393,892 research outputs found

    Tavis Mining Highway Stability Study - Methods Overview and Sensitivity Study

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    This paper is a sensitivity study of highwall stability at Falkirk Mine. Since mining of the Tavis Creek will require maximizing the highwall height, this paper explores factors that influence the strength of the wall. The first part consists of a previous works review composed primarily of geology and geotechnical studies at the mine. As well, a basic site characterization is provided highlighting the general geologic and hydrologic features of the Riverdale field. A compilation of the fundamental numerical techniques and theory behind a geotechnical study of this nature is provided, as well as a model comparison, using limit equilibrium methods, to one of the previous geotechnical studies performed at the mine. Finally, a sensitivity study of highwall stability is performed using finite difference methods

    Peak Oil: the Future of Oil and How to Prepare for It

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    My interest in Peak Oil theory was sparked by an eccentric friend of mine about two years ago. He lived next to an unusually deep lake and wanted to know if I thought it would be smart to buy up a few hundred barrels of oil and store them in his lake and then sell them later for a profit. He then proceeded to tell me that pretty soon, the production of oil would peak, decline, and all hell would break loose as the world ran out of oil. While this individual was prone to talking about conspiracy theories regarding topics like the super-rich pulling the wool over the every-man\u27s eyes and exploiting them financially or the real culprits behind the September 11th attacks, this particular theory about Peak Oil seemed particularly crazy to me. If the world was going to run out of gas, why are we using so much of it? I immediately dismissed the theory and the conversation. He rarely brought up the topic again, though I know that his interest never waned as I repeatedly caught him reading the forums at www.peakoil.com


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    Analyzing literature works has been widely known as a complex spectrum because the words choice and  construction in any literature works can be done in free way. However, literature is known as a free instrument for people to express their feeling. The research discussed about a song entitled "O Mistress Mine" using Riffaterre's semiotic theory. The song is chosen as signifier from Shakespeare's play Twelfth night due to it represents lead character's situation for having unrequited love and a message for them to seize the day (carpe diem). O Mistress Mine might appear as a short song in the whole play but the meaning behind the lyrics convey the love line of the leads. Shakespeare's literature works has been known as a complex literature work because of his choice of words and words construction speak wihin his era. Meanwile in this era people might find out that grasping meaning from Shakespeare's literature works  is counted as complex work. Thus, the researcher chose Rifaterre's semiotic theory that includes three ways of analyzing the poem or song lyrics, in correlation to analyze further about figurative language and lead us to understand the meaning of the song. The research used qualitative method to find out symbols from the song and also using Riffaterre's semiotic theory. Purposive sampling is also used to pick the signs that have correlation with the message from Twelfth Night. The finding revealed there are three ways to analyze named displacing meaning, distorting meaning and creating meaning. Thus, there are 5 data used displacing meaning, 3 data used distorting meaning and 2 data used creating meaning. Furthermor, this research practically and theoritically can be used for the readers and students of English literature. this research practically and theoritically can be used for the readers and students of English literature

    Classifying videogames as art and why it matters now

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    This dissertation analyses the idea that videogames can be considered art in order to argue that wide ranging benefits could be seen if the institution recognised them as such. I have explored the idea that the institution is the key to progress the notion of videogames as art and both art museums and universities alike must be behind the progression of what is considered the artistic canon in order to create new opportunities in the field of making art. I have reviewed popular arguments for and against the inclusion of videogames in the institutional artistic canon and then considered videogames in the light of several theorist's ideas of what art is. Primarily I have looked at the ideas behind cluster theory and the theory of mass art as a way of justifying videogames as art. I have followed this with case studies of This War of Mine (2014) and the developer Sam Barlow who has produced many videogames including Aisle (1999), Silent Hill: Shattered Memories (2009), and Her Story (2015). Lastly I have considered what might be the long-term benefits of classifying videogames as art within the institution, primarily the enfranchisement of young women artists. I do this by reviewing the new National Curriculum in computer programming and considering how, in the light of Virginia Woolf's A Room of One's Own, this new education area will empower young women to be able to create art despite pressures that still persist with regards to the "proper" role of a woman in our society. It is my suggestion that all you need to create a work of videogame art is a basic computer, a standard UK education, and a room of your own - but only if the art institution recognises videogames as a legitimate form of art

