300 research outputs found

    Emotional activation in human beings: procedures for experimental stress induction

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    The study about the effects of stress on cognition and behavior is an area of special interest and research development for psychology and neurosciences. Stress induction is an essential element for these studies, because it enables the manipulation of this kind of emotional activation as an independent variable to prove its effect over behavior. Nevertheless, this induction must be enough to produce a significant increase in cortisol levels and, at the same time, to achieve the stablished ethical standards for experiments with human beings. This article aims to provide a general review about emotional activation in order to deepen the procedures used in the experimental induce stress in human beings. The conclusion is that the elaboration of more efficient protocols is required, and the use of simulation and other technologic tools could be very useful.O estudo dos efeitos do estresse sobre a cognição e o comportamento é uma área de especial interesse e desenvolvimento investigativo tanto para a psicologia como para as neurociências. A introdução de estresse constitui um elemento fundamental nestes estudos, pois permite a manipulação desta forma de ativação emocional como variável independente, para observar o seu efeito sobre o comportamento; porém, esta indução deve ser suficiente para gerar incrementos significativos nos níveis de cortisol e ao mesmo tempo cumprir os padrões éticos estabelecidos para a experimentação com humanos. O presente artigo tem como propósito aportar uma revisão geral sobre a ativação emocional, para afundar nos procedimentos utilizados na indução experimental de estresse em sujeitos humanos. Conclui-se que é requerido a elaboração de protocolos mais eficientes, e para tal, o uso de simulações e outras ferramentas tecnológicas pode ser de grande utilidade.L’étude des effets du stress sur la cognition et le comportement est un domaine d’intérêt particulier et de développement de la recherche tant pour la psychologie que pour les neurosciences. L’induction du stress constitue un élément fondamental de ces études, car elle permet la manipulation de ce mode d’activation émotionnelle en tant que variable indépendante, afin d’observer son effet sur le comportement; cependant, cette induction devrait être suffisante pour provoquer des augmentations significatives des taux de cortisol tout en respectant les normes éthiques établies pour l’expérimentation humaine. Le but de cet article est d’effectuer une revue générale de l’activation émotionnelle afin d’approfondir les procédures utilisées dans l’induction expérimentale du stress chez l’homme. Cet article conclut que la conception de protocoles plus efficaces est nécessaire; à cette fin, l’utilisation de simulations et d’autres outils technologiques peut être très utile.El estudio de los efectos del estrés sobre la cognición y el comportamiento es un área de especial interés y desarrollo científico, tanto para la Psicología como para las Neurociencias. La inducción de estrés constituye un elemento fundamental en estos estudios, pues permite la manipulación de esta forma de activación emocional, como variable independiente, para observar su efecto sobre la conducta; no obstante, esta inducción debe ser suficiente para generar incrementos significativos en los niveles de cortisol y cumplir los estándares éticos establecidos para la experimentación con humanos. El presente artículo tiene como propósito aportar una revisión general sobre la activación emocional, para profundizar en el conocimiento acerca de los procedimientos utilizados en la inducción experimental de estrés en sujetos humanos. Se concluye que se requiere el diseño de protocolos más eficaces, para lo cual, el uso de las simulaciones y otras herramientas tecnológicas puede ser de gran utilidad

    Games and the art of agency

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    Games may seem like a waste of time, where we struggle under artificial rules for arbitrary goals. The author suggests that the rules and goals of games are not arbitrary at all. They are a way of specifying particular modes of agency. This is what make games a distinctive art form. Game designers designate goals and abilities for the player; they shape the agential skeleton which the player will inhabit during the game. Game designers work in the medium of agency. Game-playing, then, illuminates a distinctive human capacity. We can take on ends temporarily for the sake of the experience of pursuing them. Game play shows that our agency is significantly more modular and more fluid than we might have thought. It also demonstrates our capacity to take on an inverted motivational structure. Sometimes we can take on an end for the sake of the activity of pursuing that end

    Hermeneutic Relations in VR: Immersion, Embodiment, Presence and HCI in VR Gaming

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    The emergence of Virtual Reality (VR) as a viable consumer medium for gaming offers an opportunity toreconceptualise understandings of immersion, embodiment and presence in gaming. However, many of thediscourses and attempts to conceptualise experience in VR games conflate these terms rather thanunderstanding each as a state of engagement with a VR environment or game. This results in a lack ofunderstanding of the importance of design and intentionality in the VR game with regards to immersion,embodiment and presence. Using a post-phenomenological approach, this paper differentiates immersion,embodiment and presence as three kinds of relation utilising the I – technology – world schema. Thisapproach allows for an understanding of these states of engagement as layered and hierarchical rather thaninstantly emergent on the part of the technology. The hermeneutic relation between the user and VR game[I → (technology – world)] that indicates presence can be understood as a feeling of place or placehood inVR and is intentionally the state aimed for as optional in VR games. The importance of technologicalintentionality as a co-constructor of embodiment and presence is exemplified through an analysis of userreviews of VR games either built-for VR or ported to VR. Built-for VR games create the possibility of asense of place for the games by incorporating the possibility of embodiment and presence into the designof control and movement while ported VR games fail to immerse because of a lack of technologicalintentionality towards these goals

