14,919 research outputs found

    Wavelet based analysis of circuit breaker operation

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    Circuit breaker is an important interrupting device in power system network. It usually has a lifetime about 20 to 40 years. During breaker's service time, maintenance and inspection are imperative duties to achieve its reliable operation. To automate the diagnostic practice for circuit breaker operation and reduce the utility company's workload, Wavelet based analysis software of circuit breaker operation is developed here. Combined with circuit breaker monitoring system, the analysis software processes the original circuit breaker information, speeds up the analysis time and provides stable and consistent evaluation for the circuit breaker operation

    Studi komputer tentang transien pembukaan pemutus beban pada saluran transmisi

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    ABSTRACT Opening of a circuit breaker results in an electrical transient. In many cases, it produces overvoltages on electrical components involved. Because the maximum transient over voltage on load that uses the circuit breaker can be predicted, thell apparatus damaged can be avoided. This research is to predict maximum circuit breaker opening transient voltage on apparatus using software that can simulate restriking transient processes. Simplification has been done in computation. Computer program was formulated usillg Runge-Kutta method differentiation to represent the parameter involved. Simulation results show that high dielectric strength and high interrupting capability of circuit breaker can reduce the risk of damaged of the apparatus Keywords: Transien Pemutus beban, saluran transmis

    Design of Protection Coordination for Overcurrent on Electrical System in Tanker Ship Plan Using Electro Mechanical Trip Device

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    Disturbance of power system in ship is unavoidable case that required a function from safety system to separate the affected parts of system. The disturbance in electrical system generally is a short-circuit current. It is affected when there are two conductors having lowest impedance in normal condition that have two different voltages thus causing an overcurrent. There is one of the device protection to prevent a disturbance like short circuit current, is circuit breaker. It opens the contact with component or system that disturbance using electromechanical trip device. The principal operating of trip device is using electric current flow in the circuit breaker and the magnet induces the tripping part to moving the contact from closed position to the opened position. The main discussion is to coordinate circuit breakers in four operating conditions of the ship's generator using software ETAP. The simulation of the result obtained value of short circuit in main bus one at sailing condition is 8.2 kA. Tripping time for the circuit breakers in sailing condition at one typical disturbance are 0.75 seconds for circuit breaker number 29; 0.83 seconds for circuit breaker number 37 and 1 second for circuit breaker number 28

    Investigation of Transient Recovery Voltage on Circuit Breaker

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    For technically adequate interruptive performance, circuit breaker (CB) must be able to sufficiently interrupt current and voltage transients in power system network. Transient recovery voltage (TRV), an overvoltage transient resulting from the initiation, or interruption of current greatly affects breaking capacity of breakers. This work investigates TRV across circuit breaker and presents an effective method of limiting it. EMTP-ATP software was used to create the model and simulation

    Perancangan Koordinasi Proteksi Arus Lebih Pada Sistem Kelistrikan Di Perencanaan Kapal Tanker Menggunakan Trip Device Electro Mechanical

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    Gangguan pada sistem kelistrikan di kapal merupakan suatu hal yang sangat sulit terelakan sehingga diperlukannya sebuah sistem proteksi untuk memisahkan daerah yang terganggu dari sistem. Gangguan yang terjadi pada sistem kelistrikan umumnya berupa arus hubung singkat. Arus hubung singkat terjadi diakibatkan adanya gangguan impedansi yang sangat kecil (mendekati nol) antara dua penghantar aktif dalam kondisi operasi normal yang berbeda potensialnya sehingga menyebabkan terjadinya arus lebih. Salah satu peralatan yang digunakan untuk mengamankan gangguan tersebut adalah circuit breaker. Circuit breaker melakukan pemutusan kontak dengan peralatan atau sistem yang mengalami gangguan menggunakan peralatan trip device electrcomechanical. Prinsip kerja dari trip device electrcomechanical memanfaatkan arus listrik yang mengalir pada circuit breaker dan menginduksi magnet pada bagian trip device untuk memindahkan kontak dari posisi tutup menjadi buka. Fokus pembahasan tugas akhir ini mengenai pengaturan koordinasi proteksi setiap circuit breaker dalam empat kondisi operasi generator di kapal menggunakan software ETAP. Dari hasil simulasi saat kondisi berlayar besarnya nilai arus hubung singkat pada Bus satu yaitu, 8,2 kA. Waktu pemutusan trip device circuit breaker saat berlayar pada tipikal gangguan satu sebesar sebesar 0,75 detik untuk circuit breaker no.29; 0,83 detik untuk circuit breaker no. 37 dan 1 detik untuk circuit breaker no. 28. ==================================================================== Disturbance of power system in ship is unavoidable case that required a function from safety system to separate the affected parts of system. The disturbance in electrical system generally is a short-circuit current. Short circuit current is affected when there are two conductors having lowest impendance in normal condition that have two different voltages thus causing an overcurrent. There is one of the device protection to prevent a disturbance like short circuit current, is circuit breaker. It opens the contact with component or system that disturbance using electromechanical trip device. The principal operating of trip device is using electric current flow in the circuit breaker and the magnet induces the tripping part to move the contact from the closed position to the opened position. The main discucssion for thesis is to coordinate circuit breakers in four operating conditions of the ship's generator using software ETAP. The simulation of the result obtained value of short circuit in main bus one at sailing condition is 8.2 kA. Tripping time for the circuit breakers in sailing condition at one typical disturbance are 0.75 seconds for circuit breaker number 29; 0.83 seconds for circuit breaker number 37 and 1 second for circuit breaker number 28

