du projet de recherche sont rĂ©alisĂ©es en respectant une mĂ©thodologie Ă©prouvĂ©e en conception (DRM pour Design Research Methodology) afin de focaliser les rĂ©sultats sur l’avancement des connaissances et de la pratique du LPD et SBCE en tant qu’approches de conception. La recherche apporte en consĂ©quence des contributions majeures Ă  ces champs d’étude tout en prescrivant une mĂ©thodologie de transformation des processus et outils de dĂ©veloppement de produits dans l’industrie par le biais de l’implĂ©mentation du modĂšle de « chaines de valeur apprenantes » (LVS pour Learning Value Streams). Plus en dĂ©tails, les contributions aux avancĂ©es scientifiques et pratiques dans le domaine vont comme suit : (1) La proposition d’un nouveau cadre d’analyse de la littĂ©rature SBCE, ainsi qu’une mĂ©thodologie de revue systĂ©matique fondĂ©e sur des donnĂ©es probantes; (2) L’avancement des connaissances thĂ©oriques et pratiques du LPD et SBCE des aspects les plus gĂ©nĂ©raux aux plus significatifs; (3) L’avancement des connaissances thĂ©oriques et pratiques sur la modĂ©lisation et les structures de produit requises dans une optique de gestion de cycle de vie du produit----------ABSTRACT The work reported in this thesis is the result of seven years of participatory action research in the field of Lean Product Development (LPD) in aerospace engineering. This research is motivated by the necessity to develop understanding and support for practical implementations of lean product development and especially Set-Based Concurrent Engineering (SBCE) in industry. Such necessity is justified by 21st century compelling socioeconomic factors that demand robust, resilient, responsive, flexible, innovative, adaptable and lean product development processes in order for companies to stay competitive in rapidly changing markets. The main purpose of the research is to identify and develop the essential SBCE and LPD aspects, characteristics, features and catalysts as they relate to aerospace large-scale industrial product development in order to form a holistic model that can support practical implementations of LPD in industry from a product lifecycle perspective. A design research methodology (DRM) is used for planning and executing the design research project while ensuring that focus is placed on achieving progress with regards to understanding and implementation of SBCE and LPD as Design practices. As a result, this thesis work provides substantial contribution to understanding of LPD and SBCE and furthermore, entails valuable proposal for the practice in industry through the CCS model and the construction of the Learning Value Streams (LVS) model. Major contributions to the advancement of scientific knowledge and practice in the fields are as follows: (1) The proposal of a new SBCE dual analysis framework combined with an evidence-based systematic review methodology; (2) The advancement of theoretical and practical understanding of LPD and SBCE from the larger to the most significant aspects; (3) The advancement of theoretical and practical understanding of product models and product structure progression requirements for lean product lifecycle management; (4) the proposal of a new methodology, including new as-tested structure to support cross-collaboration during prototyping and testing in lifecycle management contexts; (5) The proposal of a new existential domain alongside the functional, technological and physical domains in order to address the lack of product modelling constructs and methodology when it comes to service or as-tested configurations, hardware testing transactions and prototype information tracking on the basis o

    The logical strength of BĂŒchi's decidability theorem

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    We study the strength of axioms needed to prove various results related to automata on infinite words and BĂŒchi's theorem on the decidability of the MSO theory of (N, less_or_equal). We prove that the following are equivalent over the weak second-order arithmetic theory RCA: 1. BĂŒchi's complementation theorem for nondeterministic automata on infinite words, 2. the decidability of the depth-n fragment of the MSO theory of (N, less_or_equal), for each n greater than 5, 3. the induction scheme for Sigma^0_2 formulae of arithmetic. Moreover, each of (1)-(3) is equivalent to the additive version of Ramsey's Theorem for pairs, often used in proofs of (1); each of (1)-(3) implies McNaughton's determinisation theorem for automata on infinite words; and each of (1)-(3) implies the "bounded-width" version of König's Lemma, often used in proofs of McNaughton's theorem

    Statistical approach to proof theory

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    Seeing, Knowing, doing : case studies in modal logic

