2,691 research outputs found

    The Relationship between Information Systems (IS) Assets, Organizational Capabilities, and IS-enabled Absorptive Capacity in U.S. State Information Technology Departments

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    Despite the recognition that information is a strategic asset for any state government, we lack research on the deployment and use of information systems in the U.S. state government context. Information systems are central for state agencies’ efforts to develop optimal responses to demands from their internal and external constituents. We examine how a specific IS asset combines with prior knowledge to influence organizational capabilities. We also examine the connection between organizational capabilities and the IS-enabled absorptive capacity of U.S. state IT departments from the perspective of IS employees. This study may help researchers and practitioners understand the role of IS assets in forming IS-enabled absorptive capacity in government organizations. We collected survey data from 417 government IS employees that represented 21 different states. The findings indicate that the role of an IS asset depends on the type of asset. Inside-out IS assets (ERP) moderate the relationship between prior knowledge and organizational capabilities, while outside-in IS assets (CRM) directly affect organizational capabilities. In addition, organizational capabilities can directly affect IS-enabled absorptive capacity in IT departments. This research increases our understanding of the influence of different IS assets on IS-enabled absorptive capacity in state government IT departments. We discuss limitations and directions for future research

    The Knowledge Application and Utilization Framework Applied to Defense COTS: A Research Synthesis for Outsourced Innovation

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    Purpose -- Militaries of developing nations face increasing budget pressures, high operations tempo, a blitzing pace of technology, and adversaries that often meet or beat government capabilities using commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) technologies. The adoption of COTS products into defense acquisitions has been offered to help meet these challenges by essentially outsourcing new product development and innovation. This research summarizes extant research to develop a framework for managing the innovative and knowledge flows. Design/Methodology/Approach – A literature review of 62 sources was conducted with the objectives of identifying antecedents (barriers and facilitators) and consequences of COTS adoption. Findings – The DoD COTS literature predominantly consists of industry case studies, and there’s a strong need for further academically rigorous study. Extant rigorous research implicates the importance of the role of knowledge management to government innovative thinking that relies heavily on commercial suppliers. Research Limitations/Implications – Extant academically rigorous studies tend to depend on measures derived from work in information systems research, relying on user satisfaction as the outcome. Our findings indicate that user satisfaction has no relationship to COTS success; technically complex governmental purchases may be too distant from users or may have socio-economic goals that supersede user satisfaction. The knowledge acquisition and utilization framework worked well to explain the innovative process in COTS. Practical Implications – Where past research in the commercial context found technological knowledge to outweigh market knowledge in terms of importance, our research found the opposite. Managers either in government or marketing to government should be aware of the importance of market knowledge for defense COTS innovation, especially for commercial companies that work as system integrators. Originality/Value – From the literature emerged a framework of COTS product usage and a scale to measure COTS product appropriateness that should help to guide COTS product adoption decisions and to help manage COTS product implementations ex post

    Drivers and Impacts of ICT Adoption on Transport and Logistics Services.

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    The availability of high-quality transport and logistics services (TLS) is of paramount importance for the growth and competitiveness of an economy. The objective of this paper is to describe how European companies in this industry use information and communication technology (ICT) for conducting business and to assess the impact of this development for firms and the industry as a whole. A comparison with some important Asia Pacific economies is also presented, indicating that some of these countries (Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan, and Korea) boast very good transport infrastructure compared with the most developed European economies. Using the structure-conduct-performance (SCP) model and the bi-directional relationships of its elements, the paper identifies the links between ICT adoption and market structure, innovation dynamics, and firm performance. A set of recommendations on how to further improve the actual scenario of e-business in the TLS industry is also presented. The model could also be implemented in Asian countries

    Exploring the Framework of Digital Transformation: A Multilevel Investigation from an Organizational and Employee Perspective

