153 research outputs found

    Contribuciones sobre métodos óptimos y subóptimos de aproximaciones poligonales de curvas 2-D

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    Esta tesis versa sobre el an álisis de la forma de objetos 2D. En visión articial existen numerosos aspectos de los que se pueden extraer información. Uno de los más usados es la forma o el contorno de esos objetos. Esta característica visual de los objetos nos permite, mediante el procesamiento adecuado, extraer información de los objetos, analizar escenas, etc. No obstante el contorno o silueta de los objetos contiene información redundante. Este exceso de datos que no aporta nuevo conocimiento debe ser eliminado, con el objeto de agilizar el procesamiento posterior o de minimizar el tamaño de la representación de ese contorno, para su almacenamiento o transmisión. Esta reducción de datos debe realizarse sin que se produzca una pérdida de información importante para representación del contorno original. Se puede obtener una versión reducida de un contorno eliminando puntos intermedios y uniendo los puntos restantes mediante segmentos. Esta representación reducida de un contorno se conoce como aproximación poligonal. Estas aproximaciones poligonales de contornos representan, por tanto, una versión comprimida de la información original. El principal uso de las mismas es la reducción del volumen de información necesario para representar el contorno de un objeto. No obstante, en los últimos años estas aproximaciones han sido usadas para el reconocimiento de objetos. Para ello los algoritmos de aproximaci ón poligonal se han usado directamente para la extracci ón de los vectores de caracter ísticas empleados en la fase de aprendizaje. Las contribuciones realizadas por tanto en esta tesis se han centrado en diversos aspectos de las aproximaciones poligonales. En la primera contribución se han mejorado varios algoritmos de aproximaciones poligonales, mediante el uso de una fase de preprocesado que acelera estos algoritmos permitiendo incluso mejorar la calidad de las soluciones en un menor tiempo. En la segunda contribución se ha propuesto un nuevo algoritmo de aproximaciones poligonales que obtiene soluciones optimas en un menor espacio de tiempo que el resto de métodos que aparecen en la literatura. En la tercera contribución se ha propuesto un algoritmo de aproximaciones que es capaz de obtener la solución óptima en pocas iteraciones en la mayor parte de los casos. Por último, se ha propuesto una versi ón mejorada del algoritmo óptimo para obtener aproximaciones poligonales que soluciona otro problema de optimización alternativo.This thesis focus on the analysis of the shape of objects. In computer vision there are several sources from which we can extract information. One of the most important source of information is the shape or contour of objects. This visual characteristic can be used to extract information, analyze the scene, etc. However, the contour of the objects contains redundant information. This redundant data does not add new information and therefore, must be deleted in order to minimize the processing burden and reducing the amount of data to represent that shape. This reduction of data should be done without losing important information to represent the original contour. A reduced version of a contour can be obtained by deleting some points of the contour and linking the remaining points by using line segments. This reduced version of a contour is known as polygonal approximation in the literature. Therefore, these polygonal approximation represent a compressed version of the original information. The main use of polygonal approximations is to reduce the amount of information needed to represent the contour of an object. However, in recent years polygonal approximations have been used to recognize objects. For this purpose, the feature vectors have been extracted from the polygonal approximations. The contributions proposed in this thesis have focused on several aspects of polygonal approximations. The rst contribution has improved several algorithms to obtain polygonal approximations, by adding a new stage of preprocessing which boost the whole method. The quality of the solutions obtained has also been improved and the computation time reduced. The second contribution proposes a novel algorithm which obtains optimal polygonal approximations in a shorter time than the optimal methods found in the literature. The third contribution proposes a new method which may obtain the optimal solution after few iterations in most cases. Finally, an improved version of the optimal polygonal approximation algorithm has been proposed to solve an alternative optimization problem

    Optimum Slice Reduction Algorithm For Fast Surface Reconstruction From Contour Slices

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    Tesis ini memfokus kepada pembinaan semula permukaan daripada siri hirisan kontur, dengan tujuan mempercepatkan proses pembinaan semula di samping mengekalkan kualiti output pada tahap yang boleh diterima. This thesis is concerned with the reconstruction of surface from a series of contour slices, with the aim to speed up the reconstruction process while preserving the output quality at an acceptable level

    Optimum Slice Reduction Algorithm For Fast Surface Reconstruction From Contour slices [QA571. T164 2007 f rb].

