7,136 research outputs found

    Aliens, the Internet, and Purposeful Availment : A Reassessment of Fifth Amendment Limits on Personal Jurisdiction

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    This Article first considers the Fourteenth Amendment cases and argues that the constitutional limits on the jurisdictional authority of state courts reflect a view about the limits of state authority. It then turns to the Fifth Amendment and, after considering the practices of other nations and lessons from prescriptive jurisdiction, argues that the United States\u27s sovereign authority should allow it to assert personal jurisdiction solely on the basis of effects in the United States, without a requirement of purposeful availment. It further argues that concerns about reasonableness should be addressed at the subconstitutional level. This Article is built on two basic premises: that personal jurisdiction is a doctrine that concerns the allocation of sovereign authority, and that the underlying sovereignty considerations of the United States within the world community are quite different from those of the states within our confederation of states. As a result, although the Due Process Clauses of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments are worded the same, the limitations that those clauses impose on sovereign authority are different

    New Light through Old Windows:Restraint of Trade in English, Scottish, and Australian Employment Laws - Emerging and Enduring Issues

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    The nature of the study to be pursued in this article concerns the extent to which the common law systems of England and Australia contain principles or rules designed to impinge on an employer's freedom of contract or legitimate trading interests in order to promote the ability of an employee to trade, work freely, and enjoy the benefits of his/her labour and innovations. This will entail spelling out the principal elements of both the English and Australian concepts and outlining the differences between them in light of new problems that have emerged as a result of recent developments in economic and social conditions

    How Understanding the Nature of Corporate Norms Can Prevent Their Destruction by Settlements

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    Scholars have long celebrated the importance of norms in corporate law. Indeed, norms likely guide corporate actors more than the omnipresent threat of shareholder suits. This Article divides corporate norms into two distinct groups: aspirational norms and arbiter norms. Aspirational norms announce socially desirable objectives for corporate managers and encourage certain disclosure practices; arbiter norms identify distinct transactions for closer scrutiny by an independent body, the court. This Article shows that even though aspirational norms and arbiter norms serve different objectives, they share a common characteristic—overbreadth. This feature exists whether the norm is set forth by statute or found in judicial doctrine. Such overbreadth explains some, but by no means all, of the problems accompanying shareholder litigation, including the frequency of suits and inconsequential settlements. This Article also develops the paradoxes that accompany corporate norms. The inherent overbreadth of both aspirational and arbiter norms can be of great assistance to their protection against inconsequential settlements. Using the recent decision In re Trulia, Inc. Stockholder Litigation, this Article addresses how courts can fulfill their role in the non-adversarial setting of the settlement hearing. When asked to approve a settlement, the court should anchor its scrutiny of the adequacy and reasonableness of a settlement in the norm that is central to the suit. By doing so, the court can more positively contribute to the ongoing development of corporate norms

    The Age of Discipline: The Relevance of Age to the Reasonableness of Corporal Punishment

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    Bakgrund Tidigare studier belyser vikten av att företag integrerar marknadsfunktionen och logistikfunktionen, detta då en sådan integration leder till fördelar för företag. När funktionerna är integrerade kan företag bland annat möta kunders förväntningar vad gäller produkttillgänglighet och leveransservice på ett mer effektivt sätt än om funktionerna inte är integrerade. I dagsläget finns endast begränsade studier om hur integration mellan marknadsfunktioner och logistikfunktioner ser ut i praktiken. En empirisk kunskapslucka vad gäller integration mellan marknadsfunktioner och logistikfunktioner i svenska detaljhandelsföretag kunde således påvisas och det är dennakunskapslucka som legat till grund för denna studie. Syfte Denna studie syftar till att analysera om, och i så fall hur, marknadsfunktioner och logistikfunktioner inom svenska detaljhandelsföretag är integrerade. Genomförande För att uppnå syftet genomfördes intervjuer med medarbetare på marknadsfunktionen och logistikfunktionen inom tre svenska detaljhandelsföretag. Dessa företag var Cervera, Glitter och KappAhl. Vidare genomfördes observationer i två av respektive företags butiker för att undersöka produkttillgängligheten på aktuella kampanjvaror. I  samband med observationerna genomfördes intervjuer med företagens butikschefer. Slutligen intervjuades ett antal branschaktörer gällande deras erfarenheter av integration mellan marknadsfunktioner och logistikfunktioner inom detaljhandelsbranschen. Slutsats Enligt denna studie framgår att marknadsfunktioner och logistikfunktioner inom svenska detaljhandelsföretag till viss del kan anses integrerade men att integrationen kan förbättras. Funktionerna är främst integrerade genom att de utbyter dokument, delar på resurser, har en vilja att uppnå mål tillsammans, en gemensam vision samt har en gemensam planering. Under ett företags kampanjperiod är det framförallt av stor vikt med en effektiv integration mellan de två funktionerna då de behöver delge varandra information. Inom svenska detaljhandelsföretag påverkas integrationen mellan marknadsfunktionen och logistikfunktionen av organisationskultur, organisationsstruktur, kommunikation, informationssystem och funktionernas fysiska placering.Background Previous studies highlight the importance of integration between the marketing function and logistics function since it leads to several bene- fits for an organization. For example, an organization can in a more efficient way meet customers’ expectations regarding product availability and delivery service when the functions are integrated. It only exists limited studies on how integration between marketing functions and logistics functions appear in practice. An empirical gap in knowledge regarding integration between marketing functions and logistics functions in Swedish retail companies was detected. This knowledge gap has been the basis for this study. Aim This study aims to analyze whether or not the marketing functions and the logistics functions within Swedish retail companies are integrated, and in that case, to analyze how they are integrated. Execution To achieve the aim of this study, interviews were conducted with employyees of the marketing function and the logistics function within three Swedish retail companies. These companies were Cervera, Glitter and KappAhl. Observations were made in two of each company's stores to examine the availability of current campaign products. During the observations interviews were conducted with the stores manager. Finally, interviews were made with industry participants to investigate their experience of integration between marketing functions and logistics functions within the retail industry. Conclusion This study indicates that market functions and logistics functions within Swedish retail companies can be considered integrated to some extent but it also indicates that the integration can be improved. The functions are primarily integrated by exchanging documents, sharing resources, having a desire to achieve goals together and by sharing a vision and having a common planning. During periods with product campaigns it is important with an effective integration of the two functions since they need to share information. In Swedish retail companies the integration between the functions is affected by the organizational culture, organizational structure, communication, information systems and the physical placement of the functions

    Applied statistics: A review

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    The main phases of applied statistical work are discussed in general terms. The account starts with the clarification of objectives and proceeds through study design, measurement and analysis to interpretation. An attempt is made to extract some general notions.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/07-AOAS113 in the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org