    Phenomena of stability of the coal seam roof with a yielding support

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    Purpose. Determining the conditions and parameters for ensuring the stability of the coal seam roof with a yielding support in the area adjacent to face and behind it under the influence of dynamic loads based on the analytical and laboratory studies. Methods. To achieve the purpose set, analytical studies have been carried out using the basic principles of the theory of elasticity and vibrations, the hypothesis of girders and the hinged-block displacement of the stratified rock stratum. Also, the laboratory studies of models from equivalent materials have been performed, in which the coal seam roof is presented in the form of a girder having a yielding support with variable rigidity from the filling material under dynamic load. Findings. As a result of performed studies, the phenomenon has been determined that the condition for the stability of the coal seam roof is a geometric parameter that reflects moving of the girder with a yielding support, under the force impact of a falling load with a known mass and the physical-geometrical characteristics of the deformable system. It has been determined that as a result of a change in the spans length, a change in the flexural rigidity of the girder occurs, which means that the yield influence of the same supports on the stability of the coal seam roof is different. The values have been set and the relationship has been studied of the physical-mechanical characteristics of the filling mass as a yielding support. Originality. It has been proven scientifically that the stress-strain state (SSS) of a system in which the coal seam roof is studied as a girder depends on the physical-geometrical characteristics of the system, as well as the type and place of applying the external load, in case when the law of the girder movement in time is determined. Practical implications. The effective supporting of the undermined rock stratum in the working part of the longwall face and behind the face is achieved by placing the yielding supports in the mined-out space or by using the backfill in the mined-out space while conducting the stope operations, thus, increasing the efficiency of measures to protect the labour of miners in coal mines.Мета. Визначення умов і параметрів забезпечення стійкості покрівлі пласта з податливою опорою у привибійному просторі та позаду очисного вибою під впливом динамічних навантажень на основі аналітичних і лабораторних досліджень. Методика. Для досягнення поставленої мети були виконані аналітичні дослідження із застосуванням основних положень теорії пружності й коливань, гіпотези балок і шарнірно-блокового зсування породної товщі, що розшаровується, а так само лабораторні дослідження моделей з еквівалентних матеріалів, в яких покрівля вугільного пласта представлена у вигляді балки, що має податливу опору змінної жорсткості із закладного матеріалу при динамічному навантаженні. Результати. В результаті виконаних досліджень визначено феномен, що умовою стійкості покрівлі вугільного пласта, є геометричний параметр, що відображає переміщення балки з піддатливою опорою, при силовому впливі падаючого вантажу відомої маси і фізико-геометричні характеристики деформованої системи. Визначено, що в результаті зміни довжини прольотів, відбувається зміна згинальної жорсткості балки, а значить вплив податливості одних і тих же опор, на стійкість покрівлі вугільного пласта різний. Встановлено величини і досліджено взаємозв’язок фізико-механічних характеристик закладного масиву як піддатливої опори. Наукова новизна. Науково доведено, що напружено-деформований стан системи, в якій покрівля вугільного пласта досліджується як балка, залежить від фізико-геометричних характеристик системи, виду і місця докладання зовнішнього навантаження, коли визначено закон руху балки в часі. Практична значимість. Ефективне підтримання підробленої породної товщі в робочій частині лави і позаду очисного забою, досягається за рахунок розміщення у виробленому просторі піддатливих опор або застосування закладки виробленого простору при веденні очисних робіт, що так само підвищує ефективність заходів з охорони праці гірників у вугільних шахтах.Цель. Определение условий и параметров обеспечения устойчивости кровли пласта с податливой опорой в призабойном пространстве и позади очистного забоя под воздействием динамических нагрузок на основе аналитических и лабораторных исследований. Методика. Для достижения поставленной цели были выполнены аналитические исследования с применением основных положений теории упругости и колебаний, гипотезы балок и шарнирно-блокового сдвижения расслоившейся породной толщи, а также лабораторные исследования моделей из эквивалентных материалов, в которых кровля угольного пласта представлена в виде балки, имеющей податливую опору переменной жесткости из закладочного материала при динамической нагрузке. Результаты. В результате выполненных исследований определен феномен, что условием устойчивости кровли угольного пласта является геометрический параметр, отражающий перемещение балки с податливой опорой, при силовом воздействии падающего груза известной массы и физико-геометрические характеристики деформируемой системы. Определено, что в результате изменения длины пролетов, происходит изменение изгибной жесткости балки, а значит влияние податливости одних и тех же опор, на устойчивость кровли угольного пласта различно. Установлены величины и исследована взаимосвязь физико-механических характеристик закладочного массива как податливой опоры. Научная новизна. Научно доказано, что напряженно-деформированное состояние системы, в которой кровля угольного пласта исследуется как балка, зависит от физико- геометрических характеристик системы, вида и места приложения внешней нагрузки, когда определен закон движения балки во времени. Практическая значимость. Эффективное поддержание подработанной породной толщи в рабочей части лавы и позади очистного забоя, достигается за счет размещения в выработанном пространстве податливых опор или применения закладки выработанного пространства при ведении очистных работ, что так же повышает эффективность мероприятий по охране труда горнорабочих в угольных шахтах.The authors express their gratitude to the staff of the Mining Department of Donetsk National Technical University and Krasnoarmiisk (Pokrovsk) Industrial Institute for assistance in conducting the laboratory research

