179 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Kamus Penyakit Manusia Berbasis Android

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    Perkembangan terhadap teknologi mendorong untuk mengembangkan aplikasi kamus penyakit manusia berbasis Android. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat suatu aplikasi kamus penyakit manusia untuk mengetahui tentang istilah-istilah penyakit, yang disertai dengan visualisasi gambar, text to speech, definisi tentang istilah penyakit serta keterangan tentang gejala-gejala penyakit sehingga membuat penggunaan kamus menjadi lebih praktis, karena mudah dibawa kemana. Batasan dari aplikasi ini yaitu hanya memiliki 1000 istilah penyakit, dan tidak dilengkapi dengan fitur update. Metode pengembangan aplikasi ini menggunakan RUP dan berorientasi objek. Pembuatan aplikasi menggunakan bahasa pemograman Java dengan kakas Eclipse dan juga SQLite untuk penyimpanan data. Aplikasi ini dapat melakukan text to speech, menampilkan gambar hasil pencarian dan keterangan penyakit

    Aplikasi Kamera Video untuk Pemantau Keadaan suatu Ruangan

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    Peningkatan mobilitas manusia membuat perhatian terhadap masalah keamanan meningkat. Sehigga ada kebutuhan untuk memantau suatu ruangan dari jarak jauh yang dilengkapi dengan pengiriman pesan sebagai peringatan. Terdorong dengan perkembangan teknologi multimedia, aplikasi kamera video ini diharapkan mampu untuk memantau keadaan suatu ruangan, mendeteksi dan merekam pergerakan yang terjadi dalam ruangan tersebut dan mengirimkan foto hasilnya dalam bentuk Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS). Metode yang digunakan dalam perancangan dan pembuatan perangkat lunak ini adalah metode Unified Process (UP). Aplikasi ini berjalan pada sebuah komputer dengan menggunakan teknologi Java Media Framework (JMF) dan Swing dalam Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE), dengan bahasa pemrograman Java versi 1.6.0, dan menngunakan MySQL untuk basisdata, serta ActiveXperts sebagai aplikasi pengirim MMS. Bahasa pemodelan sistem yang digunakan adalah Unified Modelling Language (UML)

    Plantillas y artefactos personalización de RUP para proyectos académicos de desarrollo de software

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    En este documento se encontrará información que presenta un marco teórico del proyecto de grado -- Dicho marco proveerá los objetivos generales y específicos, justificaciones, ejemplos y conclusiones que argumentarán el trabajo sobre el tema de metodologías ágiles orientadas a la academia -- El trabajo se realiza con el propósito presentar una serie de plantillas, artefactos y ejemplos cercanos a la vida real de proyectos de desarrollo de software usando la metodología EAFIT-UP (EAFIT Unified Process) basada en RUP (Rational Unified Process), CMMI Dev y PMBOK, demostrando su efectividad en el uso principalmente académico -- El proyecto se apoya en la tesis de maestría de Jorge Hernán Abad Londoño, autor de la metodología y asesor de este trabaj

    Web Based Students' Attendance System (WSAS)

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    A web based students’ attendance system is an appropriate solution for teachers and parents to inform the parents about their students' attendance status in school via SMS and Email services as well as to enhance the communication between teachers and parents. Research Design Methodology was adopted in this project with its five stages, which includes: Awareness of problem, Suggestion (integrated with System Development Methodology), Development (integrated with Object Oriented Development Life Cycle approach), Evaluation, and Conclusion. The prototype was developed to determine, analysis, test, and validate the user's requirements in order to rate the usability test of this system. Furthermore, the prototype was evaluated by using USE questionnaire and the usability results was presented and discussed as well

    Pengembangan Website Kampung Batik Jetis Dengan Metode Rational Unified Process

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    Kampung Batik Jetis is one of the tourist village located in Sidoarjo regency. However, tourists who visit the Sidoarjo regency is less knowing of the existence of the village. Therefore, there are emerging needs of the village of batik, which currently do not have a profile web-based information portal with the purpose of showing all information for the public. Website development is done by using Rational Unified Process method. This method allows to systematically control the changes that occur in the software during the development process. Website development use object-oriented analysis and design approach where each requirement is grouped in several objects. Diagrams used include use case diagrams, activity diagrams, sequence diagrams and class diagrams. The test was performed using black box testing method and white box testing method. The solution for the lack of media introduction Kampung Batik Jetis one of which is the development of a website profile. Black box testing results using the use case testing techniques of 18 features tested entirely valid. While testing with white box testing method with basis path testing techniques resulting in three valid test results. The expected results with the website profile, residents, especially craftsmen Kampung Batik Jetis can promote the village to the maximum

