26,584 research outputs found

    Quaternary Conjucyclic Codes with an Application to EAQEC Codes

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    Conjucyclic codes are part of a family of codes that includes cyclic, constacyclic, and quasi-cyclic codes, among others. Despite their importance in quantum error correction, they have not received much attention in the literature. This paper focuses on additive conjucyclic (ACC) codes over F4\mathbb{F}_4 and investigates their properties. Specifically, we derive the duals of ACC codes using a trace inner product and obtain the trace hull and its dimension. Also, establish a necessary and sufficient condition for an additive code to have a complementary dual (ACD). Additionally, we identify a necessary condition for an additive conjucyclic complementary pair of codes over F4\mathbb{F}_4. Furthermore, we show that the trace code of an ACC code is cyclic and provide a condition for the trace code of an ACC code to be LCD. To demonstrate the practical application of our findings, we construct some good entanglement-assisted quantum error-correcting (EAQEC) codes using the trace code of ACC codes

    Properties and classifications of certain LCD codes.

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    A linear code CC is called a linear complementary dual code (LCD code) if C∩C⊥=0C \cap C^\perp = {0} holds. LCD codes have many applications in cryptography, communication systems, data storage, and quantum coding theory. In this dissertation we show that a necessary and sufficient condition for a cyclic code CC over Z4\Z_4 of odd length to be an LCD code is that C=(f(x))C=\big( f(x) \big) where ff is a self-reciprocal polynomial in Z4[X]\Z_{4}[X] which is also in our paper \cite{GK1}. We then extend this result and provide a necessary and sufficient condition for a cyclic code CC of length NN over a finite chain ring R=\big(R,\m=(\gamma),\kappa=R/\m \big) with ν(γ)=2\nu(\gamma)=2 to be an LCD code. In \cite{DKOSS} a linear programming bound for LCD codes and the definition for LD2(n,k)\text{LD}_{2}(n, k) for binary LCD [n,k][n, k]-codes are provided. Thus, in a different direction, we find the formula for LD2(n,2)\text{LD}_{2}(n, 2) which appears in \cite{GK2}. In 2020, Pang et al. defined binary LCD  [n,k]\text{LCD}\; [n,k] codes with biggest minimal distance, which meets the Griesmer bound \cite{Pang}. We give a correction to and provide a different proof for \cite[Theorem 4.2]{Pang}, provide a different proof for \cite[Theorem 4.3]{Pang}, examine properties of LCD ternary codes, and extend some results found in \cite{Harada} for any qq which is a power of an odd prime

    Quasi-Cyclic Complementary Dual Code

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    LCD codes are linear codes that intersect with their dual trivially. Quasi cyclic codes that are LCD are characterized and studied by using their concatenated structure. Some asymptotic results are derived. Hermitian LCD codes are introduced to that end and their cyclic subclass is characterized. Constructions of QCCD codes from codes over larger alphabets are given

    Euclidean and Hermitian LCD MDS codes

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    Linear codes with complementary duals (abbreviated LCD) are linear codes whose intersection with their dual is trivial. When they are binary, they play an important role in armoring implementations against side-channel attacks and fault injection attacks. Non-binary LCD codes in characteristic 2 can be transformed into binary LCD codes by expansion. On the other hand, being optimal codes, maximum distance separable codes (abbreviated MDS) have been of much interest from many researchers due to their theoretical significant and practical implications. However, little work has been done on LCD MDS codes. In particular, determining the existence of qq-ary [n,k][n,k] LCD MDS codes for various lengths nn and dimensions kk is a basic and interesting problem. In this paper, we firstly study the problem of the existence of qq-ary [n,k][n,k] LCD MDS codes and completely solve it for the Euclidean case. More specifically, we show that for q>3q>3 there exists a qq-ary [n,k][n,k] Euclidean LCD MDS code, where 0≤k≤n≤q+10\le k \le n\le q+1, or, q=2mq=2^{m}, n=q+2n=q+2 and k=3orq−1k= 3 \text{or} q-1. Secondly, we investigate several constructions of new Euclidean and Hermitian LCD MDS codes. Our main techniques in constructing Euclidean and Hermitian LCD MDS codes use some linear codes with small dimension or codimension, self-orthogonal codes and generalized Reed-Solomon codes
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