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    Tesis ini memfokus kepada pembinaan semula permukaan daripada siri hirisan kontur, dengan tujuan mempercepatkan proses pembinaan semula di samping mengekalkan kualiti output pada tahap yang boleh diterima. Teknik yang dicadangkan dalam tesis ini memproses hirisan-hirisan kontur sebelum pembinaan semula permukaan. This thesis is concerned with the reconstruction of surface from a series of contour slices, with the aim to speed up the reconstruction process while preserving the output quality at an acceptable level. The proposed technique in this thesis, preprocesses the slices of contour prior to surface reconstruction

    Human perception-oriented segmentation for triangle meshes

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    A segmentação de malhas é um tópico importante de investigação em computação gráfica, em particular em modelação geométrica. Isto deve-se ao facto de as técnicas de segmentaçãodemalhasteremváriasaplicações,nomeadamentenaproduçãodefilmes, animaçãoporcomputador, realidadevirtual, compressãodemalhas, assimcomoemjogosdigitais. Emconcreto, asmalhastriangularessãoamplamenteusadasemaplicações interativas, visto que sua segmentação em partes significativas (também designada por segmentação significativa, segmentação perceptiva ou segmentação perceptualmente significativa ) é muitas vezes vista como uma forma de acelerar a interação com o utilizador ou a deteção de colisões entre esses objetos 3D definidos por uma malha, bem como animar uma ou mais partes significativas (por exemplo, a cabeça de uma personagem) de um dado objeto, independentemente das restantes partes. Acontece que não se conhece nenhuma técnica capaz de segmentar correctamente malhas arbitrárias −ainda que restritas aos domínios de formas livres e não-livres− em partes significativas. Algumas técnicas são mais adequadas para objetos de forma não-livre (por exemplo, peças mecânicas definidas geometricamente por quádricas), enquanto outras são mais talhadas para o domínio dos objectos de forma livre. Só na literatura recente surgem umas poucas técnicas que se aplicam a todo o universo de objetos de forma livre e não-livre. Pior ainda é o facto de que a maioria das técnicas de segmentação não serem totalmente automáticas, no sentido de que quase todas elas exigem algum tipo de pré-requisitos e assistência do utilizador. Resumindo, estes três desafios relacionados com a proximidade perceptual, generalidade e automação estão no cerne do trabalho descrito nesta tese. Para enfrentar estes desafios, esta tese introduz o primeiro algoritmo de segmentação baseada nos contornos ou fronteiras dos segmentos, cuja técnica se inspira nas técnicas de segmentação baseada em arestas, tão comuns em análise e processamento de imagem,porcontraposiçãoàstécnicasesegmentaçãobaseadaemregiões. Aideiaprincipal é a de encontrar em primeiro lugar a fronteira de cada região para, em seguida, identificar e agrupar todos os seus triângulos internos. As regiões da malha encontradas correspondem a saliências e reentrâncias, que não precisam de ser estritamente convexas, nem estritamente côncavas, respectivamente. Estas regiões, designadas regiões relaxadamenteconvexas(ousaliências)eregiõesrelaxadamentecôncavas(oureentrâncias), produzem segmentações que são menos sensíveis ao ruído e, ao mesmo tempo, são mais intuitivas do ponto de vista da perceção humana; por isso, é designada por segmentação orientada à perceção humana (ou, human perception- oriented (HPO), do inglês). Além disso, e ao contrário do atual estado-da-arte da segmentação de malhas, a existência destas regiões relaxadas torna o algoritmo capaz de segmentar de maneira bastante plausível tanto objectos de forma não-livre como objectos de forma livre. Nesta tese, enfrentou-se também um quarto desafio, que está relacionado com a fusão de segmentação e multi-resolução de malhas. Em boa verdade, já existe na literatura uma variedade grande de técnicas de segmentação, bem como um número significativo de técnicas de multi-resolução, para malhas triangulares. No entanto, não é assim tão comum encontrar estruturas de dados e algoritmos que façam a fusão ou a simbiose destes dois conceitos, multi-resolução e segmentação, num único esquema multi-resolução que sirva os propósitos das aplicações que lidam com malhas simples e segmentadas, sendo que neste contexto se entende que uma malha simples é uma malha com um único segmento. Sendo assim, nesta tese descreve-se um novo esquema (entenda-seestruturasdedadosealgoritmos)demulti-resoluçãoesegmentação,designado por extended Ghost Cell (xGC). Este esquema preserva a forma das malhas, tanto em termos globais como locais, ou seja, os segmentos da malha e as suas fronteiras, bem como os seus vincos e ápices são preservados, não importa o nível de resolução que usamos durante a/o simplificação/refinamento da malha. Além disso, ao contrário de outros esquemas de segmentação, tornou-se possível ter segmentos adjacentes com dois ou mais níveis de resolução de diferença. Isto é particularmente útil em animação por computador, compressão e transmissão de malhas, operações de modelação geométrica, visualização científica e computação gráfica. Em suma, esta tese apresenta um esquema genérico, automático, e orientado à percepção humana, que torna possível a simbiose dos conceitos de segmentação e multiresolução de malhas trianguladas que sejam representativas de objectos 3D.The mesh segmentation is an important topic in computer graphics, in particular in geometric computing. This is so because mesh segmentation techniques find many applications in movies, computer animation, virtual reality, mesh compression, and games. Infact, trianglemeshesarewidelyusedininteractiveapplications, sothattheir segmentation in meaningful parts (i.e., human-perceptually segmentation, perceptive segmentationormeaningfulsegmentation)isoftenseenasawayofspeedinguptheuser interaction, detecting collisions between these mesh-covered objects in a 3D scene, as well as animating one or more meaningful parts (e.g., the head of a humanoid) independently of the other parts of a given object. It happens that there is no known technique capable of correctly segmenting any mesh into meaningful parts. Some techniques are more adequate for non-freeform objects (e.g., quadricmechanicalparts), whileothersperformbetterinthedomainoffreeform objects. Only recently, some techniques have been developed for the entire universe of objects and shapes. Even worse it is the fact that most segmentation techniques are not entirely automated in the sense that almost all techniques require some sort of pre-requisites and user assistance. Summing up, these three challenges related to perceptual proximity, generality and automation are at the core of the work described in this thesis. In order to face these challenges, we have developed the first contour-based mesh segmentation algorithm that we may find in the literature, which is inspired in the edgebased segmentation techniques used in image analysis, as opposite to region-based segmentation techniques. Its leading idea is to firstly find the contour of each region, and then to identify and collect all of its inner triangles. The encountered mesh regions correspond to ups and downs, which do not need to be strictly convex nor strictly concave, respectively. These regions, called relaxedly convex regions (or saliences) and relaxedly concave regions (or recesses), produce segmentations that are less-sensitive to noise and, at the same time, are more intuitive from the human point of view; hence it is called human perception- oriented (HPO) segmentation. Besides, and unlike the current state-of-the-art in mesh segmentation, the existence of these relaxed regions makes the algorithm suited to both non-freeform and freeform objects. In this thesis, we have also tackled a fourth challenge, which is related with the fusion of mesh segmentation and multi-resolution. Truly speaking, a plethora of segmentation techniques, as well as a number of multiresolution techniques, for triangle meshes already exist in the literature. However, it is not so common to find algorithms and data structures that fuse these two concepts, multiresolution and segmentation, into a symbiotic multi-resolution scheme for both plain and segmented meshes, in which a plainmeshisunderstoodasameshwithasinglesegment. So, weintroducesuchanovel multiresolution segmentation scheme, called extended Ghost Cell (xGC) scheme. This scheme preserves the shape of the meshes in both global and local terms, i.e., mesh segments and their boundaries, as well as creases and apices are preserved, no matter the level of resolution we use for simplification/refinement of the mesh. Moreover, unlike other segmentation schemes, it was made possible to have adjacent segments with two or more resolution levels of difference. This is particularly useful in computer animation, mesh compression and transmission, geometric computing, scientific visualization, and computer graphics. In short, this thesis presents a fully automatic, general, and human perception-oriented scheme that symbiotically integrates the concepts of mesh segmentation and multiresolution

