151 research outputs found

    HTML5 audio and video annotations with resource detection under consideration of usability and user experience

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    Gegenwärtig herrscht ein Trend immer mehr Multimedia im Web zu veröffentlichen. Es existiert bereits eine grosse Anzahl an Applikationen, die es EndbenutzerInnen ermöglicht Inhalte zu organisieren und darüber hinaus noch zusätzliche Anmerkungen hinzuzufügen. Bis jetzt existiert aber keine EndbenutzerInnen freundliche Applikation, die es BenutzerInnen ermöglicht Audio und Video Dateien mit relevanten Informationen aus offenen Web-Quellen zu annotieren, zu verknüpfen und die auch auf offenen Standards basiert. Grundlage für diese Arbeit bietet das von Europeana eingesetzte LEMO Framework. Dieses Framework macht Fragment Identifikation nutzbar und ermöglicht damit Annotierungen und Verlinkungen von kontinuierlichen Medien. Durch die Verlinkung von kontextuell relevanten Ressourcen, kann die Dokumentation der Medien erheblich verbessert werden. Neue Entwicklungen im Forschungsgebiet von Linked Data ermöglichen es, automatisiert auf eine Menge öffentlich zugänglicher und wohl definierter Daten zuzugreifen. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es fest zu stellen, ob durch eine Kombination von neuen Standards eine Implementierung einer Web-basierten Audio und Video Anwendung möglich ist, die usable ist, den Zielen von Linked Data entspricht und auf offenen Standards basiert. Abschliessend lässt sich festhalten, dass eine solche Anwendung entwickelt werden kann. Das Ergebnis basiert auf zwei durchgeführten Studien; eine qualitativ durchgeführte Studie, welche usability Probleme aufzeigte - die im Anschluss eliminiert wurden - und eine weitere durchgeführte Studie, welche wiederum aufzeigte, dass ein semi-automatischer Ansatz zur Generierung von Tags die effizienteste und effektivste Möglichkeit zur Annotierung und Verlinkung darstellt. Dieser Arbeit ist eine DVD, zur Installation und Ausführung des Projektes, angefügt.Currently there is an ongoing trend to publish more and more multimedia on the Web. A range of solutions exists that allow end-users to organize content and to add additional information by means of annotations. Until now, however, there exists no open standard-based solution which allows users to annotate and link audio and video to contextually relevant information from other sources on the Web. Foundation for this thesis constitutes the LEMO framework deployed by Europeana. This solution enables fragment identification and therefore introduces annotating and linking of continuous media. Due to the linkage of contextually relevant resources, the overall documentation can significantly be improved. New developments in the research area of Linked Data enable automatic access to a huge amount of well defined public data. The goal of this thesis is to determine whether a combination of new standards enables developing a Web-based audio and video application, that is usable, considers the four rules of Linked Data and that is standard-based. The concluding statement of this master thesis is that such an application can be built. The result is based on two case studies; a qualitative research study which revealed usability issues - subsequently eliminated - and a case study, which in turn showed that a semi-automatic approach for generating and retrieving tags would prove to be efficient when annotating and linking resources. Attached to this master thesis, readers can find a DVD for installing and running this project

    A Semantic Framework for Enabling Radio Spectrum Policy Management and Evaluation

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    Because radio spectrum is a finite resource, its usage and sharing is regulated by government agencies. These agencies define policies to manage spectrum allocation and assignment across multiple organizations, systems, and devices. With more portions of the radio spectrum being licensed for commercial use, the importance of providing an increased level of automation when evaluating such policies becomes crucial for the efficiency and efficacy of spectrum management. We introduce our Dynamic Spectrum Access Policy Framework for supporting the United States government's mission to enable both federal and non-federal entities to compatibly utilize available spectrum. The DSA Policy Framework acts as a machine-readable policy repository providing policy management features and spectrum access request evaluation. The framework utilizes a novel policy representation using OWL and PROV-O along with a domain-specific reasoning implementation that mixes GeoSPARQL, OWL reasoning, and knowledge graph traversal to evaluate incoming spectrum access requests and explain how applicable policies were used. The framework is currently being used to support live, over-the-air field exercises involving a diverse set of federal and commercial radios, as a component of a prototype spectrum management system

