4 research outputs found

    Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction towards E-shopping in Malaysia

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    Online shopping or e-shopping has changed the world of business and quite a few people have decided to work with these features. What their primary concerns precisely and the responses from the globalisation are the competency of incorporation while doing their businesses. E-shopping has also increased substantially in Malaysia in recent years. The rapid increase in the e-commerce industry in Malaysia has created the demand to emphasize on how to increase customer satisfaction while operating in the e-retailing environment. It is very important that customers are satisfied with the website, or else, they would not return. Therefore, a crucial fact to look into is that companies must ensure that their customers are satisfied with their purchases that are really essential from the ecommerce’s point of view. With is in mind, this study aimed at investigating customer satisfaction towards e-shopping in Malaysia. A total of 400 questionnaires were distributed among students randomly selected from various public and private universities located within Klang valley area. Total 369 questionnaires were returned, out of which 341 questionnaires were found usable for further analysis. Finally, SEM was employed to test the hypotheses. This study found that customer satisfaction towards e-shopping in Malaysia is to a great extent influenced by ease of use, trust, design of the website, online security and e-service quality. Finally, recommendations and future study direction is provided. Keywords: E-shopping, Customer satisfaction, Trust, Online security, E-service quality, Malaysia

    Bowdoin Orient v.139, no.1-26 (2009-2010)

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    The Saaz Framework for Turbulent Flow Queries

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    Abstract—In many respects, numerical simulations involving solutions to partial differential equations have replaced physical experimentation. However, few tools are available to sift through the deluge of data. We present Saaz, a query framework to analyze the simulation results of multi-scale physical phenomena which admit mathematical rules for characterizing features of interest. Saaz provides high-level primitives that free the domainscientist to concentrate more on scientific discovery and less on code implementation and maintenance. It supports user-defined domain-specific query operations which may be subsequently composed into more complex queries. While Saaz supports offline processing of queries, we explore here the online capabilities by attaching Saaz to a running simulation, improving the simulation’s effective temporal resolution. We discuss analysis for a computational fluid dynamics simulation of turbulent flow running on a cluster. I

    Irish views on Old Austria and Austrian views on the Irish Question 1848-1918

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    Diese Arbeit bezieht sich auf die letzten Jahre der österreichischen Monarchie und wie sie in The Cork Examiner, einer irischen Provinzzeitung, rezipiert wurde. Der Erste Weltkrieg markiert die primäre Zeitspanne dieser Studie und The Cork Examiner, erstmals 1841 in Erscheinung getreten, die zentrale Quelle der Informationssammlung dieser Dissertation. Die Arbeit untersucht die historischen Verknüpfungen zwischen Irland und Österreich bzw. Böhmen. Die Verbindungen waren ursprünglich religiöser/ militärischer Natur, später bildungsbedingt. Das Wirken der Tschechen aus der Sicht der Iren entspricht der Aufgabe dieser Studie: d.h. die Gemeinsamkeiten dieser beiden ehemaligen Kolonien, die kulturellen und folglich politischen Bestrebungen ihrer Völker, ihre Patrioten, die gleichzeitig Verräter der Übermacht darstellten, ihre Erfolge und Misserfolge, und wie sehr oder überhaupt sie sich gegenseitig beeinflussten. Trotz jahrhundertlanger Verbindungen, die auch durch familiäre Beziehungen der Adelsschicht entstanden sind, ergaben sich wenige Sympathien zwischen den Ländern, manchmal eher Negierung als Unterstützung der nationalen Bestrebungen. In der vorgegebenen Zeitspanne sollen sowohl die positiven als auch negativen Bilder der gegenseitigen Wertschätzung in ihrer historischen Dimension untersucht und gedeutet werden. Zusammenfassend darf gesagt werden, dass die geographische Distanz zwischen Irland und Böhmen die historischen und in folge die genealogischen Verbindungen untergraben hat und die Möglichkeiten einer beiderseitigen Unterstützung im nationalen Bestreben nach Unabhängigkeit versäumen ließ.The growth of Czech nationalism in the Austrian Empire (1848 – 1918) is contrasted with the development of Irish nationalism, as perceived in a provincial Irish newspaper, the Cork Examiner. This study examines Irish nationalism on a cultural and political level; local Cork history; and the development of mass media. Pre-war contacts between Ireland and Austria are explained, focusing on Bohemia. These links were religious, military and educational and spanned several centuries. Based on an elite level, the significance of Bohemian politics for the Irish masses was minimal. The appraisal of Czech nationalism from an Irish perspective is the object of this study, examining their common cause (independence), their ‘patriot-traitors’ (Casement and Masaryk), their miscellaneous failures (risings) and individual success (international recognition). According to press, pamphlets, and related printed matter explored, there existed spasmodic sympathies at the best of times, negation of nationhood aspirations at worst. My purpose was to highlight the images these nations nurtured about each other at the time of the Great War – in particular 1915 as crucial to nationalist and separatist policy – in their historical dimensions and popular intentions. Irish and Czechs remained essentially alien to each other even if their political struggles remained identical. The language issue was a popular motif in the press. The Czech patois was superseded by German and communication went via the German speaking Press, overshadowing Czech sentiment; and when the Czech language was firmly established, the new language barrier did not induce further interest, except on a theoretical basis. Given the historical and genealogical associations, the geographic, denominational and cultural distance between Ireland and Bohemia was too great to allow satisfactory monitoring of potentially mutually supportive political movements, essentially nationalist and separatist in nature