    Object detection and activity recognition in digital image and video libraries

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    This thesis is a comprehensive study of object-based image and video retrieval, specifically for car and human detection and activity recognition purposes. The thesis focuses on the problem of connecting low level features to high level semantics by developing relational object and activity presentations. With the rapid growth of multimedia information in forms of digital image and video libraries, there is an increasing need for intelligent database management tools. The traditional text based query systems based on manual annotation process are impractical for today\u27s large libraries requiring an efficient information retrieval system. For this purpose, a hierarchical information retrieval system is proposed where shape, color and motion characteristics of objects of interest are captured in compressed and uncompressed domains. The proposed retrieval method provides object detection and activity recognition at different resolution levels from low complexity to low false rates. The thesis first examines extraction of low level features from images and videos using intensity, color and motion of pixels and blocks. Local consistency based on these features and geometrical characteristics of the regions is used to group object parts. The problem of managing the segmentation process is solved by a new approach that uses object based knowledge in order to group the regions according to a global consistency. A new model-based segmentation algorithm is introduced that uses a feedback from relational representation of the object. The selected unary and binary attributes are further extended for application specific algorithms. Object detection is achieved by matching the relational graphs of objects with the reference model. The major advantages of the algorithm can be summarized as improving the object extraction by reducing the dependence on the low level segmentation process and combining the boundary and region properties. The thesis then addresses the problem of object detection and activity recognition in compressed domain in order to reduce computational complexity. New algorithms for object detection and activity recognition in JPEG images and MPEG videos are developed. It is shown that significant information can be obtained from the compressed domain in order to connect to high level semantics. Since our aim is to retrieve information from images and videos compressed using standard algorithms such as JPEG and MPEG, our approach differentiates from previous compressed domain object detection techniques where the compression algorithms are governed by characteristics of object of interest to be retrieved. An algorithm is developed using the principal component analysis of MPEG motion vectors to detect the human activities; namely, walking, running, and kicking. Object detection in JPEG compressed still images and MPEG I frames is achieved by using DC-DCT coefficients of the luminance and chrominance values in the graph based object detection algorithm. The thesis finally addresses the problem of object detection in lower resolution and monochrome images. Specifically, it is demonstrated that the structural information of human silhouettes can be captured from AC-DCT coefficients

    Dominant points detection for shape analysis

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    The growing interest in recent years towards the multimedia and the large amount of information exchanged across the network involves the various fields of research towards the study of methods for automatic identification. One of the main objectives is to associate the information content of images, using techniques for identifying composing objects. Among image descriptors, contours reveal are very important because most of the information can be extracted from them and the contour analysis offers a lower computational complexity also. The contour analysis can be restricted to the study of some salient points with high curvature from which it is possible to reconstruct the original contour. The thesis is focused on the polygonal approximation of closed digital curves. After an overview of the most common shape descriptors, distinguished between simple descriptors and external methods, that focus on the analysis of boundary points of objects, and internal methods, which use the pixels inside the object also, a description of the major methods regarding the extraction of dominant points studied so far and the metrics typically used to evaluate the goodness of the polygonal approximation found is given. Three novel approaches to the problem are then discussed in detail: a fast iterative method (DPIL), more suitable for realtime processing, and two metaheuristics methods (GAPA, ACOPA) based on genetic algorithms and Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), more com- plex from the point of view of the calculation, but more precise. Such techniques are then compared with the other main methods cited in literature, in order to assess the performance in terms of computational complexity and polygonal approximation error, and measured between them, in order to evaluate the robustness with respect to affine transformations and conditions of noise. Two new techniques of shape matching, i.e. identification of objects belonging to the same class in a database of images, are then described. The first one is based on the shape alignment and the second is based on a correspondence by ACO, which puts in evidence the excellent results, both in terms of computational time and recognition accuracy, obtained through the use of dominant points. In the first matching algorithm the results are compared with a selection of dominant points generated by a human operator while in the second the dominant points are used instead of a constant sampling of the outline typically used for this kind of approach