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    Les tecnologies digitals estan revolucionant les indústries, les organitzacions i les persones a tot el món. En aquest context, sorgeixen noves oportunitats i amenaces per a les organitzacions que requereixen respostes estratègiques i de comportament. Aquesta tesi doctoral va sorgir a partir de la pregunta sobre com el fenomen de la transformació digital impacta a les organitzacions i els empleats en un entorn disruptiu. La motivació inicial resideix en l'entorn digital en canvi constant que genera incerteses i la necessitat de canviar les estratègies digitals de les empreses, en l'economia global, per continuar sent competitius i atraure empleats. Per tant, aquesta tesi té com a objectiu explorar el marc de la transformació digital mitjançant una investigació multinivell des d'una perspectiva organitzacional i dels empleats. La investigació existent fins ara no té evidència empírica sobre predictors crítics i conseqüències d'una transformació digital amb èxit per a les empreses. A més, la pandèmia recent i les oportunitats digitals han conduït a una ràpida transformació digital del lloc de treball que ha afectat els empleats en diferents àmbits. Per tant, els dos primers articles d’aquesta tesi presenten un marc per garantir l’èxit de la transformació digital de les empreses, aprofitant les capacitats dinàmiques. El tercer article introdueix l’experiència de l’empleat i posa èmfasi en la cultura digital de les organitzacions. Els dos darrers articles d'aquesta investigació aprofundeixen en la transformació del lloc de treball digital i tanquen la bretxa del marc de la transformació digital. Es van fer múltiples estudis consecutius per assolir els objectius de recerca d'aquesta tesi. Començant amb les troballes d'un estudi de cas de múltiples indústries amb nou empreses multinacionals (article A i article D), es va fer un estudi quantitatiu posterior amb dades d'enquestes de executius d'empreses i TI espanyols (article B i article C). Els estudis anteriors es van complementar amb una investigació quantitativa de les preferències laborals dels empleats al mercat nord-americà per seguir un enfocament generalitzable (article E). Les troballes exploradores inicials indiquen que les capacitats dinàmiques i els valors culturals digitals influeixen en l'èxit de la transformació digital. La següent anàlisi quantitativa dona suport al paper de les capacitats i mostra que la transformació digital augmenta encara més el rendiment de l'empresa. A més, els resultats indiquen que la transformació digital condueix al compromís organitzacional dels empleats quan la relació és intervinguda pel lideratge digital i l'aprenentatge continu. Finalment, aquesta tesi estudia el futur del treball destacant la importància de les habilitats crítiques al lloc de treball digital i les preferències dels empleats al lloc de treball híbrid. En general, aquesta investigació explora el marc de la transformació digital i, per tant, representa un avenç substancial a la literatura acadèmica actual. Més precisament aquesta tesi assegura l'avenç de la teoria en aclarir el concepte d'èxit de la transformació digital entenent els facilitadors en termes de capacitats dinàmiques i valors culturals digitals. Especialment, aquest treball se centra a analitzar el paper del lideratge digital, de l'aprenentatge continu i dels nous coneixements sobre habilitats crítiques al lloc de treball digital, així com la rellevància d'un lloc de treball híbrid per al futur del treball. En considerar tres vies de recerca, (1) l'èxit de la transformació digital, (2) la cultura digital i l'experiència de l'empleat, i (3) la transformació del lloc de treball digital, aquesta tesi doctoral suposa un avenç en el coneixement acadèmic actual sobre transformació digital a les empreses i ofereix importants implicacions pràctiques.Las tecnologías digitales están revolucionando las industrias, las organizaciones y las personas en todo el mundo. En este contexto, surgen nuevas oportunidades y amenazas para las organizaciones que requieren de respuestas estratégicas y de comportamiento. Esta tesis doctoral surgió´ a partir de la pregunta sobre cómo el fenómeno de la transformación digital impacta en las organizaciones y los empleados en un entorno disruptivo. La motivación inicial reside en el entorno digital en constante cambio que genera incertidumbres y la necesidad de cambiar las estrategias digitales de las empresas, en la economía global, para seguir siendo competitivos y atraer empleados. Por lo tanto, esta tesis tiene como objetivo explorar el marco de la transformación digital mediante una investigación multinivel desde una perspectiva organizacional y de los empleados. La investigación existente hasta el momento carece de evidencia empírica sobre predictores críticos y consecuencias de una transformación digital exitosa para las empresas. Además, la reciente pandemia y las oportunidades digitales han conducido a una rápida transformación digital del lugar de trabajo que ha afectado a los empleados en diferentes ámbitos. Por lo tanto, los dos primeros artículos de esta tesis presentan un marco para garantizar el éxito de la transformación digital de las empresas, aprovechando las capacidades dinámicas. El tercer artículo introduce la experiencia del empleado y pone énfasis en la cultura digital de las organizaciones. Los dos últimos artículos de esta investigación profundizan en la transformación del lugar de trabajo digital y cierran la brecha del marco de la transformación digital. Se realizaron múltiples estudios consecutivos para