260 research outputs found

    Sequential Circuit Design for Embedded Cryptographic Applications Resilient to Adversarial Faults

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    In the relatively young field of fault-tolerant cryptography, the main research effort has focused exclusively on the protection of the data path of cryptographic circuits. To date, however, we have not found any work that aims at protecting the control logic of these circuits against fault attacks, which thus remains the proverbial Achilles’ heel. Motivated by a hypothetical yet realistic fault analysis attack that, in principle, could be mounted against any modular exponentiation engine, even one with appropriate data path protection, we set out to close this remaining gap. In this paper, we present guidelines for the design of multifault-resilient sequential control logic based on standard Error-Detecting Codes (EDCs) with large minimum distance. We introduce a metric that measures the effectiveness of the error detection technique in terms of the effort the attacker has to make in relation to the area overhead spent in implementing the EDC. Our comparison shows that the proposed EDC-based technique provides superior performance when compared against regular N-modular redundancy techniques. Furthermore, our technique scales well and does not affect the critical path delay

    Synthesis and simulation of reprogrammable control units from hierarchical specifications

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia ElectrotécnicaAs máquinas finitas de estados (FSM) têm sido usadas para especificar e implementar unidades de controlo e têm sido um assunto de grande importância nas últimas cinco décadas. Devido ao aumento da complexidade das unidades de controlo e uma vez que o modelo FSM não permite descrições hierárquicas e concorrentes, novos modelos formais que suportam hierarquia e concorrência têm sido propostos com o objectivo de ultrapassar as limitações do modelo FSM e que permitem a especificação de unidades de controlo complexas usando uma metodologia de decomposição hierarquizada. Apesar disso não têm sido propostas arquitecturas de máquinas finitas de estados hierárquicas, com excepção das máquinas construídas com memória stack, que possam ser vistas como uma máquina integral que implementa internamente e de forma eficiente a transição entre os diferentes níveis hierárquicos da máquina. Esta tese aborda a síntese de máquinas de estados especificadas hierarquicamente e propõe duas arquitecturas de máquinas hierárquicas (HFSM) e uma máquina paralela hierárquica (PHFSM) contruídas com memória stack, que são flexíveis, extensíveis e reutilizáveis. Apresenta também, a metodologia de síntese lógica que permite construir a tabela de transição de estados a partir da especificação hierárquica, tabela essa que é utilizada na implementação dos modelos propostos. Considerando que é altamente recomendável a utilização de modelos formais que permitam descrições hierárquicas e concorrentes na especificação de unidades de controlo complexas, os modelos de grafos hierárquicos (HGS) e grafos paralelos hierárquicos (PHGS) são apresentados e são feitas algumas considerações acerca da sua utilização, execução e correcção. É ainda explicado como se pode validar a especificação hierárquica da funcionalidade de unidades de controlo complexas através da verificação automática e simulação da especificação baseada em HGSs. Os modelos propostos de máquinas de estados são apresentados detalhadamente tendo em atenção o seu funcionamento, implementação interna baseada em memórias e sincronização, bem como as novas facilidades de flexibilidade e extensibilidade que estes modelos apresentam. É apresentada a metodologia manual da síntese lógica que é necessário implementar a partir das especificações hierárquicas baseadas em HGSs ou PHGSs de forma a construir a tabela de transição de estados que especifica a máquina hierárquica ou paralela hierárquica, para as máquinas de estados de Moore, Mealy ou mista Moore/Mealy. É também apresentado um programa que implementa automaticamente a síntese lógica dos dois modelos de máquinas de estados hierárquicas propostos a partir da especificação feita com HGSs. Os modelos de arquitecturas propostas, bem como a metodologia de síntese, foram validadas através de uma simulação em VHDL que foi feita usando as ferramentas de simulação da Synopsys.Finite state machines (FSM) have been a topic of great importance in the last five decades and have been used to specify and implement control units. Due to the increasing complexity of control units and since the FSM model does not explicitly support hierarchy and concurrency, new state-based models with hierarchical and concurrent constructions were proposed in order to overcome the limitations of the conventional FSM model and allowing the specification of complex control units in a top-down manner. Still, there are not many hierarchical FSM architectures (HFSM) that have been proposed to implement those hierarchical specifications and most of them cannot be seen as a whole FSM implementing internally in an efficient way the switching between the different hierarchical levels of the machine, except for the HFSM with stack memory. This thesis tackles the synthesis of FSMs from hierarchical specifications and proposes two HFSMs and a parallel hierarchical FSM (PHFSM) with stack memory that can provide such facilities as flexibility, extensibility and reusability. It also presents the synthesis methodology from hierarchical specifications to the generation of state transition tables that can be used to carry out the logic synthesis of the proposed HFSM models. Considering that the use of formal state-based models that provide hierarchical and concurrent constructions is highly recommended for specifying complex control units, hierarchical graph-schemes (HGS) and parallel hierarchical graphschemes (PHGS) are used and some considerations about their execution and correctness are presented. It is also explained how HGSs can be used to specify a control algorithm and how it is possible to verify automatically its correctness and to validate the intended functionality through simulation. Using the first model of a HFSM with stack memory as a starting model, two new models that can provide flexibility, extensibility and reusability and a PHFSM model that combines hierarchy and pseudo-parallel execution of operations are proposed. Their functionality, flexibility, extensibility, synchronisation and internal realisation are fully explained. To implement a control unit specified with a set of HGSs/PHGSs it is necessary to perform the first step of the sequential logic synthesis, taking in consideration the pretended target model. The manual synthesis methodology required to build the state transition table of a HFSM/PHFSM starting from a hierarchical specification based on HGSs/PHGSs is explained for a Moore, a Mealy and a mixed Moore/Mealy FSM. A tool that automatically performs this first step for the two HFSM models proposed is also presented. In order to validate the proposed HFSM/PHFSM models and their synthesis, the models were described in VHDL for a LUT-based implementation and simulated using the Synopsys simulation tools

