8,947 research outputs found

    The determinants of consumer behavior towards email advertisement

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    Purpose – The aim of this study was to develop a theoretical model of email advertising effectiveness and to investigate differences between permission�based email and spamming. By examining different types of email (i.e. permission�based email and spamming), the present study empirically tested the theoretical linkage between email advertising values, perceived instrusiveness, and the attitudinal�behavioural dispositions towards email advertising. Design/methodology/approach – A survey was conducted using 221 respondents from Taiwan. Two scenarios were designed for the present study. The questionnaires were equally divided into two sets, with the first half containing a scenario depicting permission�based email, and the other half containing a scenario describing a spamming email. Each respondent only received one set of the survey. Findings – Results from a survey of 221 Internet users in Taiwan indicate that values and attitudes toward, and the perceived intrusiveness of, email advertising significantly affect consumers’ behavioral dispositions toward email advertising. The results suggest that permission�based email is more effective as compared to spam email advertising. For solicited email, consumers perceived less intrusiveness if the email advertisement offered them financial incentives. Research limitations/implications – The authors acknowledge four limitations in this study. These limitations however provide further direction for future studies in the discipline. The discussion of these limitations is provided. Practical implications – Importantly, this study yields significant theoretical and managerial implications. Concerned with the context of email advertising, the authors’ work provides theoretical support for both constructs of advertising values and perceived intrusiveness as important. Concerned with the advertisers, this study renders important implications for better planning of marketing mix strategy using email. Originality/value – This study provides new theoretical insights into factors influencing consumers’ acceptance of email advertising by incorporating perceived intrusiveness as a mediator in the relationship between advertising values and attitudinal�behavioral dispositions. By empirically comparing the different types of email advertisements of permission�based email and spamming, the present study also offers better understanding and extending of the current literature on email advertising research

    The effect of digital signage on shoppers' behavior: the role of the evoked experience

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    This paper investigates the role of digital signage as experience provider in retail spaces. The findings of a survey-based field experiment demonstrate that digital signage content high on sensory cues evokes affective experience and strengthens customers’ experiential processing route. In contrast, digital signage messages high on “features and benefits” information evoke intellectual experience and strengthen customers’ deliberative processing route. The affective experience is more strongly associated with the attitude towards the ad and the approach behavior towards the advertiser than the intellectual experience. The effect of an ad high on sensory cues on shoppers’ approach to the advertiser is stronger for first-time shoppers, and therefore important in generating loyalty. The findings indicate that the design of brand-related informational cues broadcast over digital in-store monitors affects shoppers’ information processing. The cues evoke sensory and affective experiences and trigger deliberative processes that lead to attitude construction and finally elicit approach behavior towards the advertisers

    Environmental attitudes towards wine tourism

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    Wine tourism marketers frequently seek new ways to promote destinations, often executing ecologically sustainable practices. As consumer environmental knowledge of a wine tourism destination increases, consumer attitudes change, influencing perceptions of the environmental policies of a wine region. In this consumer-driven economy, it is therefore important to search for effective ways to market destinations, and one approach is selective marketing. By focusing on consumers in this manner, it is possible to understand better their concerns and motivations, which should aid in marketing and advertising efforts. This study investigated wine consumers environmental concerns and attitudes about wine regions. Results suggest environmental attitudes differed by demographics regarding the impact of wine tourism, providing ideas on further marketing efforts for those involved in wine tourism

    A conceptual frame work for digital marketers in the young parisian target (25-29 years old)

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    Digital marketing is evolving day to day and the digital channel is becoming the mainstream interaction space between sellers and potential buyers in a B2C context. Digital marketing, like any other conventional mode of marketing, is intended to interact with consumers and make them commit to what the marketer proposes; influence them and turning them into buyers. Wherever the consumer interacts, there arises the significance of behavioral studies, as the marketer has to align his marketing strategies to interact better with the consumer. The study I am proposing here is aimed to understandand answer the following question: What motivates the consumer to purchase a product or service online? Thereby framing a conceptual model where one can assess the interaction between digital marketing and consumer by different contact dots, and overlapping these dots in order to understand the vice versa flow in the interactions. For that, this paper streams through the various literature that mentions several digital marketing parameters with the key concepts in consumer behavior and motivations. I conducted a survey to Parisians into the age range of 25 to 29, this survey was made with the questions twinning the concepts of digital marketing and consumer motivation, elaborating the hypothesis in accordance with the theory which I had derived out of the literature. That theory functions as the conceptual model that I had proposed and matching with the results of the survey to end with the most influence drivers and ranking them in order to present to digital marketers where they could allocate their resources to have a better rate of conversion and be more efficiency. I had identified the internal and external consumer motivators (derived from the theory) and was able to demine which consumer motivational factors affect the marketer's return in accordance with the purchase decision of the consumer. This conceptual framework that I propose could be used for further studies focusing on more on consumer motivations with other determinants of digital marketing. In addition, this conceptual model could be used in other geographical areas, with another range of ages. For instance, in Peru that currently there is a tendency for B2C companies to migrate to multichannel and omnichannel models, this conceptual framework could be used to understand better the consumer motivations (extrinsic and intrinsic), framing to the target public that the companies would have. It is recommendable to marketers frame and structure the customer portrait with 2 big factors: Demographic and geographic, with those it would be possible apply this conceptual framework and use the variables to conduct the surveys

    Online Video Advertisement Avoidance: Can Interactivity Help?

