191,979 research outputs found

    Efforts to Cultivate the Character of Responsibility in Students Through Religious Education at MTS Nurul Ali

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    Given the demoralized information, there has been a loss of noble values inherent in our nation, such as honesty, politeness, togetherness, shame, responsibility, social care and so on. The purpose of this research is to seek to cultivate the character of responsibility in students through religious education at MTS Nurul Ali. This research method is descriptive qualitative. There were 5 informants, namely one Deputy Head of Madrasah, two religion teachers at Mts Nurul Ali, and two general subject teachers at Mts Nurul Ali. The results of this study for character building are forgotten by the school, so far too tempted to use academic goals, intellectual intelligence is encouraged, while emotional and spiritual intelligence is marginalized. Thus, if noble characters are embedded in students, noble character will automatically be reflected in student behavior in everyday life

    Implementasi Pendidikan Rabbani dalam Membentuk Karakter dan Kecerdasan Spiritual

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    This paper aims to analyze the implementation of Robbani Education carried out at SDIT SUIS Bogor in shaping the character and spiritual intelligence of students. This type of research is descriptive qualitative with a field study approach. Primary and secondary data sources were collected using in-depth interviews, FGD, observation, and documentation studies. The data analysis technique uses the theory of Miles and Huberman with the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions or verification. The validity of the data was tested by using the data triangulation method to get the quality of meaning in the interview results. The research findings include that the method of educating by example and habituation alone is not enough to maximize the level of success in character education and spiritual intelligence. The author views that the formation of character and spiritual intelligence will be maximized if using Nashil Ulwan's theory as a whole, namely educating by example, educating by habituation, educating with advice, educating with attention, and educating with punishment


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    Education that only puts intellectual intelligence in reality is not enough as a provision in life. Having broad intellectual intelligence is a must-have obligation, because intellectual intelligence is a provision in the face of the development of the era. However, intellectual intelligence alone is not enough, because the ideals of Indonesian ancestors not only have broad intellectual intelligence. However, it is also a dignified nation, which has a noble character of ethics accompanied by religious values as a fortress in the students. The formation of religious characters can be done in various ways, one of them conducting religious activities at school, ranging from religious exclusions, Koran, training lectures and others. From this activity later the character of the students began to be well formed, who can not pay so can do the Koran, the rare prayers can be diligent prayers because in the school is required prayer in congregation depending on how we form the character of the student itself. Until later a good character will be brought by students to their neighborhood. The subject of this study is a class VI student of AD-DAUD Palaran, while the research object is the application of religious esules to develop talent. The data collection techniques used are observations, interviews and documentation. The study used the Miles and Huberman analysis model. Miles and Huberman, said that activities in the analysis of qualitative data are conducted interactively and continue continuously until complete, so that the data has been saturated. Keywords: Extracurricular, Religious, Talen

    Strengthening National Character in Islamic Elementary School

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    education in schools, including the learning process in the classroom. This has been seen in Indonesia's national education goals that intellectual intelligence, emotional intelligence, and spiritual intelligence assessment in a proportional position. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to see how far strengthening national character is applied to students, especially at Galudra Elementary School. This type of research approach uses qualitative methods with a library research approach. The value of the nation's educational character is referred to in research data., and the data source is class II MI. Thematic books that employ data collection techniques are documentation, and data analysis is content analysis. The results of this study indicate that the strengthening of national character in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah is contained in thematic books, especially on the learning theme of PPKn MI/SD class II, semester 1 of the 2013 curriculum. That is done through 1) starting a discussion of knowledge material, 2) after discussing knowledge material, 3) on pictures/stories specifically for attitude development, and on attitude assessment. Then the national character contained in the class 2 thematic book of MIS Galudra includes the characters: Religious, respect and appreciation, discipline, independence, democracy, social care, love for the motherland, defending the country, responsibility, friendship, and tolerance

    Kecerdasan Spiritual Dalam Menghindari Perilaku Menyimpang Pada Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Surakarta Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015

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    Spiritual intelligence can make a smarter spiritually religious. If a person has a spiritual intelligence then it is likely to have the ability to avoid deviant behavior. The purpose of this study was to describe the spiritual intelligence to avoid aberrant behavior in class VIII SMP Negeri 1 Surakarta in 2014/2015 academic year. The method used is qualitative research, data collection techniques with documentation and interviews and data analysis technique is used qualitative descriptive analysis, inductively implemented starting from data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. The results showed that the spiritual intelligence to give color to avoid misconduct proven to students of SMP Negeri 1 Surakarta has a high spiritual intelligence to avoid misbehavior. They have the character of a religious, honest, tolerant, hard working, creative, independent, democratize, curiosity, the spirit of nationalism, patriotism Air, cherish the achievements, friendly and communicative, love peace, love reading, environmental care, social care and responsibility responsibility. Supporting factor is the family environment and a good community, while the inhibiting factor is the awareness of students to avoid deviant behavior are external factors, coming from poor environmental and internal factors coming from within the students themselves


