9 research outputs found

    Encyclopedia of software components

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    Intelligent browsing through a collection of reusable software components is facilitated with a computer having a video monitor and a user input interface such as a keyboard or a mouse for transmitting user selections, by presenting a picture of encyclopedia volumes with respective visible labels referring to types of software, in accordance with a metaphor in which each volume includes a page having a list of general topics under the software type of the volume and pages having lists of software components for each one of the generic topics, altering the picture to open one of the volumes in response to an initial user selection specifying the one volume to display on the monitor a picture of the page thereof having the list of general topics and altering the picture to display the page thereof having a list of software components under one of the general topics in response to a next user selection specifying the one general topic, and then presenting a picture of a set of different informative plates depicting different types of information about one of the software components in response to a further user selection specifying the one component

    A Descriptive Study of the Functional Components of Browsing.

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    The paper describes a descriptive study of the functional components of browsing, which is viewed as the strategic and adaptive technique that people use to search, scan, navigate through, skim, sample, and explore information systems. Data on browsing is collected from thirty participants -- ten each in three browsing formats: print, command-driven computer version, and hypertext window-environment version. Data collection is by means of several techniques: the collection of thinking-out-loud, task-concurrent protocols; open-question interviews during the task; observation; and video and sound recording. The aim of analysis is to describe functions of browsing such as: orientation, place-marking, transition, comparison, identification, and resolution of anomalies, and the relationships among these functions


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    Praktik Lapangan Terbimbing (PLT) adalah salah satu mata kuliah lapangan yang wajib ditempuh mahasiswa S1 jurusan pendidikan di Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Kegiatan PLT bertujuan untuk mewujudkan kompetensi bagi mahasiswa terkait sosial, pedagogik, professional, dan kepribadian. Kompetensi tersebut diwujudkan melalui pemberian pengalaman belajar mengajar bagi mahasiswa untuk memperluas wawasan dalam bidangnya masing-masing, peningkatan keterampilan, kemandirian, tanggung jawab, dan kemampuan dalam menyelesaikan masalah di lapangan. Pelaksanaan PLT secara umum terbagi menjadi empat tahap yaitu persiapan, pelaksanaan, evaluasi, dan penyusunan laporan. Tahap persiapan terkait dengan observasi kondisi sekolah yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret dan April 2017 serta pembekalan pelaksanaan PLT. Tahap pelaksanaan meliputi penerjunan, praktik mengajar, dan kegiatan non-mengajar. Pelaksanaan PLT di SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bantul dimulasi dari tanggal 15 September 2017 sampai dengan 15 November 2017 yang diisi dengan pembagian kelas dan guru pembimbing lapangan, observasi kegiatan pembelajaran di kelas, pembuatan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP), pembuatan materi ajar (slide, modul dan jobsheet), praktik mengajar, evaluasi serta berbagai kegiatan non-mengajar seperti pendampingan dan pembimbingan lomba siswa, perawatan laboratorium Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak (RPL), dan lain-lain. Dalam praktik mengajar kelas yang diampu yaitu kelas XI RPL 1 dan kelas XI RPL 2 dengan alokasi 9 jam pelajaran untuk kegiatan pembelajaran praktik. Mata pelajaran yang diampu adalah Praktik Basis Data, Praktik Pemrograman Web Dinamis dan Praktik Pemrograman Desktop. Kegiatan evaluasi meliputi pengamatan proses kerja siswa, penilaian hasil praktikum siswa, pemberian tugas praktik dan formatif, serta ulangan harian. Kegiatan pembelajaran berjalan lancar sesuai dengan target yang telah direncanakan. Praktik Lapangan Terbimbing telah menjadi sarana untuk melatih kompetensi mahasiswa sebelum terjun ke lapangan kerja yang sesungguhnya. Melalui kegiatan ini, penulis telah memperoleh banyak pengalaman dan keterampilan dalam manajerial kelas dan sekolah sehingga kegiatan belajar mengajar dapat berjalan dengan baik dan optimal