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    Dans le domaine des jeux vidĂ©os par exemple, surtout des jeux de rĂŽles, les personnages virtuels perçoivent un environnement, en tirent des connaissances puis effectuent des actions selon leur besoin. De mĂȘme en robotique, un robot perçoit son environnement Ă  l'aide de capteurs/camĂ©ras, Ă©tablit une base de connaissances et effectuent des mouvements etc. La description des comportements de ces agents virtuels et leurs raisonnements peut s'effectuer Ă  l'aide d'un langage logique. Dans cette thĂšse, on se propose de modĂ©liser les trois aspects "voir", "savoir" et "faire" et leurs interactions Ă  l'aide de la logique modale. Dans une premiĂšre partie, on modĂ©lise des agents dans un espace gĂ©omĂ©trique puis on dĂ©finit une relation Ă©pistĂ©mique qui tient compte des positions et du regard des agents. Dans une seconde partie, on revisite la logique des actions "STIT" (see-to-it-that ou "faire en sorte que") qui permet de faire la diffĂ©rence entre les principes "de re" et "de dicto", contrairement Ă  d'autres logiques modales des actions. Dans une troisiĂšme partie, on s'intĂ©resse Ă  modĂ©liser quelques aspects de la thĂ©orie des jeux dans une variante de la logique "STIT" ainsi que des Ă©motions contre-factuelles comme le regret. Tout au long de cette thĂšse, on s'efforcera de s'intĂ©resser aux aspects logiques comme les complĂ©tudes des axiomatisations et la complexitĂ© du problĂšme de satisfiabilitĂ© d'une formule logique. L'intĂ©gration des trois concepts "voir", "savoir" et "faire" dans une et une seule logique est Ă©voquĂ©e en conclusion et reste une question ouverte.Agents are entities who perceive their environment and who perform actions. For instance in role playing video games, ennemies are agents who perceive some part of the virtual world and who can attack or launch a sortilege. Another example may concern robot assistance for disabled people: the robot perceives obstacles of the world and can alert humans or help them. Here, we try to give formal tools to model knowledge reasoning about the perception of their environment and about actions based, on modal logic. First, we give combine the standard epistemic modal logic with perception constructions of the form (agent a sees agent b). We give a semantics in terms of position and orientation of the agents in the space that can be a line (Lineland) or a plane (Flatland). Concerning Lineland, we provide a complete axiomatization and an optimal procedure for model-checking and satisfiability problem. Concerning Flatland, we show that both model-checking and satisfiability problem are decidable but the exact complexities and the axiomatization remain open problems. Thus, the logics of Lineland and Flatland are completely a new approach: their syntax is epistemic but their semantics concern spatial reasoning. Secondly, we study on the logic of agency ``see-to-it-that'' STIT made up of construction of the form [J]A standing for ``the coalition of agents J sees to it that A''. Our interest is motivated: STIT is strictly more expressive that standard modal logic for agency like Coalition Logic CL or Alternating-time Temporal Logic ATL. In CL or ATL the ``de re'' and ``de dicto'' problem is quite difficult and technical whereas if we combine STIT-operators with epistemic operators, we can solve it in a natural way. However this strong expressivity has a prize: the general version of STIT is undecidable. That is why we focus on some syntactic fragments of STIT: either we restrict the allowed coalitions J in constructions [J]A or we restrict the nesting of modal STIT-operators. We provide axiomatizations and complexity results. Finally, we give flavour to epistemic modal logic by adding STIT-operators. The logic STIT is suitable to express counterfactual statements like ``agent a could have choosen an action such that A have been true''. Thus we show how to model counterfactual emotions like regret, rejoicing, disappointment and elation in this framework. We also model epistemic games by adapting the logic STIT by giving explicitely names of actions in the language. In this framework, we can model the notion of rational agents but other kind of behaviour like altruism etc., Nash equilibrium and iterated deletion of strictly dominated strategies

    Deleuze and the Passions

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    In recent years the humanities, social sciences and neuroscience have witnessed an ‘affective turn,’ especially in discourses around post-Fordist labor, economic and ecological crises, populism and identity politics, mental health, and political struggle. This new awareness would be unthinkable without the pioneering work of Gilles Deleuze, who replaced judgment with affect as the very material movement of thought: every concept is an affective experience, a becoming. Besides entirely active affects, the highest practice of thought, there is no thought without passive affects or passions. Instead of a calm and rational philosophy of passions, Deleuzian thought is therefore inseparable from “isolated and passionate cries” that deny what everybody knows and what nobody can deny: “every true thought is an aggression.” This inseparability of reason and passion is by no means an anti-intellectualist or irrationalist stance. Rather, it is critical, since it protects reason from its self-imposed stupidity (bĂȘtise) by relating it to the unthought forces that condition it. And it is clinical, because thought becomes possessed by a power of selection. The purely active, i.e. free-floating, unrecorded desire, is never enough to produce a consistent relation to the future, which is why we need the passions to give us an initial orientation, to force and enable us to think. Passions are the beliefs, perceptions, representations, and opinions that attach us to the world; they make up the very material of which our lives and thoughts are composed