    Design of a New Semiconductor Circuit Breaker

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    The objective of this present work is to design, simulate and testing the new semiconductor circuit breaker. In this thesis, both circuit breakers are built around electronics and semiconductor devices. The designed circuit applies solid state technology to provide relay control and op to coupler device as interface between electronics control circuit and power supply side. The design combines solid-state switching, analog signal output to perform circuit protection and earth leakage circuit breaker. The simulation has been carried out using the OrCAD simulation software. The real performance of the designed semiconductor circuit breaker has been measured using oscilloscope. The analysis has been carried out on the single phase and three phase loads. The tripping time has been measured during the short circuit test. Waveforms of the simulations showed that the tripping time is 2 ms on the single phase load and 2 ms on the three phase load. The short circuit test has been carried out showed the tripping is 2 ms on the single phase load and 2 ms on the three phase load. Comparison of the tripping time has been made between the designed semiconductor circuit breaker and conventional circuit breaker which is available on the market. Data sheet of the conventional circuit breaker showed the tripping time is more than 20 ms. Its means that the performance of the tripping time of the semiconductor circuit breaker is much better than the conventional electromechanical circuit breaker


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    Several countries in the world, including Indonesia, have reported baby-care accidents in the baby incubator due to the failure of the temperature control system to maintain a stable temperature. Therefore, this study reports the design of an circuit breaker system as an over-temperature safety in a baby incubator. Experimentally, the prototype consists of hardware design, software design, and testing system design. The hardware design has four main part, sensing layer using PT1000 as a temperature sensor, data processing layer using an ESP32 microcontroller, a circuit breaker system using a solid-state relay as an electronic switching, and LCD as a display. System testing has been done by evaluating the temperature readings on a prototype against the HTC-02 digital thermometer instrument and carried out in the electromedical engineering laboratory. The results show the accuracy of the temperature parameter is 99% and the circuit breaker system is able to cut the current from the power supply to the appliance when the temperature is more than 39°C which is indicated by an incandescent lamp "off" where this is equivalent to a heater at the baby incubator is in the "off" condition. From the results of this test, it can be concluded that the circuit breaker system as a safety over temperature in the baby incubator has functioned according to the design.Recommended the development of this prototype needs to be followed up by testing on low-tech baby incubators available at basic health care facilities so as to improve technology readiness to be effective in the community

    A database ATP simulated waveforms of shunt reactor switching cases with vacuum breakers on motor circuits

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    This paper presents a database ATP (Alternative Transient Program) simulated waveforms for shunt reactor switching cases with vacuum breakers in motor circuits following interruption of the starting current. The targeted objective is to provide multiple reignition simulated data for diagnostic and prognostic algorithms development, but also to help ATP users with practical study cases and component data compilation for shunt reactor switching. This method can be easily applied with different data for the different dielectric curves of circuit-breakers and networks. This paper presents design details, discusses some of the available cases and the advantages of such simulated data

    Development of diagnostic and prognostic algorithms for SF6 puffer circuit breakers from transient waveforms: a validation proposal

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    - This paper presents a validation proposal for development of diagnostic and prognostic algorithms for SF6 puffer circuit-breakers reproduced from actual site waveforms. The re-ignition/restriking rates are duplicated in given circuits and the cumulative energy dissipated in interrupters by the restriking currents. The targeted objective is to provide a simulated database for diagnosis of re-ignition/restrikes relating to the phase to earth voltage and the number of re-ignition/restrikes as well as estimating the remaining life of SF6 circuit-breakers. The model-based diagnosis of a tool will be useful in monitoring re-ignition/restrikes as well as predicting a nozzle’s lifetime. This will help ATP users with practical study cases and component data compilation for shunt reactor switching and capacitor switching. This method can be easily applied with different data for the different dielectric curves of circuit breakers and networks. This paper presents modelling details and some of the available cases, required project support, the validation proposal, the specific plan for implementation and the propsed main contributions