578 research outputs found

    An Ontology-based Knowledge Management System for Industry Clusters

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    Knowledge-based economy forces companies in the nation to group together as a cluster in order to maintain their competitiveness in the world market. The cluster development relies on two key success factors which are knowledge sharing and collaboration between the actors in the cluster. Thus, our study tries to propose knowledge management system to support knowledge management activities within the cluster. To achieve the objectives of this study, ontology takes a very important role in knowledge management process in various ways; such as building reusable and faster knowledge-bases, better way for representing the knowledge explicitly. However, creating and representing ontology create difficulties to organization due to the ambiguity and unstructured of source of knowledge. Therefore, the objectives of this paper are to propose the methodology to create and represent ontology for the organization development by using knowledge engineering approach. The handicraft cluster in Thailand is used as a case study to illustrate our proposed methodology.Ontology, Knowledge Management System, Industry Clusters

    Automatic validation of learning object compositions

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    Course construction using reusable learning objects is becoming ever more popular due to its’ efficiency. The course creator who uses this methodology may face problems due to the fact that he or she is not as intimately involved in the creation of every element of the course. In this paper we discuss one such problem faced by course creator known as “the competency gap”. Here, we define the competency gap, explain how it can be identified and suggest ways of correcting the problem

    Сучасні підходи до створення освітніх інформаційних систем, заснованих на технології опрацювання знань на основі онтологій

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    У статті розглядаються напрями, у яких активно просувається використання онтологій в системі педагогіки й освіти. Порівнюються інструментальні засоби опрацювання знань, які застосовуються для розробки освітніх інформаційних систем на основі онтологій

    Overview of Knowledge Sharing and Reuse Components: Ontologies and Problem-Solving Methods

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    Ontologies and problem-solving methods are promising candidates for reuse in Knowledge Engineering. Ontologies define domain knowledge at a generic level, while problem-solving methods specify generic reasoning knowledge. Both type of components can be viewed as complementary entities that can be used to configure new knowledge systems from existing, reusable components. In this paper, we give an overview of approaches for ontologies and problem-solving methods

    An Ontology-based Knowledge Management System for Industry Clusters

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    Knowledge-based economy forces companies in the nation to group together as a cluster in order to maintain their competitiveness in the world market. The cluster development relies on two key success factors which are knowledge sharing and collaboration between the actors in the cluster. Thus, our study tries to propose knowledge management system to support knowledge management activities within the cluster. To achieve the objectives of this study, ontology takes a very important role in knowledge management process in various ways; such as building reusable and faster knowledge-bases, better way for representing the knowledge explicitly. However, creating and representing ontology create difficulties to organization due to the ambiguity and unstructured of source of knowledge. Therefore, the objectives of this paper are to propose the methodology to create and represent ontology for the organization development by using knowledge engineering approach. The handicraft cluster in Thailand is used as a case study to illustrate our proposed methodology


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    The paper presents the problem of shop floor agility. In order to cope with the disturbances and uncertainties that characterise the current business scenarios faced by manufacturing companies, the capability of their shop floors needs to be improved quickly, such that these shop floors may be adapted, changed or become easily modifiable (shop floor reengineering). One of the critical elements in any shop floor reengineering process is the way the control/supervision architecture is changed or modified to accommodate for the new process and equipment. This paper, therefore, proposes an multi-agent architecture to support the fast adaptation or changes in the control/supervision architecture.multi-agent system, shop floor agility, control/supervision architecture, virtual organisation.

    D'où viennent les ontologies ? À la recherche du chaînon manquant

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    International audienceL'un des points de discussion possible entre les ingénieurs du Web et les philosophes se situe autour de l'usage que font les premiers du terme " ontologie ". Si beaucoup d'informaticiens déclarent que leurs ontologies n'ont rien à voir avec le concept philosophique, on ne peut cependant que constater l'analogie de leurs positions avec celles du Positivisme Logique des années 1930 (Bénel & Calabretto, 2004). Pour autant, dans nos précédents travaux, nous n'avions pas réussi à établir cette filiation avec certitude. En effet, remonter les références à partir des articles d'informatique actuels semble nous mener à chaque fois à un article court de Thomas Gruber (1991), cet article lui-même ne citant que six articles, dont les plus anciens sont de l'année précédente. Nous avons donc souhaiter mener une sorte d'enquête à la recherche d'une chaîne de filiation pouvant aller des années 1930 à 1991

    Use of competence ontological model for matching of qualifications

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    The ontological representation of competence knowledge about various specialties (from national qualifications frameworks) for their efficient matching and retrieval for the purpose of the European and National Qualifications Frameworks transparency is represented. The structure of atomic competencies is formalized by ontology that can be automatically built by semantically marked Web resources from the Semantic Media Wiki environment. Computer ontologies and methods of their use to ensure the transparency of the European and National Qualification Frameworks are suggested

    Health Improvement Path: Ontological Approach to Self-management Support in Personal Health Management Systems

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    Ontologies have been used for knowledge modeling and reasoning in healthcare domain (e.g., homecare, hospital clinical procedure, mHealth, etc.), but few in a context of self-management in healthcare with no sufficient reasoning rules to specify a systematic health management plan for an individual. In response to such needs, we aim to provide a generic ontology model for organizing the broad range of multidisciplinary knowledge required in personal health management by applying the ontology design patterns as well as for being extensible to more specific activity ontologies (e.g., physical exercises, diet, medication intake, etc.). The scope of a proposed ontology is to classify core concepts and relations in health self-management process and to build axioms for health improvement plans to meet an individual’s needs and health capability/maturity level. The proposed ontology is developed based on our previous work, health capability maturity model (HCMM) and can be integrated with existing health-related ontologies for further specification in health management processes


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    The advent of e-medicine, the processes of state-private partnership and the associated rapid increase of non-formal education centers net, especially in solving problems to ensure the regulated professions, requires the creation of fundamentally new approaches to the design of the education system. The problems of the quality of training of specialists related to the class of «regulated professions» are examined. It is obtained the idea that in a period of rapid development of the subject areas the only mechanism that determines the need for additional education, as well as its scope and quality, is currently the use of ontological models and knowledge of the subject and associated areas.Появление е-медицины, процессов государственно-частного партнерства и связанное с этим стремительное увеличение сети центров неформального обучения, особенно в решении задач обеспечения регулируемых профессий, требует создания принципиально новых подходов к конструированию системы образования. Рассмотрены вопросы обеспечения качества подготовки специалистов, относящихся к классу «регулируемых профессий». Выделена мысль, что в период быстрого развития предметных областей единственным в настоящее время механизмом, определяющим потребность в дополнительном образовании, а также его объем и качество, является использование для этой цели онтологических моделей знаний предметной и сопряженных с ней областей.Поява е-медицини, процесів державно-приватного партнерства і пов'язане з цим стрімке збільшення мережі центрів неформального навчання, особливо у вирішенні завдань забезпечення регульованих професій, вимагає створення принципово нових підходів до конструювання системи освіти. Розглянуто питання забезпечення якості підготовки фахівців, що відносяться до класу «регульованих професій». Виділена думка, що в період швидкого розвитку предметних областей єдиним на даний час механізмом, що визначає потребу в додатковій освіті, її обсяг та якості, є використання з цією метою онтологічних моделей знань предметної і пов'язаних з нею галузей