162 research outputs found

    Retinal vessel segmentation using multi-scale textons derived from keypoints

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    This paper presents a retinal vessel segmentation algorithm which uses a texton dictionary to classify vessel/non-vessel pixels. However, in contrast to previous work where filter parameters are learnt from manually labelled image pixels our filter parameters are derived from a smaller set of image features that we call keypoints. A Gabor filter bank, parameterised empirically by ROC analysis, is used to extract keypoints representing significant scale specific vessel features using an approach inspired by the SIFT algorithm. We first determine keypoints using a validation set and then derive seeds from these points to initialise a k-means clustering algorithm which builds a texton dictionary from another training set. During testing we use a simple 1-NN classifier to identify vessel/non-vessel pixels and evaluate our system using the DRIVE database. We achieve average values of sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of 78.12%, 96.68% and 95.05% respectively. We find that clusters of filter responses from keypoints are more robust than those derived from hand-labelled pixels. This, in turn yields textons more representative of vessel/non-vessel classes and mitigates problems arising due to intra and inter-observer variability

    Generalizable automated pixel-level structural segmentation of medical and biological data

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    Over the years, the rapid expansion in imaging techniques and equipments has driven the demand for more automation in handling large medical and biological data sets. A wealth of approaches have been suggested as optimal solutions for their respective imaging types. These solutions span various image resolutions, modalities and contrast (staining) mechanisms. Few approaches generalise well across multiple image types, contrasts or resolution. This thesis proposes an automated pixel-level framework that addresses 2D, 2D+t and 3D structural segmentation in a more generalizable manner, yet has enough adaptability to address a number of specific image modalities, spanning retinal funduscopy, sequential fluorescein angiography and two-photon microscopy. The pixel-level segmentation scheme involves: i ) constructing a phase-invariant orientation field of the local spatial neighbourhood; ii ) combining local feature maps with intensity-based measures in a structural patch context; iii ) using a complex supervised learning process to interpret the combination of all the elements in the patch in order to reach a classification decision. This has the advantage of transferability from retinal blood vessels in 2D to neural structures in 3D. To process the temporal components in non-standard 2D+t retinal angiography sequences, we first introduce a co-registration procedure: at the pairwise level, we combine projective RANSAC with a quadratic homography transformation to map the coordinate systems between any two frames. At the joint level, we construct a hierarchical approach in order for each individual frame to be registered to the global reference intra- and inter- sequence(s). We then take a non-training approach that searches in both the spatial neighbourhood of each pixel and the filter output across varying scales to locate and link microvascular centrelines to (sub-) pixel accuracy. In essence, this \link while extract" piece-wise segmentation approach combines the local phase-invariant orientation field information with additional local phase estimates to obtain a soft classification of the centreline (sub-) pixel locations. Unlike retinal segmentation problems where vasculature is the main focus, 3D neural segmentation requires additional exibility, allowing a variety of structures of anatomical importance yet with different geometric properties to be differentiated both from the background and against other structures. Notably, cellular structures, such as Purkinje cells, neural dendrites and interneurons, all display certain elongation along their medial axes, yet each class has a characteristic shape captured by an orientation field that distinguishes it from other structures. To take this into consideration, we introduce a 5D orientation mapping to capture these orientation properties. This mapping is incorporated into the local feature map description prior to a learning machine. Extensive performance evaluations and validation of each of the techniques presented in this thesis is carried out. For retinal fundus images, we compute Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves on existing public databases (DRIVE & STARE) to assess and compare our algorithms with other benchmark methods. For 2D+t retinal angiography sequences, we compute the error metrics ("Centreline Error") of our scheme with other benchmark methods. For microscopic cortical data stacks, we present segmentation results on both surrogate data with known ground-truth and experimental rat cerebellar cortex two-photon microscopic tissue stacks.Open Acces

