232 research outputs found

    An Evaluation Schema for the Ethical Use of Autonomous Robotic Systems in Security Applications

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    We propose a multi-step evaluation schema designed to help procurement agencies and others to examine the ethical dimensions of autonomous systems to be applied in the security sector, including autonomous weapons systems

    Optimising user engagement in highly automated virtual assistants to improve energy management and consumption

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    This paper presents a multi-dimensional taxonomy of levels of automation and reparation specifically adapted to Virtual Assistants (VAs) in the context of Human-Human-Interaction (HHI). Building from this framework, the main output of this study provides a method of calculation which helps to generate a trust rating by which this score can be used to optimise users' engagement. The authors believe that this framework could play a critical role in optimising energy efficiency in both management and consumption, particular attention has been given to the relevance of contextual events and dynamism in enhancing trust. For instance by understanding that trust formation is a dynamic process that starts before the user's first contact with the system, and continues long thereafter. Furthermore, following the evolving nature of the system, factors affecting trust and the system itself change during user interactions over time; thus, systems need to be able to adapt and evolve. Present work is being dedicated to further understanding of how contexts and its derivative unintended consequences affect trust in highly automated VAs in the area of energy consumption

    NEW BRAINS FOR THE DEFENCE SYSTEM : Systematic view on the Finnish Defence Forces on the edge of Artificial Intelligence revolution

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    There are about 3,5 billion smartphones in the world, and all users can use applications based on the research of Artificial Intelligence. The rapid expansion of this research to the new areas creates both new threats and possibilities for the defence systems in the future. The Finnish Defence Forces is obligated to plan, implement, and maintain ade-quate military capabilities for all risk dimensions, and an essential question is raised, how to prepare the whole defence system for the future development of Artificial Intelligence as an emerging research area. To answer this question, the Soft System Methodology is chosen for the main method of this study. This methodology is suitable for the future studies, when the area of study is complex, organized, self-regulating, dynamic, and in interaction with its environment. This provides a needed holistic approach to the defence system along with a foresight perspective. The other method, document analysis is focusing on the open sources and used to study the characteristics of the defense system and the history of technological development. The third method, deductive reasoning, is used especially in model creation and risk analysis. As a result, this study presents five recommendations for the organization: - the organization should increase the intensity of collecting data - the organization should improve the capability to store and share data - the organization should boost the training of agile methods with the experimental projects - the organization should tune-up organizational culture to match the future - the organization should keep on monitoring the development of AI The research results can be summarized in the following conclusion: it is important to choose the role we want to play in this potential Artificial Intelligence revolution - today’s decisions matter the most for the future.Maailmassa on noin 3,5 miljardia älykännykkää, joissa voidaan käyttää applikaatioita, jotka perustuvat tekoälytutkimukseen. Tämän tekoälytutkimuksen nopea leviäminen uusille alueille luo uusia uhkia ja mahdollisuuksia puolustusjärjestelmille tulevaisuudessa. Suomen Puolustusvoimilla on velvoite suunnitella, rakentaa ja ylläpitää riittäviä sotilaallisia suorituskykyjä kaikkia uhkaulottuvuuksia varten, mikä herättää kysymyksen siitä, miten koko puolustusjärjestelmän tulisi varautua tulevaisuuteen nopeasti kehittyvän tekoälytutkimuksen takia. Tässä tutkimuksessa esitettyyn kysymykseen vastataan pehmeän systeemimetodologian avulla, joka on valittu tutkimuksen päämetodiksi. Se soveltuu tulevaisuuden tutkimuksen menetelmäksi, kun tutkittava alue on monimutkainen, organisoitu, it-sesäätelevä, dynaaminen ja vuorovaikutteinen ympäristönsä kanssa. Tämä mahdollistaa puolustusjärjestelmän lähestymisen kokonaisvaltaisella ja tulevaisuuden näkökulman säilyttävällä tavalla. Toinen käytettävä metodi, avoimiin lähteisiin perustuva kirjallisuustutkimus, keskittyy tutkimuksessa puolustusjärjestelmän ominaispiirteisiin ja teknologisen kehityksen historiaan. Kolmatta metodia, deduktiivista päättelyä, käytetään erityisesti mallien luomisessa ja riskien analysoinnissa. Tutkimustuloksena esitetään organisaatiolle seuraavia suosituksia: - organisaation tulisi panostaa datan keräämisen tehokkuuteen - organisaation tulisi parantaa kykyä tallentaa ja jakaa dataa - organisaation tulisi tehostaa harjaantumista ketteriin menetelmiin kokeiluluonteisilla projekteilla - organisaation tulisi virittää organisaatiokulttuuriaan vastaamaan tulevaisuutta - organisaation tulisi jatkaa tekoälyn kehittymisen seurantaa Tutkimustulokset voidaan tiivistää seuraavaan johtopäätökseen: on tärkeää päättää, missä roolissa haluamme kohdata tulevaisuudessa mahdollisen tekoälyn vallankumouksen - tämän päivän päätöksillä on kaikkein tärkein merkitys tulevaisuuden kannalta

    Are ai tools going to be the new designers? A taxonomy for measuring the level of automation of design activities

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    The digitalisation of the industry offers new opportunities to discuss design activities and support tools. Advancement in AI allows thinking about new Designer-AI tools interaction in the design process. The paper aims to initiate a characterisation of tools issued from researches in the application of AI in Design to rethink the division of work between Designer-AI tools. The paper is based on the literature on the concept of Levels of Automation in cognitive engineering, manufacturing

    ATM automation: guidance on human technology integration

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    © Civil Aviation Authority 2016Human interaction with technology and automation is a key area of interest to industry and safety regulators alike. In February 2014, a joint CAA/industry workshop considered perspectives on present and future implementation of advanced automated systems. The conclusion was that whilst no additional regulation was necessary, guidance material for industry and regulators was required. Development of this guidance document was completed in 2015 by a working group consisting of CAA, UK industry, academia and industry associations (see Appendix B). This enabled a collaborative approach to be taken, and for regulatory, industry, and workforce perspectives to be collectively considered and addressed. The processes used in developing this guidance included: review of the themes identified from the February 2014 CAA/industry workshop1; review of academic papers, textbooks on automation, incidents and accidents involving automation; identification of key safety issues associated with automated systems; analysis of current and emerging ATM regulatory requirements and guidance material; presentation of emerging findings for critical review at UK and European aviation safety conferences. In December 2015, a workshop of senior management from project partner organisations reviewed the findings and proposals. EASA were briefed on the project before its commencement, and Eurocontrol contributed through membership of the Working Group.Final Published versio