    Introduction to Logic Circuits & Logic Design with Verilog

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    The overall goal of this book is to fill a void that has appeared in the instruction of digital circuits over the past decade due to the rapid abstraction of system design. Up until the mid-1980s, digital circuits were designed using classical techniques. Classical techniques relied heavily on manual design practices for the synthesis, minimization, and interfacing of digital systems. Corresponding to this design style, academic textbooks were developed that taught classical digital design techniques. Around 1990, large-scale digital systems began being designed using hardware description languages (HDL) and automated synthesis tools. Broad-scale adoption of this modern design approach spread through the industry during this decade. Around 2000, hardware description languages and the modern digital design approach began to be taught in universities, mainly at the senior and graduate level. There were a variety of reasons that the modern digital design approach did not penetrate the lower levels of academia during this time. First, the design and simulation tools were difficult to use and overwhelmed freshman and sophomore students. Second, the ability to implement the designs in a laboratory setting was infeasible. The modern design tools at the time were targeted at custom integrated circuits, which are cost- and time-prohibitive to implement in a university setting. Between 2000 and 2005, rapid advances in programmable logic and design tools allowed the modern digital design approach to be implemented in a university setting, even in lower-level courses. This allowed students to learn the modern design approach based on HDLs and prototype their designs in real hardware, mainly fieldprogrammable gate arrays (FPGAs). This spurred an abundance of textbooks to be authored, teaching hardware description languages and higher levels of design abstraction. This trend has continued until today. While abstraction is a critical tool for engineering design, the rapid movement toward teaching only the modern digital design techniques has left a void for freshman- and sophomore-level courses in digital circuitry. Legacy textbooks that teach the classical design approach are outdated and do not contain sufficient coverage of HDLs to prepare the students for follow-on classes. Newer textbooks that teach the modern digital design approach move immediately into high-level behavioral modeling with minimal or no coverage of the underlying hardware used to implement the systems. As a result, students are not being provided the resources to understand the fundamental hardware theory that lies beneath the modern abstraction such as interfacing, gate-level implementation, and technology optimization. Students moving too rapidly into high levels of abstraction have little understanding of what is going on when they click the “compile and synthesize” button of their design tool. This leads to graduates who can model a breadth of different systems in an HDL but have no depth into how the system is implemented in hardware. This becomes problematic when an issue arises in a real design and there is no foundational knowledge for the students to fall back on in order to debug the problem

