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    The Baltic states and tourism development

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    Mapping the future sustainable competitiveness resources: Aspects of forests ownership

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    Competitiveness race in the global economy, on the one side, and the acknowledgement of the sustainable development dimension, on the other side, brings Europe against extraordinary challenges but also to great opportunities. Mapping the future sustainable competitiveness creates a need for research initiatives to develop the new concept of competitiveness, with much of the research focusing on how sustainable development and competitiveness interact. The changing policy context, growing role of sustainable development, the transition to a green economy and the new European Union strategy Europe 2020 (2010) for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth leads to the “rethinking” of the main drivers of the sustainable competitiveness in the long prosperity and the future competitiveness leadership. The approach to natural resources, especially forests, as to the one of the future sustainable competitiveness resources, with the specific focus on its ownership is addressed in this article. Santrauka Lenktyniavimas del konkurencingumo pozicijos globalioje ekonomikoje ir vis didejantis darnaus vystymosi svarbos pripažinimas kelia Europai dideliu iššūkiu, o kartu atveria nauju galimybiu. Darnaus ateities konkurencingumo šaltiniu paieškos lemia naujas moksliniu tyrimu iniciatyvas, kuriomis būtu pletojama darnaus konkurencingumo koncepcija, apimanti darnaus vystymosi ir konkurencingumo saryši. Kintanti politine aplinka, didejanti darnaus vystymosi svarba, perejimas prie “žalios” ekonomikos ir nauja Europos Sajungos pažangaus, darnaus ir integracinio augimo strategija “Europa 2020” skatina iš naujo ivertinti pagrindinius ilgalaikio darnaus konkurencingumo šaltinius. Straipsnyje pletojamas požiūris i gamtos išteklius, ypač miškus, kaip i viena iš ateities darnaus konkurencingumo šaltiniu, kartu detalizuojant kai kuriuos mišku nuosavybes aspektus. First Published Online: 10 Feb 2011 Reikšminiai žodžiai: konkurencingumas, darnus vystymasis, darnus konkurencingumas, natūralūs ištekliai, miškai, miškininkyste, nuosavybe, valstybiniai miškai, privatūs miška