10 research outputs found

    Subjectivity, gesture and language consciousness in the early prose fiction of Jean Genet (1910-1986).

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    PhDThis thesis interprets the language of the self in both editions of Jean Genet's five works of early prose fiction. Its appendices present the first list of the 65000 words of excisions and variants between the subscribers' (1943-48) and public editions (1949-53). Many critics have interpreted Genet's works in terms of his life, applying to them a reductive notion of the self. Subjectivity in this thesis is a broader concept which addresses the (self-) representation of narrators and characters. I apply close textual analysis to two types of passage (relating to gestures and language consciousness respectively) which represent subjectivity in non-specular language (where one thing does not clearly reflect or refer to another). I use the ubiquitous 'geste' as the guide-word for my analysis of gesture since its usage is similar in each of the texts considered. Gestures are of course mediated by language in Genet's texts but, surprisingly, are only partially represented in visual terms. Consequently, gestures do not serve to consolidate subjectivity and resist attribution to individual characters. It is rather in the interpretation of gestures that narrators and characters who both perform and interpret gestures can negotiate the assigning of meaning and the concomitant firming tip of subjectivity. Language consciousness is a textual speculation on the production and reception of a passage or text and each of Genet's texts demonstrates different interactions between such speculations and the representation of subjectivity. My emphasis on language consciousness helps to elucidate tile structure of the prose text (narrative frames, for example) and its relation to other genres (literary criticism and poetry, for example). I conclude that in Genet's texts innovative language represents (and sometimes fails to represent) plural subjectivity in complex ways. I argue that the interdependence of these three aspects (language, representation and subjectivity) presents a new paradigm for understanding Genet's texts. Furthermore, I outline in my conclusions how it is possible to apply a comparative analysis of these aspects to other works such as Martin Heidegger's Zur Seiqfrage (1955)

    Modelización de tráfico en redes IP utilizando los "Polinomios Potenciales de grado uno en cada variable" : Estudio del modelo y aplicaciones

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    El Potential Polynomial of Degree 1 in Each Variable o P1P es una teoría reciente que resuelve un problema variacional complejo, los P1P se utilizaron para análisis de datos masivos en las áreas de Aprendizaje en Maquinas y Dataminig con resultados positivos, la tesis presenta el uso de los P1P en el modelado tráfico en redes IP, detalla la teoría de los P1P con un enfoque en redes para su posterior aplicación. Los dos modelos construidos, uno en el nivel de red y trasporte, y dos en el nivel de aplicación, demuestran que los P1P son una alternativa de modelado con la propiedad de ajustase a las características de tráfico particular. La tesis proporciona métodos de aplicación y construcción de P1P's, también brinda una forma de reducir la cantidad de variables para modelos complejos. El metamodelo y el estudio de los P1P con la teoría de la información son el inicio de nuevos trabajos de investigación para el uso en aplicaciones y para la propia teoría de P1P. La evaluación de la representatividad del modelo matemático de un sistema en relación a la realidad es un aspecto importante para obtener buenas estimaciones, realizamos una comparación entre un P1P y la Teoría de Colas para modelar tráfico de correo electrónico.Facultad de Informátic

    Reproductive strategies of cotton-top tamarins

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    The reproductive strategies of cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) were investigated over a 2.5-year period in a captive breeding colony. Groups ranged in size from two to 14. The care of 21 infant tamarins was investigated over the first 12 weeks of life. Infants in larger families received more care than those in smaller families; singleton infants were carried more than twins. Parents provided more care than older siblings (helpers); older helpers provided more care than younger helpers. Individual contributions to care, particularly of fathers, declined as group size increased. There was evidence that tamarins competed to carry infants, and that some individuals attempted to restrict carrying by others. Tamarins carrying infants spent significantly less time feeding, foraging and moving than they did when not carrying, due partly to a decrease in general mobility, and partly to an increase in the time they spent concealed, presumably to avoid predation. The behaviour of five breeding pairs was observed for approximately 12 weeks before and 12 weeks after birth. During lactation, breeding females increased their feeding and foraging times to levels up to twice as high as those seen in pregnancy. There was evidence that breeding females attempted to encourage males to stay nearby to help with infant care by increasing grooming, and proceptive and receptive behaviour, shortly before postpartum. However, females were most attractive to males during the first weeks postpartum. Males mounted females significantly more often when carrying infants, suggesting that they might be using infants as part of a courtship strategy. Observations of a polyandrous group showed that the female had no preferred sexual partner. All three males in the group mated with her, and did not interfere in one another's copulations. A daughter in another group became pregnant and gave birth to a stillborn infant.There was no evidence of aggression between her and her parents.The possible benefit to be gained from a communal rearing system by both breeding and helping tamarins are discussed, and some predictions put forward to guide further research

    Aristotelis Stagiritae octo Physicorum libri concinnam commentationem exposcunt, in tractatus quindecim explanati, variis disputationibus refertos

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    El primer tratado lleva en la portada la fecha de 10 de septiembre de 1657 y en el colofón la de 2 de junio de 1658. El tratado segundo lleva la fecha de 1658, y el tercero la de 1659. El cartel anuncio de las tesis es de 5 de junio de 1658. Cada tratado está, no foliado, sino paginado, con propia paginaciónEncuadernación: Perg. Rotulata:.: Laredo | Marcas procedencia: Biblioteca Provincial y de la Universidad de Sevilla / Est. De Ms. Tab. BA 332/04

    Relectiones iuris utriusque [Manuscrito]

