6 research outputs found

    ShefCE: A Cantonese-English Bilingual Speech Corpus for Pronunciation Assessment

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    This paper introduces the development of ShefCE: a Cantonese-English bilingual speech corpus from L2 English speakers in Hong Kong. Bilingual parallel recording materials were chosen from TED online lectures. Script selection were carried out according to bilingual consistency (evaluated using a machine translation system) and the distribution balance of phonemes. 31 undergraduate to postgraduate students in Hong Kong aged 20-30 were recruited and recorded a 25-hour speech corpus (12 hours in Cantonese and 13 hours in English). Baseline phoneme/syllable recognition systems were trained on background data with and without the ShefCE training data. The final syllable error rate (SER) for Cantonese is 17.3% and final phoneme error rate (PER) for English is 34.5%. The automatic speech recognition performance on English showed a significant mismatch when applying L1 models on L2 data, suggesting the need for explicit accent adaptation. ShefCE and the corresponding baseline models will be made openly available for academic research

    Unsupervised Domain Discovery Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation for Acoustic Modelling in Speech Recognition

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    Speech recognition systems are often highly domain dependent, a fact widely reported in the literature. However the concept of domain is complex and not bound to clear criteria. Hence it is often not evident if data should be considered to be out-of-domain. While both acoustic and language models can be domain specific, work in this paper concentrates on acoustic modelling. We present a novel method to perform unsupervised discovery of domains using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) modelling. Here a set of hidden domains is assumed to exist in the data, whereby each audio segment can be considered to be a weighted mixture of domain properties. The classification of audio segments into domains allows the creation of domain specific acoustic models for automatic speech recognition. Experiments are conducted on a dataset of diverse speech data covering speech from radio and TV broadcasts, telephone conversations, meetings, lectures and read speech, with a joint training set of 60 hours and a test set of 6 hours. Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) adaptation to LDA based domains was shown to yield relative Word Error Rate (WER) improvements of up to 16% relative, compared to pooled training, and up to 10%, compared with models adapted with human-labelled prior domain knowledge

    Data-Selective Transfer Learning for Multi-Domain Speech Recognition

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    Negative transfer in training of acoustic models for automatic speech recognition has been reported in several contexts such as domain change or speaker characteristics. This paper proposes a novel technique to overcome negative transfer by efficient selection of speech data for acoustic model training. Here data is chosen on relevance for a specific target. A submodular function based on likelihood ratios is used to determine how acoustically similar each training utterance is to a target test set. The approach is evaluated on a wide–domain data set, covering speech from radio and TV broadcasts, telephone conversations, meetings, lectures and read speech. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed technique both finds relevant data and limits negative transfer. Results on a 6–hour test set show a relative improvement of 4% with data selection over using all data in PLP based models, and 2% with DNN feature

    Human Feedback in Statistical Machine Translation

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    The thesis addresses the challenge of improving Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) systems via feedback given by humans on translation quality. The amount of human feedback available to systems is inherently low due to cost and time limitations. One of our goals is to simulate such information by automatically generating pseudo-human feedback. This is performed using Quality Estimation (QE) models. QE is a technique for predicting the quality of automatic translations without comparing them to oracle (human) translations, traditionally at the sentence or word levels. QE models are trained on a small collection of automatic translations manually labelled for quality, and then can predict the quality of any number of unseen translations. We propose a number of improvements for QE models in order to increase the reliability of pseudo-human feedback. These include strategies to artificially generate instances for settings where QE training data is scarce. We also introduce a new level of granularity for QE: the level of phrases. This level aims to improve the quality of QE predictions by better modelling inter-dependencies among errors at word level, and in ways that are tailored to phrase-based SMT, where the basic unit of translation is a phrase. This can thus facilitate work on incorporating human feedback during the translation process. Finally, we introduce approaches to incorporate pseudo-human feedback in the form of QE predictions in SMT systems. More specifically, we use quality predictions to select the best translation from a number of alternative suggestions produced by SMT systems, and integrate QE predictions into an SMT system decoder in order to guide the translation generation process

    Metadiscourse Tagging in Academic Lectures

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    This thesis presents a study into the nature and structure of academic lectures, with a special focus on metadiscourse phenomena. Metadiscourse refers to a set of linguistics expressions that signal specific discourse functions such as the Introduction: “Today we will talk about...” and Emphasising: “This is an important point”. These functions are important because they are part of lecturers’ strategies in understanding of what happens in a lecture. The knowledge of their presence and identity could serve as initial steps toward downstream applications that will require functional analysis of lecture content such as a browser for lectures archives, summarisation, or an automatic minute-taker for lectures. One challenging aspect for metadiscourse detection and classification is that the set of expressions are semi-fixed, meaning that different phrases can indicate the same function. To that end a four-stage approach is developed to study metadiscourse in academic lectures. Firstly, a corpus of metadiscourse for academic lectures from Physics and Economics courses is built by adapting an existing scheme that describes functional-oriented metadiscourse categories. Second, because producing reference transcripts is a time-consuming task and prone to some errors due to the manual efforts required, an automatic speech recognition (ASR) system is built specifically to produce transcripts of lectures. Since the reference transcripts lack time-stamp information, an alignment system is applied to the reference to be able to evaluate the ASR system. Then, a model is developed using Support Vector Machines (SVMs) to classify metadiscourse tags using both textual and acoustical features. The results show that n-grams are the most inductive features for the task; however, due to data sparsity the model does not generalise for unseen n-grams. This limits its ability to solve the variation issue in metadiscourse expressions. Continuous Bag-of-Words (CBOW) provide a promising solution as this can capture both the syntactic and semantic similarities between words and thus is able to solve the generalisation issue. However, CBOW ignores the word order completely, something which is very important to be retained when classifying metadiscourse tags. The final stage aims to address the issue of sequence modelling by developing a joint CBOW and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model. CNNs can work with continuous features such as word embedding in an elegant and robust fashion by producing a fixed-size feature vector that is able to identify indicative local information for the tagging task. The results show that metadiscourse tagging using CNNs outperforms the SVMs model significantly even on ASR outputs, owing to its ability to predict a sequence of words that is more representative for the task regardless of its position in the sentence. In addition, the inclusion of other features such as part-of-speech (POS) tags and prosodic cues improved the results further. These findings are consistent in both disciplines. The final contribution in this thesis is to investigate the suitability of using metadiscourse tags as discourse features in the lecture structure segmentation model, despite the fact that the task is approached as a classification model and most of the state-of-art models are unsupervised. In general, the obtained results show remarkable improvements over the state-of-the-art models in both disciplines