389 research outputs found

    Privacy in the post General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) World

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    Η συγκεκριμένη πτυχιακή εργασία επιδιώκει στην ανάλυση των πτυχών τα οποία σχετίζονται με τον νέο Γενικό Κανονισμό Προστασίας Δεδομένων (ΓΚΠΔ/GDPR 2016/679) που αποτελεί την πιο σημαντική αλλαγή στην νομοθεσία για την προστασία των δεδομέων μετά την άμεση εφαρμογή του σε όλα τα Κράτη-Μέλη απο 25 Μαϊου 2018. Το πάρων έγγραφο αποσκοπεί στην παροχή χρήσιμων πληροφοριών αναφορικά με μια ιστορική αναδρομή απο την έναρξη της προστασίας των προσωπικών δεδομένων μέχρι την σημερινή κατάσταση του κανονισμού. Η διατριβή της πτυχιακής διεξήχθη ως αποτέλεσμα υψηλού προσωπικού ενδιαφέροντας και έχει πραγματοποιηθεί με βάση τις απαιτήσεις της ολοκλήρωσης των προπτυχιακών σπουδών μου. Η πτυχιακή εργασία εκπονήθηκε σε μια αρκετά δύσκολη περίοδο της προσωπικής μου κατάστασης, κατά την προσπάθεια εξισορρόπησης διαφόρων πτυχών των οποία ανέλαβα να αντιμετωπίσω κατά τα τελευταία χρόνια, ωστόσο, ο νέος νόμος της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης (ΕΕ) για την προστασία των προσωπικών δεδομένων επηρέασε τη ζωή πολλών ανθρώπων και μου κίνησε μεγάλο ενδιαφέρον. Ως εκ τούτου, το συγκεκριμένο θέμα διατυπώθηκε κατόπιν συμφωνίας με τον επιβλέπων καθηγητή κ. Δημήτρη Βαρουτά. Αποσκοπώ να απαντηθούν μερικές βασικές ερωτήσεις και προκλήσεις όπως «Τι είναι ο ΓΝΠΔ; Γιατί είναι σημαντικός και ποια μέρη του εφαρμόζονται στις ζωές μας; Πώς επηρεάζει τις διάφορες βιομηχανίες και ποια η επιρροή σήμερα κλπ.» που αποτελούν ερωτήματα τα οποία απασχολούν αρκετούς Ευρωπαίους καθώς και άλλους πολίτες σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο. Επιπλέον, τα θέματα τα οποία πρόκειται να αναλυθούν στην πτυχιακή εργασία είναι αρχικά η παροχή βασικών πληροφοριών αναφορικά με τον κανονισμό, πώς ξεκίνησαν όλα, ορισμένους βασικούς ρόλους καθώς και ευθύνες, τις κυρώσεις και ευελπιστώ να σας βοηθήσω να απαντηθούν πολλές απο τις ερωτήσεις που αναφέρθηκαν παραπάνω. Παρακαλώ, λάβετε υπόψη οτι το συγκεκριμένο έγγραφο δεν αποτελεί νομική συμβουλή, παρά μόνο αποσκοπεί στην δημιουργία ευαισθητοποίησης και ενημέρωσης περί του ζητήματος.This thesis seeks to analyze the motives that correlate to General Data Protection Regulation/ (GDPR 2016/679) one of the toughest privacy and security law in the world which passed by the European Union (EU) and took effect on May 25, 2018. The document’s aspects, and the purpose is to provide useful information on how this journey started and what is the current state. The GDPR BSc Thesis was conducted as a result of high personal interest and has been written to fulfill the graduation requirements of the Bachelor studies degree. The thesis was undertaken during a quite challenging time of period, considering personal situation balancing the different aspects of which I undertook the last years while the EU’s new data protection law affected many people’s lives. My research question was formulated together with my supervisor, Mr. Dimitris Varoutas. I anticipated to address challenges such as “What is the GDPR? Why is this law important and what part/s of it apply to me? How is it affecting the different industries etc.” which are concerns that most European or non- European citizens may have arisen. The purpose is to primarily provide useful information regarding this regulation, how did it all start, some key roles and responsibilities, the penalties and hopefully help you understand the people’s data privacy rights as well as further analyze the impact of this regulation in different sectors up to today. Nonetheless, conducting an extensive investigation has allowed me to answer many of the mentioned identified questions. Please note that nothing on this document constitutes legal advice rather than creating awareness

    The Use of Covid-19 Digital Applications and Unavoidable Threats to the Protection of Health Data and Privacy

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    This paper starts with a dilemma. How to ensure the adequate protection of individual health data and privacy in a global pandemic, which has intensified the use of digital applications for the purposes of data sharing and contact-tracing? There is no simple answer to this question when choosing between the protection of public health and individual privacy. However, the history of the existing case-law regarding infectious diseases control, both Polish and European, teaches about numerous examples in which health data and privacy were not adequately protected, but, on the contrary, were misused leading to human rights infringements. In light of this case law and public health ethics, this paper argues radically that the use of digital applications to fight the Covid-19 pandemic has not been sufficiently justified at least in the Polish context. Especially, unconvincing benefits from the use of these tools do not outweigh the likelihood of human rights infringements with far-reaching consequences for political, social and economic rights now and in the future. In its novelty, this article combines a historical-legal method with the concept of public health ethics and a human rights-based approach and to foster further research and discussion. The text also responds to the pressing need to analyze those human rights issues embedded in the Polish reality.This research was in part supported by the project THEMIS (2018–2021; Principal Investigator: Patrycja Dąbrowska-Kłosińska) of the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 746014, which is hereby acknowledged.Patrycja Dąbrowska-Kłosińska: [email protected] Grzelak: [email protected] Nimark: [email protected] Dąbrowska-Kłosińska is Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences at the Warsaw University of Technology and Research Fellow at the School of Law, Queen’s University Belfast.Agnieszka Grzelak is Associate Professor at the College of Law, Kozminski University, Warsaw.Agnieszka Nimark is a Visiting Scholar at the Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflct Studies, Cornell University and Associate Senior Researcher at the Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB).Patrycja Dąbrowska-Kłosińska - Queen’s University Belfast, Northern IrelandAgnieszka Grzelak - Kozminski University in Warsaw, PolandAgnieszka Nimark - Cornell University, United States of America; Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB), SpainAlston P., Does the past matter? 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    TENSOR: retrieval and analysis of heterogeneous online content for terrorist activity recognition

