54,639 research outputs found

    IoT Hub as a Service (HaaS): Data-Oriented Environment for Interactive Smart Spaces

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    Smart devices around us produce a considerable volume of data and interact in a wide range of scenarios that guide the evolution of the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT adds informative and interactive aspects to our living spaces, converting them into smart spaces. However, the development of applications is challenged by the fragmented nature due to the vast number of different IoT things, the format of reported information, communication standards, and the techniques used to design applications. This paper introduces IoT Hub as a Service (HaaS), a data-oriented framework to enable communication interoperability between the ecosystem's entities. The framework abstracts things' information, reported data items, and developers' applications into programmable objects referred to as Cards. Cards represent specific entities and interactions of focus with meta-data. The framework then indexes cards' meta-data to enable interoperability, data management, and application development. The framework allows users to create virtual smart spaces (VSS) to define cards' accessibility and visibility. Within VSS, users can identify accessible data items, things to communicate, and authorized applications. The framework, in this paper, defines four types of Cards to represent: participating IoT things, data items, VSS, and applications. The proposed framework enables the development of synchronous and asynchronous applications. The framework dynamically creates, updates, and links the cards throughout the life-cycle of the different entities. We present the details of the proposed framework and show how our framework is advantageous and applicable

    Smart Card DBMS: where are we now?

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    Smart card is today the most widespread secured portable computing device. Four years ago, we addressed the problem of scaling down database techniques for the smart card and we proposed the design of what we called a PicoDBMS, a full-fledged database system embedded in a smart card. Since then, thanks to the hardware progress and to the joint implementation efforts of our team and our industrial partner, this utopian design gave birth to a complete prototype running on an experimental smart card platform. This paper revisits the problem statement in the light of the hardware and applications evolution. Then, it introduces a benchmark dedicated to Pico–style databases and provides an extensive performance analysis of our prototype, discussing lessons learned at experimentation time and helping selecting the appropriate storage and indexation model for a given class of embedded applications. Finally, it draws new research perspectives for data management on secured chips (smart cards, USB dongles, multimedia rendering devices, smart objects in an ambient intelligence surrounding)

    Modern access control system

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    Diplomová práce se zaměřuje na návrh schématu přístupového systému s autentizací uživatelů pomocí smart karet. V první části práce jsou popsány dostupné druhy identifikačních předmětů pro autentizaci uživatelů a také druhy čtecích zařízení. Druhá část se potom podrobně věnuje čipovým kartám, popisuje druhy čipových karet a také vnitřní strukturu a princip komunikace těchto karet se čtecími zařízeními. Tato část se věnuje primárně popisu java karet. Třetí část se zabývá kryptografií na platformě Java Card a věnuje se hlavně eliptickým křivkám. V kapitole čtvrté je představen protokol PACE, jsou rozebrány jeho dílčí části a způsob, jakým je tento protokol aplikován na čipové karty. Pátá část se věnuje detailnímu popisu navrženého přístupového systému, jeho dílčích částí a popisu funkčnosti a ovládání vytvořených aplikací.The thesis describes the design of scheme for access system with user authentication via smart cards. The first chapter explains various types of identification items used for authentication of users and different types of readers and terminals, followed by chapter 2 with a deeper insight on smart cards with focus on their types, what internal structure and principle of communication with card readers are used, etc. with primary focus on Java cards. The third chapter describes Java Card cryptography - especially elliptic curve cryptography used on this platform. The fourth part focuses on PACE protocol with subsections dedicated to the individual parts of the protocol and its applicability to smart cards environment. Chapter 5 explains the proposed design of the authentication scheme elaborated in the thesis, including a detailed description of specific parts, their funcionality and exemplary usage in the created applications.

    SmartCities Public Final Report

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    Smart cards: State-of-the-art to future directions

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    The evolution of smart card technology provides an interesting case study of the relationship and interactions between security and business requirements. This paper maps out the milestones for smart card technology, discussing at each step the opportunities and challenges. The paper reviews recently proposed innovative ownership/management models and the security challenges associated with them. The paper concludes with a discussion of possible future directions for the technology, and the challenges these present