lograr los objetivos de investigación de esta tesis. Comenzando con los hallazgos de un estudio de caso de múltiples industrias con nueve empresas multinacionales (artículo A y artículo D), se realizó´ posteriormente un estudio cuantitativo con datos de encuestas de directivos de empresas y TI españoles (artículo B y artículo C). Los estudios anteriores se complementaron con una investigación cuantitativa de las preferencias laborales de los empleados en el mercado estadounidense para seguir un enfoque generalizable (artículo E). Los hallazgos exploratorios iniciales indican que las capacidades dinámicas y los valores culturales digitales influyen en el éxito de la transformación digital. El siguiente análisis cuantitativo respalda el papel de las capacidades y muestra que la transformación digital aumenta aún más el rendimiento de la empresa. Además, los resultados indican que la transformación digital conduce al compromiso organizacional de los empleados cuando la relación está mediada por el liderazgo digital y el aprendizaje continuo. Por último, esta tesis estudia el futuro del trabajo destacando la importancia de las habilidades criticas en el lugar de trabajo digital y las preferencias de los empleados en el lugar de trabajo hibrido. En general, esta investigación explora el marco de la transformación digital y, por lo tanto, representa un avance sustancial a la literatura académica actual. Más concretamente, esta tesis asegura el avance de la teoría al aclarar el concepto de éxito de la transformación digital entendiendo a los facilitadores en términos de capacidades dinámicas y valores culturales digitales. Especialmente, este trabajo se centra en analizar el papel del liderazgo digital, del aprendizaje continuo y de los nuevos conocimientos sobre habilidades criticas en el lugar de trabajo digital, así como la relevancia de un lugar de trabajo hibrido para el futuro del trabajo. Al considerar tres vías de investigación, (1) el éxito de la transformación digital, (2) la cultura digital y la experiencia del empleado, y (3) la transformación del lugar de trabajo digital, esta tesis doctoral supone un avance en el conocimiento académico actual sobre transformación digital en las empresas y ofrece importantes implicaciones prácticas.Digital technologies are disrupting industries, organizations, and individuals globally. New opportunities and threats arise and require strategic and behavioral responses. This dissertation emerged from the question of how the phenomenon of digital transformation impacts organizations and employees in a disruptive environment. The initial motivation is the constantly changing digital environment leading to uncertainties and the need for shifted digital strategies in the global economy to stay competitive and attract employees. Therefore, this dissertation aims to explore the digital transformation framework by doing a multilevel investigation from an organizational and employee perspective. Existing research lacks empirical evidence on critical predictors and consequences of a successful digital transformation for businesses. Further, the recent pandemic and digital opportunities led to a rapid digital workplace transformation impacting employees. Thus, the first two papers of this dissertation form a framework for digital transformation success, drawing on an organizational resource-based view. The third paper introduces the employee experience and puts an emphasis on the digital culture of organizations. The last two articles of this investigation dive into the digital workplace transformation and close the bracket of the framework of digital transformation. Multiple consecutive studies were conducted to achieve the research objectives of this dissertation. Starting with the findings from a multiple-industry case study with multinational firms (paper A and paper D), three research streams were followed. A subsequent quantitative study was performed with survey data from Spanish IT and business executives (paper B and paper C). The previous work was complemented with a quantitative investigation of digital workplace transformation to follow a generalizable approach (paper E). Initial exploratory findings indicate that dynamic capabilities and digital cultural values influence digital transformation success. The following quantitative analysis supports the role of capabilities and shows that digital transformation further increases firm performance. Also, results indicate that digital transformation leads to employees’ organizational commitment when the relationship is mediated by digital leadership and continuous learning. Lastly, this dissertation studies the future of work by highlighting the importance of critical skills in the digital workplace and employees’ hybrid workplace preferences. Overall, this research explores the framework of digital transformation and thereby contributes to academic literature. More precisely, this dissertation ensures theory advancement by clarifying the concept of digital transformation success, understanding facilitators in terms of dynamic capabilities and digital cultural values, especially with a focus on digital leadership and continuous learning, and lastly, new knowledge on critical skills in the digital workplace and the relevance of a hybrid workplace setting for the future of work. By considering three research avenues, (1) digital transformation success, (2) digital culture and employee experience, and (3) digital workplace transformation, this dissertation contributes to future work on digital transformation and its implications for practice

