29,127 research outputs found

    The Profession as a Culture Killer

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    Body Language: Reading the Corpse in Forensic Crime Fiction .

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    Our purpose in this article is to explore the fascination, over the last decade, with crime narratives that centre on the figure of the forensic pathologist. Principally this involves a reading of Cornwell�s Scarpetta series, but we also discuss a growing number of other novels that confront readers with the �reality� of the dead body. In some cases (for example, Kathy Reichs and Priscilla Masters) writers use, as Cornwell does, the figure of the forensic pathologist; in other instances, such as Nicci French�s The Red Room (2001) and Jan Burke�s Bones (1999), the female protagonist�s reading of the crime is determined by alternative forms of first-hand access to the �underworld� of the grave or autopsy room, such as that of the crime journalist or criminal psychologist. In contrast to the kind of police procedural novel that gives centre-stage to the psyche of the serial killer, the forensic pathology novel aims instead to evoke the �appalling human messiness� of actual crime through a perspective nearer to that of the victim. By providing readers with not only a body of experts but an expert on the body the novelist allows them to listen to the voices of the dead

    Killer Feminism

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    The Beauty and the Barrister: Gender Roles, Madness, and the Basis for Identity in Lady Audley\u27s Secret

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    This thesis examines the concept of identity in the novel Lady Audley’s Secret by Mary Elizabeth Braddon. In the mid to late Victorian period, self-definition was strongly tied to gender roles. Men were expected to be mentally active, physical strong, and morally guiding leaders of society, and women were to be their passive, pious, domestically minded followers. These expectations for behavior were so strong that those breaking them were in danger of being considered insane. In Braddon’s novel, the behavior of most characters does not align with the expectations for their gender. The exception is Lady Audley, the apparently ideal woman whose beauty and charm mask a vicious and criminal nature. Her plea of insanity, while it may offer an excuse for her unfeminine behavior, does not pardon her crimes. However, hero Robert Audley’s behavior is absolutely effeminate, but he has a strong moral sense and total devotion to his loved ones. Their deviation from or adherence to gender-appropriate behaviors does not change their essential natures. In Lady Audley’s Secret, Braddon uses gender roles and the theme of insanity to critique the Victorian conception of identity

    Abortion on Demand

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    The Paradox of Policing as Protection: A Harm Reduction Approach to Prostitution Using Safe Injection Sites as a Guide

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    Hälsofrågan har blivit betydelsefull över världen. Med en plattform som exempelvis smartphone kan begreppet gamification förstärka möjligheterna till beteendeförändringar och läkarbehandlingar. Gamification är ett relativt nytt begrepp som använder spelelement och speldesigntekniker som appliceras i annan kontext än spel. Gamification finns i diverse kontexter som; handel, utbildning och lärande, organisationer internt, delning, hållbar konsumtion, arbeten, innovationer, data samlingar och hälsa/träning. I den sist nämnda kontexten hälsa, saknas det tydliga studier inom och i kvalitativ ansats. Den här studien är en kvalitativ studie, och har inriktat sig inom sjukgymnastik/fysioterapeut kontexten. I studien har det undersökts hur gamification kan användas inom sjukgymnaster/fysioterapeuter och i vilket avseende sjukgymnasterna/fysioterapeuterna kan tänka sig att applicera gamification i sitt arbete som ett verktyg i framtiden. I studien har det undersökts om spelelement kan ha koppling till sjukgymnaster/fysioterapeuter. Studien resulterar i att gamification kan stöda sjukgymnaster/fysioterapeuter genom faktorerna motivation, psykologi och beteende. Det finns möjligheter att bygga ett gamification system eller tjänst i kontexten sjukgymnastik/fysioterapeut med hjälp av speldynamikerna. Nyckelord: Gamification, gamification inom hälsa, kritik om gamification, motivation, psykologi, beteende och sjukgymnastik/fysioterapeut.