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    Foliación moderna a lápiz.El texto empieza en el h. 4, entre este folio y los tres primeros quedan restos de otros tres folios arrancados, que, junto con los primeros, formaban las guardas.En la primera han añadido el índice de este tomo y en la 2a y tercera van reseñadas diversas materias contenidas en este y otros seis volsEn los h. 4r y 33r margen superior derecho consta el año 1619; en el h. 135r, 1618Alvarez de Oca y Sarmiento. N. de Orense. Colegial de San Pelayo.El 4 de julio de 1614 entró en el Colegio de San Bartolomé, Salamanca, en cuya Universidad desempeñó las cátedras del Sexto y Clementinas (1619-1624; hasta 1622 como sustituto), Vísperas de Cánones (1624-1629).Oidor de la Cnancillería de Granada (1629-16 3 3). En 1633 Regente del Consejo de Navarra; en 1636 del Consejo de Ordenes.Consejero de Castilla (8 nov. 1637); m. 1638. Rojas Contreras, J., o.c., I pp. 524-525. Esperabé Arteaga, E., o.c., II p. 492. Pedro de Vega y de la Peña nació en Méjico.Encuadernación en pergamino. Rotul.: Can. CIV. Volumen 6. Marcas de procedencia: Biblioteca Provincial y de la Universidad de Sevilla / Est. 1 de Ms. Tab. E (F tachada). Al principio del h. 4r se lee: Licenciado Moreno Beltran Zerrato. En los h. 4r y 498r dice: Es de Juan Fernando Porcel y CarvajalContenido:1.(4r-32v) #-Oca y Sarmiento, Álvaro de, 15??-1638-#. -Ad textum in capite primo de judicijs, libro 6, commentaria-.2.(33r-83r) #-Ruiz Barrios, Pedro-#. [Duo tractatus]:a)(33r-53v) -Ad textum in capite 1⁰ iudicis delegati-.b)(54r-83r) -Ad textum in capite de multa 28, iuncto capite quia in tantum 5, capite referente 7, capite ad hec 13, capite preterea 14, capite cum non ignores 15 et capite cum iamdudum 18 isto titulo...-.3.(84r-200r) #-Díaz, Marcos-#. [Duo tractatus]:a)(84r-144v) -Ad títulum... Digestorum de liberis et posthumis commentaria...- a De. Marcos Díaz.b)(l45r-200r) -Ad celebrem... § Diui el 2⁰ legis filius familias 117 hoc titulo Digestorum de legatis 1⁰- 4.(201r-263r) #-Pichardo de Vinuesa, Antonio-#. -[De vulgari et populari substitutione]. Ad textum in lege la Digestorum de vulgari et pupilari substitutione-.5.(264r-287v) #-Vega y de la Peña, Pedro de-#. [Duo tractatus]:a)(264r-280r) -Ad textum in lege a Diuo Pio 15 Digestorum de re iudicata-.b)(281r-287v) -[De adquirenda vel amittenda possessione (D.41.2)]. Quotuplex sit possesio, an unica, an multiplex-. 6.(288r-335v) #-Queipo de Llano, Juan-#. -Ad titulum de rebus creditis-. 7.(336r-343r) #-Portillo, Gregorio de-#. [Duo tractatus]:a)(336r-340r) -Ad principium tituli de Senatus-ConsultoTertuliano-.b)(340v-343r) -Ad textum in principio de Senatusconsulto Orphiciano-. 8.(344r-352v) #-Cañas, Francisco de-#. -Ad titulum de pactis-. 9.(353r-412v) #-Maqueda Castellano, Pablo de-#. -Ad librum 12 Codicis Justinianei, titulum lum de dignitatibus-. 10.(413r-430v) #-Cervera, Bernardo de-#. [Duo tractatus]:a)(413r-420v) -Ad legem licet imperator 74 Digesto rum de legatis I-.b)(421r-430v) -Ad legem necessario 8a, de periculo et commodo rei venditae (D.18.6.8).11.(431r-453v) #-Valencia, Melchor de-#. [Duo tractatus]:a)(431r-447r) -Titulas de testamentis ordinandis-.b)(447r-453v) -Ad titulum de militan testamento-. 12.(454r-524r) #-Ronquillo, Antonio-#. [Duo tractatus]:a)(454r-498r) -[De contrahenda emptione et venditione]-.b)(499r-524r) -Editionis tractationem ad titulum Codidis de edendo ex academiae praescripto-A 333/04

    A preliminary investigation into the effectiveness of the N.E.D. careers education programme in promoting career maturity in high school pupils

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    A developmental paradigm was adopted as a theoretical base from which the effectiveness of the Natal Education Department Career Education lesson-guide in promoting career maturity amongst high school pupils was investigated. It was argued that careers education embodies a distinctive approach to careers work. This approach is described. South African Careers Guidance practices are evaluated in terms of fit, and are compared to American and British ones. To investigate the outcomes of the NED lesson guide, 160 predominantly white, male and female pupils in Standards 6 - 10 were randanly divided into control and experimental grotps and underwent a six session classroom based careers education programme. In addition to the NED material,alternative materials (CRIC - Std. 7 and CRAC - Std. 9) were used on a second experimental group in two standards. The Career Maturity Inventory Attitude Scale was used to measure the outcomes. Analysis of variance and t-tests for the difference between means were used to analyse the data. The results were significant only in Standard 8. For all the other standards with all the materials, they were insignificant. Reasons for and implications of these findings are discussed

    [Compilación de leyes, a saber, ordenanzas reales de los Reyes Católicos]

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    Tractatus brevis in Logicam parvam Aristotelis iuxta mentem S. D. mariani Duns Scoti theologorum principis

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    Copista: Fr. Antoniode Elias de San RafaelMarcas procedencia: Convento de San Rafael de CordobaA 331/02