    Introduction to Logic Circuits & Logic Design with VHDL

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    The overall goal of this book is to fill a void that has appeared in the instruction of digital circuits over the past decade due to the rapid abstraction of system design. Up until the mid-1980s, digital circuits were designed using classical techniques. Classical techniques relied heavily on manual design practices for the synthesis, minimization, and interfacing of digital systems. Corresponding to this design style, academic textbooks were developed that taught classical digital design techniques. Around 1990, large-scale digital systems began being designed using hardware description languages (HDL) and automated synthesis tools. Broad-scale adoption of this modern design approach spread through the industry during this decade. Around 2000, hardware description languages and the modern digital design approach began to be taught in universities, mainly at the senior and graduate level. There were a variety of reasons that the modern digital design approach did not penetrate the lower levels of academia during this time. First, the design and simulation tools were difficult to use and overwhelmed freshman and sophomore students. Second, the ability to implement the designs in a laboratory setting was infeasible. The modern design tools at the time were targeted at custom integrated circuits, which are cost- and time-prohibitive to implement in a university setting. Between 2000 and 2005, rapid advances in programmable logic and design tools allowed the modern digital design approach to be implemented in a university setting, even in lower-level courses. This allowed students to learn the modern design approach based on HDLs and prototype their designs in real hardware, mainly field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). This spurred an abundance of textbooks to be authored teaching hardware description languages and higher levels of design abstraction. This trend has continued until today. While abstraction is a critical tool for engineering design, the rapid movement toward teaching only the modern digital design techniques has left a void for freshman- and sophomore-level courses in digital circuitry. Legacy textbooks that teach the classical design approach are outdated and do not contain sufficient coverage of HDLs to prepare the students for follow-on classes. Newer textbooks that teach the modern digital design approach move immediately into high-level behavioral modeling with minimal or no coverage of the underlying hardware used to implement the systems. As a result, students are not being provided the resources to understand the fundamental hardware theory that lies beneath the modern abstraction such as interfacing, gate-level implementation, and technology optimization. Students moving too rapidly into high levels of abstraction have little understanding of what is going on when they click the “compile and synthesize” button of their design tool. This leads to graduates who can model a breadth of different systems in an HDL but have no depth into how the system is implemented in hardware. This becomes problematic when an issue arises in a real design and there is no foundational knowledge for the students to fall back on in order to debug the problem

    Decomposition and encoding of finite state machines for FPGA implementation

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    Quick Start Guide to Verilog

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    The classical digital design approach (i.e., manual synthesis and minimization of logic) quickly becomes impractical as systems become more complex. This is the motivation for the modern digital design flow, which uses hardware description languages (HDL) and computer-aided synthesis/minimization to create the final circuitry. The purpose of this book is to provide a quick start guide to the Verilog language, which is one of the two most common languages used to describe logic in the modern digital design flow. This book is intended for anyone that has already learned the classical digital design approach and is ready to begin learning HDL-based design. This book is also suitable for practicing engineers that already know Verilog and need quick reference for syntax and examples of common circuits. This book assumes that the reader already understands digital logic (i.e., binary numbers, combinational and sequential logic design, finite state machines, memory, and binary arithmetic basics). Since this book is designed to accommodate a designer that is new to Verilog, the language is presented in a manner that builds foundational knowledge first before moving into more complex topics. As such, Chaps. 1–6 provide a comprehensive explanation of the basic functionality in Verilog to model combinational and sequential logic. Chapters 7–11 focus on examples of common digital systems such as finite state machines, memory, arithmetic, and computers. For a reader that is using the book as a reference guide, it may be more practical to pull examples from Chaps. 7–11 as they use the full functionality of the language as it is assumed the reader has gained an understanding of it in Chaps. 1–6. For a Verilog novice, understanding the history and fundamentals of the language will help form a comprehensive understanding of the language; thus it is recommended that the early chapters are covered in the sequence they are written

    Quick Start Guide to VHDL

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    The purpose of a hardware description languages is to describe digital circuitry using a text-based language. HDLs provide a means to describe large digital systems without the need for schematics, which can become impractical in very large designs. HDLs have evolved to support logic simulation at different levels of abstraction