    Encyclopedia of Software Components

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    Intelligent browsing through a collection of reusable software components is facilitated with a computer having a video monitor and a user input interface such as a keyboard or a mouse for transmitting user selections, by presenting a picture of encyclopedia volumes with respective visible labels referring to types of software, in accordance with a metaphor in which each volume includes a page having a list of general topics under the software type of the volume and pages having lists of software components for each one of the generic topics, altering the picture to open one of the volumes in response to an initial user selection specifying the one volume to display on the monitor a picture of the page thereof having the list of general topics and altering the picture to display the page thereof having a list of software components under one of the general topics in response to a next user selection specifying the one general topic, and then presenting a picture of a set of different informative plates depicting different types of information about one of the software components in response to a further user selection specifying the one component

    Computer integrated documentation

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    The main technical issues of the Computer Integrated Documentation (CID) project are presented. The problem of automation of documents management and maintenance is analyzed both from an artificial intelligence viewpoint and from a human factors viewpoint. Possible technologies for CID are reviewed: conventional approaches to indexing and information retrieval; hypertext; and knowledge based systems. A particular effort was made to provide an appropriate representation for contextual knowledge. This representation is used to generate context on hypertext links. Thus, indexing in CID is context sensitive. The implementation of the current version of CID is described. It includes a hypertext data base, a knowledge based management and maintenance system, and a user interface. A series is also presented of theoretical considerations as navigation in hyperspace, acquisition of indexing knowledge, generation and maintenance of a large documentation, and relation to other work


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    For most people, financial well-being depends on the ability to make sound decisions about many aspects of personal finance. This is especially true in the United States (U.S.), when it comes to consumer loan products such as mortgages and student loans. Consumers who lack strong financial knowledge can unwittingly expose themselves to bad information when searching online. Without understanding people’s searching behaviors, information professionals cannot know whether personal finance-related information systems adequately meet the needs of the people using them. Interactive Information Retrieval (IIR) is well-suited to study this, yet there has been little research in this area. One approach that makes sense for studying debt-related information searching is to investigate the role individual differences play in people’s searching. This is because individual differences are testable constructs that can be associated with differences in search performance outcomes. The purpose of this dissertation research is to understand influences that cognitive abilities and financial knowledge have on outcomes related to search, assessment, and mental workload of adults searching online for debt-related personal finance information. A theoretical model is proposed in which financial knowledge acts as a moderating variable on the effect that cognitive abilities have on search and evaluation behaviors as well as mental workload. The results of the study were mixed. The testing of hypotheses on the model were unsuccessful and provide information for informing future model designs and hypothesis development. The qualitative portion of the study provided numerous insights, including that the topic of personal finance, specifically in the realm of financial loans such as mortgages, student loans, and payday loans, is more challenging for people than they realize. Participants reported low prior knowledge of all task topics and used simple search strategies such as avoiding advertisements on search engine results pages (SERPs), relying heavily on the first SERP result, and reformulating queries rather than investigating SERPs at deeper levels. Participants rated most webpages they found as relevant or very relevant but expert assessors rated most of those same pages as only somewhat relevant or not relevant. The findings have numerous implications and point to key areas for further research.Doctor of Philosoph

    Evolving Legacy System\u27s Features into Fine-grained Components Using Regression Test-Cases

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    Because many software systems used for business today are considered legacy systems, the need for software evolution techniques has never been greater. We propose a novel evolution methodology for legacy systems that integrates the concepts of features, regression testing, and Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE). Regression test suites are untapped resources that contain important information about the features of a software system. By exercising each feature with its associated test cases using code profilers and similar tools, code can be located and refactored to create components. The unique combination of Feature Engineering and CBSE makes it possible for a legacy system to be modernized quickly and affordably. We develop a new framework to evolve legacy software that maps the features to software components refactored from their feature implementation. In this dissertation, we make the following contributions: First, a new methodology to evolve legacy code is developed that improves the maintainability of evolved legacy systems. Second, the technique describes a clear understanding between features and functionality, and relationships among features using our feature model. Third, the methodology provides guidelines to construct feature-based reusable components using our fine-grained component model. Fourth, we bridge the complexity gap by identifying feature-based test cases and developing feature-based reusable components. We show how to reuse existing tools to aid the evolution of legacy systems rather than re-writing special purpose tools for program slicing and requirement management. We have validated our approach on the evolution of a real-world legacy system. By applying this methodology, American Financial Systems, Inc. (AFS), has successfully restructured its enterprise legacy system and reduced the costs of future maintenance