2,009 research outputs found

    Desain Aplikasi Mobile Panduan Sholat dan Doa untuk Anak Gangguan Pendengaran

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    Children with hearing loss are children who experience learning difficulties. They have limited vocabulary and language in communication that hampers the learning process. They need a special way of learning and are usually educated in special schools. Level 2 elementary students at SLB B Karnnamanohara have difficulty learning prayer and daily prayer. Almost all elementary level 2 students cannot pronounce daily prayers and prayers. They need interesting learning resources and according to their characteristics. This study aims to design multimedia mobile application of prayer and daily prayers guides for children with hearing loss. The research method consists of five stages: data collection, data analysis, storyboard making, prototype design, and prototype evaluation. This research has been designed to multimedia mobile applications of prayer and prayers guides for children hearing impairments according to the needs of users who have different characteristics with users in general. The results showed that the prototype design of the multimedia mobile application prayer and prayer daily guides for children with hearing loss had met the needs of users with evaluation values of 4.42 from a scale of 5

    Constructivist Assistive Technology in a Mathematics Classroom for the Deaf: Going Digital at a Rural Namibian Primary School

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    Within the context of almost nine million children with hearing disabilities in Sub-Saharan Africa, their education is an important topic. The problem was the lack of conclusive research about the effects of digital assistive technologies for educating deaf learners in Sub-Saharan African countries, such as Namibia. The question was could a digital assistive technology improve the mathematics achievement of deaf children? The research objective was to gather scientific evidence by conducting a quantitative experiment with constructivist digital assistive technology and qualitative interviews with the teachers involved. The findings from the experiment suggest that the constructivist digital assistive technology may have had a positive effect on the mathematics achievement of the learners, which was supported by the findings from the interviews. This makes an original contribution to the domain and offers an intervention that was feasible, practical and potentially effective for improving the teaching and learning of mathematics for deaf learners.School of Computin

    Accessibility of mathematics examinations to students with hearing impairment: a case study of a school for the deaf in Nyeri County-Kenya

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    The objective of this study was to establish the extent to which mathematics examinations are accessible to students with HI. The study adopted a qualitative approach via a case study design. The participants included the principal, Head of the mathematics department, teachers, and students from Clifftop school for the deaf. Purposive sampling was used to select the 5 students with HI and 3 mathematics teachers. Data was collected through focus group discussion (FGD) with students and teachers separately and classroom observation. In addition, the principal and the head of the mathematics department were interviewed to ascertain the general accessibility of mathematics examinations to students with HI and identify strategies that can be employed to enhance the accessibility of mathematics examinations to students with HI. Furthermore, documents such as studentsā€™ mathematics examinations answer sheets, standard examination test papers, and KCSE results were analysed for corroboration of data collected from interviews and FGD. Although the students stated that they could access some mathematics concepts, the findings showed that mathematics examinations are highly inaccessible to students with HI. At the end of the study, the teachers and students indicated that mathematics needs to be adapted to increase access to mathematics examinations. The study suggests that providing necessary accommodations in testing should be done with caution to avoid affecting the validity of the test scores

    Discovery learning in mathematics education: Using multimedia technology to reach teachers

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    Being a teacher requires the dual skills ofboth knowing a content area and knowing effective methods for teaching that content. Teachers ofdeafstudents, however, frequently have more training related to deafness rather than their content area. At issue is access to resources which could remedy this problem. This paper outlines the development of an online workshop which will serve as a pilot project to explore ways to get pedagogical and content knowledge from skilled professionals to both teachers in the field and students in teacher preparation programs. The mathematical preparation of teachers of the deaf was reviewed and a workshop topic selected before designing a script and visual aids for the workshop itself. After the workshop was recorded, materials were compiled into a multimedia program, andfeedback was solicitedfrom three audience types. The feedback indicates that there is indeed an audience for this type oflearning experience, although some modifications might be made

    ImpacT2 project: preliminary study 1: establishing the relationship between networked technology and attainment

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    This report explored teaching practices, beliefs and teaching styles and their influences on ICT use and implementation by pupils. Additional factors explored included the value of school and LEA policies and teacher competence in the use of ICT in classroom settings. ImpaCT2 was a major longitudinal study (1999-2002) involving 60 schools in England, its aims were to: identify the impact of networked technologies on the school and out-of-school environment; determine whether or not this impact affected the educational attainment of pupils aged 816 years (at Key Stages 2, 3, and 4); and provide information that would assist in the formation of national, local and school policies on the deployment of IC