    Automated retinal analysis

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    Diabetes is a chronic disease affecting over 2% of the population in the UK [1]. Long-term complications of diabetes can affect many different systems of the body including the retina of the eye. In the retina, diabetes can lead to a disease called diabetic retinopathy, one of the leading causes of blindness in the working population of industrialised countries. The risk of visual loss from diabetic retinopathy can be reduced if treatment is given at the onset of sight-threatening retinopathy. To detect early indicators of the disease, the UK National Screening Committee have recommended that diabetic patients should receive annual screening by digital colour fundal photography [2]. Manually grading retinal images is a subjective and costly process requiring highly skilled staff. This thesis describes an automated diagnostic system based oil image processing and neural network techniques, which analyses digital fundus images so that early signs of sight threatening retinopathy can be identified. Within retinal analysis this research has concentrated on the development of four algorithms: optic nerve head segmentation, lesion segmentation, image quality assessment and vessel width measurements. This research amalgamated these four algorithms with two existing techniques to form an integrated diagnostic system. The diagnostic system when used as a 'pre-filtering' tool successfully reduced the number of images requiring human grading by 74.3%: this was achieved by identifying and excluding images without sight threatening maculopathy from manual screening

    The Concurrent Use of Medical Imaging Modalities and Innovative Treatments to Combat Retinitis Pigmentosa

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    Retinitis pigmentosa (RP), one of the leading causes of vision loss and blindness globally, is a progressive retinal disease involving the degradation of photoreceptors (7) and/or retinal pigment epithelial cells (14). Affecting approximately 1 in 4000 people, RP is caused by a series of genetic mutations; each specific mutation presents a specific pathological pattern in the patient, with the same mutation even presenting in different phenotypes in different patients (14). RP generally starts with peripheral vision loss, attacking the rods first, causing nyctalopia or night blindness (22). In later stages of the disease, the cones start to atrophy, further narrowing the field of vision and obscuring central vision (22). Luckily, with recent advances in medical imaging techniques and novel therapeutic treatments, both early detection and the overall prognosis of RP in patients have improved dramatically in the past few decades. This review will trace RP's physiological causes, how it affects retinal and ocular physiology, the techniques through which we can diagnose and image it, and the various treatments developed to try to combat it. The medical imaging techniques to be discussed include but are not limited to adaptive optics (AO), OCT including SD-OCT and OCTA, fundus autofluorescence (FAF) and its associated fluorescence lifetime imaging ophthalmoscopy (FLIO), colour Doppler flow imaging (CDFI), microperimetry, and MRI. The treatments to be discussed include stem cell therapy, gene therapy, cell transplantation, pharmacological therapy, and artificial retinal implants. Throughout this review, it will be made evident of not just the severity and diversity through which RP can present, but also the advanced made in medical imaging and innovative treatments designed to combat this pathology.Comment: 39 pages, 23 figure

    Analysis of Retinal Image Data to Support Glaucoma Diagnosis

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    Fundus kamera je široce dostupné zobrazovací zařízení, které umožňuje relativně rychlé a nenákladné vyšetření zadního segmentu oka – sítnice. Z těchto důvodů se mnoho výzkumných pracovišť zaměřuje právě na vývoj automatických metod diagnostiky nemocí sítnice s využitím fundus fotografií. Tato dizertační práce analyzuje současný stav vědeckého poznání v oblasti diagnostiky glaukomu s využitím fundus kamery a navrhuje novou metodiku hodnocení vrstvy nervových vláken (VNV) na sítnici pomocí texturní analýzy. Spolu s touto metodikou je navržena metoda segmentace cévního řečiště sítnice, jakožto další hodnotný příspěvek k současnému stavu řešené problematiky. Segmentace cévního řečiště rovněž slouží jako nezbytný krok předcházející analýzu VNV. Vedle toho práce publikuje novou volně dostupnou databázi snímků sítnice se zlatými standardy pro účely hodnocení automatických metod segmentace cévního řečiště.Fundus camera is widely available imaging device enabling fast and cheap examination of the human retina. Hence, many researchers focus on development of automatic methods towards assessment of various retinal diseases via fundus images. This dissertation summarizes recent state-of-the-art in the field of glaucoma diagnosis using fundus camera and proposes a novel methodology for assessment of the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) via texture analysis. Along with it, a method for the retinal blood vessel segmentation is introduced as an additional valuable contribution to the recent state-of-the-art in the field of retinal image processing. Segmentation of the blood vessels also serves as a necessary step preceding evaluation of the RNFL via the proposed methodology. In addition, a new publicly available high-resolution retinal image database with gold standard data is introduced as a novel opportunity for other researches to evaluate their segmentation algorithms.

