40 research outputs found

    The Influence of Commercial Intent of Search Results on Their Perceived Relevance

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    We carried out a retrieval effectiveness test on the three major web search engines (i.e., Google, Microsoft and Yahoo). In addition to relevance judgments, we classified the results according to their commercial intent and whether or not they carried any advertising. We found that all search engines provide a large number of results with a commercial intent. Google provides significantly more commercial results than the other search engines do. However, the commercial intent of a result did not influence jurors in their relevance judgments

    The Influence of Commercial Intent of Search Results on Their Perceived Relevance

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    We carried out a retrieval effectiveness test on the three major web search engines (i.e., Google, Microsoft and Yahoo). In addition to relevance judgments, we classified the results according to their commercial intent and whether or not they carried any advertising. We found that all search engines provide a large number of results with a commercial intent. Google provides significantly more commercial results than the other search engines do. However, the commercial intent of a result did not influence jurors in their relevance judgments

    Upaya Pengembangan USAha Kecil Dan Menengah (UKM) Dengan Memanfaatkan E-commerce

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    Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM) merupakan salah satu bidang yang memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan dalam memacu pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia. Hal ini dikarenakan daya serap UKM terhadap tenaga kerja yang sangat besar dan dekat dengan rakyat kecil. Tetapi UKM yang ada di Indonesia masih menghadapi berbagai masalah antara lain masalah promosi, pemasaran dan penjualan penjaualan produk yang dihasilkan. Seiring perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi, maka ia juga telah dimanfaatkan untuk pemasaran dan penjualan produk-produk melalui dunia maya yang sering disebut E-commerce. Penjualan dan pemasaran produk melalui dunia maya mempunyai banyak keuntungan, yaitu cakupan yang luas, tidak mengenal ruang dan waktu, dapat dilakukan kapan saja dan dimana saja. Oleh karena itu E-commerce patut dicoba untuk membantu mengembangkan UKM yang ada di Indonesia


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    Sustainable development focuses on meeting the needs of present without compromising future generations’ prospects of meeting the same needs plus those which will be present then. The concept of sustainable development was internationally established within the report “Our Common Future” of the World Commission on Environment and Development (a commission convened in 1983 by the General Assembly of United Nations). Reaching global sustainability, satisfying the needs of present without compromising the ability of future generations to satisfy their own needs, is one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century. Where can we place transportation among the sustainable development issues? Transportation is the activity which creates a bond between companies located at different distances from each other. Under such perspective, it is necessary to analyze “the sustainable transportation system” as a part of “sustainable mobility” in order to respond to the requirement of using certain logistics circuits which could lead to an economical transportation between industrial enterprises and distribution companies. The timid, but globally noticeable, trends to overcome the crisis at the beginning of 2010 give high responsibilities to carriers, as they are forced to focus on the quality of transportation and to reconsider the distance concept (together with their beneficiaries) by using “sustainable mobility.”mobility, sustainable development, environment, transportation, development strategies.

    Brand Names as Keywords in Sponsored Search Advertising

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    The business models of major Web search engines depend on online advertising, primarily in the form of keyword advertising. In recent years, a controversy has gained notoriety worldwide, in both the international court systems and the media. It concerns a form of potential “bait and switch” advertising where a consumer, searching using the brand name of one company, is presented with an advertisement by a competitor of the searched-for brand. We refer to this practice as “piggybacking.” In the U.S. in particular, the legality of this practice, and the potential liability of the search engines for contributing to trademark infringement, is unclear. However, the eventual resolutions of the issue could significantly and negatively impact the business model of Internet search engines. In this paper, we investigate the actual prevalence of piggybacking of major brands in U.S. search engines. We submitted 100 search queries consisting of top global brand names to three major search engines. Analysis of 2,350 advertisements from search engine results pages showed that just 4 percent were triggered by competitors’ trademarked terms. There was even lower use of those trademark terms in the ad text. Thus, overall competitive piggybacking does not appear to be a deceptive or widespread phenomenon. Implications for this are discussed, and suggestions for future research are presented

    A Systematic Review on Search Engine Advertising

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    The innovation of Search Engine Advertising (SEA) was first introduced in 1998. It soon became a very popular tool among practitioners for promoting their websites on the Web and turned into a billion dollar revenue source for search engines. In parallel with its rapid growth in use, SEA attracted the attention of academic researchers resulting in a large number of publications on the topic of SEA. However, no comprehensive review of this accumulated body of knowledge is currently available. This shortcoming has motivated us to conduct a systematic review of SEA literature. Herewith, we searched for and collected 101 papers on the topic of SEA, published in 72 journals from different disciplines and analyzed them to answer the research questions for this study. We have identified the historical development of SEA literature, predominant journals in the publication of SEA research, active reference disciplines as well as the main researchers in the field of SEA. Moreover, we have classified SEA literature into four categories and 10 research topics. We also uncovered a number of gaps in SEA literature and provided future research direction accordingly. Available at: https://aisel.aisnet.org/pajais/vol7/iss3/2

    Can Visible Cues of Search Results Tell Vendors\u27 Reliability?

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    A search engine provides two distinct types of results, organic and paid, each of which uses different mechanisms for selecting and ranking relevant Web pages for a query. For an e-commerce query, vendors represented by websites in these organic and paid results are expected to have varying reliability ratings, such as a satisfactory or unsatisfactory score from the Business Bureau (BBB) based on overall customer experiences. In this paper we empirically examine how vendors’ reliability ratings in BBB are associated with cues (such as type of result, relative price, number of sites selling the product) that can be observed or derived from search results, and further we attempt to predict vendors’ BBB reliability ratings using those cues


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    To make judicious budget and resource allocation decisions, it is essential to understand the characteristics and performance of keywords used by target shoppers. Taking the approach of understanding consumers’ information needs, we construct a goal-related keyword characterization framework. Most search keywords exhibit more than one of the following characteristics - retailer specific, brand specific, product specific, feature related, or shopping intention. We analyze search engine ranking, click-through, and revenue data associated with visitor-disclosed search keywords from a top Web-only retailer over one year. Our findings show the interesting impacts of both keyword characteristics and dual-appearance of paid and organic advertisements on search marketing performance. The contributions of the research include a comprehensive search keyword characterization framework, and the analysis of the relationships between keyword characteristics and search performance. These findings have strong implications for search marketing decisions