46 research outputs found

    Independence Number and Disjoint Theta Graphs

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    The goal of this paper is to find vertex disjoint even cycles in graphs. For this purpose, define a θ-graph to be a pair of vertices u,v with three internally disjoint paths joining u to v. Given an independence number α and a fixed integer k, the results contained in this paper provide sharp bounds on the order f(k,α) of a graph with independence number α(G)≤α which contains no k disjoint θ-graphs. Since every θ-graph contains an even cycle, these results provide k disjoint even cycles in graphs of order at least f(k,α)+1. We also discuss the relationship between this problem and a generalized ramsey problem involving sets of graphs

    The history of degenerate (bipartite) extremal graph problems

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    This paper is a survey on Extremal Graph Theory, primarily focusing on the case when one of the excluded graphs is bipartite. On one hand we give an introduction to this field and also describe many important results, methods, problems, and constructions.Comment: 97 pages, 11 figures, many problems. This is the preliminary version of our survey presented in Erdos 100. In this version 2 only a citation was complete

    Benchmarks and Controls for Optimization with Quantum Annealing

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    Quantum annealing (QA) is a metaheuristic specialized for solving optimization problems which uses principles of adiabatic quantum computing, namely the adiabatic theorem. Some devices implement QA using quantum mechanical phenomena. These QA devices do not perfectly adhere to the adiabatic theorem because they are subject to thermal and magnetic noise. Thus, QA devices return statistical solutions with some probability of success where this probability is affected by the level of noise of the system. As these devices improve, it is believed that they will become less noisy and more accurate. However, some tuning strategies may further improve that probability of finding the correct solution and reduce the effects of noise on solution outcome. In this dissertation, these tuning strategies are explored in depth to determine the effect of preprocessing, annealing, and post-processing controls on performance. In particular, these tuning strategies were applied to a real-world NP (nondeterministic polynomial time)-hard optimization problem and portfolio optimization. Although the performance improved very little from tuning the spin reversal transforms, anneal time, and embedding, the results revealed that reverse annealing controls improved the probability of success by an order of magnitude over forward annealing alone. The chain strength experiments revealed that increasing the strength of the intra-chain coupling improves the probability of success until the intra-chain coupling strengths begin to overpower the inter-chain couplings. By taking a closer look at each physical qubit in the embedded chains, the probability for each qubit to be faulty was visualized and was used to develop a post-processing strategy that outperformed the standard, which chooses a logical qubit value from a broken chain. The results of these findings provide a guide for researchers to find the optimal set of controls for their unique real-world optimization problem to determine whether QA provides some benefit over classical computing, lay the groundwork for developing new tuning strategies that could further improve performance, and characterize the current hardware for benchmarking future generations of QA hardware

    Interactions entre les Cliques et les Stables dans un Graphe

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    This thesis is concerned with different types of interactions between cliques and stable sets, two very important objects in graph theory, as well as with the connections between these interactions. At first, we study the classical problem of graph coloring, which can be stated in terms of partioning the vertices of the graph into stable sets. We present a coloring result for graphs with no triangle and no induced cycle of even length at least six. Secondly, we study the Erdös-Hajnal property, which asserts that the maximum size of a clique or a stable set is polynomial (instead of logarithmic in random graphs). We prove that the property holds for graphs with no induced path on k vertices and its complement.Then, we study the Clique-Stable Set Separation, which is a less known problem. The question is about the order of magnitude of the number of cuts needed to separate all the cliques from all the stable sets. This notion was introduced by Yannakakis when he studied extended formulations of the stable set polytope in perfect graphs. He proved that a quasi-polynomial number of cuts is always enough, and he asked if a polynomial number of cuts could suffice. Göös has just given a negative answer, but the question is open for restricted classes of graphs, in particular for perfect graphs. We prove that a polynomial number of cuts is enough for random graphs, and in several hereditary classes. To this end, some tools developed in the study of the Erdös-Hajnal property appear to be very helpful. We also establish the equivalence between the Clique-Stable set Separation problem and two other statements: the generalized Alon-Saks-Seymour conjecture and the Stubborn Problem, a Constraint Satisfaction Problem.Cette thèse s'intéresse à différents types d'interactions entre les cliques et les stables, deux objets très importants en théorie des graphes, ainsi qu'aux relations entre ces différentes interactions. En premier lieu, nous nous intéressons au problème classique de coloration de graphes, qui peut s'exprimer comme une partition des sommets du graphe en stables. Nous présentons un résultat de coloration pour les graphes sans triangles ni cycles pairs de longueur au moins 6. Dans un deuxième temps, nous prouvons la propriété d'Erdös-Hajnal, qui affirme que la taille maximale d'une clique ou d'un stable devient polynomiale (contre logarithmique dans les graphes aléatoires) dans le cas des graphes sans chemin induit à k sommets ni son complémentaire, quel que soit k.Enfin, un problème moins connu est la Clique-Stable séparation, où l'on cherche un ensemble de coupes permettant de séparer toute clique de tout stable. Cette notion a été introduite par Yannakakis lors de l’étude des formulations étendues du polytope des stables dans un graphe parfait. Il prouve qu’il existe toujours un séparateur Clique-Stable de taille quasi-polynomiale, et se demande si l'on peut se limiter à une taille polynomiale. Göös a récemment fourni une réponse négative, mais la question se pose encore pour des classes de graphes restreintes, en particulier pour les graphes parfaits. Nous prouvons une borne polynomiale pour la Clique-Stable séparation dans les graphes aléatoires et dans plusieurs classes héréditaires, en utilisant notamment des outils communs à l'étude de la conjecture d'Erdös-Hajnal. Nous décrivons également une équivalence entre la Clique-Stable séparation et deux autres problèmes  : la conjecture d'Alon-Saks-Seymour généralisée et le Problème Têtu, un problème de Satisfaction de Contraintes