    Improvement of mining efficiencies at Thamazimbi iron ore mine

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    Student Number : 9506626A - MSc (Eng) research report - School of Mining - Faculty of Engineering and the Built EnvironmentSignificant research has been carried out over the years into what effect blast designs and techniques have on the final product in the mining process. There are numerous parameters that can be altered to deliver downstream benefits – the key is to determine which changes are appropriate for the rock body in question. A project is currently underway at Thabazimbi Iron Ore Mine (Northern Province, South Africa) to improve the operational efficiency through attention to the blasting operation. Previous research suggests changing fragmentation will have an effect on mining efficiency, but no definitive model has been developed directly linking the two. Using data collected during the project, the author developed a sensitivity analysis tool, which defines the effect of changing fragmentation on overall mine efficiency. This prediction model was based partly on theory and partly on empirical information gathered from mine databases and personnel. Over the course of this project, this model was validated through the practical implementation of the theory behind its development. This involved decreasing powder factors through increasing the drilling pattern, thus changing the resulting fragmentation of the muckpile. Subsequently, downstream effects on mining efficiency were monitored and these results were recorded in the model. The proven model was then used to identify areas of opportunity for improvement. In this report two areas are discussed, firstly, the implementation of a doped emulsion replacing ANFO across the mine, and secondly the introduction of electronic detonators. The second option would require further test work to develop confidence in the assumptions made in the model, concerning the effect of timing accuracy on fragmentation. This research report covers the background to the project, an explanation of the model and the final results obtained

    How Must a Lawyer Be? A Response to Woolley and Wendel

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    In Legal Ethics and Moral Character, 23 GEO. J. LEGAL Ethics, Alice Woolley and W. Bradley Wendel argue that theories of legal ethics may be evaluated by examining the kind of person a lawyer must be to conform to the normative demands of the theory. In their words, theories of legal ethics musts answer questions not only of what a lawyer must do, but how a lawyer must be. Woolley and Wendel examine three theories of legal ethics—those of Charles Fried, William Simon, and myself—and conclude that the theories they discuss impose demands on agency that are not realistic, functional, or desirable. On behalf of Simon’s theory and my own—both of which are “high commitment” accounts of legal ethics—I respond to all three criticisms. Neither theory is unrealistic in the sense of requiring impossible things of lawyers. If the charge of unrealism means only that the theory sometimes requires lawyers to take difficult or uncomfortable stances, I argue that this counts as a legitimate criticism only if the theory’s prescriptions are doubtful on independent moral grounds. To the criticism that high-commitment ethical theories are not functional, I observe that Woolley and Wendel identify functionality with fitting comfortably into law firm culture. In response, I suggest that if ethical conduct places a lawyer at odds with law firm culture that should count as a criticism of the law firm rather than the lawyer’s theory of ethics; in any case, Woolley and Wendel have wrongly presupposed that the high-commitment lawyer is working in a setting of low-commitment lawyers rather than other high commitment lawyers. Finally, I argue that Woolley and Wendel are incorrect to believe that the character traits required for high-commitment legal practice are undesirable because they would lead lawyers to buck the system when they should not do so

    Impact of Neutrino Oscillation Measurements on Theory

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    Neutrino oscillation data had been a big surprise to theorists, and indeed they have ongoing impact on theory. I review what the impact has been, and what measurements will have critical impact on theory in the future.Comment: 8 pages, uses aipproc, 6 figures. Plenary talk presented at Nufact 03, 5th International Workshop on Neutrino Factories & Superbeams, Columbia University, New York, 5-11 June 200

    Classification of Theories about Rock Pressure

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    The first classificationsw of physical properties of rocks and hypotheses of rock pressure in the world practice are analysed. The analysis of internationally widely known theories about rock pressure and physical processes around mine workings is executed. Classification of theories about rock pressure on classification feature “condition of investigated massif” is constructed. The energy theory that describing capsulation by the massif of underground mine working is offered

    Proton decay and grand unification

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    I review the theoretical and experimental status of proton decay theory and experiment. Regarding theory, I focus mostly, but not only, on grand unification. I discuss only the minimal, well established SU(5) and SO(10) models, both ordinary and supersymmetric. I show how the minimal realistic extensions of the original Georgi - Glashow model can lead to interesting LHC physics, and I demonstrate that the minimal supersymmetric SU(5) theory is in perfect accord with experiment. Since no universally accepted model has of yet emerged, I discuss the effective operator analysis of proton decay and some related predictions from a high scale underlying theory. A strong case is made for the improvement of experimental limits, or better the search of, two body neutron decay modes into charged kaons and charged leptons. Their discovery would necessarily imply a low energy physics since they practically vanish in any theory with a desert in energies between M_W and M_GUT.Comment: Based on the plenary talks at the SUSY09 and PASCOS09 conference