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    The proliferation of terrorist generated content online is a cause for concern as it goes together with the rise of radicalisation and violent extremism. Law enforcement agencies (LEAs) need powerful platforms to help stem the influence of such content. This article showcases the TENSOR project which focusses on the early detection of online terrorist activities, radicalisation and recruitment. Operating under the H2020 Secure Societies Challenge, TENSOR aims to develop a terrorism intelligence platform for increasing the ability of LEAs to identify, gather and analyse terrorism-related online content. The mechanisms to tackle this challenge by bringing together LEAs, industry, research, and legal experts are presented

    “I thought you were okay”: Participatory Design with Young Adults to Fight Multiparty Privacy Conflicts in Online Social Networks

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    International audienceWhile sharing multimedia content on Online Social Networks (OSNs) has many benefits, exposing other people without obtaining permission could cause Multiparty Privacy Conflicts (MPCs). Earlier studies developed technical solutions and dissuasive approaches to address MPCs. However, none of these studies involved OSN users who have experienced MPCs, in the design process, possibly overlooking the valuable experiences these individuals might have accrued. To fill this gap, we recruited participants specifically from this population of users, and involved them in participatory design sessions aiming at ideating solutions to reduce the incidence of MPCs. To frame the activities of our participants, we borrowed terminology and concepts from a well known framework used in the justice systems. Over the course of several design sessions, our participants designed 10 solutions to mitigate MPCs. The designed solutions leverage different mechanisms, including preventing MPCs from happening, dissuading users from sharing, mending the harm, and educating users about the community standards. We discuss the open design and research opportunities suggested by the designed solutions and we contribute an ideal workflow that synthesizes the best of each solution. This study contributes to the innovation of privacy-enhancing technologies to limit the incidences of MPCs in OSNs

    Commission proposal on the temporary derogation from the e-Privacy Directive for the purpose of fighting online child sexual abuse:Targeted substitute impact assessment

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    On 10 September 2020, the European Commission presented a proposal (COM(2020) 568 final) on the temporary derogation from Articles 5(1) and 6 of the e-Privacy Directive, which protect the confidentiality of communications and traffic data. This proposal is targeted at ensuring the continuation of voluntary practices conducted by providers of ‘number-independent interpersonal communications services’ for the detection, reporting and removal of child sexual abuse material online after the European Electronic Communications Code has entered into force at the end of December 2020. The European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) raised concerns over the proposal’s potential impact on the human and fundamental rights of the users of those services, and requested that the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) carry out a targeted impact assessment to this end, in the absence of a European Commission impact assessment accompanying this proposal. The assessment finds that while the EU has the competence to adopt the proposed regulation per Article 5 of the Treaty on European Union, the impact of such practices on human and fundamental rights has not been adequately addressed. It should provide a clear legal basis for these practices, along with effective remedies for users. Some technologies covered by the proposed regulation have a disproportionate impact, and thus require additional safeguards unavailable in the proposal in its current form

    #Blockchain4EU: Blockchain for Industrial Transformations

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    The project #Blockchain4EU is a forward looking exploration of existing, emerging and potential applications based on Blockchain and other DLTs for industrial / non-financial sectors. It combined Science and Technology Studies with a transdisciplinary policy lab toolbox filled with frameworks from Foresight and Horizon Scanning, Behavioural Insights, or Participatory, Critical and Speculative Design. Amid unfolding and uncertain developments of the Blockchain space, our research signals a number of crucial opportunities and challenges around a technology that could record, secure and transfer any digitised transaction or process, and thus potentially affect large parts of current industrial landscapes. This report offers key insights for its implementation and uptake by industry, businesses and SMEs, together with science for policy strategic recommendations.JRC.I.2-Foresight, Behavioural Insights and Design for Polic

    To Break Up or Regulate Big Tech Avenues to Constrain Private Power in the DSA/DMA Package

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    The Role of Cybersecurity in the Public Sphere - The European Dimension

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    he aim of this paper is to present the areas in EU and domestic legal systems which cover currently applicable laws on cybersecurity and the related cyber-liability. Legal regulations related to cybersecurity that are currently in force embrace only a very narrow understanding of the notions of cyberspace and cybercrime. This paper aims to present those areas of the existing regulations in which the notions of cyber-liability have been preliminarily defined. Issues that are currently viewed as only marginally relevant to the functioning of states in the domain of cyberspace operations or artificial intelligence are also related to cyber-liability. The paper covers issues related to online platforms as well as the role of the state and public administration, network technologies and financial institutions in cybersecurity system especially from European perspective. It also investigates the issues related to strategic and political responsibility, cooperation mechanisms, obligations of telecommunication entrepreneurs, personal data and drone operations in public space. Part of the paper is also related to the movement of cultural assents, digital platforms, blocking injunctions and blocking access, threats of the cyberterrorism, cybersecurity, cybercrime in Hungary, including COVID-19 environment, as well as authorities competent for cybersecurity in Germany. This broad perspective is used to better understand regulatory purposes in European contexts to secure digital society development