34,647 research outputs found

    The structure and stability of persistence modules

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    We give a self-contained treatment of the theory of persistence modules indexed over the real line. We give new proofs of the standard results. Persistence diagrams are constructed using measure theory. Linear algebra lemmas are simplified using a new notation for calculations on quiver representations. We show that the stringent finiteness conditions required by traditional methods are not necessary to prove the existence and stability of the persistence diagram. We introduce weaker hypotheses for taming persistence modules, which are met in practice and are strong enough for the theory still to work. The constructions and proofs enabled by our framework are, we claim, cleaner and simpler.Comment: New version. We discuss in greater depth the interpolation lemma for persistence module

    Induced Matchings and the Algebraic Stability of Persistence Barcodes

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    We define a simple, explicit map sending a morphism f:MNf:M \rightarrow N of pointwise finite dimensional persistence modules to a matching between the barcodes of MM and NN. Our main result is that, in a precise sense, the quality of this matching is tightly controlled by the lengths of the longest intervals in the barcodes of kerf\ker f and cokerf\mathop{\mathrm{coker}} f. As an immediate corollary, we obtain a new proof of the algebraic stability of persistence, a fundamental result in the theory of persistent homology. In contrast to previous proofs, ours shows explicitly how a δ\delta-interleaving morphism between two persistence modules induces a δ\delta-matching between the barcodes of the two modules. Our main result also specializes to a structure theorem for submodules and quotients of persistence modules, and yields a novel "single-morphism" characterization of the interleaving relation on persistence modules.Comment: Expanded journal version, to appear in Journal of Computational Geometry. Includes a proof that no definition of induced matching can be fully functorial (Proposition 5.10), and an extension of our single-morphism characterization of the interleaving relation to multidimensional persistence modules (Remark 6.7). Exposition is improved throughout. 11 Figures adde

    The Theory of the Interleaving Distance on Multidimensional Persistence Modules

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    In 2009, Chazal et al. introduced ϵ\epsilon-interleavings of persistence modules. ϵ\epsilon-interleavings induce a pseudometric dId_I on (isomorphism classes of) persistence modules, the interleaving distance. The definitions of ϵ\epsilon-interleavings and dId_I generalize readily to multidimensional persistence modules. In this paper, we develop the theory of multidimensional interleavings, with a view towards applications to topological data analysis. We present four main results. First, we show that on 1-D persistence modules, dId_I is equal to the bottleneck distance dBd_B. This result, which first appeared in an earlier preprint of this paper, has since appeared in several other places, and is now known as the isometry theorem. Second, we present a characterization of the ϵ\epsilon-interleaving relation on multidimensional persistence modules. This expresses transparently the sense in which two ϵ\epsilon-interleaved modules are algebraically similar. Third, using this characterization, we show that when we define our persistence modules over a prime field, dId_I satisfies a universality property. This universality result is the central result of the paper. It says that dId_I satisfies a stability property generalizing one which dBd_B is known to satisfy, and that in addition, if dd is any other pseudometric on multidimensional persistence modules satisfying the same stability property, then ddId\leq d_I. We also show that a variant of this universality result holds for dBd_B, over arbitrary fields. Finally, we show that dId_I restricts to a metric on isomorphism classes of finitely presented multidimensional persistence modules.Comment: Major revision; exposition improved throughout. To appear in Foundations of Computational Mathematics. 36 page

    Metrics for generalized persistence modules

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    We consider the question of defining interleaving metrics on generalized persistence modules over arbitrary preordered sets. Our constructions are functorial, which implies a form of stability for these metrics. We describe a large class of examples, inverse-image persistence modules, which occur whenever a topological space is mapped to a metric space. Several standard theories of persistence and their stability can be described in this framework. This includes the classical case of sublevelset persistent homology. We introduce a distinction between `soft' and `hard' stability theorems. While our treatment is direct and elementary, the approach can be explained abstractly in terms of monoidal functors.Comment: Final version; no changes from previous version. Published online Oct 2014 in Foundations of Computational Mathematics. Print version to appea

    The observable structure of persistence modules

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    In persistent topology, q-tame modules appear as a natural and large class of persistence modules indexed over the real line for which a persistence diagram is definable. However, unlike persistence modules indexed over a totally ordered finite set or the natural numbers, such diagrams do not provide a complete invariant of q-tame modules. The purpose of this paper is to show that the category of persistence modules can be adjusted to overcome this issue. We introduce the observable category of persistence modules: a localization of the usual category, in which the classical properties of q-tame modules still hold but where the persistence diagram is a complete isomorphism invariant and all q-tame modules admit an interval decomposition