4,033 research outputs found


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    The article reveals the essence and content of the author's model of developing pedagogical competence of a future psychology teacher. The block model of formation of pedagogical competence of a psychology teacher, which consists of conceptual-value, value-motivational, content-processual and result-criterial blocks, is presented.The article reveals the essence and content of the author's model of developing pedagogical competence of a future psychology teacher. The block model of formation of pedagogical competence of a psychology teacher, which consists of conceptual-value, value-motivational, content-processual and result-criterial blocks, is presented

    Self- Efficacy and Participation in Choosing the Teaching Profession as Predictors of Academic Motivation among Arab Student\u27s Girls

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the link between learning motivation among teaching trainees and self- efficacy and the rate of participation in choosing the profession of teaching. The main assumptions: There will be a clear positive link between the rate of self-efficacy of students and academic motivation, with its various elements. There will be a clear positive link between the rate of participation in choosing the profession (teaching) and academic motivation. The sample included 181 female students. The sample was random relative to students of each academic year and specialization. The findings of the study corroborated most of the assumptions, and we found clear links between motivation and its variety of elements and participation in the process of choosing the academic institution

    The Philosophy of Success Learning as Quality Assurance Methodology of Higher Pedagogical Education

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    The article reveals the possibilities of the philosophy of learning by success as a resource for improving the quality of higher education; main directions of implementation «Models of system of future teacher’s preparing for successful professional activity”, pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of experimental studies and training technologies. The results of an experiment aimed at diagnosing the effectiveness of the success learning model are presented. The final result of the study showed that in the experimental group, the high level of success increased by 12.2%, the number of students with a low level of success in educational activities decreased significantly from 56.5% to 24.9%. In the control group, the number of students with a low level of success in educational activities decreased by 8.1%, with a high level increased by 2.6%. The value of the statistical criterion for the levels of students' success in educational activities in the CG and the EG upon completion of the experimental work exceeds the critical value (5.991) and is χ2emp = 8.300. The productivity of training future teachers for successful professional activity, based on the methodological foundations of the philosophy of learning by success, has been proved

    Students' perception of teacher's personality in motivating students in English learning at SMP Ta'miriyah Surabaya

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    Guru memiliki tanggung jawab besar untuk proses pembelajaran di sekolah. Tugas seorang guru bukan hanya untuk memberikan semua pengetahuan tetapi juga mendidik siswa untuk menjadi orang yang baik. Guru yang memiliki kepribadian yang baik akan menumbuhkan motivasi belajar siswa. Banyak siswa yang bersemangat dan senang belajar karena kepribadian guru tersebut baik dan menarik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali persepsi siswa tentang kepribadian guru dalam memotivasi siswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris; dan juga mencari motivasi siswa dalam pembelajaran bahasa inggris. Instrumen yang digunakan yakni: kuesioner dan wawancara. Subjek penelitian adalah 30 siswa kelas VIII B di SMP Ta'miriyah Surabaya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dalam aspek 3 aspek kepribadiam, yaitu Agreeableness yang ditunjukkan nilai (96,7%) dalam persepsi positif. Aspek kedua adalah Conscientiousness, aspek ini memiliki nilai (94,4%). Aspek terakhir adalah Openness dengan jumlah total (88,8%). Temuan terkait pertanyaan kedua, terdapat 7 siswa termotivasi dalam melakukan tugas dan 6 siswa termotivasi dalam menghadapi kesulitan. Kesimpulannya, persepsi siswa terhadap kepribadian guru yang memotivasi adalah positif dan hal ini juga membuktikan bahwa kepribadian guru dapat meningkatkan motivasi siswa dalam melakukan tugas dan menghadapi kesulitan dalam pembelajaran bahasa inggris

    The Influence of the Personality Competence of Islamic Education Teachers on the Learning Motivation

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    This research is motivated by the learning process of students who are less enthusiastic in learning, the objectives of this research are as follows: 1). To know the reality of PAI teacher's personality, 2). To know the reality of students' learning motivation and 3). To determine the effect of the independent variable (personality competence) of PAI teachers on the dependent variable (learning motivation) of students, this study used a quantitative approach and took the form of a survey. The sample used was class X students majoring in visual communication design at SMKN 14 Bandung with a total population of 101 students. Data collection techniques using the method of observation, questionnaires and documentation. The data analysis technique used classical assumption test, normality test, linearity test and heteroscedasticity test. Meanwhile, hypothesis testing uses simple regression analysis and is strengthened by the coefficient of determination. The results showed that 1). The Reality of the personality competence of Islamic education teachers on average (mean) for each indicator data obtained a mean value of > 4.00 or was in the interval of 4.00-5.00 which means very good. 2). The reality of student learning motivation on average (mean) data for each indicator is obtained a mean value of > 3.00 or is in the interval of 3.00-4.00 which means it is good. 3). The significance of the coefficients table is 0.008 < 0.05, which means that the independent variable has a significant effect on the dependent variable

    Strategic guidelines of the educational interactive environment as a basis to develop the axiosphere of a future teacher