    Algorithms for the automatic tracking of the blood vessels network in retinal images acquired by RetCam in newborns

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    L’obiettivo di questo lavoro di tesi è la realizzazione di una serie di algoritmi capaci di tracciare automaticamente i vasi retinici in immagini acquisite tramite RetCam (field of view=130°) da neonati prematuri. I neonati prematuri rischiano infatti di sviluppare una patologia (Retinopatia del Prematuro) che se non correttamente trattata può portare al distacco retinico e alla cecità. L’analisi del fondo oculare è l’unico modo per determinare la condizione del paziente ma decidere se intervenire o meno in un neonato dovrebbe essere una decisione basata su dati oggettivi e su un protocollo ben definito. Il tracciamento automatico dei vasi retinici in immagini RetCam è un processo complicato data la scarsa qualità delle immagini da elaborare, soprattutto per la trasparenza della retina nei neonati e per il basso contrasto delle immagini, ma rappresenta uno step fondamentale per la successiva valutazione automatica della condizione della retina sotto esame. In questo lavoro sono state considerate 20 immagini, di cui è stato realizzato il tracciamento manuale per determinare la performance del sistema implementato. Fra le 20 immagini ne sono state scelte 6 per allenare un classificatore che , a partire dalle immagini filtrate, distingueva ogni segmento dell’immagine come appartenente o meno alla rete di vasi retinici. il risultato finale è dato dalla combinazione delle 2 classificazioni disponibili per ogni immagine ed è caratterizzato da un’immagine binaria avente i vasi retinici bianchi su sfondo ner

