78,291 research outputs found

    VoIP: Making Secure Calls and Maintaining High Call Quality

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    Modern multimedia communication tools must have high security, high availability and high quality of service (QoS). Any security implementation will directly impact on QoS. This paper will investigate how end-to-end security impacts on QoS in Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). The QoS is measured in terms of lost packet ratio, latency and jitter using different encryption algorithms, no security and just the use of IP firewalls in Local and Wide Area Networks (LAN and WAN). The results of laboratory tests indicate that the impact on the overall performance of VoIP depends upon the bandwidth availability and encryption algorithm used. The implementation of any encryption algorithm in low bandwidth environments degrades the voice quality due to increased loss packets and packet latency, but as bandwidth increases encrypted VoIP calls provided better service compared to an unsecured environment.Les eines modernes de comunicació multimèdia han de tenir alta seguretat, alta disponibilitat i alta qualitat de servei (QoS). Cap tipus d¿implementació de seguretat tindrà un impacte directe en la qualitat de servei. En aquest article s¿investiga com la seguretat d'extrem a extrem impacta en la qualitat de servei de veu sobre el Protocol d'Internet (VoIP). La qualitat de servei es mesura en termes de pèrdua de proporció de paquets, latència i jitter utilitzant diferents algoritmes d¿encriptació, sense seguretat i només amb l'ús de tallafocs IP en local i en xarxes d'àrea àmplia (LAN i WAN). Els resultats de les proves de laboratori indiquen que l'impacte general sobre el rendiment de VoIP depèn de la disponibilitat d'ample de banda i l'algorisme de xifrat que s'utilitza. La implementació de qualsevol algorisme de xifrat en entorns de baix ample de banda degrada la veu a causa de l'augment de la pèrdua de paquets i latència dels paquets de qualitat, però quan l'ample de banda augmenta les trucades de VoIP xifrades proporcionen un millor servei en comparació amb un entorn sense seguretat.Las herramientas modernas de comunicación multimedia deben tener alta seguridad, alta disponibilidad y alta calidad de servicio (QoS). Ningún tipo de implementación de seguridad tendrá un impacto directo en la calidad de servicio. En este artículo se investiga como la seguridad de extremo a extremo impacta en la calidad de servicio de voz sobre el Protocolo de Internet (VoIP). La calidad de servicio se mide en términos de pérdida de proporción de paquetes, latencia y jitter utilizando diferentes algoritmos de encriptación, sin seguridad y sólo con el uso de cortafuegos IP en local y en redes de área amplia (LAN y WAN). Los resultados de las pruebas de laboratorio indican que el impacto general sobre el rendimiento de VoIP depende de la disponibilidad de ancho de banda y el algoritmo de cifrado que se utiliza. La implementación de cualquier algoritmo de cifrado en entornos de bajo ancho de banda degrada la voz debido al aumento de la pérdida de paquetes y latencia de los paquetes de calidad, pero cuando el ancho de banda aumenta las llamadas de VoIP cifradas proporcionan un mejor servicio en comparación con un entorno sin seguridad

    Resources for Child Caring: An Early Childhood Intermediary?

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    While Minnesota's early childhood (EC) system has many assets, the existing high degree of fragmentation creates resource accessibility problems for both families and providers. Recently, there has been a growing call for a unified voice to facilitate change in Minnesota's early childhood system. This presents an opportunity for an organization like Resources for Child Caring (RCC), a well?established regional organization, to assume a prominent role in efforts to reform the EC system by becoming an intermediary organization. Becoming an intermediary would provide RCC an opportunity to grow and become a leader in efforts to improve services and outcomes for Minnesota's children.Before taking this path, RCC will need to carefully consider the benefits and consequences of such a change and whether such a move would fit the mission and vision of the organization. To help RCC assess its capacity for growth and to fulfill an intermediary role, we conducted an in?depth study of the organization's current state, as well as research on the Minnesota early childhood field and existing models of intermediary organizations. This report presents our literature review, organizational audit of current conditions, and organizational gap analysis

    Inspections of secure training centres: a report on the responses to the consultation

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    This exploratory study provides a means for evaluating and rating Telecare medical information systems in order to provide a more effective security solution. This analysis of existing solutions was conducted via an in-depth study of Telecare security. This is a proposition for current biometric technologies as a new means for secure communication of private information over public channels. Specifically, this research was done in order to provide a means for businesses to evaluate prospective technologies from a 3 dimensional view in order to make am accurate decision on any given biometric security technology. Through identifying key aspects of what makes a security solution the most effective in minimizing risk of a patient’s confidential data being exposed we were then able to create a 3 dimensional rubric to see not only from a business view but also the users such as the patients and doctors that use Telecare medical information systems every day. Finally, we also need to understand the implications of biometric solutions from a technological standpoint

    Robust, Recognizable and Legitimate: Strengthening India's Appliance Efficiency Standards and Labels Through Greater Civil Society Involvement

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    Residential use accounts for 14 percent of global energy consumption. Appliance standards alone could achieve 17 percent energy reductions in the residential sector. Although appliance efficiency standards and labeling programs (AES&L) aim to influence consumer behavior, consumers and civil society often play a limited role in the design, implementation, and monitoring of these programs. This report considers the contribution that civil society organizations can make at each stage of an appliance efficiency standards and labeling program (AES&L), based on experiences in 10 developed and developing countries

    Power Amidst Renewal: Foundation Support for Sustaining Advocacy After Disasters

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    Follows up a 2007 report on the effectiveness of foundations and nonprofits in advocating for systemic changes in the Gulf Coast and lessons learned. Calls for collaboration, regionalizing agendas, and integrating advocacy into missions and grant periods