    Designing Flightdeck Procedures: Literature Resources

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    This technical publication contains the titles, abstracts, summaries, descriptions, and/or annotations of available literature sources on procedure design and development, requirements, and guidance. It is designed to provide users with an easy access to available resources on the topic of procedure design, and with a sense of the contents of these sources. This repository of information is organized into the following publication sources: Research (e.g., journal articles, conference proceedings), Manufacturers' (e.g., operation manuals, newsletters), and Regulatory and/or Government (e.g., advisory circulars, reports). An additional section contains synopses of Accident/Incident Reports involving procedures. This work directly supports a comprehensive memorandum by Barshi, Mauro, Degani, & Loukopoulou (2016) that summarizes the results of a multi-year project, partially funded by the FAA, to develop technical reference materials that support guidance on the process of developing cockpit procedures (see "Designing Flightdeck Procedures" https://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/20160013263.pdf). An extensive treatment of this topic is presented in a forthcoming book by the same authors

    Men Are Elected, Women Are Married: Events Gender Bias on Wikipedia

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    Human activities can be seen as sequences of events, which are crucial to understanding societies. Disproportional event distribution for different demographic groups can manifest and amplify social stereotypes, and potentially jeopardize the ability of members in some groups to pursue certain goals. In this paper, we present the first event-centric study of gender biases in a Wikipedia corpus. To facilitate the study, we curate a corpus of career and personal life descriptions with demographic information consisting of 7,854 fragments from 10,412 celebrities. Then we detect events with a state-of-the-art event detection model, calibrate the results using strategically generated templates, and extract events that have asymmetric associations with genders. Our study discovers that the Wikipedia pages tend to intermingle personal life events with professional events for females but not for males, which calls for the awareness of the Wikipedia community to formalize guidelines and train the editors to mind the implicit biases that contributors carry. Our work also lays the foundation for future works on quantifying and discovering event biases at the corpus level.Comment: ACL 202

    Genetic Resistance to the Downy Mildew Pathogen and Mapping the RPF Resistance Loci in Spinach

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    Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) is an important cool-season leafy vegetable crop in the United States (US). Downy mildew, caused by the obligate oomycete Peronospora effusa, is the most economically important disease of spinach. A total of 17 races of P. effusa have been reported on spinach, and many of these races (\u3e10) have emerged in the last three decades. The new races of the pathogen are continually overcoming the genetic resistances used in the newly released cultivars. A detached leaf inoculation assay was evaluated, standardized, and validated as a new method to differentiate resistant and susceptible spinach genotypes. Disease response on detached leaves was compared to the response of corresponding cultivars in the standard whole-plant assay, and a complete correspondence was found between the two inoculation assays. The detached leaf assay will facilitate advances in breeding for P. effusa resistance and the analysis of pathogen epidemiology. The segregating F1 progeny population derived from a cross between the hybrid cultivars Whale and Lazio were inoculated with race 16 (isolate UA201519B) of P. effusa and genotyped using genotyping by sequencing (GBS). Association analysis identified six significant SNP markers mapped to a 0.57 Mb segment of chromosome 3 that includes four disease resistance candidates genes: Spo12736, Spo12784, Spo12908, and Spo1282. In another study, the F1 progeny from several crosses (Polka x either Swan, Squirrel, Tonga, and T-Bird; Whale x Swan; and Whale x Squirrel) were inoculated with race 13 of P. effusa (isolate UA0510C). The inoculated seedlings were scored as either resistant or susceptible. Association analysis using GBS markers identified significant SNPs in 0.39, 0.98, and 1.2 Mb of chromosome 3 within 0.98-6.88 Kb of the disease resistance genes Spo12719, Spo12905, and Spo12821. The USDA spinach germplasm collection and commercial cultivars were evaluated for downy mildew disease resistance in the field condition under natural inoculum pressure. Genomewide association analysis identified 19 SNP markers associated with reduced disease ratings under field conditions in all the tested models. The findings from this dissertation research provide new resources to improve genetic resistance against the downy mildew pathogen and in developing durably resistant cultivars