    The Palace of Monarch

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    Enter The Palace of the Monarch to experience Chinese horror and mystery in a fully realized virtual reality game. Follow a trail of cryptic letters and portraits, solving many unique puzzles in ever more extraordinary places€”this is a mysterious journey where knowledge meets myth. This fully immersive game asks the player, in the role of the first son of House of Lin, to return to an ancient palace to fulfill solve a mystery. This game is unique to Western markets, bringing Chinese culture, history, writing, and horror sensibility and coupling this with a carefully designed and paced mystery that is told through discoveries in the game world. Ultimately, players will unveil the hidden secrets of the palace. Through research on environmental storytelling, human computer interaction, and game puzzle design, we want to provide the game with fascinating and immersive VR experience

    The Palace of Monarch

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    Enter The Palace of the Monarch to experience Chinese horror and mystery in a fully realized virtual reality game. Follow a trail of cryptic letters and portraits, solving many unique puzzles in ever more extraordinary places—this is a mysterious journey where knowledge meets myth. This fully immersive game asks the player, in the role of the first son of House of Lin, to return to an ancient palace to fulfill solve a mystery. This game is unique to Western markets, bringing Chinese culture, history, writing, and horror sensibility and coupling this with a carefully designed and paced mystery that is told through discoveries in the game world. Ultimately, players will unveil the hidden secrets of the palace. Through research on environmental storytelling, human computer interaction, and game puzzle design, we want to provide the game with fascinating and immersive VR experience

    Perancangan Game Mobile Android Bergenre Horror

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    Game yang menjadi favorit dikalangan gamer adalah game bertipe FPS (First Person Shooter) dan bergenre horror. Penelitian ini merancang game bergenre horror dan bertipe FPS yang menjadi kombinasi yang sangat menarik untuk dikembangkan. Penulis akan mengembangkan game ini dengan menggunakan software Blender sebagai pembuatan terrain dalam game, bahasa pemrograman C# dan menggunakan Unity 3D 5.3 sebagai engine nya. Fitur dari game ini berupa misteri/teka-teki, petunjuk, dan jumpscare yaitu dimana pemain akan dikejutkan dengan suara, objek bergerak dan sebagainya. Metode perancangan perangkat lunak yang digunakan adalah Metode Pengembangan Multimedia Luther yang meliputi tahapan Concept, Design, Material Collecting, Assembly, Testing, dan Distribution. Hasil penelitian berupa sebuah game berjudul The Dead Corridor dengan tampilan First Person Shooter 3D setting Horror. Penilaian tingkat kemudahan permainan dapat disimpulkan berdasarkan pendapat responden secara keseluruhan yaitu permainan ini sangat mudah dimainkan.  Storyline pada game The Dead Corridor dinilai masih terlalu singkat, maka perlu untuk pengembangan Storyline selanjutnya dapat dibuat lebih rumit dan kompleks. Kata kunci—Mobile Game, Android, Genre Horror, First Person Shooter, Metode Luthe

    Narrative Persuasion Amplification via Interactive Narrative Media

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    This research was intended to investigate if interactive narrative media enhances the effects of narrative persuasion utilizing a story about opioid overdose kits. Using Social Cognitive Theory (SCT), the Entertainment Overcoming Resistance Model (EORM), and the Extended Parallel Processing Model (EPPM) as theoretical frameworks, this study examines the benefits of narrative persuasion and applies them to interactive narrative media. While these benefits have been established with traditional, unidirectional media, they have rarely been examined in media wherein the audience has the ability to affect the narrative. The hypotheses tested in this experiment posits that the interactive narrative media will elicit more positive attitudes towards the topic of the narrative while the viewers experience greater levels of narrative identification, transportation, and task-related self-efficacy related to the use of Naloxone kits to aid a person undergoing an opioid overdose. An experiment was conducted with university students who were provided either interactive or non-interactive narrative media. Results tested with a series of independent-samples t-tests found that both interactive and non-interactive narrative media elicited similar amounts of narrative identification, transportation, and task-related self-efficacy. This study proposes that the benefits of interactivity may lie beyond a not hitherto designated interactivity threshold. Research has shown this threshold has been crossed by more complex media, but its limitations and features have yet to be discovered

    Weaponized Women in Contemporary Visual Culture : Representing Military Women in the ‘War on Terror’