    The mediating role of organizational learning between absorptive capacity and performance in companies employing enterprise resource planning software

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    This dissertation focuses on the acquisition of information systems technology and how the acquisition of information systems (IS) can improve the performance of a firm. The central purpose of this dissertation is to contribute to the literature that explains the success of IS projects. It addresses the organizational processes that contribute to the successful implementation of IS, and explains why some organizations achieve financial returns and strategic advantages from their IS efforts while others do not. The population in this dissertation consists of top level IS executives in the US or Canada employed in firms who have implemented enterprise resource planning software. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) has the capability to join disparate data sources and make them available across enterprises in an organized, personalized, secure, and searchable fashion. ERP integrates key business and management processes to provide a comprehensive view of an organization. The term used in the literature to refer to firm readiness to technological advances is absorptive capacity. Absorptive capacity is an organizational, firm-level construct that incorporates a learning curve into the technology adoption process. Cohen and Levinthal (1990) define absorptive capacity as the firm\u27s ability to perceive value in external information, in this case an information system, and be able to adopt it, internalize it and exploit it to maximize profits. This dissertation tests the relationship between absorptive capacity and performance mediated by organizational learning. Absorptive capacity, therefore, is a measure of potential increase in performance but not a guarantee of increased performance. Several processes have to occur in order for organizations to learn. First of all, organizations have to acquire knowledge by eliciting or sharing knowledge (Argote, 1999) in the assimilation stage (Lane et al., 2001; Lane & Lubatkin, 1998). This stage is followed by a second stage named internalization or integration (Kim, 1998; Lyles & Salk, 1996). Group learning involves the processes through which members share, generate, evaluate and combine knowledge (Argote, 1999). The third stage, optimization, is where an organization reaches the point of exploitation of a learned technology (Cohen & Levinthal 1990, 1994). The relationships between absorptive capacity, organizational learning and performance represent the research framework for the dissertation. A path begins from absorptive capacity to organizational learning, but because organizational learning is divided into three stages there are three separate paths leading to each level in organizational learning: assimilation, integration and optimization. Structural equation modeling was used to examine the series of dependence relationships simultaneously

    How Do Young Firms Manage Product Portfolio Complexity? The Role of Absorptive Capacity and Ambidexterity

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    Building a complex portfolio of products can be beneficial for young firms due to increased sales growth and competitiveness. Yet, the benefits from product portfolio complexity (PPC) are often outweighed by rising costs, leading to an inverted U-shaped relationship between PPC and performance. Recent research has called for an increased understanding of how firms are able to better manage higher levels of PPC. We suggest that absorptive capacity and ambidexterity are vital to enhancing the benefits and mitigating the costs of increasing PPC. Using a sample of 215 young high technology firms, we find support for positive moderating effects of absorptive capacity and ambidexterity on the inverted U-shaped relationship between PPC and firm performance