    Machine Learning for Glaucoma Assessment using Fundus Images

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    [ES] Las imágenes de fondo de ojo son muy utilizadas por los oftalmólogos para la evaluación de la retina y la detección de glaucoma. Esta patología es la segunda causa de ceguera en el mundo, según estudios de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS). En esta tesis doctoral, se estudian algoritmos de aprendizaje automático (machine learning) para la evaluación automática del glaucoma usando imágenes de fondo de ojo. En primer lugar, se proponen dos métodos para la segmentación automática. El primer método utiliza la transformación Watershed Estocástica para segmentar la copa óptica y posteriormente medir características clínicas como la relación Copa/Disco y la regla ISNT. El segundo método es una arquitectura U-Net que se usa específicamente para la segmentación del disco óptico y la copa óptica. A continuación, se presentan sistemas automáticos de evaluación del glaucoma basados en redes neuronales convolucionales (CNN por sus siglas en inglés). En este enfoque se utilizan diferentes modelos entrenados en ImageNet como clasificadores automáticos de glaucoma, usando fine-tuning. Esta nueva técnica permite detectar el glaucoma sin segmentación previa o extracción de características. Además, este enfoque presenta una mejora considerable del rendimiento comparado con otros trabajos del estado del arte. En tercer lugar, dada la dificultad de obtener grandes cantidades de imágenes etiquetadas (glaucoma/no glaucoma), esta tesis también aborda el problema de la síntesis de imágenes de la retina. En concreto se analizaron dos arquitecturas diferentes para la síntesis de imágenes, las arquitecturas Variational Autoencoder (VAE) y la Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN). Con estas arquitecturas se generaron imágenes sintéticas que se analizaron cualitativa y cuantitativamente, obteniendo un rendimiento similar a otros trabajos en la literatura. Finalmente, en esta tesis se plantea la utilización de un tipo de GAN (DCGAN) como alternativa a los sistemas automáticos de evaluación del glaucoma presentados anteriormente. Para alcanzar este objetivo se implementó un algoritmo de aprendizaje semi-supervisado.[CA] Les imatges de fons d'ull són molt utilitzades pels oftalmòlegs per a l'avaluació de la retina i la detecció de glaucoma. Aquesta patologia és la segona causa de ceguesa al món, segons estudis de l'Organització Mundial de la Salut (OMS). En aquesta tesi doctoral, s'estudien algoritmes d'aprenentatge automàtic (machine learning) per a l'avaluació automàtica del glaucoma usant imatges de fons d'ull. En primer lloc, es proposen dos mètodes per a la segmentació automàtica. El primer mètode utilitza la transformació Watershed Estocàstica per segmentar la copa òptica i després mesurar característiques clíniques com la relació Copa / Disc i la regla ISNT. El segon mètode és una arquitectura U-Net que s'usa específicament per a la segmentació del disc òptic i la copa òptica. A continuació, es presenten sistemes automàtics d'avaluació del glaucoma basats en xarxes neuronals convolucionals (CNN per les sigles en anglès). En aquest enfocament s'utilitzen diferents models entrenats en ImageNet com classificadors automàtics de glaucoma, usant fine-tuning. Aquesta nova tècnica permet detectar el glaucoma sense segmentació prèvia o extracció de característiques. A més, aquest enfocament presenta una millora considerable del rendiment comparat amb altres treballs de l'estat de l'art. En tercer lloc, donada la dificultat d'obtenir grans quantitats d'imatges etiquetades (glaucoma / no glaucoma), aquesta tesi també aborda el problema de la síntesi d'imatges de la retina. En concret es van analitzar dues arquitectures diferents per a la síntesi d'imatges, les arquitectures Variational Autoencoder (VAE) i la Generative adversarial Networks (GAN). Amb aquestes arquitectures es van generar imatges sintètiques que es van analitzar qualitativament i quantitativament, obtenint un rendiment similar a altres treballs a la literatura. Finalment, en aquesta tesi es planteja la utilització d'un tipus de GAN (DCGAN) com a alternativa als sistemes automàtics d'avaluació del glaucoma presentats anteriorment. Per assolir aquest objectiu es va implementar un algoritme d'aprenentatge semi-supervisat.[EN] Fundus images are widely used by ophthalmologists to assess the retina and detect glaucoma, which is, according to studies from the World Health Organization (WHO), the second cause of blindness worldwide. In this thesis, machine learning algorithms for automatic glaucoma assessment using fundus images are studied. First, two methods for automatic segmentation are proposed. The first method uses the Stochastic Watershed transformation to segment the optic cup and measures clinical features such as the Cup/Disc ratio and ISNT rule. The second method is a U-Net architecture focused on the optic disc and optic cup segmentation task. Secondly, automated glaucoma assessment systems using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are presented. In this approach, different ImageNet-trained models are fine-tuned and used as automatic glaucoma classifiers. These new techniques allow detecting glaucoma without previous segmentation or feature extraction. Moreover, it improves the performance of other state-of-art works. Thirdly, given the difficulty of getting large amounts of glaucoma-labelled images, this thesis addresses the problem of retinal image synthesis. Two different architectures for image synthesis, the Variational Autoencoder (VAE) and Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) architectures, were analysed. Using these models, synthetic images that were qualitative and quantitative analysed, reporting state-of-the-art performance, were generated. Finally, an adversarial model is used to create an alternative automatic glaucoma assessment system. In this part, a semi-supervised learning algorithm was implemented to reach this goal.The research derived from this doctoral thesis has been supported by the Generalitat Valenciana under the scholarship Santiago Grisolía [GRISOLIA/2015/027].Díaz Pinto, AY. (2019). Machine Learning for Glaucoma Assessment using Fundus Images [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/124351TESI