4 research outputs found

    Inteligentni multiagentski sistemi zasnovani na distribuiranom ne-aksiomatskom rezonovanju

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    The agent technology represents one of the most consistent approaches to distributed artificial intelligence. Agents are characterized by autonomous, reactive, proactive, and social behavior. In addition, more complex, intelligent agents are often defined in terms of human-like mental attitudes, such as beliefs, desires, and intentions. This thesis deals with software agents and multiagent systems in several ways. First, it defines a new reasoning architecture for intelligent agents called Distributed Non-Axiomatic Reasoning System (DNARS). Instead of the popular Belief-Intention-Desire model, it uses Non-Axiomatic Logic, a formalism developed for the domain of articial general intelligence. DNARS is highly-scalable, capable of answering questions and deriving new knowledge over large knowledge bases, while, at the same time, concurrently serving large numbers of external clients.  Secondly, the thesis proposes a novel agent runtime environment named Siebog. Based on the modern web and enterprise stan-dards, Siebog tries to reduce the gap between the agent technology and industrial applications. Like DNARS, Siebog is a distributed system. Its server side runs on computer clusters and provides advanced functionalities, such as automatic agent load-balancing and fault-tolerance. The client side, on the other hand, runs inside web browsers, and supports a wide variety of hardware and software platforms. Finally, Siebog depends on DNARS for deploying agents with unique reasoning capabilities.Agentska tehnologija predstavlja dosledan pristup razvoju distribuirane veštačke  inteligencije. Ono što agente izdvaja od ostalih pristupa su autonomno, reaktivino,  pro-aktivno, i socijalno ponašanje. Pored toga, kompleksniji, inteligentni agenti se često definišu koristeći ljudske mentalne konstrukcije, kao sto su verovanja, želje i namere. Disertacija se bavi softverskim agentima i multiagentskim sistemima sa nekoliko aspekata. Prvo, definisana je nova  arhitektura za rasuđivanje sa primenom u razvoju  inteligentnih agenata, nazvana Distribuirani sistem za ne-aksiomatsko rasuđivanje  (eng. Distributed Non-Axiomatic Reasoning System) (DNARS). Umesto popularnog   BDI modela za razvoj inteligentnih agenata (eng. Belief-Desire-Intention),  arhitektura  se zasniva na tzv. ne-aksiomatskoj logici, formalizmu razvijenom u domenu veštačke  opšte inteligencije. DNARS je skalabilan softverski sistem, sposoban da odgovara na   pitanja i da izvodi nove zaključke na osnovu veoma velikih  baza znanja, služeći pri   tome veliki broj klijenata. Zatim, u disertaciji je predložena nova multiagentska platforma nazvana Siebog. Siebog je zasnovan na modernim standardima za razvoj veb aplikacija, čime pokušava da smanji razliku izmedu multiagentskih sistema i sistema koji se koriste u industriji. Kao DNARS, i Siebog je distribuiran sistem. Na serverskoj strani, Siebog se izvršava na računarskim klasterima, pružajući napredne funkcionalnosti, poput automatske distribucije agenata i otpornosti na greške. Sa klijentske strane, Siebog se izvršava u veb pretrazivačima i podržava široku lepezu hardverskih i softverskih platformi. Konačno, Siebog se oslanja na DNARS za ravoj agenata sa jedinstvenim sposobnostima za rasuđivanje

    A Review of Platforms for the Development of Agent Systems

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    Agent-based computing is an active field of research with the goal of building autonomous software of hardware entities. This task is often facilitated by the use of dedicated, specialized frameworks. For almost thirty years, many such agent platforms have been developed. Meanwhile, some of them have been abandoned, others continue their development and new platforms are released. This paper presents a up-to-date review of the existing agent platforms and also a historical perspective of this domain. It aims to serve as a reference point for people interested in developing agent systems. This work details the main characteristics of the included agent platforms, together with links to specific projects where they have been used. It distinguishes between the active platforms and those no longer under development or with unclear status. It also classifies the agent platforms as general purpose ones, free or commercial, and specialized ones, which can be used for particular types of applications.Comment: 40 pages, 2 figures, 9 tables, 83 reference

    Agent-oriented domain-specific language for the development of intelligentdistributed non-axiomatic reasoning agents

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    У дисертацији је представљен прототип агентског, домен-оријентисаног језика ALAS. Основни мотиви развоја ALAS језика су подршка дистрибуираном не-аксиоматском резоновању као и омогућавање интероперабилности и хетерогене мобилности Siebog агената јер је приликом анализе постојећих агентских домен-оријентисаних језика утврђено да ни један језик не подржава ове захтеве. Побољшање у односу на сличне постојеће агентске, домен-оријентисане језике огледа се и у програмским конструктима које нуди ALAS језик а чија је основна сврха писање концизних агената који се извршавају у специфичним доменима.U disertaciji je predstavljen prototip agentskog, domen-orijentisanog jezika ALAS. Osnovni motivi razvoja ALAS jezika su podrška distribuiranom ne-aksiomatskom rezonovanju kao i omogućavanje interoperabilnosti i heterogene mobilnosti Siebog agenata jer je prilikom analize postojećih agentskih domen-orijentisanih jezika utvrđeno da ni jedan jezik ne podržava ove zahteve. Poboljšanje u odnosu na slične postojeće agentske, domen-orijentisane jezike ogleda se i u programskim konstruktima koje nudi ALAS jezik a čija je osnovna svrha pisanje konciznih agenata koji se izvršavaju u specifičnim domenima.The dissertation presents the prototype of an agent-oriented, domainspecific language ALAS. The basic motives for the development of the ALAS language are support for distributed non-axiomatic reasoning, as well as enabling the interoperability and heterogeneous mobility of agents, because it is concluded by analysing existing agent-oriented, domainspecific languages, that there is no language that supports these requirements. The improvement compared to similar existing agentoriented, domain-specific languages are also reflected in program constructs offered by ALAS language, whose the main purpose is to enable writing the concise agents that are executed in specific domains

    Logic-based Technologies for Multi-agent Systems: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Precisely when the success of artificial intelligence (AI) sub-symbolic techniques makes them be identified with the whole AI by many non-computerscientists and non-technical media, symbolic approaches are getting more and more attention as those that could make AI amenable to human understanding. Given the recurring cycles in the AI history, we expect that a revamp of technologies often tagged as “classical AI” – in particular, logic-based ones will take place in the next few years. On the other hand, agents and multi-agent systems (MAS) have been at the core of the design of intelligent systems since their very beginning, and their long-term connection with logic-based technologies, which characterised their early days, might open new ways to engineer explainable intelligent systems. This is why understanding the current status of logic-based technologies for MAS is nowadays of paramount importance. Accordingly, this paper aims at providing a comprehensive view of those technologies by making them the subject of a systematic literature review (SLR). The resulting technologies are discussed and evaluated from two different perspectives: the MAS and the logic-based ones