14,823 research outputs found

    Robustness and Regularization of Support Vector Machines

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    We consider regularized support vector machines (SVMs) and show that they are precisely equivalent to a new robust optimization formulation. We show that this equivalence of robust optimization and regularization has implications for both algorithms, and analysis. In terms of algorithms, the equivalence suggests more general SVM-like algorithms for classification that explicitly build in protection to noise, and at the same time control overfitting. On the analysis front, the equivalence of robustness and regularization, provides a robust optimization interpretation for the success of regularized SVMs. We use the this new robustness interpretation of SVMs to give a new proof of consistency of (kernelized) SVMs, thus establishing robustness as the reason regularized SVMs generalize well

    Multi-class SVMs: From Tighter Data-Dependent Generalization Bounds to Novel Algorithms

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    This paper studies the generalization performance of multi-class classification algorithms, for which we obtain, for the first time, a data-dependent generalization error bound with a logarithmic dependence on the class size, substantially improving the state-of-the-art linear dependence in the existing data-dependent generalization analysis. The theoretical analysis motivates us to introduce a new multi-class classification machine based on â„“p\ell_p-norm regularization, where the parameter pp controls the complexity of the corresponding bounds. We derive an efficient optimization algorithm based on Fenchel duality theory. Benchmarks on several real-world datasets show that the proposed algorithm can achieve significant accuracy gains over the state of the art
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