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    Siswa hard hearing adalah siswa yang mengalami hambatan pada pendengarannya sehingga mempengaruhi proses pemerolehan informasi kebahasaan dan berpengaruh terhadap proses pembelajarannya. Siswa hard hearing lebih mengandalkan visualnya untuk memperoleh informasi. Sekolah inklusi adalah sekolah umum yang menerima siswa kategori berkebutuhan khusus, termasuk siswa hard hearing, dengan memberikan pembelajaran serta kurikulum yang sama dengan siswa normal. Sehingga guru perlu untuk menjadi lebih kreatif dalam pembelajaran agar setiap siswa dapat mencapai pemahaman matematis. Bahan ajar berbantuan multimedia merupakan alternatif sumber belajar yang dapat membantu siswa hard hearing dalam pembelajaran matematika di sekolah inklusi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengkaji dan merancang bahan ajar berbantuan multimedia untuk siswa hard hearing di SMP inklusi dan mendeskripsikan kemampuan pemahaman matematis siswa hard hearing setelah memperoleh pembelajaran dengan bahan ajar tersebut. Materi yang disajikan pada bahan ajar untuk penelitian ini adalah operasi hitung pecahan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah research and development (R&D) dengan model ADDIE yang terdiri atas lima tahapan yaitu: analisis, perancangan, pengembangan, implementasi, dan evaluasi. Instrumen penelitian ini berupa pedoman wawancara, lembar penilaian bahan ajar, dan tes hasil belajar. Setelah melalui dua kali revisi, penelitian ini menghasilkan bahan ajar berbantuan multimedia yang mempunyai karakteristik khusus yaitu: 1) menggunakan ilustrasi gambar dan animasi yang menarik untuk menyampaikan materi pembelajaran, 2) menggunakan kalimat yang sedikit dan sederhana, dan 3) menggunakan soal-soal latihan yang dapat memancing kemampuan intuitif matematika siswa hard hearing sehingga siswa dapat mencapai pemahaman matematis. Bahan ajar ini pun dinyatakan layak untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran matematika di sekolah inklusi oleh validator. Secara kualitatif, berdasarkan observasi dan wawancara selama tahap implementasi, bahan ajar ini telah mengubah persepsi siswa hard hearing mengenai operasi hitung pecahan. Setelah adanya bahan ajar ini, siswa hard hearing dapat memahami operasi hitung pecahan dengan representasi visual, bukan lagi sesuatu yang abstrak. Secara kuantitatif, pencapaian pemahaman matematis siswa hard hearing pada hasil implementasi bahan ajar ini terjadi pada setiap indikator dengan materi operasi hitung penjumlahan dan pengurangan pecahan. Namun, pada penelitian ini terdapat materi di mana siswa kurang menunjukkan adanya pencapaian pada pemahaman matematisnya, yaitu untuk materi operasi hitung perkalian dan pembagian. Hard hearing students experience hearing impairments that affect obtaining linguistic information and impact the learning process. Hard hearing students rely more on their visuals to get information. Inclusion schools accept students with special needs, including hard hearing students, by providing the same learning and curriculum as regular students. So that teachers need to be more creative in teaching so that every student can achieve mathematical understanding. Multimedia assisted teaching materials are an alternative learning resource that can help hard-hearing students learn mathematics in inclusive schools. The purpose of this research is to examine and design multimedia-assisted teaching materials for hard hearing students in inclusive junior high schools and to describe the mathematical understanding skill of hard hearing students after learning with this teaching material. The material presented in the teaching material for this study is the fraction number operation. The research method used is research and development (R&D) with the ADDIE model, which consists of five stages: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The research instruments were interview guides, teaching material assessment sheets, and learning outcomes tests. After going through two revisions, this research resulted in multimedia-assisted teaching material that had particular characteristics, namely: 1) using attractive illustrations and animation to convey learning material, 2) using few and simple sentences, and 3) using exercise questions which can provoke hard hearing students' mathematical intuition skill so that students can achieve mathematical understanding. This teaching material was also declared suitable for use in mathematics learning in inclusive schools by the validator. Qualitatively, based on observations during the implementation stage, this teaching material has changed the hard hearing students' perceptions about fraction counting operations. After this teaching material, the hard hearing student can understand the fractions number operation with a visual representation, not something abstract anymore. Quantitatively, based on the results of the implementation of this teaching material, the achievement of the hard hearing student's mathematical understanding occurs in each indicator with the material of addition and subtraction of fraction numbers. However, in this study, there is material in which students show less achievement in their mathematical understanding, namely multiplication, and division of fraction numbers

    Using an interactive whiteboard and a computer-programming tool to support the development of the key competencies in the New Zealand curriculum

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    Does childrenā€™s use of the software Scratch provide potential for the enhancement of key competencies as they work in pairs at the interactive whiteboard (IWB)? This article looks at how children using Scratch collaborated and managed their projects as they set about designing, constructing, testing and evaluating a game for others to play, a task that provided a sustained challenge over six weeks and beyond. The findings showed that the key competencies of participating, contributing, and relating to others were enhanced by the collaborative use of Scratch at the IWB, and that creative and conceptual thinking processes were sustained. Children became increasingly adept at using Scratch, and some children, previously thought to have poor social skills, began to articulate their understandings to others. While a guiding and scaffolding role was evident in teachersā€™ actions, close monitoring of group progress and direct input from teachers is required to keep the challenge high but achievable, and to extend childrenā€™s knowledge and thinking as they use Scratch at the IWB
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