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    "An Education" is a drama movie from 2009 that was directed by Lone Scherfig and produced by Finola Dwyer and Amanda Posey. It features an ensemble cast including Carey Mulligan, Peter Sarsgaard, Alfred Molina, Rosamund Pike, Dominic Cooper, Emma Thompson, and Olivia Williams. The central character in the movie is Jenny Mellor, a hardworking 16-year-old student. Her parents have high hopes for her to attend Oxford University. However, Jenny's orderly life starts to change when she develops an unlikely relationship with David Goldman, a middle-aged man. This study examines the portrayal of Jenny Mellor, the main character in the movie "An Education," through the lens of Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences. The study aims to analyze the various forms of intelligence that Jenny Mellor possesses and how they shape her personal and academic growth. Utilizing Gardner's theory, which acknowledges different types of intelligence beyond traditional academic measures, this study explores how Jenny's intellectual, social, emotional, and creative capacities are depicted in the movie. The analysis utilizes qualitative methods, including content analysis and narrative interpretation, to explore the diverse aspects of Jenny's intelligence. The findings reveal that Jenny demonstrates strengths in linguistic, logical-mathematical, interpersonal, and intrapersonal intelligence, while also displaying aptitude in other domains such as musical and Visual-Spatial intelligence. Furthermore, the study sheds light on how Jenny's diverse intelligences influence her decision-making, relationships, and overall development. This study contributes to a deeper appreciation of the multifaceted nature of intelligence and illuminates the character development of Jenny Mellor through the lens of Howard Gardner's theory


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    Dalam artikel ini akan dideskripsikan tentang karakter integritas siswa SD kelas 3 diinjau dari kecerdasan intrapersonal. Nilai karater integritas seorang siswa dapat terlihat dari siap yang teguh dan tercermin dalam mentaati peratran seolah, memaai seragam, mengmplan tgas tepat watuu. Sementara itu Kecerdasan intrapersonal era kaitannya dengan perasaan, emosi, serta segala jenis kemampuan terkait membedakan, menandai, memahami emosi serta mengarahkan pada pola tingkah laku seseorang. Penelitian yang dilakukan berjenis kulitatif deskriptif. Wawancara mendalam dengan masing-masing siswa digunakan dalam Teknik pengumpulan data yang selanjutnya data tersebut untuk mengetahui karakter integritas yang mereka tunjukkan serta di triangglasi dengan observasi untuk mengetahi validitas nilai karakter integritas siswa tersebut. Hasil tes pada siswa yang memiliki kecerdasan intrapersonal sejalan dengan hasil nilai karakter integrtas yang diamati bahwa nilai karater integrtas yang diambil oleh siswa dalam kecerdasan intrapersonal menunjuan hasil kurang bagus seperti tidak menggunakan seragam ketika webmeeting tidak menggumpulan tugas dengan tepat waktu. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa siswa yang memiliki kecerdasan intrapersonal menunjukkan nilai karakter integrtas yang rendah.The purpose of this article is to describe the integrity character of grade 3 elementary school students in terms of intrapersonal intelligence. The value of the character of a student's integrity can be seen from being steadfast and reflected in obeying the rules as if, wearing uniforms, planning tasks on time. Meanwhile, intrapersonal intelligence is related to internal aspects in a person, such as feelings of life, emotional range, the ability to distinguish emotions, mark them, and use them to understand and guide one's own behavior. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive study. The technique of collecting data by in-depth interviews with each of these students is to determine the integrity character that they show and in triangulation with observations to determine the validity of the integrity character values ​​of these students. The test results on students who have intrapersonal intelligence are in line with the results of the integrity character values ​​which are observed that the integrity character values ​​taken by students in intrapersonal intelligence show less good results such as not using uniforms when the web meeting does not collect assignments on time. So it can be concluded that students who have intrapersonal intelligence show low integrity character values

    The Developing Pattern of Emotional Quotients by Teacher in Teaching

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    Teaching and learning process at school should build any competence who student required, whether hard skill or emotional intelligence. Many students are competent in hard skill but weak in self-character. Character improvement need to apply in learning process at class. Emotional quotients education are able to integrated through fun learning, students don’t feel a pressure, comfortable in attending a lesson so good knowledge, skill and attitude are expected to reach. This study is aiming to investigate to see description of teacher point of view about activity done by teacher in teaching learning process at class to improve students’ emotional intelligence. The study utilizes qualitative approach which use case study towards 22 school teachers in Sijunjung, Indonesia. The data collection use guided interview, and data analysis conducted tematically by using Nvivo version 7.0. The result of the study describes that generally teachers who involve in this study yet conduct emotional intelligence developing score in integrated learning at class

    A Training Model of Self - Regulated Learning Skills For Increasing Strong Character and High Intelligence

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    The final product as an expected research goal is to develop a training model of self-regulated learning skillsfor increasing strong character and high intelligence. Self-regulated learning skills are very important for thestudents either to influence their learning outcomes or their student life in his society.  Such skills areabsolutely parts of student strong character and high intelligence. This study represents a research and development (R&D), containing two designs: survey and evaluative.The survey is conducted as a preliminary research to know supportive conditions related to the research or aproduct model to be developed. The evaluative research is done by expert and practitioner judgment todevelop a final product. Samples of 288 students of state secondary schools are recruited by purposive clustersampling. Meanwhile, data are compiled by observation, interview, and inventory. Then the data areanalyzed by using percentage and descriptive and qualitative methods (or mixed methods). In the first year ofmulti-year research have been developed such products: (1) a guide book of self-regulated learning skills; (2)a task book of self-reguleted learning skills; and (3) a measuring instrument of strong character and highintelligence.  Eighty percent of experts and practitioners state that such a training model of self-regulatedlearning skills for increasing strong character and high intelligence is suitable to guide the students to reachtheir works in short time, while 20% of them state that such a training model is very suitable