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    The article examines the phenomenon of the interactive educational environment as a carefully constructed context to develop the future teacher’s personality as a result of organized human productive activity where the set of relations and connections subjectively specifies that are specific conditions to develop the future teacher’s axiosphere. The relevance of this work is to explore the dialogue educational environment as a factor forming the future teacher's values, which corresponds to modern trends of development in higher pedagogical education: humanizing and using dialogues in the educational environment; purposeful intellectual and moral development of the future professional in the context of its inclusion in a variety of independent activities, individual routes of subjects in educational process; the motivation development to pedagogical activity and professional students’ education; the personality to universal human and national values; the use in educational process of higher school and interactive technologies of education, pedagogical innovations, etc. Appealing to the analysis of the interactive educational environment has allowed identifying and characterizing components of his conceptual model: motivational-target, informationalcommunicative, subject to subject, content-axiological, organizational-active and productive. A role of principles of dialogic education is shown as: the principle of information enrichment, the principle of unity in diversity, freedom of choice, the dynamic principle, the identity principle, the principle of emotional openness. The authors present the strategic guidelines of the interactive environment education: the development of social cooperation, using the pedagogical peaceful potential, the development of interpersonal and intergroup relations, organizing children’s education as a strategic national priority. The resource analysis of dialogue area in education led the authors to the definition of ways developing the future teacher’s axiosphere, the formation of their socio-cultural, professionalpedagogical and personal values. Among the modern technologies there is dedicated interactive educational technology: a dialogue, educational discussion, a communication technology, technology of critical thinking development, technology of pedagogical workshops, moral dilemmas technology (L. Colberg). Key words: dialogue environment education, dialogue, axiosphere of a future teacher, sociocultural, professional-pedagogical and personal values of the teachers, the subjects of education, value-semantic interaction, modern teache

    The Effect of Transformational Leadership and Professional Competence on Teachers’ Performance: The Role of Work Motivation

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of transformational leadership and professional competence, both partially and simultaneously towards professional competence. It was also to reveal the role of work motivation as a mediating variable. The data analysis method used in the study is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the Analysis of Moment Structure (AMOS) 22.0 program with the sample size of 255 respondents, taken from a population of 852. The study presented a novelty since most of the study related to competence was in large scopes of competence. This study focused on professional competence in order to get the detailed result. The conclusions are: (1) transformational leadership and professional competence have a significant effect on work motivation, (2) transformational leadership, professional competence, and work motivation have a significant effect on teachers' performance. The following results are: (1) professional competence had the most dominant effect on work motivation, (2) work motivation had the most significant effect on teachers' performance (3) Work motivation is an intervening variable on transformational leadership and professional competence in improving teachers performance. The results of this study illustrated that the professional competencies of each teacher influenced the work motivation of vocational school teachers in Bekasi. Further, the study presented implications that the improvement of teachers' performance at State Vocational Schools in Bekasi could be through enhancing their work motivation due to the significant evidence that the work motivation variable intervened in transformational leadership and also professional competence. Keywords: Transformational Leadership, Professional Competence, Work Motivation, and Performance DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/12-11-02 Publication date: April 30th 202

    Формування методичної компетентності працівників освіти в умовах інклюзивного навчання

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    The article analyzes the scientific achievements on the problem of educators’ methodological competence forming in the context of SEI inclusive education. The definitions of the concepts "inclusive education", "inclusive learning", "Methodical competence of a teacher" have been clarified. It is clarified that inclusive education means that all students receive a quality education in a general secondary education institution, each student is unique, has different abilities and has a different level of knowledge that a teacher helps him develop, receives individual assistance from a teacher and an educational institution in general, he is a personality being developed throughout life.Among the main advantages of inclusive education are: the development of individual strengths and talents of the student; admission of all children without exception into the general school system and society as a whole; active involvement of parents in the learning process and school life; development of personality culture in all its manifestations; development of the student's ability to learn throughout life and the formation of a sense of respect for the various abilities and talents of peers; ability to create friendly relationships with peers.Key words: competence, methodical competence, educational institution, pedagogical workers, inclusive education.У статті здійснено аналіз наукових здобутків з проблеми формування методичної компетентності працівників освіти в умовах інклюзивного навчання ЗСО. Уточнено дефініції понять «інклюзивна освіта», «інклюзивне навчання», «Методична компетентність педагога». Уточнено, що інклюзивне навчання означає, що всі учні отримують якісну освіту в умовах закладу загальної середньої освіти, кожен учень унікальний по своєму, має різні здібності та володіє різним рівнем знань, які йому допомагає розвивати педагог, отримує індивідуальну допомогу від педагога та закладу освіти в цілому, становить особистість, яка розвивається упродовж життя. Серед основних переваг інклюзивного навчання виділено: розвиток індивідуальних сильних сторін та талантів учня; прийняття всіх дітей без виключення в загальноосвітню шкільну систему і суспільство в цілому; активне залучення батьків в процес навчання і життя школи; розвиток культуру особистості в усіх її проявах; розвиток вміння учня навчатися упродовж життя та формування почуття поваги до різних здібностей й талантів однолітків; вміння створювати дружні стосунки з однолітками.Ключові слова: компетентність, методична компетентність, заклад освіти, педагогічні працівники, інклюзивне навчання

    Are they Genuinely Novice Teachers? - Motivations and Self-Efficacy of those who Choose Teaching as a Second Career

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    The research is based on the trend of broadening unique teacher training programs. It is a mixed-method research aiming to explore the motives of three groups of Graduate-Retraining-Program (GRP) who opted for teaching as a second career and their self-efficacy The research population comprises 82 participants from three specialized teacher\u27s education programs. Tools include a closed self-efficacy and a semi-structured motivation questionnaires and interviews. Findings: motives relate mostly to psycho-ideological aspects; three efficacy dimensions relating to Teaching Tasks (TT), Teacher-Student Relations (TSR), and Influence in the Organization (IO); The TT dimension is the highest, while the IO dimension is the lowest. A clear difference between the groups is reflected in the TT dimension. The research expands the viewpoint of the decision-makers as regards the benefit of unique teacher education paths in assisting the absorption of academics into teaching as a second career