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    Tukang Bubur Naik Haji (TBNH)merupakan sebuah sinetron yang ditayangkan di RCTI setiap hari mulai pukul 19.30 WIB. Sinetron ini diproduksi oleh SinemArt, pertama kali ditayangkan pada tanggal 28 Mei 2012, dan sampai saat ini masih terus berjalan.Dalam sinetron Tukang Bubur Naik Haji, ditemukan beragam latar belakang budaya dari para tokohnya yang berdialog (berkomunikasi)secara bersama-sama dengan keunikkan dan kekhasan dialek dan idiolek masing-masing. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptifkualitatif, teknik rekaman dan catat, serta pengamatan terhadap pola dan kegiatan komunikasipara tokoh yang terlibat dalam sinetron. Variasi bahasa dalam sinetron TBNH dipolakan (1) secara linguistik dan (2) secara sosial.Variasi linguistik banyak dipengaruhi oleh tujuan partisipan dan suasana saat terjadinya percakapan, berupa kalimat pendek dan panjang.Dialek dan kosa kata dalam TBNH diucapkan tanpa mengenal tingkatan sosial. Tema budaya dalam sinetron TBNH berupa kesederhanaan, cinta kasih, persahabatan, keakraban, kesantunan, dan keadilan. Adapun faktor-faktor penunjang komunikasi adalah partisipan, tujuan, norma, usia, tingkat sosial partisipan, dan tujuan


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    Kampanye pilkada Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur Jawa Tengah tahun 2013 diwarnai spanduk kampanye di berbagai wilayah. Aneka wacana spanduk yang dipasang oleh para calon gubernur menyiratkan berbagai keunggulan masing-masing calon. Keunggulankeunggulan calon gubernur dan wakil gubernur tersebut digunakan sebagai alat untuk memengaruhi dan memprovokasi pemilih agar memilih para calon. Berbagai tindak tutur persuasif/ekspresif dan provokatif dalam wacana spanduk kampanye pun beraneka ragam. Penggunaan aneka ragam bahasa formal dan informal menjadi kekuatan untuk memengaruhi masyarakat pemilih. Dengan membaca dan melihat konteks gambar wacana persuasif dalam spanduk para calon diharapkan dapat mengubah persepktif para calon pemilih untuk menentukan pilihanya kepada para calon yang dipromosikan melalui wacana spanduk tersebut. Dengan demikian, wacana-wacana slogan kampanye pilkada Jateng mengandung aneka tindak tutur persuasif/ekspresif dan provokatif dalam perspektif kajian pragmatik

    NLP-Based Techniques for Cyber Threat Intelligence

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    In the digital era, threat actors employ sophisticated techniques for which, often, digital traces in the form of textual data are available. Cyber Threat Intelligence~(CTI) is related to all the solutions inherent to data collection, processing, and analysis useful to understand a threat actor's targets and attack behavior. Currently, CTI is assuming an always more crucial role in identifying and mitigating threats and enabling proactive defense strategies. In this context, NLP, an artificial intelligence branch, has emerged as a powerful tool for enhancing threat intelligence capabilities. This survey paper provides a comprehensive overview of NLP-based techniques applied in the context of threat intelligence. It begins by describing the foundational definitions and principles of CTI as a major tool for safeguarding digital assets. It then undertakes a thorough examination of NLP-based techniques for CTI data crawling from Web sources, CTI data analysis, Relation Extraction from cybersecurity data, CTI sharing and collaboration, and security threats of CTI. Finally, the challenges and limitations of NLP in threat intelligence are exhaustively examined, including data quality issues and ethical considerations. This survey draws a complete framework and serves as a valuable resource for security professionals and researchers seeking to understand the state-of-the-art NLP-based threat intelligence techniques and their potential impact on cybersecurity
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