204,905 research outputs found

    What drives security issuance decisions: Market timing, pecking order, or both?

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    We study market timing and pecking order in a sample of debt and equity issues and share repurchases of Canadian firms from 1998 to 2007. We find that only when firms are not financially constrained is there evidence that firms issue (repurchase) equity when their shares are overvalued (undervalued) and evidence that overvalued issuers earn lower postannouncement long-run returns. Similarly, we find that only when firms are not overvalued do they prefer debt to equity financing. These findings highlight an interaction between market timing and pecking order effects

    Stieltjes-Bethe equations in higher genus and branched coverings with even ramifications

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    We describe projective structures on a Riemann surface corresponding to monodromy groups which have trivial SL(2)SL(2) monodromies around singularities and trivial PSL(2)PSL(2) monodromies along homologically non-trivial loops on a Riemann surface. We propose a natural higher genus analog of Stieltjes-Bethe equations. Links with branched projective structures and with Hurwitz spaces with ramifications of even order are established. We find a higher genus analog of the genus zero Yang-Yang function (the function generating accessory parameters) and describe its similarity and difference with Bergman tau-function on the Hurwitz spaces

    Discontinuities in numerical radiative transfer

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    Observations and magnetohydrodynamic simulations of solar and stellar atmospheres reveal an intermittent behavior or steep gradients in physical parameters, such as magnetic field, temperature, and bulk velocities. The numerical solution of the stationary radiative transfer equation is particularly challenging in such situations, because standard numerical methods may perform very inefficiently in the absence of local smoothness. However, a rigorous investigation of the numerical treatment of the radiative transfer equation in discontinuous media is still lacking. The aim of this work is to expose the limitations of standard convergence analyses for this problem and to identify the relevant issues. Moreover, specific numerical tests are performed. These show that discontinuities in the atmospheric physical parameters effectively induce first-order discontinuities in the radiative transfer equation, reducing the accuracy of the solution and thwarting high-order convergence. In addition, a survey of the existing numerical schemes for discontinuous ordinary differential systems and interpolation techniques for discontinuous discrete data is given, evaluating their applicability to the radiative transfer problem

    Determinants of spreads on sovereign bank loans: the role of credit history

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    This paper is an empirical investigation into the role of credit history in determining the spread on sovereign bank loans. It employs an error-in-variables approach used in rationalexpectations-macro-econometrics to set up a structural model that links sovereign loan spreads to realized repayment behavior. Unlike the existing empirical literature, its instrumental variables method allows for distinguishing a direct influence of past repayment problems (a “pure reputation ” effect) from one that goes through increased default probabilities. Using developing country data from the period 1973-1981 and constructing continuous variables for credit history, we find that past default is a significant determinant of the spread, even after including country fixed effects. Moreover, its reduced-form effect is very similar to its structural form effect, indicating that most of the influence of past repayment problems is through the reputation channel. Overall, reserves to imports, past and predicted future default are substantial determinants of sovereign bank loan spreads