    Geometric Approximations and their Application to Motion Planning

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    Geometric approximation methods are a preferred solution to handle complexities (such as a large volume or complex features such as concavities) in geometric objects or environments containing them. Complexities often pose a computational bottleneck for applications such as motion planning. Exact resolution of these complexities might introduce other complexities such as unmanageable number of components. Hence, approximation methods provide a way to handle these complexities in a manageable state by trading off some accuracy. In this dissertation, two novel geometric approximation methods are studied: aggregation hierarchy and shape primitive skeleton. The aggregation hierarchy is a hierarchical clustering of polygonal or polyhedral objects. The shape primitive skeleton provides an approximation of bounded space as a skeleton of shape primitives. These methods are further applied to improve the performance of motion planning applications. We evaluate the methods in environments with 2D and 3D objects. The aggregation hierarchy groups nearby objects into individual objects. The hierarchy is created by varying the distance threshold that determines which objects are nearby. This creates levels of detail of the environment. The hierarchy of the obstacle space is then used to create a decom-position of the complementary space (i.e, free space) into a set of sampling regions to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the sampling operation of the sampling based motion planners. Our results show that the method can improve the efficiency (10 − 70% of planning time) of sampling based motion planning algorithms. The shape primitive skeleton inscribes a set of shape primitives (e.g., sphere, boxes) inside a bounded space such that they represent the skeleton or the connectivity of the space. We apply the shape primitive skeletons of the free space and obstacle space in motion planning problems to improve the collision detection operation. Our results also show the use of shape primitive skeleton in both spaces improves the performance of collision detectors (by 20 − 70% of collision detection time) used in motion planning algorithms. In summary, this dissertation evaluates how geometric approximation methods can be applied to improve the performance of motion planning methods, especially, sampling based motion planning method

    Using contour information and segmentation for object registration, modeling and retrieval

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    This thesis considers different aspects of the utilization of contour information and syntactic and semantic image segmentation for object registration, modeling and retrieval in the context of content-based indexing and retrieval in large collections of images. Target applications include retrieval in collections of closed silhouettes, holistic w ord recognition in handwritten historical manuscripts and shape registration. Also, the thesis explores the feasibility of contour-based syntactic features for improving the correspondence of the output of bottom-up segmentation to semantic objects present in the scene and discusses the feasibility of different strategies for image analysis utilizing contour information, e.g. segmentation driven by visual features versus segmentation driven by shape models or semi-automatic in selected application scenarios. There are three contributions in this thesis. The first contribution considers structure analysis based on the shape and spatial configuration of image regions (socalled syntactic visual features) and their utilization for automatic image segmentation. The second contribution is the study of novel shape features, matching algorithms and similarity measures. Various applications of the proposed solutions are presented throughout the thesis providing the basis for the third contribution which is a discussion of the feasibility of different recognition strategies utilizing contour information. In each case, the performance and generality of the proposed approach has been analyzed based on extensive rigorous experimentation using as large as possible test collections

    AutoGraff: towards a computational understanding of graffiti writing and related art forms.

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    The aim of this thesis is to develop a system that generates letters and pictures with a style that is immediately recognizable as graffiti art or calligraphy. The proposed system can be used similarly to, and in tight integration with, conventional computer-aided geometric design tools and can be used to generate synthetic graffiti content for urban environments in games and in movies, and to guide robotic or fabrication systems that can materialise the output of the system with physical drawing media. The thesis is divided into two main parts. The first part describes a set of stroke primitives, building blocks that can be combined to generate different designs that resemble graffiti or calligraphy. These primitives mimic the process typically used to design graffiti letters and exploit well known principles of motor control to model the way in which an artist moves when incrementally tracing stylised letter forms. The second part demonstrates how these stroke primitives can be automatically recovered from input geometry defined in vector form, such as the digitised traces of writing made by a user, or the glyph outlines in a font. This procedure converts the input geometry into a seed that can be transformed into a variety of calligraphic and graffiti stylisations, which depend on parametric variations of the strokes