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    The objective of this research is to explain the factors contributing toward consumers online video advertisement (OVA) avoidance behavior. Empirical data from 207 online consumers in France supports the hypotheses concerning the effect of relevance of contents, perceived authenticity and interactivity of OVAs. The findings suggest that consumers avoid OVAs by using ad blocker software due to irrelevant advertisement contents, lack of perceived authenticity of advertisement contents and most importantly due to the lack of interactivity. We conclude the study by offering some suggestions for reducing consumers avoidance of OVAs by increasing interactivity

    Vrijednost oglasa i stav o katalozima i trgovačkim letcima kod hrvatskih potrošača – SEM pristup

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    Purpose – This research study aims to determine the influence of the factors of informativeness, entertainment, irritation, and credibility on the perception of the value of advertisements and the attitude to advertising through catalogs and store flyers among Croatian consumers. Design/methodology/approach – In the research, testing a theoretical model of value perception, 354 correct answers were collected via email, Facebook groups, and Internet forums. Hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling. Findings and implications – The results of this research show that the informativeness, entertainment, and credibility are important predictors of the value of catalogs and flyer advertising. Irritation is not. Furthermore, entertainment, credibility, and perception of the advertisement’s value have a positive and significant impact on the attitude to advertising through catalogs and store flyers. In addition to the scientific contribution, the research study has its practical significance as a guide to future marketing activities aimed at increasing the effectiveness of this type of advertising. Limitation – The sample representativeness may be a limiting factor of this research because the author used available email addresses, Facebook groups, and Internet portals. Originality – A review of the bibliography available found that the applied value perception model had not previously been tested in the context of catalogs and store flyers. It builds on the current knowledge about the effectiveness of individual advertising media.Svrha – Cilj je istraživanja utvrditi kod hrvatskih potrošača utjecaj čimbenika informativnosti, zabave, iritacije i vjerodostojnosti oglasa na percepciju njegove vrijednosti i stav o oglašavanju putem kataloga i trgovačkih letaka. Metodološki pristup – Istraživanje testira teorijski model percipirane vrijednosti. Putem elektroničke pošte, Facebook grupa i internetskih foruma prikupljeno je 354 valjanih odgovora. Metoda modeliranja strukturnih jednadžbi (SEM) korištena je za testiranje hipoteza. Rezultati i implikacije – Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da su informativnost, zabava i vjerodostojnost važni prediktori vrijednosti oglašavanja putem kataloga i letaka, dok iritacija to nije. Nadalje, zabava, vjerodostojnost i percepcija vrijednosti oglasa imaju pozitivan i značajan utjecaj na stav o oglašavanju putem kataloga i letaka. Osim znanstvenog doprinosa, istraživanje ima i svoj praktični značaj kao vodič za buduće marketinške aktivnosti na podizanju učinkovitosti ove vrste oglašavanja. Ograničenja – Ograničenje istraživanja vezano je uz nereprezentativnost uzorka s obzirom da je autor koristio raspoložive adrese elektroničke pošte te Facebook grupe i internetske portale. Doprinos – Pregledom dostupne literature utvrđeno je kako primijenjeni model percipirane vrijednosti dosad nije testiran u kontekstu kataloga i trgovačkih letaka. Time se nadograđuju dosadašnje spoznaje o efikasnosti pojedinih medija oglašavanja

    Understanding Local Cable Advertisements for Small Businesses

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    Consumers’ attitude holds central focus in mainstream research in marketing, with abundant research on consumers’ attitude towards digital and online advertisements. Yet, there is scarce research on local area cable advertisements of small businesses. This paper aims to examine the determinants of consumers’ attitude towards advertisements of local area cable networks. Primary quantitative data from 300 viewers of local area cable channels located in Lahore, Pakistan was collected to examine the hypotheses. Our findings suggest that entertainment and credibility are positively associated with the consumers’ attitude towards local cable advertisements. However, ad perception does not show any significant relation with consumers’ attitude towards local cable advertisements. These results have significant implications for small businesses in crafting effective promotional policies and strategies for approaching their target consumers. By focusing on the entertainment and credibility factor, small businesses can also position their brands in limited budget

    E-mail advertising: a Middle Eastern perspective and the moderating role of gender

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    This study assesses Middle Eastern consumers’ beliefs regarding attitude and behavioural responses toward e-mail advertising. To date, little is known about Middle Eastern consumers’ attitudes and behavioural responses towards email advertising. Our findings show that gender moderates the relationship between beliefs and attitudes, and responses to email advertising. A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 1200 respondents and yielded 321 valid responses. The hypothesized model was tested using structural equation modelling. Our findings show that both informativeness and entertainment beliefs positively predicted Middle Eastern consumers’ attitudes toward e-mail advertising. Additionally, attitude was found to fully mediate the relationship between beliefs regarding and behavioural responses toward e-mail advertising. Notably, females were found to react more intensely when exposed to email ads. Our findings suggest that advertisers promoting in a Middle Eastern context should take further steps to enhance the quality of information and the perceived entertainment value that could be delivered to Middle Eastern consumers through e-mail advertising specially for female internet users