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    This thesis examines representations of military women in contemporary Western visual culture during the ‘War on Terror’ (2001-present). Through the comparison of cultural productions that center on military women (e.g. films, TV series, etc.), I assess the current perpetuation of representational patterns established by a long tradition of the military/war genre. Moreover, I attempt to identify new patterns and tropes, and also categorize any divergences to pre-established patterns. With this study I intend to explore the hypothesis that military women are subjected to systematic stereotyping when featured in fictional narratives as protagonists, which I understand to be a signal of a larger problem, concerning the instrumentalization of military women by military/political forces. Drawing from the works of Cynthia Enloe, Barbara Ehrenreich, Yvonne Tasker, among other critics who theorized on this subject, I attempt to expand on what was already written, adding original material relating exclusively to the period of the ‘War on Terror’. Through the comparison and analysis of intermedia artworks from the US and European countries (UK, and France), I offer a wide cultural study on the fictionalization of military women. By focusing on US and European cultural representations of servicewomen I aim to verify the existence of similarities which may suggest a transatlantic cohesion in regard to not only representational tropes, but also military/political interests. The thesis is divided into three parts, each corresponding to an important stage in military life. Therefore, chronologically, the first part is dedicated to ‘Boot Camp’, the second to ‘Deployment’, and the last to ‘Discharge’. This structure is intended to compartmentalize stages that introduce different sets of challenges to women in the military. Through this approach, I am able to direct my focus towards each segment as a whole, exploring correspondent cultural products that encompass dominant representations in each stage of military life. The final objective of this research is to acknowledge how fictional depictions of military women can help us achieve a clearer image of a collective Western understanding of what it means to be a female and a soldier. Additionally, I aim to identify how those depictions are used to convey specific ideological messages pertaining to (trans)national interests during the ‘War on Terror’. Furthermore, through this cultural analysis I intend to contribute to an expanding field concerned with gender equality in Western armed forces.Esta tese analisa representações da mulher militar na cultura visual Ocidental contemporânea durante o período da ‘Guerra ao Terror’ (2001-presente). Através da comparação de produtos culturais centrados na mulher militar (e.g. filmes, séries de TV, etc.), examino a perpetuação actual de padrões de representação estabelecidos por uma longa tradição do género militar/guerra. Para além deste trabalho de comparação, identifico novos padrões e estereótipos, ao mesmo tempo categorizando divergências dos padrões previamente estabelecidos. Com este estudo, pretendo explorar a hipótese de que as mulheres militares estão sujeitas a estereótipos sistemáticos aquando protagonizam narrativas ficcionais, o que problematizo enquanto instrumentalização da mulher militar por forças militares/políticas. Apoiando-me nos trabalhos de Cynthia Enlow, Barbara Ehrenreich, Yvonne Tasker, entre outra/os crítica/os que teorizaram acerca deste tópico, pretendo expandir o trabalho que já existe, acrescentando material original relacionado exclusivamente com o período da ‘Guerra ao Terror’. Através da comparação e análise de vários tipos de obras artísticas visuais provindas dos Estados Unidos e de países Europeus (Reino Unido e França), dedico-me a um alargado estudo cultural focado na ficcionalização da mulher militar. Ao focar-me em representações culturais estadunidenses e europeias pretendo verificar a existência de semelhanças que possam sugerir uma coesão transatlântica no que diz respeito não só a estereótipos representacionais, mas também a interesses militares/políticos. Esta tese está dividida em três partes, cada uma correspondendo a uma fase importante da vida militar. Desta forma, cronologicamente, a primeira parte intitula-se ‘Boot Camp’ (campo de treino militar), a segunda ‘Deployment’ (projecção das forças militares no terreno), e a última ‘Discharge’ (dispensa militar). Esta estrutura visa compartimentar períodos que apresentam conjuntos de dificuldades diferentes para a mulher militar. Através desta abordagem, direcciono o meu foco de atenção para cada segmento como um todo, explorando produções culturais correspondentes que demonstram as representações dominantes em cada fase da vida militar. O objectivo final deste trabalho de investigação é identificar o que dizem as representações ficcionais da mulher militar acerca de um entendimento Ocidental colectivo do que significa ser mulher e soldado. Adicionalmente, pretendo também reconhecer como essas representações são utilizadas para transmitir mensagens ideológicas específicas, relativas a interesses (trans)nacionais durante a ‘Guerra ao Terror’. Através desta análise cultural pretendo ainda contribuir para os estudos que apoiam a igualdade de género nas forças armadas Ocidentais


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    CTRL SHIFT makes a case for design under contemporary computation. The abstractions of reading, writing, metaphors, mythology, code, cryptography, interfaces, and other such symbolic languages are leveraged as tools for understanding. Alternative modes of knowledge become access points through which users can subvert the control structures of software. By challenging the singular expertise of programmers, the work presented within advocates for the examination of internalized beliefs, the redistribution of networked power, and the collective sabotage of computational authority