    Digitally Enhancing Customer Agility and Competitive Activity: How Firms Use Information Technology to Sense and Respond to Market Opportunities in Hypercompetitive Environments

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    This dissertation studies how information technology (IT) facilitates customer agility and, in turn, competitive activity. Customer agility refers to the extent to which a firm is able to sense and respond quickly to customer-based opportunities for innovation and competitive action. As such, customer agility consists of two key dimensions: sensing and responding. We propose that IT plays a critical role in facilitating a firm\u27s customer agility - in particular, its sensing and responding components. The Internet has spawned a rich set of tools that allow firms to engage in rich, interactive dialogues with a broad and diverse customer base, thereby enhancing firms\u27 ability to sense and respond to shifting customer needs and preferences. Although academics and practitioners suggest that IT is a key enabler of customer agility, we know little concerning how IT facilitates customer agility. Building on the dynamic capability literature, we propose that the \u27knowledge creating\u27 synergy derived from the interaction between a firm\u27s web-based infrastructure and its analytical ability will enhance the firm\u27s ability to sense customer-based opportunities, and the \u27process enhancing\u27 synergy obtained from the interaction between a firm\u27s coordination efforts and its level of IT integration will facilitate the firm\u27s ability to respond to those opportunities. Finally, we propose that the alignment between customer sensing capability and customer responding capability will impact the firm\u27s competitive activity. We test our model with a two-stage longitudinal research design in which we survey marketing executives of high-tech firms. Our results find that web-based (resource and user) infrastructure has a significant effect on customer sensing capability. Moreover, analytical ability positively moderates these relationships. We also find that interfunctional coordination and channel coordination both have a significant impact on customer responding capability. Furthermore, internal information systems (IS) integration positively moderates the interfunctional-response relationship, yet external IS integration does not moderate the channel-response relationship. Our results also show that varying types of alignment between customer sensing capability and customer responding capability are related to different types of competitive activity. Specifically, a higher \u27match\u27 between sensing and responding results in actions which effectively meet or address customer needs. Furthermore, customer responding capability mediates the relationship between customer sensing capability and 1) number of actions executed and 2) the speed at which firms respond to changing customer needs. Finally, we also find that agility alignment is not related to action repertoire complexity. Our results have implications for both research and practice. To our knowledge, it is the first study to conceptualize and test a comprehensive yet parsimonious research model which includes the role of IT, customer agility and competitive activity. In doing so, we contribute to the IT business value literature, dynamic capabilities research, competitive dynamics literature, and organizational innovation research. We also give managers greater insight into how they can effectively leverage IT resources when sensing and responding to their customers in turbulent environments

    Essays on dynamic capabilities: the role of intellectual human capital in firm innovation

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    Following the dynamic capabilities perspective, I suggest that antecedents to innovation can be found at the individual, firm, and network level. Thus, I challenge two assumptions common in prior research: (1) that significant variance exists at the focal level of analysis, while other levels of analysis are assumed to be homogeneous, and (2) that the focal level of analysis is independent from other levels of analysis. Accordingly, I advance a set of hypotheses to simultaneously assess the direct effects of antecedents at the individual, firm, and network level on innovation output. I then investigate whether a firm s antecedents to innovation lie across different levels. To accomplish this, I propose two competing interaction hypotheses. I juxtapose the hypothesis that the individual, firm, and network-level antecedents to innovation are substitutes versus the proposition that these innovation mechanisms are complements. I test my multi-level theoretical model using an unusually comprehensive and detailed panel dataset that documents the innovation attempts of global pharmaceutical companies within biotechnology over a 22-year time period (1980-2001). I find evidence that the antecedents to innovation lie across different levels of analysis and can have compensating or reinforcing effects on firm-level innovative output.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Frank T. Rothaermel; Committee Member: J. Jeongsik Lee; Committee Member: John Walsh; Committee Member: Luis Martins; Committee Member: Matt Higgin

    Ethics and taxation : a cross-national comparison of UK and Turkish firms

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    This paper investigates responses to tax related ethical issues facing busines
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