    Incorporation of Defined Quality Attributes into Solutions Based on Service-Oriented Architecture

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    The shift of the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) to the\ud Information Technology, its use and implementation enables the feature of having more robust system offered to the Service Industry. This paper will present enhancement efforts to software platform solution with including quality\ud attributes and will describe the design of the Quality Service-Oriented Architecture. A well known branch of the service industry market in the US is the Pest Control Services which should be part of every single physical object in the USA. There are many Service-Oriented Platforms that handle the Pest Control Industry and our target in this article will be to describe a Quality Oriented and Service-Oriented Design for the Pest Control Industry, which will meet the criteria and the needs of the industry as well to meet all laws requirements to each\ud US state related to the pest control policies and rules. Most important is that the presented software platform provides competitive edge

    Bellman-Ford Algorithm for Completion of Route Determination: An Experimental Study

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    In this study a review of the existing Bellman-Ford Algorithm by conducting tests to see the accuracy of the route data or the shortest route. In this study there are fifth locations that will be tested to see whether the route is really in accordance with the actual situation. The shortest path is part of the field of graph theory. If a graph has weight, then in the case of the shortest route, how can we do the minimization of the total weight of the route. This is what was done in this study to see how optimal the Bellman-Ford Algorithm is in handling the shortest route so that it is more accurate. The fifth Mall data is the most frequently visited by people in the city of Palembang. The five malls are Opi Mall, International Plaza, Palembang Indah Mall, Palembang Square and Palembang Icon. The conclusion from the results of this study is that the Bellman-Ford Algorithm is more complicated to do in the search for calculations manually on the completion of the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), but this algorithm is better in terms of finding optimal solutions and solving singe pair routes


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    Sistem pakar merupakan sistem yang mempekerjakan pengetahuan manusia yang ditangkap komputer untuk memecahkan suatu masalah yang biasanya membutuhkan keahlian manusia. Untuk membantu masyarakat dalam mengetahui bidang pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan otak dan perilakunya (melalui profil Emergenetics-nya), sehingga kinerja kerjanya berjalan secara optimal, maka dibuatlah suatu aplikasi Penentuan Bidang Pekerjaan berdasarkan Emergenetics ini. Aplikasi ini menggunakan metode Case Based Reasoning dan Algoritma Nearest Neighbour, serta untuk pengembangan sistemnya menggunakan metodologi RUP. Sistem pakar ini dibuat berdasarkan konsultasi langsung dengan pakarnya yaitu pakar di bidang psikolog. Aplikasi ini merupakan aplikasi berbasis desktop yang menggunakan bahasa pemograman Java SE. Penentuan bidang pekerjaan dengan sistem pakar ini dilakukan melalui proses konsultasi antara pemakai dengan sistem. Pemakai akan memperoleh hasil berupa jenis pekerjaan dan nilai similarity-nya berdasarkan konsultasi yang telah dilakukan. Aplikasi ini diharapkan dapat membantu masyarakat dalam menentukan bidang pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan otak dan watak/perilakunya dengan mudah dan cepat

    An empirical study on the estimation of size and complexity of software applications with function points analysis

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    Empirical studies are important in software engineering to evaluate new tools, techniques, methods and technologies in a structured way before they are introduced in the industrial (real) software process. Perform empirical studies in a real context is very difficult due to various obstacles. An interesting alternative is perform empirical studies in an educational context using students as subjects and share the results with the academia and the industry. This paper describes a case study with two teams that developed a software system (Web application) for a real customer. In this study we used a model based on Function Points Analysis (FPA) to estimate the size and complexity of software system

    An Approach for Agile SOA Development using Agile Principals

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    In dynamic and turbulent business environment, the need for success and survival of any organization is the ability of adapting to changes efficiently and cost-effectively. So, for developing software applications, one of the methods is Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) methodology and other is Agile Methodology. Since embracing changes is the indispensable concept of SOA development as well as Agile Development, using an appropriate SOA methodology able to adapt changes even during system development with the preservation of software quality is necessary. In this paper, a new approach consisted of five steps is presented to add agility to SOA methodologies. This approach, before any SOA-based development, helps architect(s) to determine Core Business Processes (CBPs) by using agile principals for establishing Core Architecture. The most important advantage of this approach according to the results of case study is possibility of embracing changes with the preservation of software quality in SOA developments.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, 1 table; http://airccse.org/journal/ijcsit2012_curr.htm
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